Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1883: Get out

When I heard the words of the drunkard, many of Qinzong’s disciples were stunned and looked at Qin Shi. ?

Su Ming said excitedly: "Stone, really fake? Have you reached the boundary?"

Qin Shi smiled without deny: "Fuck."

"Heroes!" Qin Zong everyone is an idea, Lin Yu could not help but smile: "I originally thought that I used ten years to break through the boundaries, it is already very powerful, I did not expect that you are actually better than me. Still abnormal, more abnormal."

What is the concept of the strength of the boundary, Qin Zong is clear, but this is a anger can destroy the human world.

However, in a decade, Qin Shi actually became unable to establish a foothold in the human world. For example, the funeral dog was taken away from the human world. In a blink of an eye, it became the peak of the human world.

In addition to envy of Qin Zong's people, more is excitement and joy.

"The sovereign is not the lord, it is our good fortune." All the disciples were excited and laughed: "Now the lord returns, this time the crisis of the chaotic domain will certainly be resolved."

"Chaotic domain, this time I am back, then they can be destroyed." Qin Shi said faintly.

Everyone is very excited, but when they hear the words of Qin Shi's easy words, the people of Lin Yu and Qin Zong Qin are slightly moved and distressed.

Because they all know that Qin Shi must have experienced a lot in the past ten years. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the decade to progress so far.

"What has he experienced in this decade?" Zhou Qin said with a distressed heart.

"In all of us, he has always been the most tired. He has been silently resisting everything on his shoulders, Qin Zong's, Qin's, and everything, he has been squatting alone." Lin Yu sighs A tone.

Everyone is slightly stunned. Qin Shi’s efforts in these years have the stability of Qin Zong and Qin Zong’s power in the Red Empire.

Ling Xiao, suddenly revealed a smile at this time, now Ling Xiao still clearly remember, 20 years ago, Qin Shigang took over from the fire in his own hands, proudly said that Qin Zong, sooner or later will become this empire, this world The big door, at first, a young and frivolous words, has not been put in the hearts of many people, but now, he has really succeeded.

Qin Zong, the two giants of the human world, the only one that can compete with the chaotic domain.

When everyone has been around for a long time, Qiu Shui and others have come over and see the elders of Qiu Shui immediately respected and said: "Elders of Qiu Shui? How are you here?"

"The refining domain was broken by the blazing domain. We were saved by Qin Shizi, and I came here." Qiu Shui smiled blankly.

"Elder Ling Xiao, help arrange the residence for the elders of Qiu Shui. In addition, the order is passed. From this time on, Qin Zong is not in the closed country. If the chaotic domain is close to the field of Qin Zong, it is directly killing, now, we Then began to take the initiative to fight back." Qin Shi proud of the world.

Ling Xiao tried hard to say: "Good! I am here."

"Haha, Qin Zong, here is really lively, are you going to shrink here for a lifetime?" At this moment, a sinister laughter sounded from the palace outside the Chiyan Palace.

Hearing this voice, everyone’s face immediately stunned: "Bastard, it’s a mess!"

"Do they want to attack?" Qin Zong disciples are nervous.

The next moment, a broken air, the seal of the outside of the red Yan was actually crushed by a soul light, the figure of a fairy wind crane bone is actually like a virtual shadow, out of thin air in the hall of Qin Zong, that figure one Everyone immediately became serious.

"It's cold maple!"

The people of Qin Zong were immediately nervous.

Han Feng proudly looked around the audience and sneered: "Oh, Qin Zong is really a well-deserved reputation. It really is a group of ugly people. I really don't know, the group of wastes in the blazing domain and the forbidden domain, what is going on, this strength, actually Still can't break?"

The next moment, Han Feng saw Qiu Shui and other people squatting, a smile of yin and evil: "Oh, I did not expect that the remnant party of the refining domain is actually here, do you really think that Qin Zong can protect you? That is the case, You are all staying here too."

"Han Feng, this is my Qinzong Hall. You are alone. Do you not be afraid to die here?" Lin Yu said coldly.

"Oh, little prince, do you think that I dare to come in alone, will I be afraid of death? From today, this Qin Zong can not exist, and here, I will set up the banner of my chaotic domain, now, three interest Within, the surrender can be free from death, otherwise everyone will be destroyed." Han Feng is extremely arrogant smile.

The drunkard's old face sank, and he wanted to stand up, but was immediately suppressed by a huge breath.

The alcoholic glimpse, this is the strange look of Qin Shi.

"You called Han Feng?"

Qin Shi suddenly faintly said, his voice is not very loud, but it is full of oppression, and instantly the whole palace is cold.

Han Feng saw Qin Shi wrinkling his eyebrows. He did not remember that Qin Zong had such a person as Qin Shi. However, he tried to see Qin Shi, and there was no spiritual fluctuation around Qin Shi, which made him sneer: That's right, it's me, where are you from?

"Well, it's fine." Qin Shifeng nodded lightly, and then his screams were fierce.

"So, get out of the way!"

Qin Shi's foot was fiercely stepped, and suddenly a mad dragon flew from his feet, and the extremely ferocious rushed to the cold maple.


Qin Shi’s shot was too sudden. Rao was the strength of Han Feng’s half-step boundary. He did not return to God. His face was shocked. When he wanted to react, his body was directly mad by Qin Shi. The dragon hit the whole, and the whole person, like a broken paper basket, was immediately shaken out of the hall.

This sudden scene shocked everyone, and everyone was a slight tongue.

A trick, seriously injured cold maple? Everyone in the hall is a slight tongue. Even though it is a drunkard, many people are prepared in their hearts. But this means is too terrible.

However, the three thousand disciples of Qiushui and refining the fields are extremely calm. This way back to the road of Qin Zong, they have long been eccentric about Qin Shi’s resolute manner. Qin Shi is completely a monster. Anyone, any strength, seems to be in his In the hands, there is only a share of the spike.

Outside Qin Zong, a large number of disciples in the chaos have been like the black cloud, and the other two guardians: Yan Shuo, Yan Di, and the two are also present. As Qiu Shui said, the three guards in the chaotic domain are far more than the original. The Lanterns are powerful several times, and the power of infinitely close to the realm makes them have the capital of the world.

Yan Shuo and the two have been sneer. In their view, Han Feng shot, Qin Zong was ruined half. As long as they were together, the three of them joined forces to kill the drunk, and Qin Zong would have no threat.


It’s just that all of them are disappointed. I saw that in the palace of Chiyan, Han Feng was extremely embarrassed and was blown out by a huge force. He was stunned on a giant mountain and spit out several blood. This was amazement and climbed up.

"Da Hufa?" Yan Shuo immediately frowned, and quickly approached Han Feng: "Da Hufa, how is this going?"

"Is it a drunkard, will you hurt like this?" asked Yandi.

Han Feng's old face was gloomy. He stared at the red temple. The next moment, Qin Shi wrapped his tight black robes and slowly greeted them at the pace of the breeze.

"The small guardian law in the chaotic area of ​​the district is also equipped with madness in front of my Qin Zongmen?" Qin Shi cold road.

Seeing Qin Shi, Yan Shuo and Yan Di both frowned: "Kid, bold!"

Yandi’s old face changed and he immediately wanted to attack Qin Shi.

Just suddenly, stopped by the cold maple, Han Feng face ugly gaze at Qin Shi, the old man is not convinced, and a bit puzzled: "You are not his opponent."

Yan Di immediately frowned, and his current strength is in the top ten in the human world. He said: "Impossible!"

"I was seriously injured by him. Do you think it is possible?"

When I heard the words of Han Feng, the faces of Yan Di and Yan Shuo changed immediately, and weirdly looked at Qin Shi.

The strength of Han Feng, the two are very clear, is absolutely above the two, Han Feng was actually seriously injured by this kid?

"This kid, who is it? I have never heard of it. Qin Zong has such a character." Yan Shuo frowned.

Han Feng shook his head, and he now wants to know, where is Qin Chao who ran out of Jiang Long.

As soon as the battlefield turned, Qin Zong’s many disciples also rushed to catch up.

Han Feng cold looking toward Qin Shi: "Kid, who are you? Dare to do the right thing with me, do you know the consequences?"

"You should ask the enchanting now. Does he know that I am coming back? The consequences of the chaotic domain. Ten years ago, I said that the day I returned to the world is the day when you broke the door. Now, too It is time to cash in." Qin Shi faint.

When I heard Qin’s words, everyone in the cold maple and chaotic areas was shocked.

Disrupt the domain? This is too mad too? Now, in the human world, who is qualified to say this?

Even the eight-domain union is not necessarily the opponent of a chaotic domain.

This kid actually said that he alone, would want to destroy the domain?

Just after hearing the words of Qin crazy, Han Feng’s old face suddenly seemed difficult to look at. Inexplicable, from Qin Shi’s body, he made a touch of uneasiness, and a touch of familiarity. Suddenly, Han Feng seemed to think of something, his horrified look. Qin Shi: "Ten years... ten years, kid, are you?"

Qin Shi grinned and said: "Oh, look, you know who I am?"

Seeing the shock of the cold maple, Yan Shuo and Yan Di both immediately frowned: "Da Hufa, who is this kid?"

"You can still remember that a decade ago, a sensation in the eight domains, or even a person in the whole human world? In the sacrifice of the gods, one person saved the entire eight domains, and finally the people who left like a funeral dog?"

"Remember, I remember, that person seems to be the sovereign of Qin Zong?"

"Just forgot, what is his name." Yan Di said this, suddenly horrified looking toward Qin Shi: "Do you mean that he is that person?"

"Yes... he is Qin Shi!"

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