Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1737: Dacheng

Zong Yuanzi silenced for a moment and nodded. "That should be. This kid was not a fake death in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, and it has confused the eyes of all of us. I didn't see it. This kid is really true. Some of the skills, the human world... Nothing, the current human world is the most vulnerable of the four worlds, and there are very few boundaries. It doesn’t matter, but continue to check with me. How did this kid die in the human world? He Which force is the person!"

"In addition, the news went to the palace, and the situation was told to Zhang Liang. If I did not guess wrong, the power behind Zhang Liang should know some reasons." Zong Yuanzi ordered this time.

Wang Lieqi nodded his face and attacked him after Qin Shi appeared. He has always called the first genius of the seven thousand sea palaces, but he lost to Qin Shi in the deep sea source pool. There are many dark diseases left. The present Qin Shi is even more famous. The Megatron is all over the place, and he goes to Longqi, and he will step on his feet under the arrogance of his day.

At the thought of this, Wang Lie was angry and screaming. He slammed his fist and clenched his teeth: "I must! It will cost you!"

At this time, Wang Lie turned and wanted to leave.

boom! Suddenly, a disciple of Sanqing Palace rushed into the hall, and a sly slammed into Wang Lie.

This made Wang Lie, who had anger, sink his face: "You better give me a reasonable explanation!"

"Wang, Master Wang Lie..." The disciple was shocked and immediately squatted on the ground: "Things, things are really serious!"

At this time, Tian Yuanzi changed his old eyes and said: "Wang Lie, a disciple, is not worthy of your anger, what is the truth?"

"Back, back to the three seats! Then, the outside Qin Shi, just sent someone to subpoena, said ... said ..." The disciple said this, suddenly want to stop and say, shivering and shouting.

"What did he tell him?"

"He said that he said that he would let the three seats clean his neck. After half a month, he will come to collect the lives of the three of you!"

boom! Sanyuanzi, his face suddenly suddenly green, Zong Yuanzi with a hand and a grip, instantly seems to sink in his world.

Ten thousand meters of the sky, all the spiritual power is dead on the ground.

Zong Yuanzi's old eyes spurted out the flame: "Good! A arrogant boy! He really thought that if he won the Ten Square Hall in the periphery, he would be able to shake our Sanqing Palace? How dare to release such madness?"

Tian Yuanzi, Dao Zizi is also extremely embarrassed at this time.

The three have always enjoyed the highest honor of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. When was this humiliation?

"Oh, Zong Yuanzi, it seems that I don't want to give this kid a look at the color. He really thought that he was invincible in the world." Daozizi was cold.

"No problem, since he is looking for death, that is what he is!" Zong Yuanzi gnashed his teeth.

"But if you move him, the dragon family will not easily do it?" Tian Yuanzi said at this time, they did not put Qin Shi in their eyes from beginning to end.

In their view, Qin Shi is just a burdock who is not afraid of tigers. The reason why he is not afraid of tigers is because he has never died. If he really sees a tiger, he will naturally understand that in the face of absolute power, everything is in vain. But the dragon family is different.

"Dragon family, after all, there is the old singer sitting in the town, if he is coming out, we are afraid that the three of us will not be able to win." Tian Yuanzi said again.

Sanyuanzi's face is getting darker.

Indeed, the Long family Lafayette, but the true realm of the realm, although Zong Yuanzi is infinitely close to that realm, but it has a real qualitative difference, the boundaries, the capabilities that are in place, the realm of Nirvana, the realm It is the existence of a heavenly machine that bears the destiny of life. It is called the existence of heaven. It is the power of winning the world. The difference is a thousand miles, but in reality it is a thousand miles.

Previously they dared to shoot Qin Shi because the dragon family had a curse, but now the curse is removed.

"Contact the 溟 group, please that shot, as long as he can help block the dragon's old blame, that kid, half a month later, as long as he dares to come, here is his grave!" Zong Yuanzi snorkeling At this time, Shen Sheng.

"You mean, who? Is it reliable?"

Daoyuanzi faintly said that during the half year of Qin Shi’s death, the palace was stepping into the Sanqinghai Palace’s equal position. The reason for this was not known to the outside world, but the Sanyuanzi was clear, but Because, in the palace, there is a powerful power in the world.

"From that person, I feel a very dangerous taste. If he waits for us to counterattack, we may fall more expensive than the palace!" Tianyuanzidao.

"Now, do we have any other choices?" Zong Yuanzi asked.

Dao Yuanzi, Tian Yuanzi are in silence! Indeed, now, in addition to asking the one to go out, who can stop the dragon's old monster?

"Take it then!" The two sighed.

The disciple just nodded at this moment, and the Sanqing Palace immediately fell into a state of alert.

The rumors released by Qin Shi also blew up from within the three thousand. For almost half a month, almost all of the 3,000 sea palaces were discussing the matter.

Qin Shi, a teenager in his early twenties, dared to challenge the majesty of the Sanqing Palace. It seemed like a joke in the eyes of everyone. It was just... but no one really laughed. After all, Qin Shi threatened. When the ten-party temple is to be destroyed, it is treated as a laughing stock. What is the result? The result is a peripheral difference.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice appeared in the memories of many Haigong powerhouses.

When Qin Shi left the deep sea source pool and was forced into a funeral dog by Zong Yuanzi, the deep squats in the dark eyes that swallowed everything, spurted the roar of thick hatred.

"Sanqing Palace! Everything today, my Qin Shi wrote down, and sooner or later I will return to the profitable ones. At that time, it is the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, the day of the Lord!"

In a word, like a thunderous resounding voice, the sound that was heard like a joke in the crowd was gradually evolving in the following year of the boy. At least, half of the seven thousand sea palaces now Falling into the boy's hands, and the other half, he is beginning to approach.

Half a month, the sun and the moon alternate, and soon it is the past. In this half month, seven thousand sea palaces are in heavy weight.

On the day before half a month ago, among the halls of Sanqing Palace, many elders of Sanqing Palace gathered here.

"The three teachers, the palace, and the peace of mind, let it be safe, Long Jia will not appear here." A disciple reported.

Zong Yuanzi’s flash of light in the old eyes immediately revealed the fierceness of the smear.

"it is good!"

"If this is the case! Here, as long as the kid dares to come tomorrow, it will become his burial place!" Zong Yuanzi laughed wildly. In his opinion, as long as Sanqing Palace did not intervene, he Qin Shi was only able to pinch him. Dead ants.

Dao Yuanzi, Tian Yuanzi was also a sly smile at this time, and a fascinating and powerful spiritual force burst out from the three Yuan Zi.


The other side, the periphery.

In the past two months, the periphery has also been alarmed. Many sea palaces have not yet awakened from the shock of the Qin Palace to replace the Shifang Temple. It is the contradiction between Qin Shi and the Sanqing Palace in the inner three thousand. The most important thing is Qin Shi. Is it a slap in the face, let the three yuan clean the neck, waiting for him to die? Many peripheral sea palaces are shameful, and the new superior peripheral hegemon is really unwilling to stop.

Just for this, many Haigong are keeping a wait-and-see attitude.

The survival of the Qin Palace is irrelevant to them. On the contrary, some of the outer sea palaces are still slightly excited. They hope that Qin Shi will be destroyed. Once Qin Shi died in Sanqing Palace, the periphery will once again be different. At that time, they It is an opportunity to compete for control of the periphery.

For these, Qin Shi knows well, but he does not care, because he has absolute certainty.

As Zong Yuanzi said, in the face of absolute power, everything is as powerless as nothing.

In the hands of Qin Shi, he mastered the power of the Sanqing Palace.

As for the Dragon family, he never thought about getting the Dragon family to participate from beginning to end.

However, when the outside world was boiling, the protagonist of this sensation has never been exposed. Qin Shi has always closed the black shackles in the closed-door area. As for the rumors of the outside world, it is not important to him now. In the middle of the month, his gods sank, and the spiritual power of the body revolved around the sun, and became a pure force to constantly flow the water of the fine spring into the heavenly palace.

After reaching the boundary, Tiangong echoed Dantian's camera, and the power between the two points and one line affected the meridians.

During this period, Qin Shi always had a virtual shadow in front of his body shape. Now it has become a Tianhe under the spiritual spring. In the ravine, his boundary is a great achievement.

As the Tianhe River is full, a very mysterious heavenly court rises from the bricks in Dantian.


When a heaven was set up, the river was full of power, and the corner of Qin Shi’s mouth was slightly elevated.


An invisible gas field condensing At this time, his sea area of ​​several hundred thousand meters is a slight shock, and that force is instantly enveloped in most of the sea, making countless sea areas The strong man was slightly surprised at this time. Many disciples of the Qin Palace slammed their heads up. Only one second before, the Qin Palace was still clear and clear, and the next moment was clouded, and a screaming thunder exploded. At this moment, it was suddenly shot down.

Longqi and Chen Yu are closest to Qin Shi, and they are most able to feel the power of that.

“Is it successful?” Ryugasaki grinned.

At this time, with the fall of the thunder, a thin figure slowly lifted off, and the black robe wandered in the windless, giving a kind of oppression without anger.

"Welcome to the Lord!" At this time, Li Shu and others respectfully said.

Qin Shi was satisfied with the smile, and immediately he gently slammed his fists, and the sea area of ​​500,000 meters changed. During this period, all the spiritual power fell under the earth, like a turbid gas sinking, making Qin Shi’s place. All are clear, Qin Shi looked at the world that belongs to him in the 500,000 meters, and everything that surrendered in this world, Qin Shi satisfied with a smile: "The world, 500,000 meters! The environment is great, finally succeeded. Yet?"

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