Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 192: Yu Jie wakes up


The violent tremors in the ring and the violent rush of one day.

When the wolf smoke is exhausted, Qin Shi holds the sword in both hands, and the Nether Sword is scattered with the corrosive mist, constantly stroking the streamer, Wei Feng is forced to resist, and the blade of the hand raises the rust and becomes ruined.

The **** king and the Weijun both came one after another. The strength of the **** king was at the peak of the mid-term. Every blow was as heavy as a giant, and Wei Jun was forced to retreat. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Too, it's too good!"

"A person can actually face two broken spirits at the same time, one is in the middle of a broken spirit, and is in an invincible position? This kid is too strong."

Hey, shout, scream.

Many people are full of blood, one clap their hands, one-on-three Shura mode, the nonsense that I thought ended in minutes, but turned into a close match?

The atmosphere was pushed to the climax by Qin Shi.

Behind the hand of Luo Feng, his eyes became hot: "It seems that we are all wrong... all of them are stunned. The emperor, the soul of the broken spirit... What is the sacred Qin Gongzi?"

"I can't, I can do it..." The disciple approved the nod.

"Well, he is the one who will definitely do it when he says it!" Looking at the mighty Qin Shi, Luo Xueyu’s shackles shed clear love, without concealing it.

Wei Bing clenched his fists and watched the three sons being blocked by one person. The eyes flashed through the coldness of the forest: "It's a bit of a skill... But I thought it would win for Luo's family? It's too small for me Wei family!"


Under the violent collision, Wei Feng's body stepped back a few steps, and his eyes flashed a bit unwilling: "Bad boy, you are enough, but you are not happy, you are a man, never want to look up and live!" ”

"What do you mean by this?"

Just want to pursue, Qin Shiyi.

"Oh, I am very comfortable with Luo Xueyu. Is it a woman who has been trained? Is it really a wave?" Wei Feng’s eyes flashed through the sinister greed, and the greedy squatting corner: "If you remember correctly, in her Does the chest seem to have a birthmark?"


Qin Shi’s eyes are congested, and his fists are screaming: “On the day at Jing’an Temple! In the people who abused the snow, there is you!?”

"Oh, guess? You have to say that Luo Xueying's body is really a peerless thing, just think about it is exciting!" Qin Shi is more angry, Wei Feng laughs more happy.

"you wanna die!"

The irritated whole body trembled, the spirit could not stop, and Qin Shizhen rushed up, leaving only the shadow of the body, one hand and claws to lock Wei Feng’s throat, and hit him with all his strength. Kneeling on the ground: "The beast! I killed you!"


As soon as the scorpion smashed, Wei Feng’s head slammed into the ring, and the strong inertia hardened the earth.

He was even reddened, and he grabbed Qin Shi’s wrist with both hands and shouted with all his strength: “Cough, you killed me, you just killed me, you can’t change, Luo Xueyu was insulted. The fact that it can't change Loch Ness is an unclean woman."

In a word, the field is dumb.

"Just, what did you mean then?"

"Don't you, Miss Luo and Wei Jia Erzi have a leg...? No? Is this true?"

"I can't tell you, look at this Qin Shi, angry like a fried chicken..."

"Rely, have you married a woman who has been asleep? Oh, this Qin Shizheng, have never seen a woman in my life?"

"I really can't think of it, this Luojia big lady's fashion is quite pure, is actually a slogan? This Qin Shi is a man's shame, in order to climb the Luojia Gaozhi, even the minimum dignity is not!"

The audience under the field, the disbelief of the argument, the words are full of irony and ridicule, more accusations, accused Luo Xueyan, accused Qin Shi, with a look of disgust.

"Not like this... not so..."

The voice of the argument sounded in the ear, and the scene of the scene was reminiscent of the thoughts. Luo Xueyan was frightened, and the body did not dare to squat, and the body stepped back hard: "Not like this...has nothing to do with him...!"

The Luo family was so angry that they were all sinful, but not Zhīdào how to comfort Luo Xueyan.

In the ring, Qin Shi’s eyebrows glared, and the woman who looked at the thin under the stage was suffering endless humiliation. He gritted his teeth and looked around. A mental force suddenly rose: “All my mother shut me up! Who is Nonsense Laozi killed him!"


The spirit of the gas field quickly climbed, covering hundreds of meters invisibly.

One by one, the people who were shrouded suddenly became stupid, and their eyes stood empty.

"He wants to do something to these people?" Park Quan looked in the eyes, one hand in the next shock, a spiritual power sacrifice, the Qin Shi's mental power was blocked, replied: "Bad boy, you are crazy This will only ruin the future of Luojia!"

The mental power was forced to retreat, and Qin Shi’s eyes were splitting.

He said that Park Quan’s words, but he really couldn’t bear it. In the end, he was unwilling to clench his fists. He slammed his eyes on Wei Feng and screamed his teeth: “I will kill you first! Revenge for the snow scorpion!”

"Cangsong phantom feet!"

Raise your left leg and singularly.

But at this time, Wei Yan unfolded the folding fan and blocked it in front of Wei Feng. The spirit pushed open the enchantment and blocked the attack of Qin Shi: "Hey, want to shoot my brother? First ask me this brother's consent." !"


In a violent collision, the two returned a few steps at the same time.

Qin Shi stabilized his body, his eyes staring at Wei Yan, and he lifted Park Spring to him: "Many things! I will send you two together to return to the West!"

The magic symbol ignited, a wild beast, roaring in the mountains, a huge lion of fire, soaring a few steps in the air, and broke into the eyebrows of Qin Shi.

The third time using the magic character, Qin Shi has mastered the law of the magic character, letting the spiritual power of the wild beast in the magical charm inject into the whole body, the whole person broke the clothes, and the muscles beat a few times and became extremely large.


"Is it a demon?" Wei Bing’s eyes glimpsed.

In a corner of the field, an old man in a white robe took care of his beard and was the president of the Association of Refining Pharmacists. His eyes reveal an incredible light: "The yellow-step savage beast lion? Oh, it seems that Park Spring, the old ghost, this time is really bloody."

Seeing the changes of Qin Shi, Wei Yan’s body was not horrified, and the questioning stepped back a few steps: “Have you brought a magic charm?”

In the middle of the broken spirit.

The peak of the middle of the broken spirit.

Breaking the soul later!

The inexhaustible spiritual power exploded in the body, Qin Shi’s realm climbed up and down again, and he pressed the masses to bloom. The body became a strong male lion, waving a huge forelimb, and hitting the bottom of the ground. Gully.

"Dare to hurt the people around Qin Shi, the result is only dead!" Qin Shi roared, the **** king was put away, and the eyes were straightforwardly staring at Wei Jiasan: "I will tear up the three of you personally for snow."娴 Revenge!"


A streamer, Qin Shi's Sùdù has been difficult to catch with the naked eye, a shock, but just immediately press Wei Jun on the ground.

"The third child!"

Wei Yan was shocked and did not dare to take the robes out of the air and slammed into the eyebrows of Qin Shi.

"Hey!" A roar, the light is roar, and the spiritual power in it is to take Wei Yanzhen back a few steps.

"Kid, this is what you forced me!" Wei Yan landed on the ground, and put the spear on the chest, screaming fierce spiritual power, and the terrible and surging spiritual power on the spear.

"Blood shot!"

The spear soared, rolled up the sky and the clouds, releasing the chilling blood, screaming the whistling wind, and directly shot out.

"The fourth-order superior martial arts?" Qin Shi blinked, not the following huge claws loosened on Wei Jun, and the two claws that were seen in the chest hit the colliding spear.


The spear was carried out, and Qin Shi slightly moved a few steps.

Wei Yan’s eyes were fast, and he rushed to pick up Wei Jun: “Remove first!”

After a few steps, Wei Feng and Wei Jun suddenly became confused: "Big Brother, what should I do? This kid is too strong."

"Call...!" Wei Yan took a deep breath: "Use the Wei family trio! The magic symbol can only last for half an hour, as long as you have passed this half hour, it is his death!"

"Wei family trio?"

Wei Feng and Wei Jun were both surprised.

"Well, condense! A play · Xuanyin." Wei Yan took the lead to get up, punched a punch in the sky, and steadily fell in front of Qin Shi, gathered his hands on his chest, a spiritual sacrifice.

"Two plays · mad sound."

Wei Feng and Wei Jun looked at each other and rushed to the left side of Qin Shi, condensing their fingerprints.

"Three plays, Zen sound!"

Wei Jun rushed to the right, and the three were in a triangle, wrapping the Qin stone.

The formation of the formation, the three spirits of fusion, a beating audio, like a wild beast, rushed to the Qin stone.

Under the stage, Luo Feng stood up in surprise: "This is ... fit martial arts, Wei family trio?"

"Father, this Wei family trio, what is it?" Feeling the surprise of Luo Feng, Luo Yiming, Luo Haiqing could not help but let his father feel the shocked martial arts, what is it?

"Wei family trio ... need three people to form a battle, to be able to sacrifice the peak martial arts!" Luo Feng sucked in the air, some fear in his eyes: "is a book ... fifth-order martial arts!"


The two were shocked at the same time: "Five-order martial arts?"

"Yes, when Luo's ancestors were defeated in this Wei family trio..." Luo Feng's fist clenched his fists and looked at Qin Shi.

Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin, full of panic.

In the middle, Qin Shi’s eyes were a little bit confusing, but when he just wanted to get up, his body was shocked and his body was firmly tied by the purple strings.

"You can't run!" Wei Yan's three brothers' eyes brightened, and they all showed their exquisite light.

The three spiritual powers make the heavens and the earth change dramatically. The sky is swept away by the clouds, and a murderous musical note, like a star-studded tearing open space, is unrelentingly shot down.


Being bombarded by thousands of notes, Qin Shizhen’s spit and blood, the golden hair of his body was actually faded by the suppression of life, little by little human form, bruised and bruised.


Luo Xueyu mourned and cried, she grabbed Luo Feng’s hand: "Hey, save him!"

Luo family also pinched cold sweat.

Luo Feng and Park Spring bite their teeth and prepare to get up and save Qin Shi.

"Don't come over!" At this time, Qin Shi suddenly raised his hand in the battle, and shouted to the two people: "I don't want Qin Shi to be a person who lost faith... even if he died!"

Being stopped, the two were at a loss.

Seeing that the two did not come on stage, Qin Shihong looked at it and left the notes of the sky to leave a deep visible bone wound on his body. The red-colored dragon scales had already flew, but suddenly heared: "I said! I want you to die!"

A trace of resentment, affecting the left hand of the demons totem, the totem flashes the mysterious light ~ ~ a black suffocating rush.

Under the urging of resentment, Qin Shi gradually lost his mind. In his eyebrows, he cracked a gap. The gap was like the third eye, showing an amazing red light.

"This, what is going on?"

"Good resentment, this kid wants?"

Luo Xueyu was shocked and tried to stop: "Stone... No!"

The sound became weak at the ear, and Qin Shi urged the demon. After he was controlled by the demon, what would happen to him was terrible.

Perhaps, he will always be defeated by demons, but even then, he will not give up, just because... he does not want to lose!

"Smelly stone, this is not seen for a few months, my sister is not around, your courage is getting bigger and bigger? Sister and you said, all of them are like a wind, isn't it?" But at this moment, a sound like a yellow scorpion Resounding, Qin Shi’s waist came with a pain in the needle, bringing back his lost mind.

"Jade sister?"

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