Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1641: Temporarily separated

For the threat of Fuyang, Qin Shi did not put it in his heart. The corner of his mouth was always smiling, and he was playing with the Lei Shenzhu in his palm, and he kept looking at the disciples of Fuyang and Sanqing Group to leave the main hall. ???

Qin Shi knows that Xiangyang said that nature refers to Yu Yu, and Wang Lie of Yuqing Palace, three little enchanting, but the name of the three little enchanting is big, he is not afraid now, if it is the element beads in his hand, only However, it is an ordinary element of the pearl. If there are three little enchanting words, there may be means to resist it. However, this Lei Shenzhu is stronger than the ordinary element beads. What's more, what Xiangyang sees is only a dozen elements of beads, but he A few percent of the Raytheon beads now in possession.

"Oh, four thousand and nine hundred Raytheon beads, let alone three little enchanting, is the Sanqing Palace arbitrary palace, if I dare to offend me, I will blow him to the ground."

Qin Shi grinned and smiled. At this time, a few people from Lingzhu came forward and looked at Xiangyang, who was far away. Several people were not as relaxed as Qin Shi.

Ling Zhu slightly blamed: "Idiot, why did you just do it? You know, how precious is a heaven? Why do you promise him?"

"Because you are my sister."

Qin Shi suddenly smiled, but it was the heartstring of Lingzhu.

Ling Zhu was slightly lost, and he smiled when he was half-sounding: "You have a conscience."

However, in Lingzhu’s heart, at this moment, it caused a terrible wave of turmoil, because she did not believe that Qin Shi was a fool. The precious Qin stone of a heavenly machine was not completely clear, and certainly knew about it. However, Qin Shi could still give up the secret. Just to change her life, how can she not be moved?

However, Qin Shi’s second half of the sentence, Ling Zhu did not know, Qin Shi did not say anything.

"Oh, let alone, what is Qin Shi's thing, and who wants to get the finger can be dyed? He wants this opportunity, then I will give him this opportunity, just afraid that he did not have the ability to absorb." Qin Shi sneered, Immediately in the mind flashed out in the altar, and finally the demon whispered in his ear.

"What Xiangyang wants, but this is the secret, why not give it directly to him, but on this day given to him, we have to move a little."

"Do you move your hands and feet?"

"Well." The demon had a smug smile at the time, and immediately the eccentric magic figure in the claws was branded on the sky.

When I saw the magic map, Qin Shi’s eyelids flickered and horrified. From the magic map, he actually felt a glimpse of the power of the curse that was similar to the original sacred sword and poisonous.

"This is, curse?"

"Well, there is this curse, that heaven, we can recapture at any time, and when necessary, maybe we can use this to smash this yang, or to smash the so-called Taiqing Palace?" The demon laughed.

The Qin Shi black cockroach flashed, and this has the scene.

That is to say, even if the day is given to Fuyang, even if it is absorbed by Fuyang, as long as the magic figure of the demon is still there, the day is not belonging to Xiangyang, but the life of Fuyang will be held in Qin Shi.

"The thing that touches my Qin Shi is to pay the price." Qin Shi smiled.

At this time, Qin Shi looked at the Lingzhu, who was moved to the zero, and smiled, and smashed the head of Yan Lingzhu: "Well, Lingzhu sister don't mind, and I just didn't say anything wrong, that heaven is not suitable for me. I can't absorb it."

"You can't absorb it?" Ling Zhu frowned, and immediately he hesitated: "Don't you be qualified for your life?"

"Oh, it happens to be the opposite." The black dragon suddenly said: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be that this day is not worthy of Qin Shi."

"What? Tianji is not worthy of Qin Shi?" Lingzhu several people are wide-eyed, the heavenly machine is the root of the destiny, how can there be a loss of mortal compensation? This kind of thing, they have never heard of it.

However, when they were curious to ask for a certificate, Qin Shi could not help but smile.

This made everyone laugh again and again.

At this time, Qin Shi looked at the black dragon with a weird look. He smiled and said: "How do you know this?"

"My king, will you be a mediocrity? That is a strong opportunity, but I don't think it can be strong enough that even my king can't match, but you said that you can't absorb it, I can think of it, This is the only thing." Black Dragon Road.

Qin Shi smiled bitterly, and this black dragon’s confidence in him was enormous.

"This is the place where the tomb is buried. It is also the end of the journey. Everyone has a lot of gains. There is not much time left for the closure of Zhongxuan District. Then we are going to leave here?"

Ling Zhu said this time.

This is everyone's point, and everyone's eyes flashed to look forward to the Central District.

The trip to the burial tomb ends here. The trip to the tomb is the most rewarding. Naturally, Qin Shi, who entered the altar, almost received all the treasures in the tomb. Of course, from the Daoqingkou. After learning about tens of thousands of years ago, it all seems to be the same. Even Qin Shi can be very proud to say that this so-called deep sea source pool, and the Taoist tombs of this road, are not For his Qin Shi one person prepared? As for the rest of the disciples, it is just his foil.

Of course, this kind of thing will naturally not be rumored, otherwise someone will think that he is crazy.

Everyone left the grave, and the soul values ​​of Lingzhu and others were all above the 100-level soul card, enough to support them into the Zhongxuan District.

"Then, let's go to Zhongxuan District together?" Ling Zhu proposed: "In the middle of the Xuan District, it is the key to the deep sea source pool, where it is also decided in the deep sea source pool, what is our final harvest."

Mo Xingyu is naturally no problem, they are following Lingzhu.

The three brothers of the Palace of King Kong, and the three brothers of the Rabbi are at a glance. It is their goal to enter the Zhongxuan District. Now, this opportunity will naturally not give up.

However, Qin Shi suddenly smiled at this moment: "Ling Zhujie, I will not be with you for the time being, and my friends in Dongxuan District are waiting for me. We will see you in Zhongxuan District."

Lingzhu hesitated, she wanted to speak, accompanied Qin Shi to find Chen Hao and others, but hesitated to suddenly change his mind.

"That's good, then the token you hold, wait for you to enter the Zhongxuan District, you will crush this token, we will establish communication space between us, when we are looking for a place to meet." Lingzhu Road.

Qin Shi squatted and immediately took the token without hesitation, but in his heart he was prepared to use the token in Zhongxuan District.

Nowadays, he offended the Sanqing regiment. When he entered Zhongxuan District, he would be retaliated by Fuyang. At that time, Lingzhu and others followed him, which would only bring unnecessary trouble to Lingzhu.

However, when Qin Shi took the token and looked away from the Dongxu District, Ling Zhumei was flashing the same gaze.

"Ling Zhujie, why don't we join Qin Shi?" Mo Xingyu was curious.

Ling Zhudao: "Qin Shi's trip to the Xuan District is definitely a crisis. What he wants is Zhong Xuan Ling. This time, we all owe him. In Zhongxuan District, let us return him. Let us enter him first. Zhongxuan District can help him find the location of Zhongxuanling first, which is also a small help for him."

Mo Xingyu squatted, and this was a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the black dragon changed his mind. He couldn’t turn his eyes to the center of the deep sea source pool. After the crust split, the small island on the air that was lifted from the crust, where it was the Zhongxuan District, changed accordingly. It is his hot eyes. As Ling Zhu said, Qin Shi offended the Xiangyang and Sanqing regiments, and the real test of the deep sea source pool has just begun. Zhongxuan District is the real master, the strong. The contested place, where there will be a **** for tat, the blade is on the awning.

"This year's Zhongxuan District may be the most exciting and most tragic since the deep sea source pool, because this time will no longer be the three enchanting one-man show, because this time will kill a order. A dark horse that everyone can't expect."

"Qin Shihe...hehe, this name is also destined to be in the Zhongxuan District, completely in the seven thousand sea palace."

In the black dragon's eye, it seems that Qin Shi has shined in Zhongxuan District.

Of course, after leaving, Qin Shi did not know the idea of ​​Lingzhu and Black Dragon. He traversed the mountain forest gorge and marched toward the east.

call out! Unexpectedly, I have not left the North Xuan District. A chilly sword mansman suddenly slammed out from the secluded forest, so that Qin Shi couldn’t help but feel a slight glimpse. The body flicked slightly and the sword was avoided. This paused. In the air, frowning and looking down.

At this time, from the secluded forest, there were dozens of disciples suddenly and violently. Soon these disciples were the Qin Shiwei in the center.

"Hey, is this kid? Oh, it seems that we have caught a big fish." Suddenly, a disciple seems to recognize Qin Shilai, excited.

At this time, the leader of the group of disciples sweared: "Xiaoyue, do you know him?"

"Oh, Shi Zhuangge does not know, this kid is the little disciple who was in the grave in the grave and walked into the Lingzhu team. It is said that he is still a disciple of the outer sea palace."

"Is it?" A man named Shi Zhuang, a strange look at the Qin Shi, then laughed: "Oh, half-step boundary? This strength, if you do not go backdoor, it is really not enough to step into the Lingzhu Palace The qualifications, the high demands of Lingzhu that crazy woman, even I can not reach, but this is just the right, even if you are going to the back door, followed by Lingzhu behind them, certainly have a lot of baby."

Thinking of this, Shi Zhuangchong Qin Shi replied: "The kid, this road is my stone strong package. If you come here, you can only count your back, hand over the valuable things on your body, and then Give me all your soul values, I can put you a life, or else..."

"No, what?"

Qin Shi did not give Shi Zhuang a chance to stop, and his eyes suddenly became chilly.

This Shi Zhuang, a junior in the realm of the situation, Qin Shi now encounters the situation of Xiaocheng, but also has the self-confidence that will be killed without any effort, is now actually stopped by a disciple in a realm of development? He didn't spend too much time wasting it here.

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