Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 333: Uncle secret

The next day.

In the smog of the barren jungle, halfway up the mountain seems to tower into the wonderland between the clouds, beautiful.

Look around the trend and repeat.

A teenager in a black robe shuttles through the jungle. Behind him is a woman with a thousand years of ice and a chilly distance of tens of meters.

The woman has long hair and waist, such as the falling waterfall.

But the accident is that in the woman's arms holding a little boy with a blue pupil, the coldness of all the bones seems to deliberately circumvent the girl, and the girl who is exposed by the girl is soft @猪@猪@岛@小说ww tenderness.

These three people are undoubtedly Qin Shi, Yu Luo, and the snakes.

Qin Shi has been in the late period of Wang Lingjing for three days. This breakthrough made him feel particularly smooth and complete.

The strength of the body is like a snake, and you are eager to try.

In the evening, the three people lit a bonfire on the edge of the cliff. Qin Shi wrapped the black robe and held the snake. The snake had glued him since he broke through. The stone brother Chang Shi was short and lovely.

After Qin Shi raised his hand sleeves, he hanged on the nose of the snake's nose: "Hey, where are you leaving Zhīdào's secret road away from the ridiculous jungle?"

"The children are not Zhīdào, that is the forbidden place of the sect. Only the patriarchs and elders are Zhīdào." The snake swayed.

This answer Qin Shi had long been expected, but my heart is still inevitably disappointed.

After that, he didn't ask more questions, but after picking up the snake, he said softly: "Hey, how did you and your mother meet the bad guys?"

The snake whispered a little bit of a lost voice: "It was not long before, the Holy Spirit spent a lot of flowers, and the patriarch sent her to go to the peak of Tianchi to see, so I would meet the bad guys."

Qin Shi frowned: "The Holy Spirit Flower?"

"Hey, what did you say?" But before Qin Shi asked, the jade in the side of the jade was beautiful, she seemed to hear something terrifying, saying: "Was the Holy Spirit flower in full bloom?"

"Well, I have already made a flower."

"嘶" Yu Luo brake pours the air-cooled mouth, always cold and pretty face reveals a rare look: "It seems that the genie has to be powerful again?"

Seeing the strangeness of Yuluo, Qin Shi’s hesitation for a long time, he finally asked him, this is the first time he talked to Yuluosha after his mother’s death, and forgave her. : "What is this holy spirit flower?"

Yuluo Brake did not respond, but silently lowered his face next to him, a touch of bonfire reflected in her heart, reflecting the rare softness.

"The Holy Spirit flower is the sacred object of the sorcerer."

In the Qin Shihuai, the snake-in-law raised his head and responded with a sentence: "I blame me, if I am not entangled with her, I will follow her, and eventually drag her, and the mother's hand will not lose to the evil people."

Hearing this, Qin Shi suddenly bowed his head.

This is true, the strength of the snake king's mother Wang Lingjing later, coupled with the physical body of the ancient beasts, they are not opponents by Qiu Ming.

But who can blame?

To this end, he distressed to comfort the snakes and said: "Hey, hey, this does not blame you, she will bless you in Jiuquan, you tell your brother where your home is, my brother sent you home?"


The smaller body trembled, and the scorpion of the snake licked the orchids, and shook his head: "The mother is gone, and the child has no home."

Qin Shiyi: "Well? What are you?"

"There is no jealousy... I heard the mother said that when the battle of the Holy Spirit flower was taken 30 years ago, it was replaced by the Xun X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X When I got to my father, I was somewhat lost, but I was more proud.

Hearing this, Qin Shi couldn't help but scream, but he didn't wait for him to say that Yuluo, who was silent in the fire, suddenly looked up and said, "Hey, what did you say? You were in the battle 30 years ago. Got?"

"Yeah, he is the hero of the genie!"

Yuluo Brake's heart flashed aisle and surprised: "You see, is it a snake-horned dragon?"

The snake stunned the road: "Sister knows me?"


Yuluo brakes the mouth and **** cold air, and the cold heart becomes extremely severe.

In the silent silence next to the campfire, the thin flames are mapped on her pretty face, mapping a heavy and sorrow that is not noticeable.

Her exquisite face slightly raised her head and looked into the night sky. The silence in the black scorpion seemed to penetrate the starry sky, and a sorrowful scent shrouded all directions.

In the lingering shackles, she sneered at the corners of her mouth and meditated: "Oh, flower zero, have you seen it? This is causality? Make people, you can’t expect it, 30 years later, I am taking care of it. His child?"

The ambiguous words, heard in the mist of Qin Shiyun, and the abnormal appearance of Yuluo brake made him feel a little accident, saying: "What is going on??"

After the jade Luoshu heard the words, it gradually calmed down. After the dagger, he smiled and said: "The snake horn dragon is the patriarch of the previous genius."


Qin Shi pours the air in the air, and dares to look at the arms in the arms. I can't think of the little guy who is a snake, but it is still royal blood.

"What about the war 30 years ago?"

Qin Shi wrapped the snakes in a black robe and spread the hand.

When it was mentioned thirty years ago, Yuluo’s body could not help but tremble, as if it was very painful.

But for a while, she still threw two branches in the bonfire: "Speaking of things 30 years ago, we must talk about the Holy Spirit."

"The Holy Spirit Flower is a six-character grass."

"Six Pinling Grass?" Qin Shi screamed, and he had a little understanding of Lingcao, Zhīdào, this kind of existence is afraid that the entire Red Yan Empire is rare, right?

If it is spread out, I am afraid that the power of the five major regions will be among them.

"Well, but the flower season of the Holy Spirit is very unique, Kěnéng is a year, and Kěnéng is a hundred years, not even once in the last millennium."

"The most amazing thing is that every time the Holy Spirit flower blooms, there will be a great power in the secluded family. Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the secluded family, that is, when the Holy Spirit flower is in full bloom, the patriarch is the patriarch of the genius! ”

Yuluo braked up and looked at the stars in the night. Some stars continued to suppress. After a long time, the new patriarch would absorb the baptism of the Holy Spirit flower and then be the new king of the genius.

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi said with amazement.

Yuluo Brake daggers lightly, said: "But thirty years ago, the Holy Spirit flower was covered by the gloom of the sky, but did not want someone to break into the fog shadow mountain to seize, for this reason, the genius battled this person for three days and three In the night, the captain of the patriarch, the snake-horned dragon, was also Xīshēng in the war, but even if he still did not fight this person, the Holy Spirit was taken!"

Qin Shi under the black robe suddenly stunned and stood up and said: "What? One person's power against the entire genius can also take away the Holy Spirit flower? Who is this person?"

"It's a flower zero!"

"嘶" once again sucked the mouth to cool the air, although Qin Shi knew that the flower was comparable to the sky, but couldn’t think of it to the extent that it was against the sky?

This is zero, how strong is it?

Take the world?

Qitianjing? Or ascending to heaven?

Irrespective of the horror of Qin Shi, Yu Luozha once again said: "Because the Holy Spirit is plundered by flowers, the current patriarchs are not baptized by the Holy Spirit, but they are only in name, so the people of the genius are looking forward to it. The next day the Holy Spirit flower blooms!"

"It turned out to be the case."

Qin Shi nodded seriously, it seems that this holy spirit is not important to the olfactory.

After a moment of silence, he stretched his brow and said: "Then the Holy Spirit flower is blooming again now, that is to say, the sorcerer is about to change the patriarch?"

Under the icy glamour of Yuluo, there was a little bit of struggle, and then he taunted and nodded: "Well, when it is in full bloom, change the day of the king!"

Knowing the truth of the matter, Qin Shi was not talking nonsense, just handed the snake to the jade robes, and baked the roasting hand by the campfire alone, got some food for the snake, and swallowed it again. The two surviving fruits will rest.

At night, the snakes are already asleep.

In the position beside the bonfire, Qin Shi sat under a giant squat, knowing the spirit of the sea and swaying in the wind of three kilometers.

Daddy, a shadow of a floating life in the sea, so that his dark and deep heart is open, I saw Yu Luozha is standing in front of him.

Seeing Yuluo, he accidentally moved to the side and took a picture of the position he had just sat in to indicate that Yuluo Brah sat down.

The two are sitting under the tree.

I was a little embarrassed for a while, and no one spoke.

In the heavy atmosphere of the bleak cold wind, Yuluo Brass couldn’t help but take the lead: "Are you still blaming me?"

"Strange, but not angry."

Qin Shi lightly raised his mouth and put his hands on the grass behind him to prop up his body: "I saw that you care for your nephew. I wonder if her mother will feel gratified in the sky?"

"I should make up, I owe her too much."

Yuluo Shake shook his head, revealing a rare warmth and self-blame.

Qin Shi, who is sharp and sharp, can see the strangeness of Yuluo at a glance. Q: "Do you know your father and your nephew?"


The jade body of Yuluo was trembling, and there was a rare panic in his heart. He said: "I said, if you don't want to die, don't ask my past, never ask!"

The cold current of the bones was rolled up, and Qin Shi trembled.

He looked at the pretty face of Yuluo, and on the delicate cheeks seemed to accumulate tens of thousands of years and vicissitudes. What did she experience?

"One day, one day, I will let you tell me everything I want!" Qin Shi silently recited in her heart, but she really did not ask.

He Zhīdào, now he can not ask, and will only make Yuluo brake more vigilant.

This girl, who has been frozen for too long, can not melt in a short period of time, and needs to slowly use soft heat to make her feel the warmth of the world.

"This time the Holy Spirit is in full bloom, what do you think?"

"Go to win!" The short two words Yuluo brakes: "In the sacred family, see the Holy Spirit flower as the Lord, as long as you can win the Holy Spirit, there must be a way for them to leave the secret Let the road come out."

Qin Shi nodded, and he also thought.

Although he does not want to be against the lyrics, but in order to leave, this method is only a matter of expediency.

The night sky seemed a bit mysterious in the suffocating suffocation. The two of them had not spoken since then, but they did not agree to look up and look at the stars.


Suddenly, the earth on the mountainside trembled violently. The shock of this trembling was so shocking that the birds in the mountains were flying and the smoke was everywhere.

Qin Shi was shocked to hold Gusong: "What happened?"

After seeing the direction of the sound, Qian Yuman’s petite body couldn’t help but squint and stare at the east side of the mountain.

I saw that the position at the foot of the mountain was covered with wolf smoke, which made her heavy: "It seems that someone is thinking like us."

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