Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1598: Walrus

Mo Xingyu is extremely fast, and the figure sometimes hides and flashes, and enters the altar as a ghost. ??

Unexpectedly, when Mo Xingyu entered the thirty-seven meters of the squad, two walrus sea beasts opened their eyes in an instant, even though Mo Xingyu’s degree was extremely fast, the line was wrong, the body was different, and the air was constantly interspersed. However, the two walrus beasts seem to have the same eagle eye. For example, the eagle eagle is aiming at the ground in the 10,000-meter high sky, and it can be locked very accurately. The two walruses suddenly get up.

But the accident is that the two walruses did not act rashly. The beasts that reached the boundary like them all had the wisdom of not being weaker than human beings. One of them, the fierce side, fell on the skin at this time. On the Miaojiang body, he said: "Don't care. The few little guys who came here are different from the previous ones. It's a bit of a skill. This advanced one should be to attract our attention and give this kid the practice of fire. Create a sneak attack opportunity."

"You stay here, I will go to the kid first."

"You pay attention to yourself." Another sea elephant beast nodded.

Immediately, one of them, the sole of the foot violently stepping on, the diamond tile of the altar was gently trembled at this moment, the sandstone scattered in the gap between each brick and tile, the sea elephant beast roared, then, Exhibited with his body shape is extremely inconsistent, and instantly approached the place where Mo Xingyu is on the left side, approaching hundreds of meters. At this time, the fangs of the sea elephant beast slammed cold.

"Ivory explosion!"

boom! Two ivory suddenly burst into two cold beams.


Mo Xingyu's figure was accurately shot, and his reaction was quick. The scimitar slammed between his arms and tangled in front of him, like an iron shield of a sea vortex.


The two beams hit the iron shield that was formed by the curved knife, and suddenly the sound of metal crashes in the altar.


Immediately, it is a series of muffled sounds. Within the light beam, there is still an explosive spiritual power hidden?

boom! Half a second, Mo Xingyu's machete was suddenly shaken. He couldn't help but blink. He rushed backwards and screamed. He said, "Drink, Xiao Yan, this animal, can use the power of this skill?"

Seeing that he was hit by the air mass blown out of the cold mang, Mo Xingyu bit his teeth, actually stopped the lower body, he shouted: "You three, let your sister!"

At this time, the three brothers of King Kong just glanced at the outside of the law. They did not dare to delay. The three bronze cymbals in front of the three of them suddenly burst out. These three cockroaches were very arrogant and blocked in front of Mo Xingyu. Under the hundreds of air masses, the three cockroaches did not hide or sneak out. It was actually the flesh to stop the air squad that even Qin Shi saw some taboos.

boom! boom! boom!

Successively, a series of explosions, at this time a few people are frowning, this vibration really caused a lot of movement.

"The three cockroaches, can you block it? Just the air mass, but the real thing is the real thing!" At this time, Xiahou Palace of Xiahou Palace.

No, the three brothers of the King Kong Palace confidently smiled and said: "Oh, if our embarrassment is destroyed by this means, then we are not worthy to accompany the Lingzhu sister to the tomb, but rest assured, our three Although I dare not say that I can win the border, it is impossible for ordinary people to destroy them. All of our three skeletons are copper-level Donkey Kong, which can protect against fire and its defense. There is a strong person in the world who has a headache for a while, that is, Miao Jiang wants to destroy, but also consumes most of his spiritual power."

“Is there such an exaggeration?” Xia Hou’s suspicion.

The three brothers of King Kong did not explain, but they smiled calmly. At the end of the summer, they will be suspicious, looking into the rolling wolf smoke, and seeing that the wolf smoke is exhausted. The three skeletons are actually intact. The most amazing thing is In front of the three skeletons, even a trace of gas bombs were not missed, and Mo Xingyu smiled easily at the rear.

"Is it really blocked?" Xiahou was quite surprised.

The jingle of the three King Kong brothers seems to be dissatisfied with the question of the late Xiahou.

Qin Shi was also slightly shocked at this time. He was very clear about the power of the sea elephant beast. He did not dare to guarantee that he could easily block it, but he did not expect it to be blocked by these three skeletons. Right, Qin Shi has had some research, but it can be achieved at such a level.

It seems to be a reflection of Qin Shi’s doubts. The King Kong brothers said: “The choice of our King Kong family is based on the early years of our ancestors. When we were in a Star River, we happened to encounter the vision of heaven and earth. The most rare place in this world was obtained. The star meteorite, and it is the 彗 陨 陨 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 七The outer star meteorite has been refining into gold, golden enamel, and can be integrated with the realm, and even the border is full."


"Well, but this is not the most exaggerated. In fact, the peak of this star meteorite should be a diamond-colored crystal. That is the most peak of the Vajrayana and the strongest. It is said that the ancestor of our King Kong Palace. It is the refining of a true color of King Kong, then, rumors, can contend with the peak of the situation." King Kong brothers proud.

"Can you compete with the peak of the situation?" Qin Shi screamed, and his eyes rose a little shocked.

The King Kong brother nodded, but for a moment he couldn’t help but sigh: "But now, the true color is impossible to refine."

"Why?" Qin Shi was curious.

"Because the 彗 star 陨 is very rare, we have only one point in the Hai Palace. Therefore, in the past 100 years, the scorpion of refining will only use a little less. The rest is the other black iron material. Instead, this will greatly affect the performance of the meteorite, it is difficult to refine the true color of the star, now our grandfather, can only refine it into gold." King Kong brothers.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi is also disappointed, can compete with the peak of the situation, what is this means? He believes that as long as he is a little knowledgeable, he will understand, but he also understands that the choice of King Kong Palace, after all, is a sea palace, not an individual. For the whole sea palace, they can only do this. After all, like a meteorite. This kind of genius is always a problem that cannot be met.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, Mo Xingyu, after the three scorpions joined the battle, he obviously became proud of the spring breeze, and the sea elephant beast, which was still in an advantage, quickly fell into a disadvantage.

"Damn! These three skeletons, is there a boundary strength?" The seahorse beast was also shocked by the three skeletons.

"Big big guys, don't struggle, let's make a way out, Xiaoye can give you a good time." Mo Xingyu laughed.

"Kid, you can't think, as long as we are still alive, no one wants to commit the tomb of my king!"

Mo Xingyu shook his head and sighed: "If you don't know the time, then don't be a monster."

"Hands!" Mo Xingyu screamed at the three screams, when his body jumped into the sky.

The scimitar in his hand suddenly extended out. This action was the move that was used when he played against Qin Shi.

"With a soul knife, soul knife!"

Mo Xingyu's wrists slammed hard, and a series of silver gems suddenly shredded the scorpio.


The walrus was roaring and was scratched by a curved knife.

boom! The screams of the walrus beasts, and the huge body collapsed to the ground.

Seriously injured the walrus beast, Mo Xingyu will retract the machete like a whip. Immediately, he looked at Miaojiang with a lazy look: "The fireball, did not get it? Hold it tight, Lingzhu sister has completed I will leave you alone if Lingzhu is angry."

"Let's talk nonsense with your grandfather! You have three helpers, but I am single-handed!" Miaojiang roared, and then suddenly his fist burst into a huge volcano like a volcano. At this moment, his body jumped fiercely. In the high altitude, a hitting fire fist hit the other sea elephant beast.


The second sea elephant beast was also seriously injured by Miaojiang at this time. It was quite awkward compared to Mo Xingyu's appearance. The red upper body had several amazing blood outlets.

"The one in the Changsheng Palace, what are you doing?" Miao Jiang stepped on the seahorse beast and shouted.

At this time, the very thin disciple of the Changsheng Palace was shocked. His appearance was very weak and thin. It seemed like a gust of wind. He could blow him down. At the beginning, Qin Shi noticed him and could not understand. Why Lingzhu will choose him, but he firmly believes that this seemingly different kid must have any special skills.

However, when the thin disciple shot, Qin Shi was a black condensate.

The disciple’s hands clasped together, and he grew a few vines in his Every vine seems to be breeding a world, and several vines spread very quickly to Miao The emerald green fluorescence is entangled in Miaojiang. I saw that the wound of Miaojiang was slowly healed under the naked eye. Not even a scar was left.

"Cure martial arts?" Qin Shi's tongue, healing martial arts, is extremely rare in this world, otherwise the alchemy teacher will not become a precious profession after the magician, but any kind of healing martial arts, Even if it is only a level of creation, it will become a treasure of the world's snapping, a force that has a life-return, such as his rain and rain. In these years, without this martial arts, he did not know how many times he died.

"Oh, is this the extent of the three thousand sea palaces?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi looked at the nine enchanting beside him, and his eyes were slightly warm at this moment.

If these nine disciples are placed in the human world, I am afraid that it is only nine of them, is it enough to reverse the human world for a week?

"Three thousand inside... Oh, it seems really worth going." In just a few days, Qin Shi saw countless things from the nine people that made him curious, and yearning for things, or things.

And therefore it is destined that he will be in the next three thousand.

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