Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1734: Suspected long [Happy New Year]

Qin Shi’s voice is extremely indifferent, just like the death sentence of the **** of death. It seems that he can freely determine the life and death of several people in Zhou.

Zhou Wei’s faces were inconspicuous, and they apparently did not expect that Qin Shi’s use of the dragon’s background was such a huge background.

"As far as your virtues are concerned, I still want to **** my destiny?" Qin Shi shook his head with a sneer, when his big hand slowly lifted up, a golden mountain appeared out of thin air, even if he wanted to move toward the deep pit. Roll it down.

Under the pressure of the golden mountain, Zhou Wei was afraid and feared.

This time, they are really scared. The more they live, the more they are afraid of death. Moreover, these guys have thousands of years of life.

"Qin, Qin Shi, we don't know Taishan! You, you wander around us!" Zhou Hao suddenly climbed up, actually directly on the ground.

Zhang Yang saw a few people, and also kneel down to Qin Shi to continue to hoe.

How many peripheral hegemons in Zhou Wei were in front of Qin Shi?

Many strong people are sucking in the air, one by one is also a panic. Now they have no time to worry about the life and death of Zhou Wei. Now, Qin Shi wins, that means that from today, the periphery will be different. The iron law that has remained unchanged for thousands of years will also be broken. Later, in the periphery, there will be no more than ten temples. Some, only the Qin Palace, one side dominates.

They, in the previous position, apparently made the wrong choice. Now they are worried about winning the Qin Palace, and Qin Shi will deal with them.

Similarly, they regretted that they did not choose the Qin Palace as the Tuoba Palace and the Luosheng Palace.

At the heights, I kept watching the Yusheng Palace. Qiu Shantang saw Qin Shi defeating the Shifang Temple at this time. The corner of his mouth could not help but twitch: "This horrible kid."

"Father, can you still have any doubts about me now?" Qiu Chuer said faintly.

Qiu Shantang stunned and smiled and shook his head: "I just didn't expect it. This kid is still relying on the big tree behind the dragon family. No wonder, he dares to be so fearless, but even if there is a dragon family, his move this time. It will definitely anger the Sanqing Palace. Will Sanqing Palace really do it easily? I heard that Sanqing Palace recently declared war on the Dragon House?"

"Sanqing Palace, it is not the Shifang Temple, it will not be so good to deal with." Qiu Shantang faint.

Qiu Chuer kept a smile: "But the same thing, when he dealt with the Shifang Temple, why have anyone been optimistic about him?"

"This is..." Qiu Shantang sighed, and although he saw it with his own eyes, he was still unbelievable. The huge seven thousand sea palaces were actually subverted by a teenager in his early twenties.

A few people around Zhou Yi still have a face to face, they just want to live now.

"Qin, the Qin Palace Lord, you have a large number of adults. You let us go. As long as you let us go, we will be willing to become the lowest level of the sea palace in the future. Later, we will say that we are counting. The Shifang Temple will also assist you." Zhou Yi humbled.

Qin Shi’s indifference smile did not shake anything about Zhou’s pleadings.

"If it is me who is defeated now, will you let me go?"

A few people in Zhou Wei’s body trembled fiercely, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

Indeed, if Qin Shi is defeated, will they forgive Qin Shi? Obviously, it is impossible, and not only Qin Shi, they will kill all the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Qin Palace, in order to prove to the periphery the majesty of their ten-party.

At this point, the Shifang Temple has long been threatening to go out.

"No, right? So you know very well, I will not let you go, let alone I don't want to leave trouble for myself. I let you go today, will you really be willing to follow me? I am afraid, you are now I still think about it, first escaped, then have a chance, will you want my life?" Qin Shi faint.

Zhou Wei’s eyes widened: “How did he know what we thought?”

"Oh, very curious, how do I know?" Qin Shi said with a strange smile: "I have the soul, although my soul can not hear the sound of your heart, but you can feel the breath around you, you Now, it is still full of killing to me. Then, do you think that I will put the tiger back to the mountain? What's more, let's put you down, Qin Palace will replace you, you have no bargaining chips with me."

Zhou Wei was not willing to pinch the boxing, but Qin Shi said it was good.

Nowadays, they simply cannot threaten Qin Shi.

Suddenly, Zhou Wei struggled for a long time, as if making a huge decision: "Qin Shi, you let me go, I tell you one thing, it is very important to you!"

Qin Shi slightly frowned, he could feel that Zhou Wei did not lie to him, Zhou Wei seems to really know one thing, very important to him.

Qin Shi gradually narrowed his eyes and became a cold mang: "Say!"

"You promise me first, let me go!" Zhou Yi ironed his heart: "When you die, if you don't promise me, then I will bring this thing into the soil! But Qin Shi, I can guarantee that you will be in the future." You know, you will regret it, it is about the life of a very important person around you!"

Qin Shi’s heart suddenly murdered, but it was finally suppressed by him.

He can see that Zhou Hao did not lie to him, so that he did not dare to gamble.

Only he can't figure out that he has few friends in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. In addition to the Qin Palace, there are only Longjia and Lingzhu Palace.

Long family, naturally needless to say, Lingzhu Palace now also has a dragon guard, who is the important person in the week?

"Call!" Qin Shi Chang Shu breathed, let himself calm down and said: "You said, I promise you! But if you dare to lie to me, I will let you know what is better than death!"

"Qin Shi, I know, you have always said one thing. Now in front of this millions of people outside, if you default, you will not be able to stand on the periphery!" Zhou Wei fiercely said.

Qin Shi black and white changed: "If you talk nonsense, I will send you on the road now!"

Zhou Yimeng feels that he is covered in blood. He has no doubt that he is saying more, Qin Shi will really kill him.

Zhou Wei got up and took his own dust off: "Jade nourish, you can know!"

"Jade nourish?"

For this name, many strong people are no strangers, and Ryusaki knows it. Since Qin Shi’s last pretend to die in the ancient battlefield, a crazy woman is in the madness of three thousand, during several times. Sanqinggong attack, and the Sanyuanzi is also a few collisions.

Qin Shi fiercely frowned, and a shadow appeared in his mind.

“What about flowers?”

Qin Shi knows that jade face Shura is like a flower.

"What happened to her?" Qin Shi sighed.

"You really have a relationship with her!" Zhou Hao's old eyes shimmered and sighed.

At the beginning, he also worried that Qin Shi did not know Jade Shura. After all, it was only a rumor that Yuba Shura attacked all the Haigongs that were enemies of Qin Shi, but no one confirmed that the two really knew each other. In the ancient battlefield, I saw a strong flower like a flower, and because of the death of Qin Shi, I was killed by the wrath of flowers.

Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, the body shape suddenly disappeared in the original place, shrinking the ground like a rule directly appeared in front of Zhou Wei.


Qin Shi hand-made dragon claws, such as the sac in the bag, grabbed Zhou Yu’s throat and lifted Zhou Yu’s life from the ground like a dead dog.

"No more nonsense, I want you to die!"

Zhou Wei instantly stunned a cold sweat, and before and after breathing, Qin Shi's breath actually climbed several times?

He can feel that if he does not tell the truth, Qin Shi will really crush his throat.

Zhang Yang several people climbed up in the ruins at this time, several people scolded: "Zhou Wei! You are crazy? Do you want to offend Sanqing Palace?"

"You are looking for death!" Qin Shi was as black as ice, and the other big hand then came out. Like a huge dragon, he immediately had a ridiculous pattern at his fingertips, and the yellow sand moment in the deep pit. Roaring, turned into the mouth of the behemoth, fiercely swallowed a few people.


Qin Shi at this time, like the Shura from hell, counted Zhang Yang, a total of seven people, killed on the spot.

All the strong men were blind at this moment and were shocked by the horror of Qin Shi.

That is the seven strong players in the realm of Dacheng, in the hands of Qin Shi like a cat and dog?

Of course, what they don't know is that Qin Shi is almost invincible under certain conditions, that is, when someone touches his scale.

At this time, the black scorpion of Qin Shi gradually glowed black, and glanced like a fierce human demonic.

"Kid, calm down, even if you have a second magic body now, before the magic soul is not refined, the magic blood is intensified, you will still be swallowed!" The demon now sighed, in the anger, Qin Shi was actually Use magic blood?

The great changes before and after Qin Shi made Longqi in the distance also an eyebrow.

If it is said before, Ryusaki just thinks that Qin Shi is very mysterious, but now it is terrible. At this time, Qin Shi, Long Qi is sure that with her strength, it is difficult to get out of Qin Shi’s hands: "This power ,what's going on?"

Zhou Yan swallowed his mouth and he was really scared at this time. Qin Shi’s means was too horrible.

"A group of idiots! Now I don't want to live on I am still worried about offending Sanqing Palace? I am offended by Sanqing Palace, at least I can live some days, but if I don't say it, I will die now! Besides, this kid is like a god, three Where is the Qing Palace to deal with us!" Zhou Wei said to the other seven people: "Almost killed me!"

Qin Shi Meng's back, his eyes like a hail-like squatting to Zhou Wei, grabbed the palm of Zhou's hand and began to force: "Three interest, do not say, die!"

"I, I said! Jade Shura, in the hands of Sanqing Palace!"

"If the flower is caught by the Sanqing Palace? How is it going?" Qin Shi frowns, the strength of the flower, he is very clear, the terrible power that was shown in the ancient battlefield, the second world is perfect, even if it is not Sanyuanzi, but if she wants to run, the Sanyuanzi can't stop it.

"With, specific, I am not very clear, just know that Sanqing Palace released the news that you are not dead, deliberately set a trap for the jade face Shura to lead her on the hook! Later, use the array method to trap it!"

boom! Qin Shi rushed to the crown, and there seemed to be a flame in the black scorpion.

"Sanqing Palace, you really think that your life is too long!"

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