Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1776: Some cute

At this time, under the four kings of fire, Zhou Xu’s hundred beasts extinguished like prey, and there was a faint scream in the sea. ?

"Give me a break!" Qin Shi screamed, and the sleeves were violently shocked. The four kings slammed into the flames of Zhou Xu.

boom! boom! boom! Suddenly, a huge burst of blasting broke down.

In an instant, the frenzied crater seemed to be swallowed up from the inside. The four kings fired all the flames in the entire volcano, and the Qiongqiong fire was swallowed up by the students and turned into nothing.

At this time, Zhou Xu was smashed, and his fire of the beast was completely shattered.

"Little bastard! I want your life!" For a refining pharmacist, the fire is the foundation. Now, even the roots are uprooted by Qin Shi. Zhou Xu is not angry. It is strange that Zhou Xuqi’s old face is red. At this time, his big hand suddenly slammed hard, and the shadow of the violently rushed toward Qin Shi.

Qin Shiyi, this Zhou Xu is a dog jumped on the wall? I chose to fight with myself?

Qin Shi taunted and shook his head, single on the control of the flame, Qin Shi may not be as good as Zhou Xu, but if hard, Qin Shi has confidence, playing three Zhou Xu, are more than enough.

call out! Qin Shi's virtual shadow flashed into a series of afterimages. At this time, he was very fast, and Zhou Xu was a fierce punch.


A fierce collision, the ground between the heavens rumbling.

The hearts of many powerful people in the Qin Palace and the Gong Palace all mentioned the eyes of the blind, and this fierce confrontation is already common sense.

One after another, it was hundreds of collisions, each time it was a huge wave of turmoil.

It seems that the two people do not distinguish each other, but the discerning person can see at a glance that Zhou Xu’s old form has begun to fall into the passive. Qin Shi is almost pressed against Zhou Xu, which makes many Qin Gong’s strongmen burn. When the fire came, I was excited: "The palace owner is really strong! This Zhou Xu is not the opponent of the palace."

At this time, Ling’s eager eyes looked at Qin Shi, and he smiled and said: “Oh, this kid, half a year, has actually improved so much? It’s a miracle boy.”

"Really, it is really an unpredictable kid." Ling Feng smiled helplessly.

On the other hand, the three thousand strong players who went to the palace, this time is a look of panic.

The power of Qin Shi is already their imagination. Seeing that Zhou Xu is going to be defeated, many of the strong people are filled with anger and remorse.

"Damn! Not to say that the Qin Palace, there is no strength in itself? Who is doing it? Even Zhou Xu is suffering in this kid's hand, this is called no strength?" Many strong people in the three thousand regret.

"What should we do now?"

"Continue to fight against Qin Palace? It is definitely a dead end. If Qin Palace is destroyed, there is no dragon. The strength is not something we can deal with."

"That is it, let us admit defeat?"

"Put away? Oh, I am afraid we have no such opportunity." At this time, a senior old palace chief sighed.

Several palace owners turned around and looked at the old palace owner: "Finan, how can you say this?"

"Yang Lu, do you all know?" The palace owner named Fei Lao was faint.

"Yang Lu? Yang Jiagong's palace owner? Know some, but what does this have to do with Yang Lu?" Several palaces of the Hai Palace did not understand.

"One day ago, at the central margin of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, Yang Lu represented the Sui Palace on the side of the Qin Palace and was blocked by a young boy. The boy looked exactly like this kid. Finally, Yang Lu also confessed, begging for mercy. I am willing to follow the Qin Palace. You know, at this time, how did this kid respond to Yang Lu?"

"How do you respond?"

"Qin Gong, can only betray once, the result of betrayal once, is that you must die...!" The old man's face was filled with helpless smile: "This kid, this time I am afraid it will not let us go unless There is a miracle, otherwise we will die here today."

Suddenly, countless Haigong strong people fell into horror.

In their view, choosing the palace or the Qin Palace is just a question of standing, but I have never thought about it, because this choice will make them lose their lives.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, Zhou Xu and Qin Shimeng had a pair of punches. Qin Shi’s arm had a green dragon-shaped road. Like a dragon’s arm, he punched a fist in Zhou Xu’s fist and listened to a series of bursts of sound. Asahi’s bones began to smash from the inside of the palm, and they smashed to the shoulders. The whole arm was abolished on the spot, and the pain of the heart was so painful that Zhou Xu couldn’t help but scream. This was like a kite that was broken. Fly out.


Zhou Xuyu’s cockroach was in the ruins, and his body was twitching in the ruins.

Zhou Xu hit the fly, Qin Shi proudly stand, a world only I look like, the black and cold is very cold sweeping in Zhou Xu: "You still think, can you destroy my Qin Palace?"

"This, this is impossible, how is this possible?" Zhou Xu climbed from the ruins and looked at Qin Shi with horror: "How can the devil lose to you!"

"Don't struggle, it's useless." Qin Shi shook his head indifferently.

At this time, on the side of the palace, the strong three of the three thousand finally began to fear, although it was expected that Zhou Xu would be defeated, but did not expect that the defeat would be so fast, Zhou Xu in the hands of Qin Shi, is completely crushed and Spike, at this time, a group of strong people began to retreat, can not wait to escape this hell, but Qin Shi will give them a chance?

Obviously, it won't.

"Ling seniors." Qin Shi back to the faint road.

Ling Laozi’s beggars had to turn his head, and immediately he opened his fingers, facing Tianzhu, a huge Tianluo network array fell from the top of Jiuyi. Like a huge steel cage, the Qin Palace will be surrounded by thousands of miles. The strongmen of the palace were all firmly sealed inside, and no one could escape.

This time, many of the strong people on the scene panicked. At this time, the former shadow was finally helpless and sighed: "There is still coming, this kid is trying to leave us all." This, he does not allow anyone to betray the Qin Palace...!"

"Damn! I still don't want to die!"

"No, I must escape!" At this time, many disciples were crazy. Regardless of the existence of the steel cage, the other side of the crazy side rushed to the past. However, the cages of the Lingzhu Palace were smashed. No one is allowed to escape. Every iron wire composed of spiritual power, such as sharp sharp knives, passes through the strong borders, and will be directly blocked. In a flash, the picture becomes extremely bloody.

"Damn! Qin Shi, don't you want to kill us all here?" Many strong men now roared in anger.

Qin Shi indifferently looked around in a circle, faintly said: "If Zhang Liang comes in person today, I hope you can still have a life."

"Bastard!" Numerous strong anger clenched fists.

At this time, Zhou Xu suddenly climbed from the ruins. He screamed: "Little bastard, I am still not dead, then it is not over!"

Seeing Zhou Xu, who climbed up like a **** person, Qin Shi frowned. At this time, from Zhou Xu’s body, there was a strong purple light, such as the soul of the dream, from those purple light, actually let Qin Shi feel a few Divided into the power of familiarity.

"Soul power?" Qin Shi slightly eats a glimpse.

Zhou Xu’s arrogant smile: “Yes, it’s the soul, the little hybrid, I admit, you are really amazing, but do you think that I only have this ability? I am the refining pharmacist, the soul of the refining pharmacist, More powerful than ordinary people, your spiritual strength is strong, as long as I can shatter your soul, you are going to die. At the beginning, Zong Yuanzi was a little polite under my soul, I use it now. Soul power, kill you!"

Zhou Xu roared, then he turned his hand, and a purple-like lion like a beast rushed through the fog, and the tumbling was fierce toward Qin Shi.

Seeing this scene, many of the strong men in the palace seem to see hope and hold their breath.

The Qin Palace side is also slightly frowning. Zhou Xu’s move is indeed very strong, especially for the strong weak soul, which is almost shocking.

However, on the Qin Palace side, Li Shu and Chen Yu could not help but reveal the charm of laughter.

Is this guy crazy? Actually playing with the soul in front of Qin Shi?

"It's really not self-sufficient. It's all about finding death. Rats and cats are friends. Is there nothing to look for? The refining pharmacist's soul is really strong, but in front of the demon sorcerer, the refining pharmacist is inferior, not only, identity. The same is true. Compared with the magician, the identity of the refining pharmacist is no different. The most precious profession in this world has always been a magician, never changed."

"Oh, I am afraid this old guy, I don't know if the palace owner is a magician, or he will not make such a stupid decision." Li Shu smiled lightly.

Indeed, Zhou Xu does not know the identity of Qin Shifu's or that, in the three thousand, there are not many strong players who know Qin Shifu's identity. In the periphery, Qin Shizeng Exposed to the identity of the magician, refining the magic, but within three thousand, but not, as long as the original deep sea source pool, several strong people in the Lingzhu team have seen.

Looking at the purple lion lion, Qin Shi himself was also a half-sounding, and immediately, he suddenly could not help but smile.

"Kid, what are you laughing at? Is it dead, stupid?" Zhou Xu proudly smiled, he suspected that Qin Shi would be shocked by his powerful soul, this blow, will certainly be able to replace his son revenge.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly: "Oh, I am, you old guy, really cute."

"Well?" Many of the strong men frowned at this time.

What does Qin Shi mean? No one knows about the side of the palace.

However, soon they were shocked. I saw Qin Shi’s faint raise, a big hand and five fingers open, the purple lion, near the Qin Shi, Qin Shi black 眸 in ​​a flash of gold Mang, it is like a touch of soul power, so that the purple lion lion, instantly stiff in place, immediately ... exposed, is endless fear.

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