Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 228: Release

On the way to Yundingfeng, Qin Shi always kept his head down. He thought about it alone. He wanted Zhīdào, where Yin Mo was locked. According to the words of several disciples, Yun Dingzong should attach great importance to it. Yin Mo, certainly will not shut her in the ordinary cell.

At this time, a place full of blood in the darkness suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Will there be there?"

The sky is a little dim, and the moon reveals a faint glow. Fluorescent wrapped in Qin Shi, his eyes flashed, and after licking the cracked corner of his mouth, he snorted. w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

"If Yin Mo is in Yun Dingzong, where she can imprison her, I am afraid there is only there?!"

Qin Shi thought before thinking, he could think of only the inner hell.

Hell is the most secret dungeon of Yun Dingzong. He specializes in imprisoning some powerful criminals. At the beginning, Xu Qiaoer was detained there, and there was the first person in the ancient city ten years ago.

Since there is a clue, Qin Shi took Yin Mo into Yun Dingzong.

Yun Dingzong is no different from the original. It is still magnificent and full of Qionglou. The only difference is that the disciples are scarce. They must have been taken away by Lin Fan.

In Yun Dingzong, there was the experience of the last sneak, Qin Shi and the two dressed in Qingyun robes, in Zongzhong big hands and feet, a little artificial meaning is not like, like the disciples of Yun Dingzong.

All the way to the mountain, I can meet a few disciples who stayed in the town to guard Zongmen, but the two deliberately sang the strength, so that this group of small cockroaches can be detected?

To this end, they just asked a few words before, when they saw the two people show the Yun Dingzong token, they were not suspicious.

For this matter, Shi Lan looked at Qin Shi with a strange look. She was seriously skeptical that Qin Shi was originally a thief. This calm and mature mentality is stronger than her female thief.

I was too lazy to argue with Shilan. Qin Shi came to the Senate with a car.

The gap left by the Presbyterian Church when it was smashed by the Blood Supreme, has now been restored, and is more luxurious, with five floors, all made of gold diamonds.

"Oh, really extravagant, it seems that this March, Yun Dingzong is not generally corrupt." Looking up at the elders, the cold light at the bottom of Qin Shi's eyes is clear, there is no good haiku.

Entering the Presbyterian Church is a blue-blue promenade with a long corridor.

Qin Shi took Yin Mo, and soon he walked to the middle of the elders, and the door leading to the infernal **** reflected the eyes of the two.

Here, Qin Shi was silent, and there was definitely someone in the hell. For this reason, he carefully handed it out to Shi Lan, saying: "I will go in for a while, you are waiting for me here, and you will kill directly when you meet Xiaoyan. Don't hesitate. If you are alerted to Lin Zhong, run down."

"You don't take me there?"

Shi Lan took over the question of the soul-stricken tourmaline.

"Well, the little flat chest is not necessarily here. I am going to go faster alone. You said that you will be obedient." Qin Shi said bluntly, and it is much easier for him to act alone than to bring Shilan.

Although Shi Lan was very dissatisfied, she did not insist on this time. She only took care of Qin Shi and stayed alone at the door leading to the infinite hell.

With a sigh of relief, the Qin Shi dynasty stepped into the hell, and the passage to the infernal **** was deep. Qin Shi lowered his head and spread his mental power along the way, but what surprised him was that the moment of spiritual power into the infernal **** was powerful. The enchantment is blocked.

Qin Shi frowned at this: "Isn't it detected?"

"It is the prison of the mysterious iron inside." Explain the sentence, said: "The last time I went in, I felt that this cage of **** is built by Xuan Tie, and the people below Wang Ling can not destroy."

Understand the situation, Qin Shi nodded, and immediately silenced: "It seems that Yun Dingzong is more trouble than I imagined. This kind of mysterious iron is not something that the ancient city can have. If I did not guess wrong, and burned Tianzong I can't take it off."

Regaining his mental strength, Qin Shi stepped down under the quiet turn of the sun.

In a twinkling of an eye, he walked to the end of the spiral staircase, and the iron gate of **** was in front of him.

Infernal **** is still the same, a sturdy iron door reveals the darkness of the fingers, the scent of blood and odor in the darkness.

In front of the iron gate, there are two Yun Ding sects who are lazy in this place, each holding a long gun in their hands, slouching and yawning.

"who is it?"

The yawn was just over, and a handsome face appeared in front of the two people, so that the eyes of the two men were wary, and immediately saw the Qingyun robes on Qin Shi’s body, and relaxed: “The kid, do you have no sound when you walk? Scared the young masters, I thought it was an enemy."

"Hey, two brothers, what are you afraid of? Jinyun Dingzong is now a huge force, who should not dare to come?" Qin Shi smiled and walked up the pace.

The two recollected it, and nodded with approval: "Really, now the ancient city is the largest in the Dingyun Dingzong. Except for Qinshi, who has eaten the daring leopard, I really don't dare to come!"

"Oh, I really can't think of it, the two actually know me?" Qin Shi had already walked to the distance between the two men, and immediately saw him single-handedly revealing his sleeves and holding the necks of the two men, beside the ears of the two. Snoring.


boom! boom! boom!

Did not return to God, the two directly squinted, along the two spirits of the ear to the mind, the sea blasted in an instant, squatting on the ground.

They never dreamed of dreaming. Now that Yun Dingzong leads the ancient city, will anyone dare to sneak into Yunding?

Isn't this the act of finding death?

But they did not expect it, let them die.

Solving the two, Qin Shi did not have a soft hand, groping in the two people, along the way to find the key to the prison of hell, stepping into the hell.

Entering hell, his brows can not help but wrinkle, lifted his hand sleeves in front of his nose, and resisted the stench of **** doping, and explored a cage.

The prisoners who are being held here are curled up one by one, and the whole body is dirty and can't see people, but everyone's strength is not low, at least not in the ancient city, there are late.

Exploring in the cell, the more you walked into the Qin Shi, the more disappointed, there is no Yin Mo figure here, it seems that Yin Mo has not been locked in hell.

To this end, Qin Shi could not help but heavy.

When I meditate, he has no bottom in his heart: "If this is the case, it seems that the small flat chest should not be in Yundingzong, but not in the place where Yundingzong will be? The ancient city, it is too difficult to find her..."

"It seems that if you have to do so, you can only confront the head of Yun Dingzong, and force Lin Fan to release a small flat chest. No matter how I can't let Xiao Ping Chest have an accident." Qin Shi whispered with a low head.

But what about confrontation?

Lin Fan’s arrival in Wang Ling’s territory is a bit tricky for him.

"Pak Spring old man should have seen the enchantment that I left for him. As long as it can be delayed for a while, Lin Fan is not afraid." Qin Shi took a moment to get up and prepare to leave Hell.

But just as he left, his eyes suddenly fell in the surrounding cage.

There is a bold idea that emerges in his mind. This group of people hate the cloud Dingzong. If they are released, what kind of scenery will Yun Dingzong be?

Thinking of this, he seems to see the appearance of blood-stained Yun Dingzong, for his spiritual power to expand along the cold cage, said: "You, I Zhīdào you are all persecuted by Yun Dingzong, it is better for me to release you, How do we join forces?"


no respond.

This group of people has been shut down for too long, and it seems that one can not even say anything.

Standing in the original first meeting, Qin Shi was helpless, but he didn't care. This group of people were all born dead, and it was inevitable that they had their own pride. For this reason, he raised the key of the cage with one hand. Forced to poke the keys into their respective keyholes.

"The key is given to you, it is to stay, you think."

Doing this well, Qin Shi is not staying, he believes that this group of people will give him a satisfactory answer.

Without Lin Fan’s Yun Dingzong, I am afraid that it will soon be overturned?


But at this time, a muffled sound echoed in the spiral ladder of infernal hell. A thin list of figures flew out like a cannonball. The figure was Shilan, and she fell to the ground.

Qin Shi’s eyes were tight, his body swayed and he supported Shi Lan: “How can it happen?”

"Cough, Lin Zhong!"

Shi Lan’s face was ugly, and she couldn’t see the pale, pale, coughing on her cheeks.

"I don't tell you, will you run if you meet him?" The cold eyes of the eyes are revealed, and Qin Shi has some blame.

"I don't want him to bother you, you always say that I am tired, I want to help you." Curled in the arms of Qin Shi, Shi Lan's petite body screamed, it seems that the injury is not light.

In a few words, Qin Shi’s heart was shocked, and the scorpion was very gentle. He gently supported Shi Lanjin’s long brown hair and sighed: “Stupid girl, I am not saying, I am guarding you.”

At the mouth of the spiral, a figure came out and the figure looked a bit old, apparently the strongest Lin Zhong. He has turned his eyes on Qin Shi, and he should be the new elder of the past three months. He has never seen Qin Shi: "Bold thief, dare to enter my Yunding, die!"

Long scream Qin Shi ignored Lin Zhong, gently placed Shilan on the ground alone, and immediately his face was low, slowly stood up: "Touch me, **** it. ”

The voice just fell, and Qin Shi’s toes were a little bit, and it was attacked on the cold slate.


But at this time, a **** hand was dry, and suddenly he explored the void and took the body of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi was slightly stunned and suddenly turned his head back.

But he just looked back and saw that the picture behind him couldn't help. Just now his attention was concentrated on Shi Lan's body, and he did not find that the prisoners who were locked in the cage had all come out.

They were all bloody, staring at Lin Zhong with red eyes.

The owner of the **** hand is a thin middle-aged, skinny look, but it gives people a kind of clear blood, this kind of blood is only the kind of killer who has been smashing blood all the time, can be released.

"Hey, little brother, this old guy, let us give it."

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