Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1792: Primitive force

At the end of the southwest side of the Seven Thousand Seas, there is a place where the clouds meet.


Here, a series of violent explosions continued to sound, the world shattered, and the electric flint.

Qin Shi and the eight main halls of the main level of crazy collision, Qin Shi's blood gas constantly gathered in the palm of the hand, and then turned into a cannonball again, fierce emptiness shocked out, each hit, is extremely fierce, so that a day, in At this time, it is constantly crushed.

Qin Shi was surrounded by the eight main halls in the center. At this time, the seven temples were thundered. In his hands, he suddenly picked up seven light **** that revealed black, such as a night star, just The star, which is painted black, gives the illusion of a black hole in the Milky Way. When seven black **** are lifted off, from the seven black balls, there is a mirror-like luster that changes into seven shells. Going to Qin Shizhen: "Kids, try my tricks, the seven stars and the beads. Nie."

boom! boom! boom!

Qin Shi **** flashed a chill, and was covered by the seven black **** of light. For a time, Qin Shi felt black in front of him, as if he was trapped in the abyss. The most terrible thing is that in this darkness, Qin Shi It was actually smelling a strong death.

Qin Shi dared to affirm that this seven-star renju was destroyed. It was the most powerful martial art he had ever seen. No one. This trick is a strange state in which he is now untouchable. It is difficult to fight.

"The sword is bloodless!"

Qin Shi’s blood claws came out, and instantly bursting out from his palms, eight ray of light, a sword excavated by eight bright gems, Qin Shi grabbed the sacred sword, and the blood became Like a tornado, it entangles from the swordsmanship of the sacred sword, and eventually changes into a sharp blood, and slams out.


A mountain and river instantly smashed under the collision of seven black **** of light and **** swords.

At the first strike, Qin Shi didn't hesitate to hesitate. He had a strong numbness in his tiger's mouth, but he bit his lip. Under the stimulation of **** smell, he only got spiritual. His body tumbling violently, one The grip of the big hand is as if holding the imaginary air in his hands. He palms again and again, and the volley rushes to the chest of the seven halls.

The main face of the seven halls was abruptly changed. In that palm, there was a spiritual figuration, which became a scarlet blood sword, as if it had invaded the blood in the blood, and had extreme blood.

This made the Seven Dynasties nervous and unwilling to care. The scarlet blood sword seemed to be no different. It was not as gorgeous and heavy as the seven stars that he had released before, but the seven masters were from the scarlet. Among the blood swords, I noticed an ancient force that was dead to the heart and fatal, as if it were heaven and earth. At the most mixed time, the power of the heavens and the earth crystallized, giving a breath of death.

"Damn! What is this trick? Is this power so smashed?" The seven halllord couldn't help but scream, his body slammed very quickly, and he did not dare to collide with him. For a moment, he stumbled and tried to The **** swords open the distance.

However, Qin Shi's five fingers open, and the palm of his hand seems to be eroded out of a blood hole, and there is a violent blood spurting out, pushing the blood sword to chase the seven lords very quickly, and do not give the seven lords the opportunity to dodge.

"Damn! Qin Shi, do you want to kill me?" Under the approach of the scarlet blood sword, the seven hall owners finally felt the unprecedented sense of crisis.

"Save me!" The seven halls of the Lord did not care for the roar of the face.

At this time, the six lords and Ming Xuan looked at each other, exchanged their eyes, fiercely joined hands, under the claws of the two, suddenly picked up and suffocated, changed into an endless black hole.


The scarlet blood sword finally slammed into the black hole.


In an instant, the black hole collapsed, as if it had been turned from the inside into a myriad of particles by a force. It is reasonable to say that it is invisible and invisible. Like the air, it can be changed into any form, but it is scarlet-blooded. After the sword was broken, it was actually crushed and could not be polymerized. It seemed to be scattered like particles between the heavens and the earth, scattered on the ground.

boom! boom!

Ming Xuan and Liu Dianzhu at this time the face was gloomy, and the body shape was actually shaken back hundreds of meters. Fortunately, the black hole was finally blocked by the blood sword, but it was only that, even then, the seven halls were still **** swords. Yu Wei was seriously injured, and a **** mouth that was awakened by awakening, tearing from the chest of the seven halls, flesh and blood valgus, heart-breaking, and even bones can be seen.

The most helpless thing is that, like he reached the level of the main lord, the body's self-healing ability is extremely strong. As long as it is not fatal, it can be quickly recovered. However, this **** mouth pierced by Qin Shi's blood sword is not only bloody. In any case, it can't heal. It seems that there is a very sinister force in this **** mouth. Not only does it not heal, but it is still spreading to the sides. Like a viper, it is eroding the seven lords. whole body.

The seven halllords noticed that this face was amazed, and according to this degree, he had just escaped and immediately swallowed up by this evil force.

"Boy, what did you do to me?" The seven halllord screamed fiercely.

Qin Shi faintly said: "There is nothing, just use a little, swallow the power of the sky."

"The power of swallowing the sky?" The face of the seven halls was amazed, swallowing the sky, and hiding the sky, it was the taboo of the demon, and once it fell into it, it could not escape forever, and the seven halllors did not expect it. In the blood sword of Qin Shi, there is actually the power to swallow the sky?

Of course, if the Seven Temples know that the reason for the blood in Qin Shi, they will not feel strange.

The magic blood in Qin Shi is the magic blood that is introduced into the sky, so it is normal for him to have the power to swallow the sky.

The seven main halls were gloomy. At this time, Mingxuan’s figure suddenly flashed and appeared next to the main body of the Seventh Hall. He solemnly said: “Forbearance, I will help you to take away the power of the sky.”

Ming Xuanyan, suddenly rolled up the sleeves, on the arm of Ming Xuan, the friend of a very sinister eye like the tattoo, not so much tattoo, it is better to say that the seal of the seal is more appropriate, Ming Xuan palm force, In the curse of the beginning of the rotation, from the curse, a purple light is scattered, extremely sinister, and suddenly, it is to cover the sky, to turn into the sky, to cover the wounds of the seven temples.

"The power of the sky?" Qin Shi frowned, staring at the tattoo on Ming Xuan's arm.

But for a moment, Qin Shi was relieved. He had been dealing with the scorpion group for many years. Qin Shi repeatedly saw the use of the murderous demon to use the power of covering the sky. It seems that before the squad was seriously injured by the Emperor, the same was expected, in the 溟 group. Sealed a number of forces to cover the sky, used by the group.


Covering the sky and swallowing the sky, this makes the wounds of the seven temples gradually heal.


However, when several of the lords were just sighing, the seven lords suddenly screamed: "Ah!"

I saw the wounds of the healing of the seven temples, and suddenly there was an ancient grain, as if in the line, with the mystery of the heavens and the earth, it was the suppression of the power in the main body of the seven halls, and the aura of the seven halls. After being sealed for a few times, for a moment, the breath of the Seven Dynasties changed from the boundary to the boundary. From the main body of the Seven Halls, the power of the heavenly machine was as if it was taken away, so that the seven lords lost their destiny. .

The seven lords are full of horror and anger at the sight of Qin Shi: "Little hybrid, how dare you take my destiny?"

Qin Shi’s appearance is also a glimpse. He looked at his blood claws in a sluggish manner. Qin Shi himself did not know about the ancient esoteric power. He did not want to take away the secret of the Seven Temples, but that Power is indeed smashed out of the blood sword. It seems that the power can crush the heavens and have absolute repression of the destiny.

"What is going on?" Qin Shi stunned. At this time, he opened his blood claws and suddenly gathered in this sea area to gather a very strong aura.

The pureness of the aura is the object of all things, and all the strong men of the forty-nine palaces are wide-eyed. They have never seen such a pure aura, even if it is three hundred times of the polysoul, there is no such One of the aura is pure.

When he felt the extremely pure aura, Qin Shi was shocked. He had never seen it before, but he had seen it.

"This power is the original strength of the heavens and the earth?" Qin Shiyi’s big eyes, the aura that appeared in this sea area at this time, although there was some gap with the aura that Qin Shi had seen in the Dragon’s blood pool. It is not as good as the power of the Emperor, but Qin Shi is sure that this piece of sea is the original force that was only possessed in ancient times.

Qin Shi thought, not dare to believe: "Is it because, I just crushed the fate of the Seven Dynasties, so that day, life changed again into the original Tianli? That is not to say, in this primitive force Among them, is it able to carry another fate?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi has a very bold idea. If this is the case, if he can seal this piece of original strength, can he not create a strong person in the realm of the situation?

Qin Palace, Qin Zong, now is the time to lack the strong Especially after knowing the existence of Xianfu, Qin Shi is more enthusiastic about the cultivation of his own power, he knows, relying on him One person is absolutely unable to compete with the existence of those Xianfu classes.

The most important thing is that Qin Shi wants to know, what power is it that has just destroyed the fate of the Seven Dynasties?

When Qin Shi fell into meditation, Ming Xuan and several other temple owners were gloomy.

"Bastard! I want your life!"

In other words, from the six palms of the master, there is a blast of fire from the sky, transforming into a Tengxiang fire dragon, and rushing toward Qin Shi.

The six main princes took the shot, and the rest of the princes were all condensed with their handprints. Qin Shi shattered the destiny of the seven lords, which made them no longer dare to smash Qin Shi, and immediately joined forces to release a few martial arts. Every way, there is the power to destroy the land, at least the level of Tongtian martial arts.

Feeling the strength of the tingling approaching, Qin Shi frowned, and his body flashed.

Steady body, the blood wing of Qin Shi's back suddenly changed into eight giant lights, then greeted the eight temple owners crazy collision!

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