Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 279: The third relic

"A terrible spiritual power!"

"He, what does he want to do?"

The golden glow appeared, and the people in the Burning Hall were also vigilant at the same time. Even Zhao Yan and the two most powerful people gambled and feared.

The two can clearly feel that there are hundreds of thousands of different spiritual powers in the halo, and the spiritual pressure of each spiritual power is very instigating, giving the fear of a ferocious beast. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

What is important is that hundreds of thousands of spiritual powers come together, even if it is a mysterious world, it seems a bit pale.

"Hey! This spiritual power is a wild animal?"

Zhao Yan felt the wildness in the spiritual power and realized it instantly.

"This is, this is the spiritual power from thousands of wild animals? This kid has even condensed the spiritual power of thousands of wild animals? Is he crazy?" Sun Tao also returned to God, the original face Was caused by waves.

"Thousands of wild animals? How is Kěnéng? How can someone K驭néng be able to control?"

When I heard Sun Tao’s words, Ye He’s people were horrified, and the spiritual power of thousands of wild animals was condensed. Is this Kěnéng? Even if they are, they are not Kěnéng.

To Zhīdào, the spiritual power of the wild beast is different from that of human beings. The spiritual power of the wild beast is full of primitive wildness, and it will not be as easy as the spiritual power of human beings, forcibly condensing their spiritual power, and will only make them constantly Encroached and eventually exploded.

Therefore, no one will be stupid enough to rely on the swallowing of the wild beast to enhance their strength, because it is simply a behavior of seeking death. Of course, Qin Shi is a wonderful thing.

"This, if this thing is exploding, maybe it can really razed the Burning Heavenly Land to the ground?" Feel this terrible spiritual power, Ye He and other elders timidly moved a few steps.

"Block him!"

Sun Tao, who is a mysterious realm, is very aware of the horror of this halo, and his eyes are stunned.


In the next second, Zhao Yan had already rushed out. He looked up and held his hand in an unusually serious manner. He held two chests of Chi Yan’s chest in the face of Qin Shi: "The kid, Hugh to the wild!"


Then, in the midst of the crisis, a white light flashed along the waist of Qin Shi, and a beautiful man’s body jumped out. The beautiful dress that dragged the white dress and snow was blocked in front of Zhao Yan.


The two men fight each other and each step back 100 steps.

"Who is this person?"

The sudden appearance of jade in the book made Ye Hao a few people clenched their fists, especially in Lin Lin, the joints of the powder fists were slightly white.

The beauty of the jade in the book, even if she is a self-proclaimed fairy, she is not as good as herself.

"How can there be such a beautiful girl around him?"

Bai Yu Tang is even more hard hit. This Qin Shi seems to have killed all his superiority. Even Liner’s empathy is the last chance to humiliate Qin Shi, and it has become a bubble because of the appearance of jade in the book.

That feeling, it is not like he snatched away Lin, it seems like Qin Shi did not want to come after him.

boom! Hey!

A series of tit-for-tat, the foundation of the hall is constantly shaking, a fiery red light and the jade-white shadows in the book are in disorder, one after another.

In the continuous collision of two lights, what makes people stunned is that the strength of Zhao Yan's spirits has not occupied a half-point advantage. On the contrary, it is the jade in the book, and there is a tendency to overstep Zhao Yan.

"She, is it better than Zhao Yan's left guardian?..."

"Don't Kěnéng? Zhao Yan's left guardian law is the late Ming Xuanjing. Is this woman a mysterious spiritual peak?"

"No, she gives the impression... is she not a person?"

"Not a person?" Bai Yu Tang and others looked at Ye He with a puzzled look.

Ye He’s eyebrows are tight, and the next second is a heavy fist: “Yes, this power... is an instrumental spirit! Is it the spirit of the mysterious spirit?”

The news spread, and Yulin and others opened their mouths again.

What is the existence of the spirit that can reach the mysterious spirit? I am afraid that the Emperor Horoscope will not reach this level? Is it a rumor that surpasses the emperor's fairy?

Looking at the two opponents, Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, it would be thanks to the vast desert. If it weren't for his spirits, Yu Jie would not recover so much..."


After a touch, the hall collapsed half a wall, Zhao Yan's body could not help but retreat a few steps.

Forcing Zhao Yan to retreat, the sweet mouth of the book reveals the taunting of the mouth: "Hey, a big cloud Dingzong, a little guy who is dealing with a king's spiritual environment, actually wants you to take two big guards to deal with the law? If it is passed out, it is really enough. Ironic!"


Zhao Yan’s stare at the jade in the book, replied: “Even if you stop me, relying on the power of this little king’s spiritual environment, Kěnéng does not control the spiritual power of these thousands of wild animals. At that time, waiting for him is also explosive. And die!"

"Oh, this is not the case, I am worried, my task is just to drag you!" Jade picked up the corner of the book, but a very sneer sneer, once again approaching Zhao Yan.


Two figures, collided again, and saw that several people in this plane Ye Qi were sideways.

Sun Tao squeezed his fists and slammed his eyes to the front. After hitting the figures of the two men, the palms turned over and formed a raging flame. They photographed on the forehead of Qin Shi: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Oh, who is not sure about it!"

Looking at the approaching Sun Tao, Qin Shi screamed, and immediately saw his face changed. He separated a hand in the golden halo, and the palm of his hand was pinched into a handprint, and two purple smolders were sacrificed between the eyebrows.

The smoldering fire ignited the spiritual power and air in the hall, making the people present pale and somewhat breathing difficult.

"Great relics!"

In the next second, Qin Shi was frowning, and immediately saw it in the smoldering fire. It was splitting out two glaring golden lights, and the intensity of the golden light was enough to be the hot sun.

"Is this trick again?"

Jin Guang relics condensed, Sun Tao's brows were tight, and the wound in his palm was a bit faint: "Hey, it didn't work last time. Do you think this time is useful?"

"Oh, is it useful? You can try it!"

Said, Qin Shi with one hand, but actually has a mental power in his knowledge of the sea to explore, forming a third beating fire: "The third relic, condensate!"


Suddenly, in the center of the two relics, the smoldering fire of the group was absorbed by the two groups of smoldering fires, gathered along the central assembly of the main hall, and absorbed the wild power.

"Do you want to make three relics?"

Qin Shi’s crazy action made Sun Tao, who was galloping, unable to stop.

The third smoldering began to form a suction like a black hole, and the suction swallowed the diamond tile on the roof, and a relic began to gradually form a prototype.

"What martial arts is this... can it be superimposed?"

"It’s terrible, is this kid eating gunpowder? It’s only in the early days of Wang Ling’s realm, how could it make such a terrible power?”

The elders led by Ye He were all stunned, and Bai Yu Tang’s heart was regretted.

At this moment, they realized that the teenagers who thought they would let them play and master the applause had such terrible powers, and the burning of the cockroaches was not good.

"He has changed... it has become so strong that it is no longer the boy who knows how to lie." Yu Liner’s beauty flashed a strange way, and it was unclear.

The silly boy who was with her at the beginning, disappeared unconsciously, but grew to the point where it was really enough to burn Tianzong!

And, just two years...!

Thinking of this, she has some inexplicable loss. This kind of loss is not willing to admit it, but she does not have to admit that she has raised resentment towards this boy.

Feeling the horror of three golden light relics, Sun Tao's heart was chilling. The two relics in the original made him suffer for a long time. If he was three, he would have to be right.

The most important thing is the purple smoldering that annoys him.

"Qin Shi, what's the matter, let's talk about good discussions..." No, the following is awkward, Sun Tao is a little annoyed when he stops, and the voice is revived.

"Consult the discussion of his mother. I deceived my sister's sister, and almost killed my Qin family. You have to discuss with me now? Today, white jade soup must die, who will stop who!" Qin Shi did not speak to Sun Tao. Opportunity, manipulating three relics.

"But, many disciples of the burning Tianzong are innocent!"

"Innocent? Then you **** and asking if you didn't ask Bai Yutang. When he injured my Qin family, who was hurt by hundreds of Qin family disciples, was he killed? Have you ever thought about their innocence? Are they not innocent, **** it?" Qin Shi’s words were very cold and there was no retreat.

In a word, Sun Tao fell into silence, and there was no response at the time.


But at this time, the prototype of the third relic has just appeared, I do not know because of Qin Shi's mood fluctuations or because of what, at the top of the situation, there is a Dao Sen Ran.

In the gap, the spirit of the wild beast breeds, and it expands in all directions.


The four overflowing spirits formed a substantial wild wave, as if they were tumbling in the clouds, and seriously injured everyone present, including Qin Shi.


A blood spurt out, Qin Shi's face changed: "Damn! Spiritual force back? Sure enough, I want to condense three relics, or some far-fetched!"

"Hey, kid, barely being countered?"

Hey! To offset the spiritual strength of that, Sun Tao looked at the painful appearance of Qin Shi, and the evil light flashed in the old eyes, and seized the opportunity not to approach the Qin stone.

"Old dog!"

After a few steps back, Qin Shi black scorpion, after wiping off the blood of the corner of his mouth, he will visually look into the sea and spy on the rotation in the sea.

In the mysterious ancient array, overflowing is very fierce.

Trying to communicate with the Xuantian Guzheng, Qin Shi can now think of the way, leaving this Xuantian ancient array: "This time can not win, it all depends on you, Xuantian ancient array I tell you, if this If you die less, you certainly have no good fruit. If you help me through the storm, I will let you kill me several times!"


Xuantian Guzheng was affected and actually responded.

Immediately, in the ancient array, the golden light was pierced, and the golden light shot through the gods of Qin Shi made his body brow wrinkled, but his mental power was doubled.


With the help of Xuantian Guzheng, Qin Shi’s pain was raised with joy, and the third cracked Jinguang relic was quickly aggregated and restored again.

"Old hair, see how you block it!"

Suddenly, three golden lights burst out, holding up the star tail in the sky and stabbing the face of Sun Tao.

"Damn, this stinky boy!"

The grandson of Sun Tao, who is galloping, is not allowed to open the side with the following rush.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shi quickly moved away from the body, and immediately lifted the golden light group with one hand, and the demon at the left arm rolled out and rushed into the golden light group.

Under the influence of radon, the light group began to move.

"This suffocating power is the power of the demon? He wants to rely on the evil spirits to intensify the power of the wild beast in this light group? Is he crazy?" Ye He’s body trembled and he couldn’t help but take a nap.

"Come on him!"


The suffocating air is mixed into the golden light group, and a black light like a snake snake moves quickly along the golden light.

In the next second, he crushed a bird with one hand. After the wings spread out, they rushed out and rushed to the side of Xu Qiaoer's side with one hand and grabbed the iron cage. They jumped out of the hall and floated in the air.

"burning Tianzong, blood debts pay for it!"

"Qin Shi ~ ~ you dare!"

Zhao Yan, Sun Tao, Ye He and many elders are all wide-eyed.

In the book, Yu Yan Zhao Yan lost his heart, and the words of the singer flew into the book for white light.

"Hey, Bai Yu Tang, who can't save you this time, go to **** and confess to the prince!" Qin Shi did not hesitate, and when he spoke, he would sacrifice the light group and follow the sky like a star. The central hall fell down.

Looking at the light group falling, everyone on the field was dead and silent.


The golden halo, in a horrified gaze, formed a wild suction and quickly condensed, and suddenly became a little bit, suddenly exploded.

At this moment, a burst of sound like a thunder, almost resounding the burning of Tianzong's radius, the cloud at the top of the burning peak was quickly pushed away by the waves, the gravel between the rocks collapsed, the tiles flew, a huge The mushroom cloud rises and rises.

I really want to write four more, but this plot card is really powerful, forgive the little shallow, really not lazy. In addition, ask for a monthly ticket again!

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