Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1885: 10 years grinding 1 sword

Seeing the changes in Qin Shi, everyone was shocked. ??

At this time, on the Scorpio, it showed a very horrible look. I saw that after the three people changed into thousands of feet, they did not occupy any advantage. After the change of Qin Shi’s magic body, the Scorpio was actually There are nine goals of the giant beast, the mouth of the beast, as if to swallow all things, such as staring at the prey as fierce gaze to the cold maple three.

Feeling the huge pressure from Qin Shi, the cold maples immediately frowned: "This, how is this possible."

"Little hybrid, how can you use magic?"

"It seems that the chaotic domain is really a forgotten thing for the nobles. Do you forget that ten years ago, I was chased out of the human world because of what?" Qin Shi’s cold laughter.

The next moment, Qin Shi is not nonsense, his palm is empty.

Suddenly, the magic body of the three people of the cold maple suddenly trembled, and was suddenly trapped by a huge whirlpool.

The magical body of the three people immediately showed the color of horror: "Bastard!"

"Destroy the world!"

The magical body of the three people picked up, and at this moment, a terrible soul light burst forth immediately, and the madness bombarded Qin Shi.


However, the strength of the three people is that there is no way to connect with Qin Shi. In midair, they are immediately swallowed up by the devour of the void. Qin Shi’s fingers are slightly bent, and the next moment, a huge force of engulfing changes. Into a gray whirlpool, such as a cage, the three people's magic body shrouded, the three huge magic body suddenly trembled, was actually overwhelmed by life.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Shi fiercely screamed.

boom! The magical body of the three thousand people is actually under the pressure of Qin Shi, and the life is crouching on the ground.


The three men squatted, and the tremendous pressure that they suffered, so that the ground under the knees of the magic body was suddenly sunk, and there were countless cracks.

"How, how is it possible, we are magical, can't beat him?" Yan Di's eyes are full of complex light and panic.

In the Red Yan Empire, a purple shadow slowly floated, and she suddenly appeared. Looking at the familiar figure, I couldn’t help but think of it. When I was still in the ancient town, I was chased by a little Yun Dingzong. The beauty of the singer can not help but flash a touch of joy and joy.

"Lingsha!" Qiu Shui saw Zi Lingsha, stepping forward at a light pace.

"Elder of the autumn, my master, she can be okay?"

Qiu Shui slightly stunned and sighed: "The situation of the Sovereign is extremely bad now, but fortunately, there will be no danger for the time being. If this time, it will be able to repel the chaotic domain and reinvent them, and the retreat will be back. We can go back to the rescue domain. ""

Speaking of this, Qiu Shui worried about the Qin Shiwang: "I just don't know if this kid can stop the attack of the three people after the cold maple."

Zi Lingsha's shallow smile: "Do not worry, in this world, no one can win him in the air, even if the group is in person."

Qiu Shui was slightly surprised, just watching the three people who were suppressed on the Scorpio, could not help but smile.

Zi Lingsha looked at Qin Shi and suddenly showed a sly smile: "Ten years, I know, you will definitely come back."


Qin Shi's palms once again forced the force to swallow the sky and the inch of the forbidden. At this time, I saw a sharp suffocating suffocation in the void, and it was the magic body that immediately penetrated the cold maple.


The three dragons of the cold maple were born and shattered by Qin Shiyi. The three were extremely distracted and fiercely embedded in a distant mountain.

Han Feng vomited blood, he looked at Qin Shi in horror.

"Damn! How could you be so strong?"

"We are not his opponent at all! Run! Go back to the domain owner!" Han Feng bit his teeth, the next moment he violently broke free from the mountain, turned to want to escape.

"Want to run?"

Qin Shi’s eyes are cold and indifferent. The next moment his big hand is empty, and a whirlpool of suffocating air is suspended from his palm. In an instant, the three people of Han Feng are actually sucked into the palm of his hand: “Dare to commit me Qin Zong Must die!"

"Bastard! Qin Shi, you dare to kill us! We are three people, it is the law of chaos. If you kill us, the enchanting domain master will not let you go." Qin Shi caught in his hands, three people Scream immediately.

"Oh, even if he let me go, I will not let him go." Qin Shi coldly said: "And, my protection of the chaotic domain, has been full of killing, your previous three, also my kill of."

"In a chaotic field, ten years, I will start from you three." Qin Shi said faintly, the next moment is tight.

boom! Yan Di, Yan Shuo's body was suddenly penetrated by Qin Shiyi.

"Ah, don't, let me go, I can tell you a lot of secrets of Yuanmen." Yan Di, Yan Shuo was killed, and under the suction of the sky, he directly scared Han Feng to death. I immediately screamed on the floor.

The three major guardians of the chaotic domain were actually kneeling in front of Qin Shi. When they saw this scene, everyone could not help but feel a little ridiculous.

"Now you are not even qualified for mercy."

Qin Shi is indifferent to the cold road. This time he is coming back to kill the chaotic domain and will not leave any feelings.

At this time, Qin Shi's palms were tightened again, and a huge swallowing power swallowed down the cold maple.

Suddenly, the world is quiet.

In the distant sky, those strong people from the chaotic domain looked at the scene with a pale face, and the body shook.

Is it that the three guards in the human world who are comparable to the main level of the domain are obliterated?

That is the strongman who has the boundaries after the integration!

Put it in the past, enough to destroy a domain!

However, now, in just a few minutes, Qin Shi is easily killed by a person.


Everyone in the chaotic domain was scared at this time, and the fear looked toward Qin Shi: "Qin Shi, that Qin Shi, ten years, he came back for revenge!"

Killing the three people of the cold maple, Qin Shi indifferently turned his eyes and looked at the tens of thousands of disciples in the chaotic field.

"Run!" Feel the cold eyes of Qin Shi, the disciples of the chaotic domain are all flowing out of cold sweat, and the next moment they are all crazy, they want to escape.

"I said, chaotic, one does not stay!"

Qin Shi looked at the chaotic domain disciple who had collapsed into the army. He flashed a golden pattern in his eyes. Immediately, he gathered lightning in his body and picked up the thundercloud. In a moment, the black pressure would engulf the chaotic domain disciples in the darkness.


In the distant sky, there were countless thunders immediately, with an astonishing degree of rapid decline, overwhelming, like a mad dragon, pouring down, then all the disciples of the chaotic domain, tens of thousands They are all falling under the mad thunder.

In an instant, tens of thousands of chaotic domain powers were killed all?

All those who saw this scene are sympathetic, is this, Tianwei? Is this power really the power that ordinary people can have?

In front of the hall of Chiyan, everyone saw the means of Qin Shi, and they all could not help but take a deep breath. How did this practice? The previous hand was the cold maple III that brought strength into the realm. People have erased it, and now they are summoning the thunder of heaven and earth. This ability is really unpredictable, seeing Qin Shi, Qin Zong, and all the people in the human world. At this moment, it seems to have seen hope.

"The sovereign, so powerful."

"Well, there is a sovereign, and the human world has been saved this time!"

Everyone was exposed to awe, when all the people in the chaotic domain were killed by Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s eyes are cold and cold, and Qin Shi can clearly feel that in the distance, there are still disciples with countless chaos, but these disciples are not infected with suffocation, no sigh of breath, even Qin Shi from They don't feel a trace of hatred. Some, only fear, and forgiveness, Qin Shi knows that these disciples are just innocent disciples.

Qin Shi stopped killing. He looked at one of the old men with a cold look. The old man, he was somewhat familiar, and seemed to be an elder of a chaotic field.

"I will let you take a life, go back and bring words to the enchanting, tell him, my Qin Shi is back! Soon, I will visit him personally, let him wash his neck, ready to die!" Qin Shi said coldly. The next moment, the heavens and the earth are dim, and countless disciples of the chaotic domain are actually rejected by a huge force and millions of meters away.

"From now on, anyone who dares to step into my Qin dynasty, kill!"

Qin Shi’s voice was spread in the air, such as the roar of a tiger.

All the disciples of the chaotic domain are stunned, and all the disciples are horrified.

The next moment, they just want to escape from this piece of land.

Qin Shi, in their view, is a demon, an uncompromising Shura.

At this time, among the Qin Zong, everyone’s eyes were hot.

They looked at each other with awe, and they were filled with awe in their eyes, because they saw the power of a real king from Qin Shi’s body.

The most important thing is that this person is their sovereign.

The boy of that year has become a king.

Most importantly, everyone who had been forced to leave him would pay the price for his stupidity.

Now Qin Shi, has the strength to overlook the human world ~ ~ in the human world, he is the king.

When I left, the youngsters were weak, and when they returned again, this piece of heaven and earth would be trembling.

Ten years ago, this boy left as a housewife. Ten years later, the boy returned to the place where he belonged.

In ten years, this young man has been squandered, bears humiliation and bears the burden of indifference and cold eyes.

In ten years, he finally stood at a height, so that this world is turbulent because of him.

Suddenly, in the hearts of many Qin Zong disciples, such a voice is raised.

ten years.

Ten years of grinding a sword.

The young boy was finally back.

Then, next, this human world will be the stage for this young man. The next chaotic domain, forbidden domain, wind domain, and blazing domain will eventually be crushed in the hands of this boy, only to fulfill this decade ago. A promise from the teenager.

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