Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 184: Megatron

"Worry you as a teacher? No way!"

Let’s talk about it, what Park Spring wants to say, Qin Shi’s heart is clear and unrelenting.

"Why?" Park Quan looked stunned.

Qin Shi hesitated and corrected his body. He said very seriously: "Do you think, this is such a talent, and worship you as an old guy? Isn't that a self-destruction?"

"I am jealous, stinky boy, my dear teacher, who wants to recognize this seat as a teacher, from the east gate of Hongyun City to the west gate are countless, you actually said that I broke your future?" Park Quan was The half of the gas is dead. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Then you are looking for them!"

Qin Shi has no need to spread his hand and shrug his shoulders.

He really didn't want to apprentice. For him, the road to the future is very ambitious. I don't want to bind myself to this Hongyun City, or even the Chiyan Empire, so he will never be a teacher.

Park Quan’s smile solidified, and he screamed loudly: “ kid mad at me. You kid, don’t know what it’s like to know.” Do you know what it’s like to be grateful to Dade? Lose the seat to save you! ”

"Oh, this is two things..."

"How is it two different things?" Park Quan said indignantly: "The last time, your kid would not want to fool me again."

"Amount... It’s really two things. I want to drink from the younger generation, but I’m going to talk about it... I’m not talking about it.” He grabbed his head and Qin Shiyi gave a silly smile.

Park Spring was not reconciled, but when he just wanted to open his mouth, Qin Shi had turned around and walked toward Luo Xueyan, which made his eyes twitch and suddenly speechless.

"Snow, nothing!"

Back to Luo Xueyan, Qin Shi whispered.

Luo Xuexiao smiled, and the laughter was very far-fetched: "Well... I believe that Qin Gongzi will be able to."


At this time, a whistling wind blew.

Luo Feng angered in the fire, such as the wind swept the mountain forest, fell to the side of Luo Xueyan.

In front of Luo Xueyan, he explored the body of Luo Xueyu with his spiritual power, and then he felt the soreness of her body, and the whole body trembled: "Snow, your spirit..."


Luo Xue looked at Luo Feng, his eyes were moist, it was a pear treatment, and he choked his head: "My daughter is not filial... I can't participate... I can't give glory."

"This does not blame you..."

The whole body was stunned, and Luo Feng clenched his fist: "It’s a good Wei family, it’s really deceiving..."

"Go, take you home!"

He distressedly picked up Luo Xueyu and jumped toward Luojia.

Qin Shi hesitated, finally catching up with Luo Feng, leaving Park Quan alone in the jungle.

Park Quan is depressed, but his eyes are unwilling and blazing. If he is unsuccessful, he will become a benevolent person. Keep up with Qin Shi: "Hey, I don't believe in this evil. I can't fix you a bad boy?"



Luo Feng will return Luo Xueyu back to the wing to rest, Qin Shi and take care of the room.

Luo Feng left the wing and called on the family to meet in the hall.

Entering the main hall, he closed his eyes and sat heavily on the chief's face. The palm of his hand grasped the dragon's chair's faucet, and the sound of humming sound continued.

Luo Yiming, Luojia Laosan Luo Jinxin, and Luo Haiqing and other side disciples, Zhīdào Luo Xueyu after the event, at the same time was angered and rushed to the crown, one by one murderous.

"Hey, I’m fighting with the Wei family. The little girl’s business can’t be done like this!”

"Yeah, the Wei family has been deceiving for 20 years. We have not put our Luo family in our eyes!"

Luo Yiming suddenly stood up, and he clenched his fists with enthusiasm: "I am going to kill them!"

"Give me a stop!"

Luo Feng opened her eyes and snorted.

"Hey!" Luo Yiming was not willing to bite his teeth.

"Where are you going to solve Wèntí?" Silent meeting, Luo Feng finally opened his eyes, and his eyes were red with blood: "Now, the most important thing is the purgatory after a month! Although Hongyun City is a two-legged But the Wei family has already surpassed us..."

"If you can't get it, I'm afraid I won't be able to use it for 20 years. The Wei family will shoot at Luo's family..." The owner of the family, Luo Feng's eyes look longer: "At that time, it was not just snow, the whole Luo family will kill the whole family!"

For a time, the hall was silent.

Some of them are silent, and they all understand Luo Feng’s words.

"Ying, if you want to avenge the snow, you will win in the purgatory after a month!" Luo Feng opened again, breaking the quiet hall.

Luo Yiming slammed, said: "Must be!"

"But the the snow is in trouble, the juniors who can play in our family, only the sidelines are left." Some Luo parents are always next to each other, hesitating, and telling the secret.

After the silence on the court, there was a lot of discussion.

Yes, the snowy accident, this purgatory competition, for the Luo family, is already missing.

Luojia side system, there are several juniors can replace the appearance, but their strength is the strongest and strongest but only in the early days.

Wei Jia San Shao, the strength is in the middle of the broken spirit, in which the grandson Wei Yan, but also reached the peak of the late Ling Dynasty, this strength for the Luo family now, there is no chance of winning.

How to do……

"I have one person, can recommend." In the silence, Luo Jia's elders: Luo Xuan, suddenly coughed a few times, said.

Luo Xuan opened, Luo Feng's eyes flashed in a strange way: "Who?"

"Zhao Jia, Zhao Xin." Luo Xuan discretion, said: "Zhao Xin's heart on the snow, I think everyone knows, as long as the two are married, Zhao Xin can replace our Luo family!"

"His strength, in the middle of the broken spirit, may help Luojia." Luo Xuan added a sentence, with a bright eye in his eyes.

Luo Feng's face was embarrassed, and the palm of his hand clenched the dragon chair: "You let the snowy marriage now?"

"Otherwise? Lost Luo's lost home, is it not possible for her to make a small Xīshēng?" Luo Xuan's arrogance suddenly rose, questioning Luo Feng.

"This is not the fault of the snow!"

"Is that what is our fault? We have been waiting for 20 years, because her carelessness, we will push us?" Luo Xuan's words, affecting the heart of the Luo family.

Everything is on the sidelines, and there are some discussions. There are some complaints in the voice.

For this phenomenon, Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin, have frowned. Luo Yiming pinched his fist and said: "This old fox, who is close to Zhao's family in the day, and always confronts his father, should have guessed that he will pick things up at this festival!"

Repressed by the tribe, Luo Feng was in a dilemma.

Luo Feng has a little understanding of Zhao Xin. He is a standard dude, let him marry his daughter to such a person. He has 10,000 unwillingness in his heart.

Moreover, the flowers are intentional, the water is ruthless, Luo Xueyu does not like Zhao Xin at all, and even some hate.

"No, I think of another way." Luo Feng finally shook his head.

"Home, you can consider clearly, you can not ruin the entire Luo family for your own selfish desires!" Luo Xuan squinted, there was a cold flash, and the word of **** was deliberately expanded.

Being touched, some of the faculty elders and deacons began to make a fuss. Several people stood up and said, "Yes, now Zhao Xingong is our only choice."

Luo Xuan’s son: Luo Haizhu, he sneered with a mocking voice: “Oh, Luo Xueyu has this look, like she is now, a woman who has been ruined, someone squats Bùcu, she also picks three four?"

"Luohaizhu, you say it again!"

bump! Luo Feng's palm was shot on the dragon chair, the faucet was directly smashed, and an anger rose.

Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin is even more so, my sister was humiliated and both of them were furious: "Luo Haizhu, you **** again, do you believe that I am killing you?"

"Oh... kill me? You have the ability to go to the Wei family? What is the nest?" Luo Haizhu did not agree, and the voice was deliberately tricked.

Luo Feng clenched his fist: "Luo Haizhu, you..."

But at this time, a sardonic irony sounded in the main hall: "Oh, Luo Feng's owner, why bother with the villa's underground stone quarrel? More price?"


The hall was shocked, and everyone’s eyes looked at the door.

Qin Shi moved his sleeves and walked through the threshold to enter the hall: "All people are here, just right!"

"Qin Gongzi..."

"Qin Shi?" Luo Feng, Luo Yiming and others squat.

Luo Xuan stood up, he did not know Qin Shi, the voice with the oppression of resentment: "Who are you?"

Looking at Luo Xuan, Qin Shi’s eyes were cold, and Luo Xuan’s words were all collected by him. For this reason, he did not give Luo Xuan a face: “Who am I? I am your stone grandfather!”

Amazing inside the hall, no one expected, Qin Shi would actually talk to Luo Xuan?

Luo Feng is like this, and Luo Yiming is also the same.

Luo Xuan's old face is horizontal. He said that he was also a person who was half-baked in the earth. He was counted by a ruthless hairy boy. He suddenly became furious and raised his hand to throw out two spiritual powers: "Bad boy, you are looking for death!"

"Luo Xuan, you can't offend, he is a Luojiaen person!" Luo Feng's eyes were condensed, but it was too late to stop.

Seeing that spiritual power is approaching Qin Shi, Qin Shi does not think about his head.


"Old vultures, want to hurt me, you have to ask this seat to allow no!" At this time, a black shadow broke into the Luojia Hall, like the iron wall of the iron wall to block the spirit.

This black shadow is exactly Park Spring. He is like a ghost in the ghost, always wrapped around Qin Shi.

For this, Qin Shi did not mind, just a free bodyguard.

In the face of Park Spring, Luo Xuan is upright, the strength of his king's spiritual realm, was actually blocked by people? He whispered: "This lord, this is my Luo family, do you want to fight against my Luo family?"

"How can you treat me?" Who thinks, Park Quan does not give a face, pointing to Luo Xuan’s count: "I will tell you Luojia today, I will suffer a little bit of injury here, you Luojia Just wait to be buried!"


This is too embarrassing?

Luojia is everyone in Hongyun City, even if the Wei family do not dare to say this.

To this end, everyone began to speculate on the identity of Park Spring.

"Cough, old guy, who is your apprentice?" Qin Shi was next to him, and he corrected his mouth.

Luo Feng is full of helplessness. Before he saw Park Spring, and the strength of Zhīdào Park Spring, if he tried his best, he might be better. Wèntí is not a spiritual force.

Luo Xuan was condensed, and a spiritual power was condensed in the long letter, and it was approaching Park Spring: "Oh Your good voice! I am going to swear, how much skill you can have!"


However, Park Spring is only a look, and the spiritual power is directly broken in the air: "not self-reliant!"

"Mental strength?"

Luo Xuan was shocked, his eyes suddenly feared.

The people in the Luojia Hall, one by one, were surprised and full of incredible faces. Luo Xuan's strength, they are Zhīdào, in Luojia is second only to Luofeng.

But in the hands of this Park Spring, actually lost?

For this scene, Qin Shi always puts his hands in his pocket and keeps watching. He needs the deterrent power of Park Quan.

Park Spring snorted, and his hands were actually murderous. A spirit of strength such as the soaring dragon in the Luojia Hall solidified, a blow was actually blocking Luo Xuan the whole person, making him difficult to move.

"The people who dare to shoot at my Puquan are still no one alive."

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