Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1618: Corrosion spell

When I saw that weird scene, many disciples were shocked at this moment, and they looked at Qin Shi with a look of horror.

The black dragon is not twitching in the hands of Qin Shi. Just like the executioner of the murderous madman, it has become a powerful proton against Qin Shi.

At this time, finally a disciple couldn't help but scream: "Second, spike? The black dragon of the scorpion of the palace, was actually killed by this low-lying kid?"

At this time, even in the idiots, I understand that Qin Shi’s strength is not bad. Although the strength of Black Dragon is not the peak level, it is also very outstanding in this grave. It is only in Lingzhu, Ayi, Zhang Liang. Fuyang and Sanqing regiments were under the enchanting, but Qin Shi’s shot was strong and vigorous, and he did not give the reaction time to Black Dragon. Under the same degree, Qin Shi killed the black dragon with more rapid power.

"How is this possible? How can the outside disciple be so strong?"

"Yeah, the outside disciples, shouldn't they be weak and weak? How could the existence of the Black Dragon?"

At this time, Zhang Liang's face is also extremely ugly, and the eyelids become extremely gloomy.

The means that Qin Shi had just made was indeed amazing, and the disciples around him did not dare to ridicule.

Zhang Liang sneered at the moment and clap his hands: "Oh, great, powerful, kid, I am a little kid, but you thought you would win the Black Dragon?"

Qin Shi slightly frowned, not only Qin Shi frown, but the disciples around him also showed curiosity.


Suddenly, the black dragon was in the hands of Qin Shi, and it was a shocking force. When the power came out, like a ferocious beast, it was actually the life of Qin Shi’s dragon force. The black dragon suddenly rushed to Qin Shi. The heart grabbed, and the black dragon's hand was like a beast's claw, and it became extremely sharp, like a heart-cutting knife.

This scene came very suddenly, so that Qin Shi was also slightly lost. His palms were hard and shocked. Nine dragons slammed out and collided with the black dragon's claws. This produced a strong recoil, which made Qin Shi take the opportunity to flash back. Step, unexpectedly, under the black dragon's attack, the black dragon did not hide or sneak, such as a dead man, the shoulders were crushed by the nine black dragons, and the claws were still caught by Qin Shizhen.

Qin Shi slightly blinked: "This black dragon, is it strange? He is not a person?"

Zhang Liang smiled at this moment: "Oh, Black Dragon is practicing martial arts. If he is determined to kill you, he will not feel any pain during this period. Unless he kills you, he will never stop. Even if you dig out his heart, he will kill you and die."

Qin Shi frowned, when the three brothers of the King Kong Palace were slightly surprised: "In this world, there is really a dead martial arts?"

"What is the martial arts of the dead?"

"This kind of martial arts is similar to the way we refine and refine our Donkey Kong Palace. It is just to implant the nature of cockroaches into the human body, and people become a killing tool in a short time." King Kong three brothers.

"Damn! Is there such a despicable means in this world? This is simply not taking life for a person!"

"You are a beast!" Qin Shi looked at Zhang Liang at this time, he could feel that the black dragon's death martial arts was implanted by Zhang Liang.

"Oh, I saved the life of the Black Dragon. It was his own decision to be my slain. What sin did I have?" Zhang Liang sneered.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the black dragon's assault, Qin Shiteng's continual retreat, after the death of the black dragon, the strength of the black dragon is very strong, even Qin Shi will open the star and hegemony will feel the slight arm.

"Damn! You must first find a way to stop this guy."

Qin Shi blinked, then he suddenly jumped into the air and flashed a golden smudge on his fingertips.

"Golden brand!"

Qin Shi branded the gold grain, and his handprint flipped again.


At this time, Qin Shiji used it in battle in the way of soul.

In an instant, Qin Shi divides the Yuanshen, leaving only a very small part in the flesh, ensuring the safety of the flesh. His gods hold the gold lines, and they are suddenly into the sea of ​​black dragons.

For a moment, entering the black dragon's knowledge of the sea, Qin Shi's **** can not help but frown, the black dragon's knowledge of the sea is simply full of sorrow, here is like a dark and full of dark and swollen swamp, then Qin Shiyuan God with gold, Only then barely kept calm here, when he suddenly frowned, in this dark swamp, he turned very fast, suddenly, he was at the end of Jinlong’s knowledge of the sea, and he noticed a very old black curse, the curse Just like a viper, it covers the whole sea of ​​Black Dragon.

"help me……"

Suddenly, from the black dragon's knowledge of the sea, Qin Shi was actually screaming and crying for help.

The cry for help is the voice of the Black Dragon subconscious.

"Hey, this is bright, it really means using the means to control the black dragon." Qin Shi snorted, then he went deep into the black dragon to know the sea, and finally in the deepest part of the swamp, find the black dragon The root of the black curse of the sea.

That source is actually a fierce snake.

"Hey, little guy, do you want to save him?" The snake was a smirk with a sense of intellect.

Qin Shi blinked, the big snake gave him a good feeling, is it a bit like the **** curse of the Son of God?

"The kid, this curse, should also be made of the gods on the list of gods."

Suddenly, the demon said: "Although this erosion of the curse, there is no strong **** curse on the sacred sword, but it can achieve the curse of the strong control, at least the top 30 on the list of the gods. The gods will do."

"What is the **** again?"

Qin Shi’s black scorpion sinks. Since he came to the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, there have been many artifacts here, but he did not expect that there will be artifacts in this palace.

At this time, Zhang Liang seemed to be aware of Qin Shi's movements in the distance. He looked at him: "Oh, kid, you dare to enter the black dragon's knowledge of the sea? You think that you can unlock my curse. Hey, you, in the end, will only ignite the upper body, and by that time, you will be countered by the curse and become my embarrassment!"

Zhang Liang was sent through a curse, and Qin Shi heard it clearly in the Black Dragon.

Qin Shi cold laughter: "Oh, I can still break the curse of the sacred light sword, not to mention the magical imprint of you?"

Zhang Liang blinked. He didn't know what the sacred sword was, but seeing Qin Shi's madness made him extremely unhappy. He voiced to the huge black snake road: "Poisonous, kill him!"

The big snake heard the words, sneer: "Hey, you don't have to say, I will do the same. This little guy tastes good, just give me a nourishment!"


Suddenly, the big snake screamed and screamed, and the curse in the black dragon’s knowledge of the sea was like alive. It turned into a venomous poisonous snake approaching Qin Shi, blocking Qin Shiwei in a dark and full of corrosion. In the space of sex, even in this space, even if it is the soul of Qin Shi, if it falls into a long time, it will be severely corroded.

At this time, the outside world is unknown, and many people are slightly curious.

Mo Xingyu has a sweat in his hands, Mo Xingyu said: "Ling Zhujie, Qin Shi, he will not have anything?"

"I don't know. Let's take a look at it. There is also a boundary symbol on his body. Even if it is not Zhang Liang's opponent, it is not difficult to win this black dragon." Ling Zhu is also a jade eye, she is worried.


At this time, in the black dragon to know the sea, the **** of Qin Shi crushed the gold pattern.

Dispel this endless darkness with the power of gold.


However, the serpent suddenly suddenly became horrified, apparently against the power of the gold.

"Kid, do you have such power in your body?" At this moment, the big snake angered, and the huge snake tail slammed at this moment, a fierce and incomparable force turned into a sharp blade, and the soul of Qin Shi was forced to smash. under.

boom! Was the **** pattern actually crushed by the serpent?

Qin Shi couldn't help but frown: "In the beginning, even if it was the curse of the glare of the Excalibur, I could still use this gold-printed stamp to temporarily suppress it. Why is there no way to suppress the corrupting curse of this serpent?"

"In the beginning, what you destroyed was just a curse, but in the black dragon's curse, there is the spirit of the gods living. If you want to suppress this curse, you must control the snake first." .

"Hey, kid, useless, with your strength, it is impossible to break my curse!" The snake smiled proudly.

However, Qin Shi suddenly calmed down, and his black hair flashed a bit of light.

"That may not be." Qin Shi suddenly smiled, then his gods were actually flashing the golden light.

When the golden light flashed, an invisible illusory golden sword pierced, the blade was just a vain look, but from above it conveyed an incomparable power, which is more powerful than a big snake. Into the black dragon's knowledge of the sea, when the Excalibur came out, the snake's eyes condensed, almost screaming: "Bad boy! This is, glare sword? How can you have Hyunguang Shenjian?"

"Oh, do you think, with your strength, can you compete with the glare sword?" Qin Shi asked" When the phantom of the sacred sword emerged, the snake became apparent He is a **** on the list of gods, but it is far from the sacred sword. The glare sword has absolute suppression for him.

"Damn! You bastard!" The big snake roared.

Qin Shi proudly sneered, then his wrist turned, holding a sword burst to the big snake.


A **** print, then hit the snake snake like a comet.


The curse of the serpent was almost instantaneous, and it fell apart from the black dragon's knowledge of the sea. At that time, the serpent was suppressed by the sacred gods.

At this time, the curse of the black dragon knowing the sea gradually faded away. After the corrosive swamp faded, Qin Shi found the black dragon's **** from this messy land.

At this time, the black dragon's **** is particularly weak.

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