Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1875: Human world war

Qin Shi immediately frowned, looking at the scene that suddenly appeared around him, was endless ridiculous and wolf smoke, the war continued, the woods burned. Tian Yu's novel

Looking at it, it is full of devastation, but Qin Shi is sure, here is the human world.

It is the vast human world that gave birth to Qin Shi, but now the human world is very messy, the war is constant, and there is no glory in the past.

Qin Shi frowned: "The human world? How can I suddenly appear in the human world?"

"I should be right inside the Casting Soul Tower. I haven't left the Casting Soul Tower yet."

The next moment, Qin Shi suddenly realized what he was, and he spread his hand and looked at his five fingers. His body was very vain. It was a soul body. To be precise, it was just a touch of God, even the soul.

"This is, God swims?"

Qin Shi was pleasantly surprised. This is his second tour. The last time he was a deep sea dragon, he took a day and successfully carried the fate. This time, he broke through the realm.

The last time God visited, the evil spirits told him that the gods swim is a rare opportunity between heaven and earth. Every time a **** tour, there must be a **** creature, so even though Qin Shi’s heart is full of worry, I want to wait and know. The human world, why it will become such a ridiculous appearance, but Qin Shi finally resisted his heart and observed it around.

The place where Qin Shi appeared was a very remote place in the human world. It was located near the southeast coast of the human world, and was separated from the red empire of the north.

"If I remember correctly, this should be the area of ​​the wasteland."

Qin Shi’s mind recalls the distribution of the eight domains in the human world, and the southeastern region, near the sea, is the jurisdiction of the wilderness.

The observation around Qin Shi, in an area, did not feel any strange existence.

"Don't it be near this?" Qin Shi frowned and immediately vetoed himself: "No, according to the demon, the miracle is the opportunity that will arise under the influence of the power of heaven and earth, since I am God is here, there must be a gods born here."

Qin Shi hesitated, but it was a long time in these eight places. It has not found any traces for a long time. In the end, it is only near the sea, now a huge broken stone gate. The stone gate is located in a village and is listed as a ancestor by this village. Enshrined.

"The opportunity of the sacred tour can only prove that there will be a **** object in it, there is a magical power, but it may not appear in a short time. This so-called **** object should be this stone door, but now, this stone door has not yet awakened, I also I can't judge the origin of this stone gate. Since I am going back to the human world, when I return to the human world, it is not too late to come back here."

Qin Shi finally branded this piece of sea-facing area in memory, which only jumped toward the center of the human world.

Along the way, where Qin Shi passed, there was nothing but a mess, and it was only in the wasteland area. Qin Shi was the way to the battlefields, all of which were disciples of the wilderness and the fierce domain. It seems that it has entered a state of fierce war, and both sides must have one party to destroy.

After leaving the wilderness, Qin Shi did not have the slightest fallacy. He did not know how long this journey lasted, so he went very quickly toward Hongyan.

Just on this road, the more he is in his heart, because the war is not only the wilderness and the fierce domain, the Qing Xuezong disciple, the Jianzong disciple, the purgatory disciple, and the forbidden domain, the wind domain, the chaotic domain, the former human world. The eight major domains have completely fallen into the battle of the Cretaceous.

Eight domains are formed into two alliances, and both sides have numerous deaths and injuries.

"You, don't go wrong." Qin Shi took a deep breath and he stepped up again.

When it comes to Chiyan, it is an indestructible barrier.

It seems that in this messy world, the human world is the only pure land, the only one that has not suffered from the war.

Qin Shi was relieved, and then he hesitated, this rushed in the direction of Jianzong.

The last time he visited, Qin Shi knew that Qi Qing had forced himself to leave the Zongmen. He was guided by Fufeng. Therefore, his resentment against Qi Qing and He Shuhan disappeared.

Jianzong, the soul of the charcoal, in addition to the Jianzong Hall, was not destroyed under the protection of the Scorpio swords, and almost all the places were destroyed.

Qi Qing was not in Jianzong, which made Qin Shi’s heart more uneasy. Then he went to a refining field. At that time, the grace of the covenant, Qin Shi still remembered that when he was forced to leave in the human world, the only one was willing to stand. Come out to help yourself.

Haoyue is not in the refining field.

Plus the hole ghost is not in the wasteland, then, now only the Qing Xuezong is left.

Qin Shi hesitated, and finally went to Qing Xuezong.

Qing Xuezong, Qin Shi did not expect that he first came to Qing Xuezong, actually in the gods.

Qin Shi still remembers that when he was in the Chiyan Empire, he heard the scene of Qing Xuezong from the mouth of Xue Xue for the first time.

At that time, Qing Xuezong was a giant existence in the eyes of Qin Shi. It was Qin Shi, even if he looked up and could not look up to the height.

Nowadays, in the Qing Xuezong, looking at the palace covered by the white snow, Qin Shi reveals a bitter smile.

Human world.

Half a month ago, with the chaotic domain, the general attack on the alliance with Qing Xuezong was officially launched.

The enchanting and Feng Feng two, after a month of retreat, both customs clearance, the two people after the clearance, the strength is to reach the peak of the boundary, the strength of the two, almost reached the level of crushing, suddenly the chaos One side, sweeping the human world.

The alliance with Qing Xuezong gathered in the hall of Qing Xuezong.

He Shuhan Liu Yemei is scornful. You must know that after the practitioners reach the boundary, they will hardly be aging, but they have not seen for ten years. He Shuhan is a lot old, and her eyes are also white.

Beside He Shuhan, it is Qi Qing.

"Two masters, what do we do now? The strength of the chaotic domain is too strong, and our four domains have lost many places." Shadow dance helplessly.

"Qin Zong, still refused to take it?" Qi Qingyu's hand was tightly picked up.

He Shuhan shook his head helplessly: "No, there is no news so far. If Qin Zong does not take the shot, our four domains will probably have to be in the enchanting way and be destroyed."

"Don't there be any other way?" Kong Ghost said in anger.

"In the beginning, you forced Qin Shi away, huh, now, and pray that Qin Zong can be rescued? Do you think this is ridiculous?"

He Shuhan and Qi Qing Liu Mei's eyebrows are scornful, but my heart is helpless. I don't know about it. The two were in a dilemma.

"Look at the domain owner, you will say less." Wind and sand helpless.

"Is something wrong? Hehe, Qi Qing, He Shuhan, I am afraid you have never expected it. I was a little boy who looked down on you, an inconspicuous one, attached to the sword, to survive. The little Qinzong, nowadays, will become a giant, the only one, can not break the defense under the chaotic attack. Now, you want Qin Zong to shoot, don’t you think this is ridiculous?”

"Enough!" Qi Qingjiao said: "Qin Shi provoked the magical object at the beginning, and committed me to the taboo of the human world. I pushed it out of the sect. Now Qin Zong does not help, but it is also the fault of my sword. All wrong. My swordsman is resistant."

"Your swordsman is against you? Is your swordsman also worthy?"

"Qi Qing, I just want to tell you, you pray now, that kid will not come back, otherwise, you will regret it."

Qi Qing is stunned. Indeed, she even has a hunch. If Qin Shi returns to the human world again, it will be a surprise.

That little guy is full of countless miracles.

"Four domain idiots, get out and die!"

The next moment, outside the Qing Xuezong, suddenly there was a raging laughter.

He Shuhan and Qi Qing immediately frowned, will the coming come still?

"The sovereign, the army of chaos has been forced to go outside the Zongmen, Lin Xiao and Yan Lie personally led the team, two borders, Zongmen will soon fall!" Shadow dance helpless.

When you hear the shadow dance, the four domain owners are very dignified.

Lin Xiao, Yan Lie, now is a breakthrough to the boundary, and the four domains, only He Shuhan one person, fortunate enough to carry the destiny, break through the boundaries.

Under the pressure of two borders, the odds of the four domains are extremely slim.

Most importantly, with the help of the curse of the group in the past decade, the number of the four major domains in the chaotic domain has soared, and even some low-level elders are now reaching the initial environment~www.novelmtl. Com~ This makes it possible for either the peak strength or the backbone power, the chaotic domain to kill the Qing Xue Zong alliance.

"What do we do now? They have already come to the door." Winds and old eyes are fierce.

"No way, no matter what, you must not let the people fall into the hands of the enchanting, otherwise, the human world will be ruined." Kong ghost helplessly.

"Well, the Kong domain master can't say it, and they will eventually have a battle, fight it, fight for all our strength, defend the human world!" He Shuhan stood up, her cheeks flashed a touch Declined.

At this time, Qing Xuezong sky, suddenly appeared a huge dark iron prison, full of tens of meters in size, from the sky, will be blocked by the Qing Xuezong.

"Four domains, today is your sacrifice day!" Lin Xiaoyin said coldly.

Hey! The next moment, He Shuhan jumped into the sky at a light pace, and Lin Xiao looked at him: "Lin Xiao, I can't be crazy in the Qing Xuezong!"

With the appearance of He Shuhan, the three people of Qiqing also came out with their hands.

Seeing He Shuhan, four people, Lin Xiaowei sneered: "Oh, finally willing to come out? I thought you, ready to be a tortoise turtle for a lifetime."

"Women and Feng Feng two dogs?" Qi Qing cold road.

"Oh, destroy you, but you are not allowed to both of them, we are two, enough!"

The raging and exhilarating laughter, sputtering flames in his eyes, seems to be able to eject a flame that melts the frost of the Qing Xuezong for thousands of years.

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