Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 255: Yujie is so big

"Call... I really killed me!"

A second like a scorpion turns into a sound and echoes along the main hall.

Accompanied by the melody of the sound, the jade in the book dragged the skirt of the white dress to win the snow, draped in the waist and the long hair slowly wandering between the noses of Qin Shi, Su Ming, and the three, and the three people screamed. A sneeze, and finally the hair hangs beside the body.

After the blue silk hangs down, the jade body of the book turns, like a colorful butterfly flying in the flowers, and looks at the appearance of the Qin Shi three-person flower idiot. It is natural to hold Yin Mo’s arm: “嘿嘿Little flat chest, you yell at them three wolves. When you see the girl, you can't move. I really don't understand how you would mix them with them?" "Fiction" novel chapter update is the fastest

The jade in the book is too surprising.

Su Ming and Qin Lan have never returned to God, and their eyes are staring at the jade in the book, especially the two prides on her chest. It is called a slim, and it is described by the words of jade in the book. Going to the end~!

Yin Mo was also surprised to tremble, his arm could not help but twitch, but did not draw from the jade of the book.

She looked at the jade in the book, and the jade in the book was really beautiful, even if she was eclipsed by the jade in the book, she was overwhelmed.

In the book, Yu is a big eyebrow, and she is very cute. She is compared with the ordinary girl. There is a kind of maturity that cannot be said. It is the unique charm of the royal sister. Under her charming and charming face, Su Ming and Qin Yu are like the cupid's arrow of love, all of a sudden through the chest.

"Good, beautiful..."

"It's so beautiful... it's just a human being, the best in the world!"

"Stone, you, where did you find such a beautiful girl?" Su Ming and Qin Yu both praised.

Looking at the horns of the two people's mouths, Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, swearing on the **** of the two men, and said: "Don't mind, people are famous flowers, do not hurry to call the scorpion?"

"Hey? Son?"

Su Ming and Qin Shi and Yin Mo blinked at the same time.

The jade's pretty face in the book is cold, and the white-eyed Qin Shi immediately turns to a few people: "Don't listen to his nonsense, like a goddess with a taste and affection, how can I look at his poor and mixed boy ?"


Qin Shi stunned and just wanted to speak. Su Ming sighed aside and patted his chest. "Call... I said, how many eyes are there, can you see Qin Shi?" Fortunately, fortunately!"

"You **** it!" Qin Shiqi screamed.

Unexpectedly, under the temptation of the beautiful beauty of the book, Su Ming did not care about Qin Shi, and directly joined the book in the body of the jade: "Goddess, the stone does not match you, you might consider thinking about me, handsome like me. The handsome guy is definitely your best choice, and I have an earth-shattering secret. Do you want to hear it?"

"Secret?" Qin Shi and Qin Yu are both stunned. Yin Mo is also interested in looking at Su Ming. This kid is always swaying, how can he have earth-shattering secrets?

But when the people were curious, the jade in the book was sweet and sweet: "Do you want to tell me, are you there?"


Su Ming’s stunned blink of an eye, exclaimed: “Well? How are you Zhīdào?”

"What is this?" Qin Shi and Qin Yu and Yin Mo were both stunned at the same time.

"Haha, you guys are brothers, not as good as I know Su Ming! Do you forget his nickname? Leather brother, stupid!" The book is especially happy with a smile, laughing eyes like a Crescent, very beautiful.

The three men squeezed their eyes, and at the same time they secretly lost Jingzhou. They even forgot that Su Ming was so classic!

Su Mingzhen was in the same place, but his eyes widened: "Do you know me?"

A word rang, Yin Mo also returned to God, just now she seems to call her small flat chest? This title, in addition to Qin Shi a few people in Zong, it seems that no one else Zhīdào, right?

To this end, the three eyes wide open eyes of the book in the jade, immediately turned to head toward Qin Shi aim, a look of curiosity waiting for Qin Shi to give them the answer.

Staring at the three people, Qin Shi has some uncomfortable snoring: "Jade sister, don't sell cute, introduce yourself!"

In the book, jade twisted and twisted the lower limbs. It was very sweet and smiled at the three people: "Hey, don't be surprised, in fact, I have known everyone, but I used to have some special inconveniences. I am called Yuzhong in the book. Year Fang 18, the advantage is innocent and good, shortcomings, no time! Good, self-introduction!"

Year Fang 18...

Under the contempt of Qin Shi’s heart, it seems that the year’s one thousand eight is less, is it good? How do you mean to say something about it?

"The book is jade?" Su Ming three people screamed.

Looking at the three-eyed look of Qin, Qin Shi had already guessed it would be like this, and it was not too unexpected. For this reason, he thought about it and added: "Do you remember that before the ancient city, and Lin Yun's instrumental spirit? It’s Jade."

Hearing this statement, the three talents suddenly realized, suddenly suddenly remembered what, the three looked at the book in the jade, when the ancient city in the ancient city blocked the appearance of the jade in the book, so the three did not see too clearly.

Su Ming’s first words: “, instrument, spirit? Are you not human?”

"You are not a human being? Is there such a talk with a beautiful woman?" The white-eyed Su Ming of the book.

When he was slammed, Su Ming did not dare to speak, but still like the discovery of the New World, he read the jade in the book from head to toe. The jade in the book is also free and easy, and the independence is independent. From time to time. Also turned around, the white skirt danced with a touch of aroma.

Her beauty is the kind of woman who can't help but see more.

Qin Shi looked at the beautiful book and jade shook his head. He recalled that among the beautiful women he knew, I was afraid that it would only be able to compare with the jade in the book, but the two were two completely different beauty.

沁雪心, relatively speaking, it should be that kind of morbid beauty, especially the long blue hair of the head, when the waist is beautiful, there is a slight sadness in the beauty, no Zhīdào to make how many men are willing to surrender.

In the book, the standard pistachio, at least Qin Shi thinks that in the year he was together with the jade in the book, what kind of tragedy can become a comedy in the book, and she laughs. It is very sweet, sweet seems to melt people.

"Don't be surprised, when I came to the fire, my sister followed me. If I count it, she knows that you and I should know you the same time. Many of the dangers are that she can help out."

"No, people can think of you in March, but you are not Zhīdào me, are you Zhīdào kind of pain? Hey...!" In the book, Jade took the words of Qin Shi, pretending to make a crying action. , curled up and rolled up on the bed, very pitiful and lovely.

"miss you……!"

"I thought about it, although I have never seen it, but I have dreamed of it, I really didn't lie to you, I dreamed!" Su Ming swears, and the black scorpion is completely left with the appearance of jade in the book. Stone will be placed next to the jade in the book.

In the book, Yu Wensheng smiled sweetly and pushed down Su Ming very small.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi’s fist squeaked, and he really doubted whether Su Ming had just listened to him!

"Su Ming, you don't think about it, Yu Jie has someone in his heart!"

"Even if someone is, it is definitely not you!" Su Ming's head did not return white.

In the book, Yu holds her knees and raises her head. She looks at Su Ming with her big eyes: "The cowboy... People really don't want to hurt you. Someone really has someone in your heart, or your dead rival!"

"Ah? Who?"

"The man of the family is Xiaoyuzi!" The jade in the book smiled.

“Hey...?” Su Ming’s face fell on his face, and suddenly he was dumb: “I rely on, how is it?” Don’t let me touch him, otherwise you have to smash him, and it’s virtually destroyed. How many times have I been happy?

Several people looked at Su Ming’s appearance and felt ridiculous.

Qin Shi is also a heartless laughter, because his Zhīdào book jade is a joke, she does not Kěnéng really like Lin Yu, at this point he has absolute Zìxìn.

Because I have known a few people for a long time, the jade in the book is quickly integrated into this small group. Some anecdotes that happened once, after being said in the mouth of the book, made several people laugh, especially in the early days of Qin Shi’s break. After that, the two men gave Qin Shi undressing. In the book, Yu Dawei Su Ming and Qin Yu had Wèntí orientation.

The three people all liked the jade in the book. They asked this question around the jade in the book, and they would be one in a while.

In a blink of an eye, the night falls.

Qin Shi arranged for the disciples of the sect to prepare meals for the main hall. They needed a good Hǎode to gather together. It was the only one of them. If they were between them, they could not finish it for three days and three nights.

But this time, after three rounds of wine, the jade in the book would not let Qin Shi drink, and it would be useless to say that he would not let him drink.

"Hey, is this a strict wife?" Su Ming smirked the run.

"Get out of the way, you let him drink, and my sister will go to Momo at night, and your three great men will hold it on their own!" In the book, Yuxi’s swearing, holding Yin Mo, Momo is her Yin Moqi's nickname, it is called a cute Meng.

Qin Shi was also obedient, and did not go to drink.

After that, he and Su Ming chatted with Qin Lan about the Zongmen. After all, Zongmenli was his closest and most trusted person, and he Zhīdào he stayed in the Zongmen, if he could, he thought about it. A while, go to the central area to find a unicorn.

"How is Xiaoyuzi not Zhīdào, what was the agreement between him and Ling Xiao at the beginning, and this matter went back and asked Ling Xiao." Raising Lin Yu, Qin Shi was somewhat lost and shook his head. After all, Lin Yu It is his earliest brother.

Several people nodded at the same time to recognize, about the things on Lin Yu, Ling Xiao will be some Zhīdào.

The three people talked about business, the two girls were not idle at the side, the girls, talking about the sky is nothing more than wearing clothes, clothes, things like these, but Yin Mo is very surprised, she asked a sentence, order Everyone is a big surprise.

"Jade sister... How did you grow up with this chest? Is it so big, is there any secret? How is my size so small?" Yin Mo shy blushing, slender jade fingers pointing to the two in front of the jade chest Pride.


Look at The bird is silent.

In the end, Su Ming laughed and laughed, and even the thick Qin Qin was held back.

In the book, Jade was asked for a small face, and it was red to the position of the collarbone. He did not respond for a long time.

Overnight, spent in the laughter of the people.

In the future, gradually getting on the right track, the construction of the **** battle and the maintenance of the ancient city also mentioned the agenda.

Through this half-month, Qin Shi mastered the trivial matters in the Zong, and Su Ming’s help in Qin Shi reached its peak. Both Qin and Yin Mo also improved.


In a blink of an eye, half a month is over.

A fascinating red light pierced the clouds in the rising world. In the peak of the cliffs behind the Qinzong, there was a red **** fog, and the fog made the sky red, and the pungent blood enveloped the whole.

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