Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1870: Come to take your dog's life

Qin Shi looked at the remaining six people in the Seven Brakes, and the black scorpion was extremely indifferent. ?

"Not self-reliant!" Qin Shi's hand-solving stone sword turned to the sword front, a horizontal and horizontal wave on the chest, pulled out a cross.

boom! The light of a swordsman's soul immediately cuts the void, and in the void, there is a faint word formation.


Qin Shi did not have the slightest politeness. The most amazing thing is that Qin Shi’s two attacks actually used two completely different forces. When it was horizontal, Qin Shi’s work was a spiritual sword. In the vertical direction, It is a sinister evil spirit Jianguang.

The aura and the suffocating fuse each other, and the violent violent whirls suddenly appear in the sword, as if to destroy the heavens and the earth.


The sword hit, and the seven-seven-six-six-faced face suddenly became gloomy. Seven people, their faces were unbearable, and all the places that were skipped by the sword were all messy. The sky was dim, on the island, immediately broken. Cracking a huge gap, as if torn by a giant beast.

The face of the seven-seven-six-person was suddenly blue, and from the approaching sword, six people felt the rich death.

"Damn! How can this kid be so strong?"

"Bastard! Who said that this kid is killing the enemy by swallowing the power of the demon, is it just a waste?"

"A waste! Can you release such a terrible sword?"

"We are all kidding this kid. He doesn't need the power of the demon. He has a terrible power." The seven-browed face was dark, and he suddenly said: "This kid has spiritual power and suffocation. Fusion, we are alone, not his opponent, use that trick!"


The other five people are frowning.

Seven brakes nodded seriously: "Well, use blood."

The six faces were flashed with a fierce, hard-pressed head: "Well, I don't believe it. We are six people, and the power is integrated. Can we still win this kid?"

Suddenly, the six people were scattered and they stood in a very strange place.

Qin Shi stared at the six people who frowned, because the place where the six people stood was the six doors of heaven and earth.

"Kids, stop them, they want to use the blood to melt the power of six people on one person." Blood wizard reminded.


"Well, melting blood is a ban on the **** ancient demon family. It will only be used in times of crisis, because once it is running, it will be greatly rebelled. At the beginning, I have to remember correctly, the family of the blood, the original and The Tongtian trolls and the tribes were almost destroyed. As a result, with the blood-blooded patriarchs, they combined the power of the meditation-blooded tens of thousands of people and attributed them to one. As a result, the patriarch of the Tongtian troll family was killed. Forbidden, the more people, the stronger the power." The blood wizard is serious.

Although the seven brakes have been killed by one person, the complete integration of the six borders is extremely terrible.

"Is the blood blended?" Qin Shi Ming Wu, immediately he suddenly sneered.

The next moment, Qin Shi actually changed the body, and the second body appeared.

Seeing the new look of Qin Shi, the blood wizard is a slight glimpse. The second body of Qin Shi is the same as that of Qin Shi. However, the whole body gives people a feeling of gloom, and the air of the four outer circles changes. It is ridiculous, this is the fusion of the great wild emperor and the swallowing blood.

This is the first time that the blood wizard saw Qin Shi's second body. It is precisely that Qin Shi used the second law body for the first time. After all, the second law body, after the successful casting of the magic soul, is truly completed.

"Is it melted? Then I will play with you!"

Qin Shi suddenly condensed his fingers, and a black blood flowed out of the body. Immediately, he waved his hand, and the blood was shot like a cannonball at a central map of the Seven Brakes.


In the operation of the seven brakes, the power of the six people gradually began to move toward the center and changed into a huge troll.

Only at the moment when the troll is about to be formed, Qin Shi’s **** trend is hit into the center of six people.

Immediately angry with the seven brakes: "Little hybrid, what did you just hit?"

"Oh, you don't like to integrate blood? Give you a gift, it is the blood of my second body." Qin Shi smiled lightly.

The seven brakes are a glimpse first, and the next moment is a mad laugh: "Boy, what do you say? You combine your blood with us? Haha, kid, then you are really looking for death! We are a family of blood, can control the blood, as long as With your drop of blood, we can detonate all the blood in your body."

"Oh? Is it? Then you can try it." Qin Shi proudly said.

When I saw the appearance of Qin Shi in the seven brakes, I frowned and became careful. After the end of the fusion, the seven brakes, the internal vision, and soon, I noticed a drop of essence in Qin Shi in the body. Blood, seven brakes sneer: "Boy, you are really playing with fire, looking for death!"

"Blood drink!"

Suddenly, the seven brakes called for the blood of the sky, and the blood in the body screamed.

Only the next moment, the face of the seven brakes suddenly changed suddenly, showing horror.

"This, how is this possible?" Seven brakes screamed.

Qin Shi looked at the surprise of the seven brakes and smiled: "Is it now?"

When the seven brakes were running, the seven brakes suddenly appeared, and the Qin Shi blood in their bodies, they not only could not operate, their own blood, was actually swallowed by the crazy blood at this time, That drop of blood in the body of the seven brakes, such as a bottomless dark vortex, produces violent suction, it is an instant, all the blood in the seven brakes to counterattack.

"This, this blood, is the blood of the swallowing demon? This power is swallowing the sky?" Seven brakes scream.

"The correct answer, but no prize!" Qin Shi smiled faintly, the blood wizard was suddenly fascinated at the moment, he did not understand why Qin Shi would take the initiative to sacrifice the blood, but now it is clear, The magic blood in Qin Shi is the blood of swallowing the sky. If it is said that the family of blood and blood, in this world, the only power that cannot be controlled, then there are only two people, swallowing the sky, and covering the sky.

In the two vain airs that swallow the sky and cover the sky, the blood of the blood-sucking family is only the part that is swallowed and obscured.

Swallowing the sky, there is the power to swallow everything.

"Bastard!" The snoring of the seven brakes, at this time, the power of swallowing the sky from the six people continue to spread, the soul of the six people has become extremely illusory.

Qin Shi holds a stone sword, and his mouth is always a cold smile. The stone of the melting stone is constantly splashing on the island, giving people a feeling of death. Qin Shi soon appeared in front of the seven brakes. "Now, do you think that I have the qualification to see Yan Zun?"

The seven moments looked at Qin Shi’s extreme panic, and the seven brakes merged into one, but it did not mean that the mind was completely integrated. One of them immediately screamed: “Small wild species, I killed you!”


Qin Shi flexed a finger, and a soul light immediately hit it. Suddenly, one arm after the integration of the seven brakes was suddenly cut off by the soul light of Qin Shi. When the arm split from the fit, it immediately changed into a separate existence.

"Destroy!" Qin Shi's fingers were retracted, and the seven-breasted chest that had been split suddenly collapsed. A huge dark vortex appeared. It was actually split from the inside and collapsed. In the end, the entire remnant was actually all Swallowed into the sky.

The other five people looked at Qin Shi with horror at this time. The most helpless thing is that now, Qin Shi’s blood is merged with them. Their thoughts and thoughts, Qin Shi can all be detected.

At the end of the Seven Brakes, the color of fear is revealed, and the huge seven brakes after the fusion are actually the emptiness of the void: "Qin, Qin Shi, let us live, we help you, and deal with Yan Zun together."

Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, sneer: "Since you can easily betray Yan Zun, in the future, you can easily betray me, you must die."

"Little bastard!" Qin Shi refused to let them go, and immediately roared, from the body of the seven brakes, suddenly bursting out fierce power.

"Destroy!" However, at the moment when the strength of the five people just rose, Qin Shi’s black scorpion was disappointing. His big hand suddenly fell on the chest of seven people: “Receive!”

boom! In the next moment, in the body after the integration of the seven brakes, a dark crystal appeared. When the crystal came out, it actually brought out five bloods. The stone of the stone in the hands of Qin Shi was empty, and the five bloods were instantly The sharp sword of the stone sword is crushed.


The huge seven-brake immediately exploded, eventually being swallowed up by black crystals.

The seven brakes were eventually destroyed by Qin Shi, and they were completely crushed.

Seven brakes have been dead, they can not figure out why Qin Shi is so powerful.

Killing the Seven Brakes, Qin Shi is also showing a light smile, his slow and tight fists, the thirties of infinite suffocating is extremely fast gathering, forming a wild cloud.

"Is this the strength of the second law body?" Qin Shi thought excitedly.

In the past two decades, Qin Shi has been plagued by magic blood, and even reversed. At this moment, Qin Shi is finally able to actively run the magic blood. Qin Shi’s hands are carrying dark crystals. The crystal is his second body. The blood.

Even Qin Shi never thought that he had always hidden the magic blood like a time bomb, and one day he would become his most powerful killer.

"Kid, you have succeeded!" The swallowing is also a smile that is gratifying.

The next moment Three people laughed at the sky, only three people know how much they have gone through these 20 years, only to recover this time.

With ten years of blood, and ten years to create a magic body, now Qin Shi finally completed the final step.

Cast the devil!

Qin Shi black scorpion became hot at this moment, because he knew that casting a demon soul, then he can return to the human world.

You, waiting for me, I will return soon!

Chaos, wind, blazing, forbidden!

When I am returning to the human world, it is the day when you are going to kill the gate!

Just the next moment, Qin Shi looked up and looked toward the 33rd floor.

Because Qin Shi knows that before leaving the Casting Soul Tower, he still has something to do, or a person who must kill.

Yan Zun, wash your neck, my Qin Shi will come to take your dog.

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