Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1764: Qin Shi poisoning

In the final analysis, the ancient vine is a kind of plant. Although it is parasitic among the cockroaches, the shell of the cockroach is thrown away. It is undoubtedly a kind of wood. Between heaven and earth, except for a few kinds of sacred wood, it can grow in the flame. Plants, there is no fear of fire, not to mention the seven kings of fire between heaven and earth, once burned, destined to be ashes. ???

At this time, the old vine screams: "Little bastard! You dare to kill me, I want to let this dragon family with me!"

This time, the ancient vines were really pushed to the extreme. Thirty vines were blackened at this time. Every rattan had a strong force like a demon curse, and the amber stone constantly turned toward the end of the vine. Stained in the blood.

Seeing this scene, the demon shouted in the distance: "The kid, stop him! This guy wants to burn jade and invade the blood of the dragon into the blood of the dragon. Once he does, all the cursed dragon family, The curse in the body will be self-destructive, and the power, once exploded, will smash the five internal organs of the curse, even if it is a border, it is difficult to survive!"

The Qin Shi black scorpion is gloomy. If it is really smashed by the ancient vine, then he will become the sinner of the dragon family.

Not only did he not lift the curse of the Dragon House, but he also ruined the Dragon House. He really didn't know how to face Longqi and the three brothers of Longyin.

Moreover, once the Dragon House is destroyed, he will be very guilty. This kind of guilt will entangle him for the rest of his life. The most important thing is that there is no Lafayette. In this seven thousand sea palace, no one can Restricting Ming Xuan, Ming Xuan will take this opportunity to destroy the Qin Palace. Everything he has done in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace in five years will be lost.

To this end, Qin Shi will never allow the ancient vines to do so.

"Give me a hand!" Qin Shi screamed, then his palm turned and grabbed the sacred sword of the rear.

"The world is me, I am the world, the power of the world!" Qin Shi black 眸 flashed a sharp golden light, at this time with him as the center, a huge spiritual network opened, and soon, his own world emerged At this time, Qin Shi turned a big hand, and his arms bulged on the blue veins, like a snake, and then slammed into the sacred sword.

"Drink! Give me broken!"

boom! boom! boom! A series of cracking sounds, the metal vines of the ancient vines were suddenly cut off.

"Sword blood has no trace!" A blood, at this time was spurted by Qin Shi Meng, a **** sword light at this time a fierce roar to the ancient vine.

boom! A crisp sound, a rattan was cut off at this time.

Qin Shi took a big shot and grabbed the blood from the drop.

"One! It's still thirty-three!"

"Kid, you can't stop me!" At this time, the ancient vine has been burned by four kings.

The ancient vines screamed in pain.

Qin Shi was dark and dark. At this moment, his eyes suddenly shook brightly. From the deepest point of this deep pool, he noticed a erected stone monument. The stone monument seems to have been sealed for a long time. It was originally dull, but in Qin Shi. In the turbulence of several times with the ancient vine, there was a golden crack on the top, and then, from the crack, the glare of the glare was shining.

"That is...!" Qin Shi slightly frowned, and the golden light actually formed the text.

"Complete Three Zen Zen Law?"

Qin Shi was shocked. After he practiced the Third World Zen Sea, Long Yi gave him the third world of Zen Sea.

When he came to the Dragon House, Qin Shi also asked Long Xi, the complete Sancha Zen Sea, but the accident was that Long must not know.

The Three Worlds Zen Sea is not the inheritance of the martial arts of the Dragon Family, but the Tongtian martial arts that was accidentally obtained in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace after the Dragon Family came to the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, but it was only the first type of volcano. The whole part of the Sanshi Chanhai is where, but no one knows. At this time, Qin Shi can not help but surprise. This can be said to break through the innocent place of iron shoes, and it takes no effort.

"I didn't expect that the whole part of the Sanshi Chanhai, which I could not find, was actually in this deep pool!"

Under the surprise of Qin Shi, his black cockroach flashed and his body suddenly calmed down. His eyes always stared at the words on the stone tablet.

A mysterious law was printed in the mind of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi suddenly pouted, and his foot was forced to step.


A golden current flows in the third world under the Zen Sea, but this time the current is not full of aggression, but a metaphysical reincarnation like a reincarnation, giving people an inexplicable affinity. At this time, Qin Shi feels lighter. Slowly fell into the center of the Third World Zen Sea. Soon, Qin Si had a big hand and a grip, and there was a huge golden giant hammer.

"Drink! Three Zen Sea, Second World! Broken World!"

boom! Suddenly, a huge alarm, only at the end of the day, Qin Shi actually relied on a huge force to smash the ancient vine into a powder at the final moment.


The screaming sound of the ancient vines, and finally the smashing, the cobweb-like cracks, the cockroaches are broken like glass. At this time, within the shackles, a dew is very evil. Appeared, it is the body of the ancient vine.

"Kid! You kill me, I won't make you better!"


At this time, Qin Shi screamed and ignored the threat of the vines, and the vines were finally burned to ashes under the four kings.

"Is it over?" When the ancient vine was burned to ashes, Qin Shi was relieved.

At this time, his forehead ran out of sweat, only to see the dark curse along the vines, and finally stopped at the distance of the amber stone from the blood.

If Qin Shi is slower, I am afraid that the Dragon will be destroyed.

"It's a good risk...!" Qin Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately he waved his hand, then the dragon's blood was taken back.

When the dragon's blood was completely recovered, Qin Shi showed a smile of gratification.

"Little guy! Be careful!" At this moment, the demon suddenly screamed.

Qin Shi couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows, and he waited for him to return to God. He saw the sudden and violent shaking in this deep pool. From the rock wall in the deep pool, it seemed as if there was a terrible murderous evil, and it was fierce. In the direction of Qin Shi, Qin Shi was a black and cold, and under the surging of those ghosts, Qin Shi had almost no chance to breathe, and was instantly swallowed up by black ghosts.

"Kids!" The demon was shocked at this moment. When he was forced to do so, he suddenly cut off the balance between the sky and the sky, turning into a fierce unicorn beast and stepping on Qin Shi, opening his mouth like a huge black hole. Devouring a large number of ghosts, the demon has the power to devour the heavens and the earth, and soon swallows many ghosts. However, when Qin Shi’s figure is rescued from the ghost, it seems unsatisfactory.

Qin Shi’s eyes are hollow, and from his skin, there are countless dark curses.

"Damn! This is... the curse of the ancient vine?" The demon's heart was fiercely gloomy.

"This ancient vine, even dying and counterattacking, will penetrate his own strength into the blood of this kid!" The demon face changed very ugly.

"Cough! Keke! Hey!" At this time, Qin Shi seems to be a resentful curse, and he sprayed it with blood.

"Kid, hold on! I will find a way to save you!"

Qin Shi blinked, and his consciousness was very embarrassing, but he did not completely lose his mind.

"I will take you out of here first!" The demon looked around in a circle. When he took back the emptiness of the sky, the sorrows of the eight sides began to move around, which made the evil spirits dare not jump up, and continued to walk from the deep pool. Jumped out.

At this time, the dragon must see the evil demon to rescue Qin Shi from the deep pool and frown. He immediately saw that Qin Shi was almost a collapsed pale face and scared: "What happened? This little guy, how could it be so heavy? hurt?"

"What do you say? If it wasn't for the curse of your dragon family, would this kid be insulted?" The demon sounded like a hail, and it was extremely cold.

The dragon was shocked, and immediately raised a few chills on his back. From the voice of the demon, he was actually aware of the thick murder.

Yes, it is murderous, the demon is the devil, and there is the root of the devil in his heart. This time, Qin Shi was cursed because of the dragon family, which made his heart have a bit of killing for the dragon family.

Snapped! But suddenly, Qin Shi held the demon, a very far-fetched little voice: "Don't blame the dragons for their predecessors, I have to do it myself."

"That is also because they are dragons, you are injured!" The demon is cold and cold.

Qin Shi’s bitter laughter did not pay attention to the demon. At this time, he turned his head hard and turned the big hand slowly. After the dragon’s thirty-four drops of blood slowly rose, when the blood broke free from Qin Shi’s hands. All of them are as fresh as they are, and they fly very quickly toward the Eight-Party. They eventually return to all the disciples of the Dragon family. One drop of pure blood with great strength is finally falling on the eyebrows of Longxu.

The dragon needs to be surprised by the old eyes. When the blood returns to the body, he obviously feels that the suppression from the soul is eliminated.

"The dragon must be a predecessor, the curse of the dragon family has been lifted by me. After that, the dragon family will not have to live in the forbearance." Qin Shi’s pale The dragon must be grateful and guilty to look at Qin Shi. The demon said yes, in the final analysis, Qin Shi was injured for the Dragon family.

"Little friends, my dragon family owes you, as long as you open a small friend, I will definitely help you in the future!"

"Predecessors are polite, we are a family." Qin Shi forced a smile.

"Yes, family, family!" Long must be grateful and repeated.

At this time, Qin Shi turned to look at the demon: "Demon, don't spread the curse of me, Qin Palace has just established itself soon. If it is known to the outside world that I am cursed, it will inevitably rise to the cause!"

"I see who dares!"

Under the evil spirits, it is like the claws of the nine secluded yellow springs. The dragon must feel the cold chill at this moment and can’t help but shudder. He has no doubt that if anyone dares to anger the demon, the demon will definitely It will be broken, even if it is his dragon must.

This is one of the two great demon sects of ancient times, the power under anger?

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