Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1824: Short-term super-departure

The dragon must nod. At this time, the dragon family and the scorpion group are full of fierce devils. The powerful martial arts are endless, the lowest is the reincarnation level, and the dragon is one person. The claws, the dragon's claws are already full of blood, such as a pair of ferocious **** hands, crazy and constantly tearing the scorpion group. ??

At this time, Qin Shi and Long Xu's body shape finally began to turn, Qin Shi took the lead to start, and violently blasted to Ming Xuan, and his arm suddenly gathered the power of Qinglong and Fenghuang, such as a flame of blue and red. It is extremely good, even a few minutes in the air, and rushing to Ming Xuan is going down.


Mingxuan magic eye gelatin, in the face of Qin Shi, there is nothing to take lightly, even if he does not believe, there is no evil demon Qin Shi, can pull out any waves, but Qin Shi has a sentence but did not say wrong, these years, the group Because ignoring Qin Shi, it did cause huge losses. Now is the key moment, Ming Xuan will never allow another accident.


Facing the strength of Qin Shi's Qinglong, Ming Xuan suddenly changed the fierce claws. The two forces are extremely fast interlaced. In a flash, millions of souls are generated, such as the meteor's crazy fall, a series of A violent collision, in the place where the two confronted each other, even if it produced a very fierce fault, it seemed to tear the heavens and the earth apart.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

With Qin Shi suddenly fighting nearly a hundred tricks, Ming Xuan's face suddenly gloomy, because in this hundred strokes, Long must not shoot, although he has not yet used all his strength, but it is also 70-80%, he is sure With his current strength, even if he is dealing with a first-time boundary, the strong man of his own world is more than enough. Within a hundred strokes, the opponent who can force himself cannot fight.

However, in Ming Xuan's offense, Qin Shi is passive, but it gives people the illusion of being more than enough, especially the soul light that surrounds Qin Stone. It seems to be shining with the power in this purple array. Ming Xuan Suddenly, his face was gloomy: "This kid has broken through? This power is the realm of the soul?"

The realm of the soul, this is a small impermanence for any monk. You must know that after the magician reaches the soul boundary, he will be transformed into a talented land, a magician who first entered the soul world. It is to be able to confront the powerful people with perfect conditions. That is to say, the present Qin Shi is equivalent to two peaks.

"Kid, you really are not simple. Every time you see you, you will be much stronger than the last one." Ming Xuan swept a step, when the magic eyes were gloomy, and looked at the bones behind Qin Shi: " Hehe, even the bones of the Yipeng family are refining, interesting."

"Ming Xuan, I said, you will die here." Qin Shi faint.

"Oh, boy, but it is to reach the soul of the realm, and more of this 鲲鹏骨翼, give you such a big confidence?" Ming Xuan mocked the sneer, immediately his face began to gradually converge, revealing a fierce color .

"Six-way reincarnation and magic wing!"

Mingxuan's body slammed into the air, and the six magic wings behind Ming Xuan were like six sharp swords. They opened fiercely and immediately spurted six bright red blood rays toward Qin Shi. .

The blood light looks extremely illusory, but it gives people a strong sense of death. The most important thing is that in the six bloods, there is a vaguely suffocating sigh, which seems to have the power to destroy the sky.

"Little guy, be careful! These six magic wings are made by the bones of the seven main lords. They have a strong demon inside." The dragon must scream in the distance, then he leaps and slams in his hands. The Xuanlong sword of the Qinglong pattern is like a meteor outside the sky. With the blade of the sword, countless airs begin to gather toward the blade, forming a blue tornado, and the volley is sharply pointed at the Ming Xuan.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

There was a loud bang in the sky.

"Dragon must, you are looking for death!" As the dragons must start, Ming Xuan suddenly screamed at this moment, his big hand suddenly turned over, as if there was a scroll of the sky, violently holding up a mark of Qiankun, followed by the mountains and rivers, From the hands of Ming Xuan, a magnificent array of mountains and rivers was suspended, and the fierceness was like a mountain that was invincible.

"Hey! Dragons must be old dog, you should give me a quiet moment, wait for me to destroy this little hybrid to get in to deal with you! Qiankun Tianji array!"

With the filming of Ming Xuan's palm, a very good force suddenly hit the dragon.

The one out of the array seems to give people the illusion of the sorrow of the heavens and the earth. The shape of the dragon must suddenly tremble, and it seems that from the Qiankun celestial array, it seems that the power of the heavens and the earth is pure, and the dragon must The body shape was broken down by the students, and it was actually changed into a green dragon, which was fiercely suppressed under the huge array.

Seeing that there was a dignification in the heart of Faqin Shi, Qin Shi thought that he had seen a lot of powerful methods in these years, the swordsman’s swordsmanship, the Beidouqixing array of the 溟 group, and the secrets of Lingzhugong. However, it seems that all the arrays are invisible in front of this Qiankun celestial array. From this squad, it seems to have the power of an ancient place.

The dragon must be fiercely blocked by the map. It is actually every meridian above and below the body. It is like being nailed to a roof by a soul.

For a moment, this purple array method has become utterly dull.

As if the whole world, the size of the Qiankun Tianji array is left.

"This is one of the three yuan annihilation, Qiankun Tianji array?" Qin Shi heart horrified, black smashed suddenly.

"The patriarch! Grandpa!" A few people in Longyin couldn’t help but scream.

"Oh, now I have time to worry about the old dog, it is better to worry about yourself." The group of many fierce demons sneered at this moment, suddenly like the Tianshan fierce devils crazy to the dragon family to attack.

"Jade sister, this method can break?" Qin Shi could not help but sink.

Qin Shi is sure that this Qiankun Tianji array must be the most powerful formation he has ever seen. He has absolutely no strength to confront. He now finally understands why the demon was always aware of the Qiankun Tianji array. Be very careful.

The sound of jade in the book is very heavy: "I can't break it. This method has the power to melt the sky. Even if it is not injured, I can't break it."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi could not help but burst into a sigh, but for a moment he nodded relieved, he knew that the Qiankun Tianji array was not good.

"Little friends, don't care about me, act according to plan." Long must be in the final breath in the battle.

Qin Shi Meng’s pinching fist, black screaming fierce cold light: “Predecessors, thank you.”

Qin Shi and Long must know that if there is a Qiankun plane in the hands of Ming Xuan, even if Qin Shi and Long must join forces, the two are definitely not opponents, then only one person can temporarily do so. Array.

Although Qiankun Tianji is strong, as long as he does not give Mingxuan the opportunity to spur the door to killing the machine, the dragon will not be in danger for the time being.

Ming Xuan heard the words and couldn't help but sigh, and immediately understood the meaning of the dragon and Qin Shi. "Oh, dragon must, I see you are really confused. I even took the initiative to lead me out of the squad, creating this kid." Opportunity? Do you think that with this kid, can you kill me? Don't forget, although he is a queen, he carries the life, but the boundary is ultimately the boundary."

"Really only the realm?" Qin Shi faint and laughed, and the contempt for Ming Xuan was not in the heart.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shi suddenly picked up a big hand, and suddenly there was a gathering of extremely terrifying forces that began to spread slowly from his arm.

In the end, this force began to form an ice fire, and everyone saw that the ice fire could not help but be surprised.

Surprising is not because of the fire, but because of the ice flame, a blue dragon symbol filled with the power of the world.

With the action of Qin Shi, Ming Xuan’s eyes suddenly flashed a murder.

"Kid, this is a magical symbol of perfection?" Ming Xuan's face suddenly became uncertain. Now the power of Qin Shi is the equivalent of two powerful superpositions. If you add one The devil of the peak of the boundary is attached, and its strength is absolutely able to reach the boundary.

"Ming Xuan, I said, you will die." Qin Shi took a deep breath, at this time, the magic is burned out, and as the blue devil burns, it seems to surge extremely powerful. The power of the world, like a fallen world, transforms the heavens into a vain star river. In the center of the Milky Way, there is an proud ice dragon that penetrates into the eyebrows of Qin Shi.


Suddenly, Qin Shi’s tiger body suddenly trembled, and Qin Shi’s body suddenly expanded several times. Then his body shape gradually began to expand several times. It turned into a dragon like ice dragon, the most amazing. In the ice dragon form of Qin Shi, there is a vague blue dragon pattern, and the double dragons merge, and a crisp cracking sound suddenly sounds in the air.


The sound of the crisp sound just fell Qin Shi that million meters of his own world is finally visible to the naked eye, actually broke through the border, the long-awaited embarrassment, is actually beginning a voluminous direction Eight sides swallowed.

The power of Qin Shi is constantly expanding. In the center of a world, there are twelve gods connected. It is like a twelve gods in the heavens and the earth. Like the gods, the power of Qin Shi is at this moment, a short step into it. In the middle of the world.

"The boundary is the boundary, Qin Shi has reached the boundary." The dragon family is a pleasant surprise.

Being trapped in the Qiankun Tianji array, the dragon must also show a smile.

"A decade of precipitation, in this kid, has accumulated a lot of power, when these forces are all released, it is destined to be extremely horrible."

Qin Shi took a deep breath and revealed his endless cold in the black.

At this time, Qin Shi had a power that was infinitely close to the sky. He squeezed his fists and a huge force gathered in the boxing wind.

"Is this the power of the realm?"

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