Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1579: Deep sea source pool

Everyone hesitated for a long while, and immediately they couldn’t help but laugh.

"Laugh, laugh, laugh and laugh!" Looking at the soul card with zero scale in his hand, Qin Shi himself is very helpless. He thought that Chen Hao is three in one. How can he meet him in four or so? Identity? Even if it is not four, three or five, even the same three points, it is good, but unexpectedly, the soul power on his soul card is actually at the lowest point.

"This thing, can't you make a mistake? Or, forget to test it for me?" Qin Shi thought.

Mu Xiaoyi said: "Qin Shi is not strange. He is an overseas person. As early as when we were born, our information will be sent to the inner three thousand. This information will change with us every year. And growth, this soul card, I guessed it well, it should be based on the information of the year to test, but the inside three thousand did not include Qin Shi information, so he will be zero."

Qin Shi nodded, and this also said that the soul test of this deep sea source pool is obviously a battle method, the array method, there must always be a basis to judge the soul value, there is no basis, only zero, Qin Shi long sigh : "Forget it, zero is zero, anyway, no matter how much, you have to collect it slowly."

"Chen Chengong is the main lord of the outer sea palace. The domain is fully cultivated, only three points. This soul value test is very demanding."

"It's not surprising, you haven't heard of it. When the soul reaches ten, you can cross the area. If everyone starts to be ten, there is no need to divide us into four areas for trial."

"Lu Peng?"

Suddenly, Takuya was surprised.

Qin Shi frowned, when the talents were shocked, Lu Peng did not even be with them after they came out of the giant door.

"It seems that it is because of the space currents, and we are scattered. Don't worry, Lu Peng's strength, the peripheral Haigong can hurt him. He can protect himself. Let's find a place to take a break. I am going to find him tomorrow." Qin Shidao, everyone responded, and several people just got up from the cliff and went deep into the green sea.

As the night fell, everyone built a bonfire in the forest. The three brothers of Tuoyu were responsible for hunting some fierce beasts. Mu Xiaoyi personally cooked the kitchen to make a dinner. When I thought about the cooking of Mu Xiaoyi, the three brothers of Tuoba were forbearing. When I lived in the outlet water, then Chen Hao was not convinced: "Oh, better than cooking? I thought that Chen Hao would be willing to go down the wind?"

At the moment, Lishu twitched at the corner of his mouth: "Sister, are you sure you want to cook?"

Chen Yuzui: "Of course! I want my man to know that I am a good wife!"

When it was affirmed, the Lishu quickly retreated hundreds of meters at a speed that was too fast. At the beginning, everyone still did not understand, and when Chen Hao C knife was ready to start, everyone was fully aware, this Chen Hao, Where is cooking, it is simply killing people, the hand is falling, the big opening, the towering ancient wood within 10 meters of her radius is broken on the spot, the ground is dug a three-foot deep pit.

Qin Shi also swallowed his mouth and took a few steps back.

Unexpectedly, when Chen Hao stopped his hand, what he presented in front of everyone was a delicious taste. No matter the taste or appearance, it was no worse than Mu Xiaoyi. Three brothers, three brothers, this product, shouting good, good quality, nodded praise.

"Is it fair, how about my craft? If you like it, I will do it to you every day." Chen Yuxian's courtesy.

Qin Shi smiled and took a taste of it. Chen Hao’s cooking skills are indeed exquisite, and the food she cooked has the magical effect of consolidating spiritual power. If she can enjoy it every day, it is a blessing in life, just one. I thought that every day I had to experience another nightmare, and Qin Shi couldn’t help but shook her head.

"I heard that in addition to cultivation in this deep-sea source pool, there are a lot of precious spirits and beasts here. If you can find one, even if it is eliminated after half a year, it is worth it, and you can get it. The heavens are different, and it is said that it will also greatly help the improvement of the soul value."

"Well, but these treasures are extremely precious, and once they are in the world, they will be alarmed by the three thousand."

"It's hard to say, maybe we have it in Dongxuan District? In this way, the value of their souls is no more than ten, and we can't find it ourselves first?"

A few people nodded, and this is a goal.

In the middle of the night, Qin Shi alone leaned on the ancient wood. After everyone was asleep, he slowly closed the black scorpion and reached the curse. He almost didn't need to sleep. In the night, he only needed to store the gods in the sea, and the next day would be able to The most refreshing thing is that this will also make his soul surge.

But suddenly, Qin Shi's brow wrinkled, and several ghosts emerged from his knowledge of the sea.

"Oh, is it fixed?"

The Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, and the corner of his mouth showed a sneer of the sand-stained S shadow.

In the dark jungle, the cold wind swept the mountain forest at an alarming speed. The fallen leaves on the ground were also squeaked and squeaked. In this case, it is very easy to hide. In the place where Qin Shi rests, in all directions, A lot of figures were concealed in the dark with dark clothes, and they stared greedily at it.

It is not difficult to see from these people that this group of people is not a force, but from a number of sea palaces, but their purpose is the same, they want to **** the soul value in the hands of Qin Shi and others.

"Is it Qin Palace and Luosheng Palace? Oh, it’s an idiot. I dare to settle in this quiet forest. It is well-connected here, and the surrounding environment is very chaotic. I was killed and I don’t know who killed it."

"But big brother, Luosheng Palace and Tuoba Palace are better to deal with, but Qin Shi and Lu Peng of Qin Palace, we can not win?"

"Oh, you didn't see it? Lu Peng is not here, only Qin Shi, we don't have to win him. There will definitely be someone who can't resist the shot. When someone delays the Qin Shi, we will take the opportunity. The rest of the people started, now is the early stage of the deep sea source pool, and grab more soul values. As long as we can leave Dongxuan District and enter other Xuan District, we will develop."

In the concealed waves of people, they are constantly planning each other. Now they are waiting. The first to be able to resist Qin Shi’s shot will be destined to be a stepping stone for the rest of the population. However, it seems that they have not considered it. In addition, there may be other possibilities in addition to this.

"Weird, why haven't there been any movement?" A wave of people rushed to the eyebrows of this eyebrow. One of them, looking at the Qinshi, which was closed under the tree, looked intently.

At this time, suddenly someone patted him from behind, he did not bother to say: "Don't move, whisper a little, one will hit the grass and start a snake, we will all fall into the mold!"

"Oh, are you sure you don't look back?"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded, let the disciple frown slightly, and then he turned back fiercely. When he saw the figure behind him, his eyes suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head. He turned his head, turned back, turned his head, and turned back several times. In the end, he suddenly got up as frightened: "Qin, Qin..."

Before Qin Shi’s booth, he grabbed the disciple’s mouth, and it was almost instantaneous that the disciple’s throat was broken.

The speed of the Thunder is not overwhelming, this wave of disciples was counter-killed during the sneak attack.

Killing them, Qin Shi was cold and snoring, and the soul cards of these people were all taken out. These people’s soul cards have two points, but they add up. Qin Shi’s soul cards are no more than three. Qin Shi secretly: "It seems that the more the soul card goes up, the more soul power it needs."

Qin Shi thought of this, he is not surprised, if it is really free to kill a few two-point disciples can achieve very, then this test is too simple, or unnecessary, but here to attack them, Not only this wave, Qin Shi quietly sneaked into the night, shot at a very fast speed, a total of thirteen people, was solved by Qin Shi in silence, and finally his soul card flashed three points For a moment, he showed a smug smile and took back the part that was left under the tree.

On the following day, when Chen Hao and others woke up, several people were surprised to find that the Qin Shi soul card changed.

"Miyaz, you have a rest for a night, so the soul has grown so much?"

"Oh ~ ~ There are a few small shrimps, by the way to clean up." Qin Shi waved his hand.

In this Dongxuan District, there are only fifty-three people in the outer sea palace and three people in Li Rui. The boundary is only Zhou Zixuan, so here, Qin Shi almost has no enemies except Zhou Zixuan, but wants to leave here. It is not an easy task. Simply, he and Chen Hao have been collecting spirit grass in this Dongxuan District for half a month, killing the beasts and increasing the soul.

In this half-month, Qin Shi and others also encountered many disciples of the peripheral Hai Palace, and Qiu Ming also had a face-to-face, but no one seems to be willing to provoke Qin Shi.

However, for Qiu Ming, they are not willing to provoke Qin Shi. It does not mean that Qin Shi will let them go easily. After all, no one will doubt that his soul is too much, killing people and goods, not only others will do it, he Qin Shi will be like it, and it will be even better than many people.

On the cliff of a cliff, a D cave, the people headed by Qin Shi, blocked the disciple of Qiu in the D cave.

"Qin Shi, don't be too much. This is not a peripheral sea palace. Do you really think that you can walk sideways?" Qiu Ming was seriously injured by Qin Shi at this time. He was clenched with fists and couldn't believe it. He was in the Straits. At that time, he clearly saw the superior Qin stone several times. Nowadays, in front of Qin Shi, he could not even get out of both faces. This huge gap made him angry and unwilling.

"Oh, I can't know if I can go sideways here, but I know that if you don't hand over the soul card, you can now eliminate it from this deep sea source pool." Qin Shi played with a few thunder, sneer sound.

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