Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1562: Crane shadow

Mu Qingyan burst into the air, and a heavenly palace was floating.

The day the palace floated, and many of the main palaces of the sea palace were shocked: "Mu Qingyan actually cultivated this round of martial arts? Is this martial arts only cultivated by the palace master?"

Mu Xiao is also glaring at Mu Qingyan, but Mu Qingyan obviously can't take care of this. If he does not even take a shot, he will not be killed. The repair will be completely abolished by the quirky stone statue. In the future, he will become a waste, so he will pay for many years. The success of this will be destroyed and will be lost.

At about the same time, Qin Shi’s eyes changed: “It seems that I have just said something, you have not heard it clearly.”

Suddenly, Qin Shi was a black man, and he sneaked into the void with his bare hands. The Wanzhang Temple, which was condensed by Mu Qingyan, was bursting with trepidation. A thrilling force directly pierced the hole and made everyone’s heart It’s a cold, it’s like this, it’s angering the Heavenly Palace... The real exhibitor is Qin Shi, Mu Qingyan, just creating a heavenly palace for Qin Shi, and Qin Shi is the one who is angered.

The celestial palace was destroyed, Qin Shi’s dead hand was empty, and Mu Qingyan’s old body was struck by the current, and it was violently stiff and paralyzed, followed by a suction entanglement, and Qin Shi grabbed the throat directly.


Seeing this scene, many of the elders of the palace are shocked again...

"The strength of this scene of Qingyan is almost the same as that of Murong. From the point of view of the annihilation of the Heavenly Palace, it should be stronger than that of Murow. It was defeated by Qin Shiru as a dead dog. This kid, in the periphery, I am afraid that except for the ten parties. No one can beat him in the old monster of the temple."

Lishu was slightly worried at the moment, Qin Shi really did get the limelight this time, but Mu Xiu Yulin's reason, Qin Shi will be in the road of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace in the future, it is not good to go.

At this time, Chen Hao smiled: "He is like this. He is not willing to cause trouble, but he is a good person. However, his anti-scale, no one can swear, touch, no matter what the price, he will not let go. The other side, this is awesome, this time really irritated him."

"The palace owner, the previous field of your fairy flower, is he also given?"

Chen Yu’s unmistakable loose shoulders, licking the fiery lips: “Well, he is really outstanding. In the future, in the seven thousand sea palaces, there must be a place for him, just because he is my Chen Hao. The man who is fancy will definitely!"

Beside Chen Hao, listening to the emotional girl who was relieved, Li Shu even suspected that this is Chen Hao who he has known for more than ten years? That always exposes herself, not because it is a coquettish, but a woman who is bold and always unassuming, but never willing to bow her head. At this time, in front of Qin Shi, she actually showed the appearance of a small woman.

"Oh, our palace owner, it really is different from ordinary people. It is enough to prove that it is possible to attract Chen Haogong to this."

"Less a poor mouth! Beside him, be sure to help him. In the future, you will see the grand battle you will never see in the rest of the world."

Lishu nodded: "I always believe."

Grasping the throat of Mu Qingyan, Qin Shi did not have the slightest compassion. He was not kind, and there was not much compassion. They couldn’t turn them. He said coldly: "It’s a pity to kill you, use your Spirituality is breeding a few species of scented flowers."

In other words, Qin Shi will be close to the stone statue of Mu Qingyan oil lamp.

Mu Qingyan feels that there is a huge suction in an instant. The force of gravity is more and more vital to him, and the aura is exploited from the body.

"No! Bastard kid! You dare!"

"Your grandson dares to take my things, why don't I dare?" Qin Shi smiled coldly, and at this time he blackened and wrinkled, and Yu Guang could not help but turn to the end of the sunny sky.

Half-sounding, the rest of the palace of the sea palace seems to feel something, and they look up at the sky with amazement, looking at the void, the sea flows into a whirlpool, in the whirlpool, a figure of the fairy wind and the bones slowly step out, the fairy shadow is full Head snow, from him can feel the rich fairy.


Qin Shi secretly, from the shadow of the fairy, there is a force that makes him also taboo, but now he can only make him jealous but only the boundary.

"Oh, little guy, young, suffocating, don't be too heavy, so it's very easy to get mad." The fairy shadow came out, and his big hand gently explored, as if there was a soft force suddenly approaching Qin Shi, From the hands of Qin Shi, Mu Li and Mu Qingyan will protect them, which will save the two from being swallowed up by the stone statues of the reincarnation.

Seeing the fairy shadow, many sea palaces below are shocked.

"That is, the Temple of the Ten Squares, the Crane of the Three Temples?"

"Really, I didn't expect that even the Shifang Temple was alarmed?"

"This crane shadow has long been rumored and said that it has a very close relationship with Mujiahai Palace, but it has never seen him come out. Now that this Muhai Palace is in crisis, this old guy can't help but shoot."

"Well, I don't know what he means. If he wants to shoot this kid, this kid is afraid that he will not be guaranteed."

At this time, Tuoba Li, Chen Yu several people are holding their breath, the public lost their old eyes and turbidity, the same as the boundary, but he can feel a strong sense of oppression from the crane, that is the real atmosphere.

Chen Hao self-consolation said: "Nothing, it must be okay, Qin Shilian fire cloud can kill, this crane shadow may not be able to benefit if it is hands-on."

"No!" Suddenly, the public invincible affirmed: "This crane shadow is stronger than ten fire clouds. If he starts with Xiao Qinshi, Xiao Qinshi is dangerous."

"What? More powerful than ten fire clouds?" Tuo Yuli and others are staggering.

The power of the fire cloud, they have seen it, it is the ability to ruin the earth, but this crane is actually ten times stronger than the power?

"If this, the crane shadow really does work on Qin Shi, I will protect him from dying if he blew himself!"

However, under the worries of everyone, Qin Shi himself did not reveal the slightest fear. He was only a cold glance to the crane shadow. Indeed, in the face of the real world, he is still very tricky, but it has not reached the point where it cannot be touched. With the glare of Shenjian, Qin Shi has confidence, can kill this crane shadow in one stroke, just like that, he is really hard to stay in this seven thousand sea palace.

So no less than a last resort, he will not do that.

"How, old predecessors, are you here to help them?" Qin Shi smiled.

"Hey?" See Qin Shi calmly look like a crane, a slight glimpse, immediately screaming and laughing: "Oh, a little meaning, how many years can not be so calm in front of the old man? Little guy, what is your name?"

"Qin Shi."

"Qin Shi? Oh, good name, the beginning of the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, since the solid heart of the stone, good, good." Crane shadow nodded, then said: "Qin Xiaoyou, I wonder if I can sell old face? This ad Li is also a half-length of me. You have already spent most of his repairs on fees. How about leaving his grandson and his two lives?"

It sounds like a lot of sea palaces are tongues, and crane shadows are actually discussing with Qin Shi?

Qin Shi is also a glimpse. Obviously, he did not expect this crane to be like this. It was unexpected to him. However, he squinted and squinted. This Mu Hai Palace passed through him and it was indeed ruined. Most of them are also abolished. With his current level, he can't get any benefit from the situation. For this reason, he laughs lightly: "Since the cranes and seniors open their mouths, the nature of my juniors will not be uninteresting."

In other words, Qin Shi’s hands were loose, and Mu Li and Mu Qingyan were rescued like two dead animals. The big mouth and the big mouth were mad, and immediately, like a funeral dog, they even climbed to hide. Behind him.

Seeing this old and young, a new palace owner of Mujiagong, a great elder of Mujiagong is so embarrassed, many sea palaces feel quite funny.

Seeing Qin Shi let go of two people, Crane Shadow is also a faint smile, and then his eyes turn, falling on the stone statue of the round, the old eyes flashed a bit of greed, although his experience does not know the name of this stone statue, but I am sure that it is absolutely nothing. However, without giving him more opportunities to appreciate, Qin Shi waved his hand, and his sleeves were like a shrinking glory, and he took back the stone statue.

"Little friend, this stone statue..."

"Oh, predecessors, some things, I think we should not ask more questions. After all, we are not friends, lest I do not respond, you are jealous." Qin Shi knows the meaning of Crane, directly interrupted.

A shadow of the crane, a lot of palace owners are a glimpse, crane shadow is one of the ten old monsters on the periphery, the outside of this lame will be less than a sea palace, Qin Shi even dare to talk to it? Everyone’s heart is cold, is this kid really ignorant?

However, the crane shadow is a smile and a smile, the old eyes are obviously weak and stern, but fleeting, he nodded to Qin Shi: "Oh, Xiaoyou said that it makes sense that the old man has just lost."

Qin Shi shrugged, and immediately he did not say much, wrapped the black robe and then fell down, and handed a domain fairy to Mu Xiaoyi again: "This is for you."

"This, this, really give me?"

"Oh, my Qin Shi gave things to go, naturally will not go back." Qin Shi nodded, and then he was black and cold, the following words made the audience shudder: "Of course, I give you something, others Also can't take it."

This is obviously to say to those who admire the disciples.

After all, Qin Shi walked to the side of Mu Xiaojing and envied the show of Xiao Jing: "Remember the token that my brother gave you. When you need it, just crush it, I will appear next to you~www.novelmtl. Com ~ immediately, Qin Shi was turned around, but directed at 6 Peng two people beckon.

"Since we also don't welcome us, we will leave."

The two men glanced at each other. At this time, they couldn’t help but smile. They just got up and followed Qin Shi from behind.

Suddenly, Mu Xiao pinched his fist, and then unexpectedly went forward: "Qin Xiaoyou, the old man has something... Seek for it, be sure to promise!"

In a word, Mu Xiao actually disregarded his identity, and the void was directed at Qin Shi.


The three sisters of Mujia are all moving in jade, Qin Shi is also frowning at this time, and the sleeves are holding up the scream: "What is the main thing of the old palace, though, what is this? The younger generation can't afford it."


The promised explosion at the beginning of the month is more, but at the end of last month, there are four more and five more, and there are only nine chapters for the time being, but the remaining eleven chapters are all available today in any case.

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