Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1932: Famine

As the sound of Qin Shi fell, the heavens and the earth immediately became an endless ruin, and the yellow sand was full of sky.

At this time, everyone's eyes were slightly condensed, and they were shocked by the sudden emergence of Qin Shi.

"What power is this? Is there such a big wild power?" The strongest of the Alliance is all alarming.

"The main domain of the Confucius, is this the power of your wilderness?" asked the eager eyebrows.

Looking at the ridiculous pattern of millions of meters between the heavens and the earth, Kong Ghost could not help but smile: "If my wilderness can use such power, how can it be destroyed by the chaotic domain?"

"Not the power of your wilderness?"

"Well." Although he did not want to admit it, Kong Ghost said: "This is the inheritance of the ancient great emperor. Qin Shi Xiaoyou did not intend to be recognized by the ancient emperor in the past ten years. Now his absurd power, even if I have to go down the wind If my wilderness can have such power, even if it is a enchanting visit, I was not afraid of him in the wilderness."

When you heard the words of the ghost, the disciples of the Alliance were all excited.

The scenery sages smiled and smiled: "Oh, this kid is full of miracles. For more than a decade, when I saw him, he was still just a lost boy who was chased by the chaotic domain. Now, it is incredible that the entire human world has to rely on him to save."

Speaking of this, set Jingxian looked up and said: "Rainway old dog, you have chosen a good dress."

The yellow sand is full of clouds, covering this chaotic area, and even one moment, it is actually covering the endless darkness of the sky.

The back of Qin Shi suddenly fell into a ridiculous, seemingly equal to the endless darkness of the world.

Seeing the change of Qin Shi, the enchanting also wrinkled his eyebrows: "Oh, the power of the ancient great emperor? The kid, but did not expect, you actually got his inheritance."

"The enchanting, I said, I will return to here after ten years, it is the day of the destruction of your chaotic domain!" Qin Shi's foot said on the endless flood.

The enchanting eyes were gloomy, but he immediately calmed down and smiled: "Hey, boy, I really didn't expect it, you can still have the inheritance of the great emperor, but if I didn't guess wrong, this power, you It seems that we can't fully grasp it. The power of ancient times is not something that ordinary people can use. You should still be very vulnerable now."

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders.

Although Qin Shi does not know what level of martial arts is a ridiculous war ceremony, Qin Shi dare to affirm that it must reach the level of Xianfu. After all, this is the martial arts that the Emperor of the Great Wild Emperor learned in his life. The Great Wild Emperor himself is another Xianfu. The owner of the martial arts, all the arrogance of martial arts, is the most terrible ever seen in the history of Qin Shi. Even though he has evolved through the burning of books, he has only mastered the first two styles. As for the third type, there is no way to be proficient. .

This time Qin Shi opened the third type, and the integration of the waste, it is forcibly displayed, this process takes a long time to promote.

"That's the case, you dare to use it in front of me. Don't you think this is ridiculous?" The enchanting sneer, talking about his hand emptied out, suddenly changed into a sinister claw, such as the Black Dragon The claws are usually taken against the chest of Qin Shi.

"The enchanting old dog, want to hurt him, you first ask your blood grandfather to allow it!"

The blood wizard suddenly turned around, and the space around him was twisted, forming a **** red afterimage, slamming a space, and the wind rushed into the wind, immediately forming a violent space storm.

"The storm is empty!"

When the moment of a space storm first came to a standstill, a huge wave of air suddenly formed, and the turbidity of the air wave formed a blue color, which gave off the glory, but soon it changed into a sharp knife like a million. The same, against the enchanting one of the claws.


There was a fierce tremor between the heavens and the earth, but the space blade that had been so fierce was struck by the dark-covered claws. It was suddenly vain, and it was shattered by the dark claws, and then It is scattered into countless spaces and scattered around the world.

"Hey, the virtual demon family of a realm in a district, do you want to be the opponent of the deity?"

The blood wizard changed his face for a while, and then he took a heavy breath: "Oh, I know that I am not your opponent, but I don't need to win you, killing you, there is enough kid, I just have Block him for him and give him enough time to integrate the power of absurdity."

"Block me? Oh, then you are also delusional!" The enchanting arm of the arm shocked, suddenly there was a change in the magical pattern from his eyebrows. It turned out to be a huge magic arm in a moment, a punch in the void, a powerful smash When you squatted, you will suddenly smash the world of more than half of the world.

The blood wizard changed his face, his blood shadow continued to flash, and he moved along the thousands of space channels.

However, the power of enchanting has reached an extremely terrible degree. It is only a virtual punch that can ignite the space of heaven and earth. The place where the boxing wind passes is actually a space fragmentation. In a moment, the blood wizard is concealing. The space channel was actually bombarded into a smash by the enchanting one by one.

"Damn!" The blood wizard clenched his fists and his face changed into a helplessness. From time to time, he looked toward the Qin Shi, and saw that the endless ridiculous pattern was scattered, and was moving toward Qin Shi with a crazy degree. The fusion in the body is like a sea of ​​rivers, and Qin Shi is the sea of ​​ridiculousness.

"Kid, hurry up, I can't hold it!" The blood wizard shouted.

"Hey, do you still expect him to save you after the integration? You are going to die now!"

Suddenly, the enchanting seems to be a general flash out of thin air, appearing in front of the blood wizard, a punch in the void, and a punch at the head of the blood wizard.

The punch is heavy, and there are thousands of pounds. Everyone is holding their breath.

The blood wizard is also a glimpse at this time. This distance is already a delusion for him to move the space. He suddenly reveals a relief. Even if he dies, he has no regrets, but at this time his only regret is Qin Shi. We have not yet integrated the power of absurdity.

"Kid, it seems that I don't want to see you achieve the hegemony, but you have to hold me back, don't forget what you promised to avenge me."

The blood wizard said in the bottom of his heart, at this time he suddenly burst into a huge space, and said: "The enchanting, you are too small, we are empty, we can't win you, but if you fight, you will fight In a space wormhole, you have to pay a little price."

Looking at the flashing light in the blood wizard, the enchanting face is also a gloom.

"Hey, the insects are tricky!"

"The sky is covered!" The enchanting big hand and a hand, there is actually a space to be obscured by a pattern in the hands of the enchanting.

"Sky the magic pattern?" The blood witch's face changed in vain, revealing a few points unbelievable.

"Do you think that if you die, can you delay the kid for some time? Insanely thinking, you will only die in white." The enchanting body and mind clearly have only one person's size, but the yin and evil forces that are scattered at this time make countless people feel It seems to be a huge demons of thousands of years.

Everyone in the messy alliance is clenching their teeth: "Bastard!"

"Damn, now the enchanting has not been popular, he has been completely eroded by the evil spirits."

"Now, even if we shoot, I am afraid it is too late." Several people are red-eyed.

At this time, Qin Shi, who was always absorbing the absurd power in the distance, slightly frowned.

"Blood wizard, I did not allow you to die, you can not die, even if you die, die in the hands of this old dog, it is too suffocating?" Qin Shi's voice faintly sounded.

Everyone was a slight glimpse at this time, and the next moment Qin Shi’s cuffs suddenly flashed a glimmer of light.


Immediately, the fine mans in the cobbles of Qin Shi changed into a sword light, slamming through the enchanting magical palm, and the enchanting darkness of the family’s arm suddenly became cold, and was suddenly pierced with a deep visible bone wound. Then, there is black blood flowing out.

Suddenly, the pain in the palm of his hand came, and the enchanting screamed immediately. Then he squinted red and looked at the sword.

I saw that Jianmang was actually a purple sword.

"That is, is that sword magic?" Qi Qing and Feng Sha and others saw the sword magic is a slight glimpse.

"This sword magic is the one that Qin Shi got in the sword court? Actually, to reach the most advanced purple sword magic?" Lushan sighed.

"Bastard, a small purple-level alien, even dare to be crazy in front of the deity!"

"Hey!" The sneer of the Sword Devil's baby sneered, and then stood shoulder to shoulder with the blood wizard.

The blood wizard saw the appearance of the sword and the baby's invitation. "Oh, little nephew, I didn't expect you to save me a life."

"Well, then you and I will join hands and drag the old dog together before the kid is born!"

"Hey!" The sound of the sword of the sword demon, is very human and reveals the meaning of chill.

"Hey, two district hybrids, want to fight with me?"

The enchanting sneer The next moment, his big hand was photographed once, and even with the endless wind and wind, it touched the huge suffocation of the sky, and changed into a giant mountain. The two fell.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Time, the sky shakes.

The enchanting strength is too strong, even if the blood wizard and the sword magic baby team, it is also difficult to maintain, less than a hundred strokes, the two are already dangerous and poor.


The volley was again a giant whirlpool of the dark vortex, and the blood wizard was violently knocked out for several kilometers. He licked his teeth: "Little bastard, if you don't want to be faster, I really have to wait for you to collect the corpse. It!"

The next moment, the heavens and the earth suddenly became awakened, as if all things were gathered together in one, only to see the endless ridiculous pattern suddenly gathered into the Qin stone body.

The Qin Shi black scorpion opened slightly, revealing the fierce cold light: "Reassured, the next thing waiting to be collected, must be this old dog!"

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