Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 276: Burning Tianzong


Qin Shi said bluntly.

Qin Shi’s answer made Zi Lingsha stunned, but it just paused for a moment. She smiled and shook her head and said: “Oh, that’s not ok, who is the drug lord of Zi Lingsha who can ask for it. Is it?"

Hearing this, Qin Shi was surprised. He had expected all Kěnéng as early as he came. For this reason, he was very direct to Zhai Lingsha: "Say, what are the conditions?" "Fiction" novel chapter update Fastest

"Oh, get acquainted!"

Qin Shi’s words flashed Zi Lingsha’s beauty, but she quickly recovered and smiled: “I like your direct person. I don’t want to sell it, as long as you promise me. Three things, I will give it to you."

"three item?"

Qin Shi’s brow wrinkled, and this purple Lingsha’s appetite is too big, right?

But after all, there are people who ask for it. If you don’t want him, you can only promise, "What are three things?"

"Oh, the first one, help me find broken snow cuckoo."

"Crushing snow cuckoo?" Qin Shi stunned, and he was ignorant of Lingcao.

However, in the book of the book of burning, Yu was stunned and exclaimed: "Jiu Pin Ling Cao, broken snow cuckoo?"

Hearing the fascinating voice, Qin Shi’s scorpion condensed and shouted: “Nine, nine spirits grass? I rely, are you kidding me?”

Jiu Pin Ling Cao, that is the highest existence.

Although there are rumors of the existence of immortality on the nine products, it is only a rumor. Under normal circumstances, Jiu Pin is already the king of the grass, and that level is rare in the wild, I am afraid that the whole There is no one in the Red Flame Empire.

There are rumors that the spirit of the nine products can even be turned into a human form. It does not have a very deep and unpredictable cultivation. Let Qin Shi go to find such a vain thing. Isn’t that a joke?

"You fool me?"

Biting his teeth, Qin Shi’s face rose red.

For the performance of Qin Shi, Zi Lingsha is not surprised: "Oh, the spirit of your body, can really understand the world, not just Zhīdào reading the soul, even this broken snow cuckoo Zhīdào?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s wrinkled eyebrows: “What do you mean?”

"Oh, don't be nervous, I also Zhīdào, relying on your current strength to find broken snow cuckoo, it is simply an idiotic dream, you promise me and I will not believe."

Zi Lingsha was not in the book Yushi and Qin Shi nonsense, purple sleeves swayed, and purple powder was held in her hands, said: "This is the ecstasy, I will give you three years, as long as you promise I, it is yours!"

"Three years?"

Qin Shi’s brow wrinkled, but he did not rush to take over the ecstasy.

Because, in his heart, Zhīdào, even if it is three years, it is difficult to ask him to find the nine-characteristic grass. After all, it is already the existence of the peak.

However, if there is no such ecstasy, the plan that Qin Shi wants will be completely disrupted. In that case, if he burns Tianzong on this trip, he will have no grasp of it.

To this end, after biting his lower lip, he still took over the ecstasy, saying: "Three years, I promise you!"

"Oh, I Zhīdào you will promise!" Zi Lingsha smiled charmingly.

Qin Shi has a painful squatting mouth. This small bottle of ecstasy is a pit of bad, not only the nine pieces of the snow-capped cuckoo, but the most important thing is that there are two conditions.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi asked: "What are the two remaining conditions?"

"Well..." Zi Lingsha took care of her cheeks and raised her head. "The two, when I think about it, tell you!"

Suddenly, Qin Shi had the urge to think about the street: "You didn't even want me to do anything?"

"In any case, the pit is a pit once, and the pit is also a pit twice. Why can't you pit more?"

"you are vicious!"

Hearing the words of Zi Lingsha, Qin Shi was half-dead by the gas, but Zi Lingsha always maintained the kind of high-cold pride, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was particularly charming.

But Qin Shi Zhīdào, under this charming smile, full of daunting darkness, think of this, he rushed to take off the hail, ready to leave the cold hole.

"You just left?" Zi Lingsha shouted Qin Shi.

"Otherwise? Waiting for you to continue to hang me?" Qin Shi did not sigh.

In this regard, Zi Lingsha does not matter: "That with you, wait until the time, if you are smashed and poisoned, I will go to the Qin family to break the snow cuckoo."


Suddenly, Qin Shi immediately reacted. He took the ecstasy but did not take the antidote. Then, when he was not, would he even be poisoned?

Thinking of this, he hurried back to the side of Zi Lingsha.

Looking at the appearance of Qin Shi, Zi Lingsha's face is under the icebergs all the year round. It is actually a strange smile that is unusually rare. He immediately cuts a small mouth on his arm and leads the blood to Qin Shi.

Give her blood to Qin Shi, she pondered and thought about it, and made a gorgeous kit, saying: "You keep this kit, if you open it at a critical juncture, you may save your life!"

Looking at the kit, Qin Shi had some accidents, but he was not polite. After picking up, he joked and said: "Hey, the poisonous woman would worry about me too?"

"I am afraid that you are dead, no one will help me find broken snow cuckoo!" Zi Ling Sha has a white face with no expression.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi has some meat pain, but he is not tangled. Since the goal of this trip has been reached, there is no need to stay, and he wants to leave.

But before he left, he was silent for a while. Looking back at Zi Ling Sha: "You trust me so much? Don't you be afraid that I will not come back after I left? At that time, what is the condition of the snow cuckoo, what are the two conditions? It’s all gone!”

"Oh, you won't!"

"You are so sure?"

"Of course, have you forgotten? I said, you and I are kind of people, so you will definitely come back to me!" Zi Lingsha smiled very calmly, but the voice was full of Zìxìn.

Hearing, Qin Shi shook his head, and he did not ask more, because he would indeed come back, but it was not the reason that Zi Lingsha said, but because he said that he would do it.

In the promise, he will never lose faith.

Walking out of the cold cave, the silver curtain with a thousand feet curls up the Lang flower, reflecting the gorgeous light in the contemplation.

The spot is mapped on his face. He takes a deep breath and everything is ready. Now is the time to go to Burn Tianzong.

"White jade soup, ready to die."

The next second, his black robe wrapped tightly, and followed the silver curtain against the Qianzhang Waterfall. On the cliff under the waterfall, there was a ladder that was struck by the long-lasting Lang flower. With the help of the ladder, he jumped to the top of the cliff.

After the shadow disappeared, after disappearing, Zi Lingsha dragged the purple skirt out of the cold cave, looking at the looming black figure in the sky, some stunned in the beauty: "There are only three years left, not Zhīdào can not gamble this time Correct……"

Among the Lang flowers of the silver curtain, Qin Shi's Sùdù is extremely fast.

This Qianzhang Canyon is not difficult for Qin Shi. He used only half a cup of tea to penetrate the silver curtain. After jumping out of the Lang flower, he steadily landed on the side of the canyon.

Immediately, he saw that not far from the front, there was a shadow of golden brown long hair, and the shadow of Yu Ying’s hand was tightly held, looking worried and looking down the canyon.

Seeing that the memory of concern, Qin Shi’s heart is inexplicably raised, and life is always short-lived. Can there be a few people who stand behind and silently pay attention to themselves and silently worry about themselves?

One, it is very happy, "Shi Lan!" A heavy heart shouted, Qin Shichong Shilan shouted.

Back to Qin Shi's shadow, the body trembled, and immediately turned her head with red eyes, and saw Qin Shi's squatting down in his arms: "Hey, big, are you okay?"

"Haha, nothing!"

Qin Shi held her with one hand, one hand crossed the golden brown hair, and gently stretched out.

But the hair was stretched out, and Shilan’s brow was very tight, pushing Qin Shi’s anger: “You said, you will not leave me, why not take me? Why should I wait for you here? ”

A few words of blame made Qin Shi stunned. After he paused, his eyes were very gentle. He said: "A fool, I will guard you enough. You just stand behind me."

When I heard this, the original expression of excitement collapsed, and the strong heart was suddenly broken. Shilan’s beauty was red and stunned, but she did not say a word.

Qin Shi was not waiting for her to open her mouth. After taking a deep breath, she looked in the direction of burning Tianzong.

The coming is finally coming, although he has long expected that one day he will confront the burning Tianzong, but when the day really comes, the heart is still a bit heavy.

This time, burning Tianzong is really very risky. With his current strength, it is not enough to incite the existence of the hegemon, and this time it is really tearing the face, he can’t guarantee that the burning of the heavens will not be because of the demon. Take care of it and let go.

No matter what, the white jade soup must die, and it must be saved.

Qin Shi clenched his fists and opened his heart to shake and hesitate. Instead, he was replaced by an unusual determination.

The next second, two light and shadow, in the light of the sun, came out.

Burning Tianzong.

This northern region's giant is located at the tipping point of the northern region, on the top of the central hill of the Burning Mountains, thousands of miles from the ancient city.

This distance, even if Qin Shi firepower is fully open at least a little half a month.

To this end, on the way he captured two goshawks, and after the refining of the goshawks, they were given to Shilan. The two were very fast in the spur of the devil, and the magic was constantly changing. Time flies to the Burning Mountain Range.

Three days passed, night.

Qin Shi and Shi Lan arrived at the foot of the burning mountain peak.

The wings behind the two gradually dispersed, and Qin Shi looked up and looked at the top of the sky, and a fiery blazing fire burned in his heart.

"Oh, is it finally here?"

Taking a deep breath, the black robe appeared a little bit radiant in the moonlight. He touched a cold smile like a cold sword, and opened the clouds far away from the nine miles and explored it.

"This time, you should see a lot of familiar faces..."

In the fiery scorpion, flashing through the road is not easy to detect the pain, Qin Shi’s mind emerged from the shadow that had not been seen that year, the woman who made him hate.

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