Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 298: My rules

"Oh, spiritual power is still not working?"

One hit missed, Qin Shi did not have a little disappointment, but it seems as early as expected, silence for a while will reveal helpless smile.

Looking at the shallow curvature of Qin Shi's mouth, the prisoners around him were all dumbfounded: "What happened to this kid? Can this still be laughed when it comes to the end?"

Hanzi’s dementia blinked, and then he showed his admiration: “I rely on it, is this buddy so handsome? Can I do it when I am? It’s all about life and death...” "Fiction chapter update is the fastest

Blocking the pine phantom feet, Wang Chuan's superiority gradually recovered, and the sneer-looking Qin Shi approached: "Bad boy, I see that you can block several attacks!"

"Giant Fire Hammer!"

The sound is not falling, the two huge arms are wrapped in the spirits and lifted up. This time the power is more fierce than just now. The huge arm is more than 20 meters long. The shadow of the sky will cover the Qin stone. , whistling down.

Feeling the power of Yu Wei, the prisoners moved a few steps.

Han Tsai looked at Qin Shi’s eyes with some bitterness, and the half-sounding voice whispered: "Hey, it’s hard to come to a madman who is not afraid of death, and is willing to be bullied by Wang Fat. This is going to be accounted for here!"


However, the vast arm suddenly stagnated in midair.

In the moment when the arm was stalemate, the prisoners frowned and frowned, but the next one, including Han Zi, was exaggerated at the same time, and was shocked.


Wang Fat’s huge body did not wait for the people to return to God, and his knees flew out like a cannonball.


With a loud bang, Wang Fat’s slammed into the cold wall of Tianzhu, burning purple flames on his chest, and a blush of blood was sprayed out, and the facial features were stunned with a panic look.

"What, what happened?"

"What happened just now? Who is out of the hand?"

"Don't it be him?" The prisoners licked their mouths and sipped their mouths and spit, and immediately with their questioning eyes moved toward Qin Shi.

Feeling the horror of the surrounding eyes, Qin Shi did not care to pat the black robe, wiped the dust on the black robe, the corner of the mouth looked up, and inserted into the pocket to enter the fat.

He walked to the side of Wang Chuan’s younger brothers, who moved halfway through the subconscious.

Through the crowd, Qin Shi grabbed Wang Fat's short hair, and the arm raised his strength and lifted him up. The cold road: "Oh, who told you that I have to stop? Isn't your Zhīdào attack the most favorable defense?" ”

The understated voice stunned the prisoners around.

This statement undoubtedly proves that Qin Shi was just shot, but they have not figured out what Qin Shi has done so far, even Wang Fat himself is not Zhīdào.

He only remembers that when he attacked Qin Shi, a purple gleam shook in front of his eyes, and immediately he flew straight out.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Wang Fat stared at Qin Shi with some horror.

A corner of the mouth, Qin Shi Wen Xiao's laughter: "Oh, nothing, just want to ask you, you are not to teach me the rules of this dungeon? Why not teach? I am waiting to learn here!"


This is undoubtedly a face.


Without giving Wang fat a chance to speak, Qin Shi’s fist gathered at the top of his head and squatted toward him. After a punch, he directly distorted Wang’s facial features.


However, a punch is not the end. Qin Shi has his principles. He will never be soft to the wicked. Moreover, he has a temper in his heart. He is inexplicably caught in this Tiangong prison. be bullied?

After a punch, it was a punch, and the fist was hit with a sigh of relief. He used his feet and greeted each other with a variety of attacks, directly slamming Wang Fat to the ground.

Throughout the process, the prisoners were all stupid, and Han’s big eyes flickered and smashed, and finally burst out: “I rely, this is too handsome!”

"Fat brother!" Who is not Zhīdào, the first one shouted out, and then Wang Fat’s younger brother couldn’t stand it anymore. After the spiritual power was given, he rushed up to Qin Shi: “Bad boy, let go of fat brother!"

"Roll! Nothing you!"

A few cold winds passed behind him, Qin Shi’s sword eyebrows wrinkled, and an invisible air wave rolled up the black robe, and the surrounding air became so fast that several prisoners rushing up directly flew out.

These people were shot and the rest of the prisoners looked at Qin Shi’s eyes from sarcastic to jealousy. This is the horror that they were Zhīdào.

"Playing well, playing well, killing them!" Wang Fat's younger brothers were shocked, and Han Zi cheered up next to him. He was not bullied by the beasts.


Zhen Fei flew a few small scorpions, Qin Shi raised his fist and slammed toward Wang Fei.

After several attacks, Wang Fat has been somewhat confused. The blue-purple eyelids are swollen and old, and it feels that all the stars are floating in front of them.


At this time, the movement of this side alarmed the jailer not far away. Several broken prisoners ran over and looked at the fat face of the blood, and they were all shocked.

Usually, Wang Chuan has made people like this. Today, he was actually smashed by people.

Thinking of this, these jailers have a deep eye for Qin Shi.

There was a skinny jailer who opened the door of the black iron dungeon. When he rushed forward and pulled Qinshi, he waved his hand toward the face of Qin Shi: "Bad boy, are you crazy? You are this your home?"


Black robe micro-volume, wrapped in the jailer's arm after a spiritual power sacrifice, Qin Shi's deep black gaze gazing, cold: "Speaking kindly, otherwise I don't mind letting you become like this."

After saying this, Qin Shi raised the other hand and deliberately pointed to the fat of a few laps.


This scene scared everyone around me.

Prisoners, you yell at me, I am jealous of you, all stunned.

"He, he is crazy? Dare to talk to the jailer?"

"Yeah, even if the original Wang fat is not daring, and the prison guards have no good results, maybe they will be sent to the barren jungle, then they will die."

The whispered discussion continued, and Qin Shi did not converge on the skinny jailer.

The jailer and Qin Shi looked at each other for a few seconds. They were somewhat timid and shrunk their necks. When they just wanted to open, they came in two jailers. They went to his ear and whispered a few words.

When I heard the other two jailers, the skinny jailer stunned and returned to Shinto: "Are you the kid who was brought back by General Artemisia?"

"Artemisia? Oh, don't know." Qin Shi sneered.

"Well, you have the courage to know, but I hope that you can continue this way." The skinny jailer hesitated, and eventually he was not in nonsense. After picking up his hand, he aimed at the fat of the king and said: "Hey, usually called the king here. It’s a shame to be taught this time!”

A glance at the jail, the jailer blinked Qin Shi, and then looked around the prisoners deliberately raised a few voices: "Listen, whoever dares to fight privately, just waiting to be served by the criminal law!"

After saying this, several jailers turned and left the prison.

After the jailer left, the prison was in chaos. Everyone stared at Qin Shi with the look of the monster. "Oh, what's wrong with this? With the jailer, the jailer let him go?"

The voice of the discussion is getting bigger and bigger, and it keeps boiling. Even Wang Xiao’s younger brothers are not afraid to go crazy. They aim at Qin Shi with a timid look and take a few steps back.

Throughout the whole process, Wang Chuan was in his eyes. He Zhīdào, this time he kicked the hard board. For this reason, he could only climb up and hold the wall and walk toward the inside.

Looking at the back of the departure, Qin Shi coughed, cold: "Oh, remember, don't make me a rule, there is only one rule in my world, that is, I am the one who is good, and the one who is against me!"


Wang Yuan, who is back to Qin Shi, trembles. He pinches his fist and hardly speaks. He is gradually buried in the darkness.

After taking a clap, Qin Shi's cold face melted open, and immediately turned back to the already dusty food and shook his head, and lifted it up and down.

Throughout the process, the prisoners around did not dare to breathe.

See Qin Shi lifted the food, Han Zi's face twitched, and some rosy eyes were lost.

"Oh, bury it, don't give up and eat."

But at this time, a pair of slender fingers handed the food to him, making his whole person's face stiff, and immediately raised his head with a big smile: "Really, really give me?"

"Oh, eat it, I am not hungry." Qin Shi smiled and said.

"Big brother, you are my big brother in the future, as long as I use my Hanzi place, I have to frown and I can't die!" Han Zi excitedly responded, no longer thought about grabbing the food, grabbing the food after both hands In the import of the cork, it seems that I am afraid that someone will grab him.

Looking at this, he is really hungry.

The prisoners in the surrounding corners saw Han Zi and showed the envy of light.

Looking at the appearance of Han Zi’s meal, Qin Shi’s inexplicable feelings were somewhat bitter, and the corner of his mouth raised himself with self-deprecating thoughts: “Oh, I thought that the year I was expelled from the Qin family, I was so embarrassed and stealing!”

Han Zi was eating and eating food. Both eyes suddenly became slightly reddish, and the mist was so full of crying.

This sudden two lines of tears, Qin Shi moved out of his thoughts, some awkward words: "Hey, I said what your kid is crying? Not a box of rice? Big deal tomorrow, my food is also for you, don't cry!" ”

"Oh, no, no, I was accidentally killed since I was a child. Since then, no one has been better to me. I don't care if my grandmother doesn't love it. So big brother, you are the first person to hǎode to me... "Han Tsai cried as he choked with food."

Qin Shi’s accident was stunned, and the face was mild.

But He just thought that when the Hanzi was still Bùcuò, he was shocked by his next sentence, and a touch of fire hit the heart.

After stuffing the food and feeling the pain from the stomach, Han Zi squatted on the floor and squatted: "Oh, big brother, blame you, eat it!"


Pinch the fist, Qin Shi endured the anger and did not go to the attack, sitting on the side of the black iron railings, do not want to take care of him.

Seeing Qin Shi does not speak, Han Zhai is not willing to climb up and gather, Qin Qi's staring at Qin Shi, and then studying it again, seriously: "Big brother, are you really crazy?"


This time, Qin Shi couldn't stand it anymore. Holding Han Zi's head is a punch. I don't know if it is anger. It is a smile and shakes his head: "Your boy, is it owed?"

"No, no, I don't think that my skin is a little itchy, but I haven't reached the point of owing it..." Han Zi's head, immediately innocent and rushing Qin Shi smiled: "To the big brother, I didn't ask you to call What, what is your name?"

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