Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1880: Direct kill is

Qiu Shui looked incredulously to Qin Shi: "You, are you still alive?"

Hearing the sound of Qiu Shui, the disciples of the refining domain are all squatting: "Qin Shi? Which Qin Shi?"

Many refining disciples are carefully thinking about it, but they don't remember that there is a person named Qin Shi in the human world who has the strength of the above situation.

"Elder of the autumn, do you know this predecessor?" asked the elders of several refining fields.

Qiu Shui was asked about the sound, and she couldn’t help but show a bitter smile. She suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Qin Shi, a decade ago, a sensational name may have been gradually forgotten.

However, this is not the reason for forgetting, just because Qin Shi, who was only ten years ago, is still just in the footsteps of the world. He can only be chased by the border, and finally he will leave the human world like a funeral dog. Now he is Can despise the situation, even if many people guess that this Qin Shi, is Qin Shi ten years ago, it is difficult to confuse the two people in the same day, confuse it?

"He is the lord of Qin Zong, Qin Shi." Qiu Shui smiled.

The elders of the refining field immediately followed, and immediately thought of what it was, and when they saw the smiling boy again, it was like a ghost.

"That, that decade ago, the sword stone of the sword?"

"God, he is still alive, and he is back?" The disciples of the refining domain were all shocked.

Qin Shi smiled faintly: "I didn't expect that the elders of Qiu Shui still remembered it."

Qin Shi looked at the autumn water, and vaguely remembered that when he first entered the refining field, he first met the autumn water. At that time, the height of the autumn water was also what he had to look up to, and it was also the autumn water, which saved himself, otherwise he almost introduced it into purgatory. Force into the body, exploding and dying.

The memories of the scene come to mind.

"How can I forget it?" Qiu Shui couldn't help but smile. Even after ten years, Qiu Shui only closed his eyes gently. Ten years ago, the scene of the Divine sacrifice was still in her mind. .

Ten years later, this boy really came back, and as he said in the past.

It is the return of the king.

Qiu Shui bitterly smiled: "This decade, you are forced to leave the world, life and death are unknown, Zi Lingsha for you, but stepped into the Shura Sea, after ten years of human suffering, non-stop cultivation, you are back Otherwise, she may, in the end, possibly go with the chaos. If she can know that you are still alive and come back, I will be very happy."

"Zi Lingsha..." Qin Shizhen began to look at the girl in a purple dress, revealing a shallow smile.

Yes, in the human world, there are too many memories of him, and now it is finally back.

"Kid, are you Qin Shi?" Yuan Yi’s face immediately stunned when he heard the sound of Qiu Shui, like a beast.

Qin Shifeng’s light smile: “Now the human world is really not a tiger. The monkey is called the king. Even your little blazing field is so arrogant?”

"Hey, kid, less of a pretense here, do you think that when you come back, can you change anything? The human world will eventually become the bag of our chaotic domain alliance, the four domains, and the Qin Zong will be destroyed, you I can't change it either." Yuan Yi knew Qin Shi's side and knew that it was useless to talk to Qin Shi. It was fierce.

"Indiscriminate domain alliance? Yan Lie old dog can really not have a little dignity." Qin Shizizi flashed a stern color.

"Kid, don't be too mad. Ten years ago, my flaming domain could force you to be a dog of funeral, and get out of the world. Now it is the same." Yuan Yi said.

In other words, Yuan Yi immediately ordered: "All disciples, destroy him, including those who refine the domain, one does not stay."

"Elders of Qiu Shui, you, trouble you a little back." With Yuan Yi ordered, Qin Shi smiled lightly.

When I heard Qin Shi’s words, Qiu Shui immediately understood that Qin Shi wanted to face one thousand people in the blazing field. Her jade face immediately said nervously: "Qin Shi, now the blazing domain is not the same as before, because of the group's reasons, the strength of the blazing domain has increased substantially, the Yuan game is to reach the strength of the beginning of the realm, your own words... ..."

"Oh, the elderly in autumn water can rest assured that this decade, the growth is not just the blazing domain. Now the blazing domain can't afford any waves in front of me." Qin Shi said very plainly to Qiu Shui, as if The same as a heart-shaped pill.

Qiu Shui smashed down, although he was not at ease, he finally sneaked a sigh, and the disciples of the refining field retreated.

"Elder of the autumn, he really does? He did not enter the realm a decade ago?" Several elders of the refining domain were suspicious.

Qiu Shui also shook his head unsurely: "I don't know, but ten years ago, he has been creating miracles. This time, maybe it can be."

"If he is defeated, you must run, go to Qin Zong, I will stay." Qiu said with determination.

After the retreat of many disciples in Qiushui and refining the field, Qin Shicai looked at Yuan Yi, the many disciples of the fierce domain.

"Kid, you have to die!"

"The mixed fire!" Yuan Yi immediately shot.

With the will, it is the tens of thousands of disciples in the fierce domain, and the natural martial arts seems to be burning the world.

Under that high temperature, it seems to melt everything.

However, all the flames, as the Qin Shi black smashed, was immediately still? Qin Shi only gently explored the palm of his hand, and his own world of millions of meters immediately banned thousands of disciples in the blazing field. In this million-meter world, he is the king.

"The world of millions of meters, ... the boundary?" Yuan Yi saw the power of Qin Shi, almost screaming out of control.

Qin Shi’s palm was lifted gently. Only the palm of the palm of his hand made it difficult for everyone to breathe like a giant mountain.

"Ten years, you are a little bit of interest that I have recovered from Qin Shi."

boom! Qin Shi's palm is a grip, and tens of thousands of figures are actually exploding in an instant. The bright red blood fog is red.

Immediately, between heaven and earth, everything went down.

Seeing this scene, all the people in the refining field are stunned, watching Yuan Yi, plus the tens of thousands of people in the fierce domain, even the strong ones they have no way to resist, in front of Qin Shi, even to back No power? What is the horrible strength that can be done?

Qiu Shui knows that the strength of Yuan Yi is in the human world, and it is considered to be the top, but now, compared with Qin Shi, it seems that this one is the true sage.


Qiu Shui's heart screamed wildly. Suddenly, her beauty was full of light. From Qin Shi's body, she actually saw something called hope.

Now that he is back, maybe, really?

"Autumn elders, it is over." Qin Shi smiled faintly.

Qiu Shui recovered from the shock, and she smiled bitterly: "Thank you for saving us."

"This is what it should be. Ten years ago, I was persecuted by the human world. Only the Lord of the Moon was willing to take the rescue. I don't know what the current landlord is now?" Qin Shi said.

However, when it comes to Haoyue, the disciples of Qiu Shui, the refining domain, have revealed the color of disappointment.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi’s heart rushed into a scene of uneasiness. He immediately realized that Haoyue might have something to do and asked quickly: “Is there something wrong with the moonland owner?”

"The domain master has not yet, but the situation is not very optimistic."

"What happened?" asked Qin Shihuang, who was cold and cold.

Qiu Shui sighed: "The current pattern of the human world has been squandered by the chaotic and windy areas, and the four domains of the banned domain have been completely disrupted. The current world is a huge battlefield."

"A week ago, the chaotic alliances attacked us, the four major domains, and your Qinzong, all attacked by the chaotic alliance."

"The chaotic domain took the lead in the wasteland, and the wasteland was the first to be broken. The ghosts of the wilderness domain and some elders escaped. The rest of the wilderness disciples, countless deaths and injuries, rushed to Qinzong, and then we refine the domain, just one day ago. The refining domain was attacked by the four major domains of the chaotic domain, because their attacks were extremely scattered, and the other four domains were also devoid of surgery."

"Now the refining domain, there are only some of us, the sovereign and the elders of the emperor are guarding the refining domain. When we left, the domain owner has been forced to open the refining temple, let us go to Qinzong. ""

"The wasteland and the refining domain have been destroyed?" Qin Shi did not believe in the road. He knew that he only visited here a week ago. Although the wilderness is also a sacred creature, it has not yet reached the level of degeneration. One week, the wasteland and Refining the domain, was actually destroyed by the nest?

Between the two eyes of Qin Shi, there was a strong murder.

"The domain owner has the protection of the refining temple, and there will be no danger in a short time. However, the current Jianzong, Qingxuezong and Qinzong are not optimistic." Qiu Shui said this, she suddenly said: "You are now Come back, fast, back to Qinzong, refining the domain to destroy, the chaos of the general trend is approaching Qin Zong, once the four domains fall to Qin Zong, then, Qin Zong even if the alcoholic predecessors guarded ~ ~ is also difficult to resist. ”

"If Qin Zongru is ruined, then there is no hope in the human world, and it will be washed away by the chaotic domain."

Suddenly, the amazing suffocating rushed into the sky, and as if the temperature of the heavens and the earth was lowered, the autumn water and other people from Qin Shi could not bear the horror of this horrible sigh, and the cheeks were pale and hurried back. Full of horror.

"Little guy!" the blood wizard immediately shouted.

Qin Shi’s suffocation gradually recovered from the body at this time, and his twinkles flashed.

"Heroes, I Qin Zongru is hurting one person, I will level your entire chaos!" Qin Shi has a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers, and immediately he gradually condensed his eyes, rushing toward the faint road of autumn: "Autumn elders can do I led the way, we immediately rushed to Qin Zong!"

"This is no problem, but it is necessary to go around some distant roads. Now, on the way to Qin Zong, most of them are guarded by people in the chaotic domain. Otherwise, we will not go to Qinzong from such a large distance from the refining field."

"You don't have to go around. If you meet, you can kill it directly." Qin Shi’s fierce flash of light.

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