Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1560: Qin Shi is angry

As early as entering the Mujia Palace, Qin Shi felt that the strength of Mu Li was different. The system of Mu Li was not amazed by the roots, but the spiritual power in the body was very rich, the foundation was deep, and the spiritual reserve was not like The younger generation should have it. After the admiration of Xiao Xiaoying, Qin Shicai thought: "It is no wonder that just as soon as it will suddenly burst out of the power of a half-step boundary, and there is still some familiarity. It turned out to be a domain fairy flower." ”

At this time, not only Qin Shi, many of the elders of the Hai Palace are slightly frowning, domain fairy flowers? This is the most extreme treasure in the outer sea palace, even they have never enjoyed it, and some envious hopes to admire: "It turns out that the family is the domain of the fairy flower? No wonder, at this age, it is so Uncommon achievements, it is said that in addition to increasing the probability of a breakthrough of 90% in the domain, the domain fairy flower is more able to stabilize the roots and strengthen the foundation. It is extremely rare, even if I can take one plant, There is a great opportunity to break through the boundaries."

"It's really enviable, but the domain fairy flower seems to be this Qin Shi?"

"I know this thing. In the trial of the strait, the Qin Palace Lord did give a scent of the scent of the Mujia, but the scent of the scent of the scent did indeed give Ms. Mu Xiaoyi. I did not expect that this sorrow would give Grab the go? Oh, otherwise, the position of the head of the palace, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it, and the position of the Lord is not glamorous."

Mu Xiao also frowned at this time. He didn't even know about it. He used to feel weird. He had already seen that Mu Xiaoyi was not stable, but he also broke through to the domain and there was not much. Q, now it seems that he knows that there is still such a thing, his old eyes become more and more angry, his eyes staring at Mu Qingyan and Mu Li.

"What is going on?" Qin Shi asked, he could see that Mu Xiaoyi seemed to want to hide this matter.

Mu Xiaoyu wanted to say that Mu Xiaoyi took her: "Small, can't say!"

"Sister! This time, are you still afraid of him? He has tortured you for less than half a year? Take your domain fairy flower and seal you and me in the nine-story ice cave! I don't care!" Mu Xiaoyu earned a little admire Yi, her eyes screamed with tears: "After the trial of the strait, my sister got the domain fairy flower, and could have won the victory. However, Murray suddenly found my sister and said that my sister would pay the domain fairy flower. Give him, if not, he will join the Yusheng Palace and attack the Mujiahai Palace. At that time, Qiu Ming also said that if he did not give it, he would kill the Mujiahai Palace and kill my father! ”

scare! A mysterious mystery was dug up, and many of the palace owners turned around at this time and landed at the Qiujiahai Palace, which also came to participate in the ceremony.

Qiu Jiahai Palace, Qiu Shanyao and Qiu Shantang are both in the same house. Qiu Ming, Qiu Chuer and Qiu Chuhe are all around him.

"The Palace of the Twins, I want to take a shot at the Mujiahai Palace? Now that the Palace of the Twins has a union of two palaces, it is against the truth. Does he still want to create a third one?"

"Oh, it’s really ambitious."

At this time, Qiu Ming's face is also a burst of change, and his face is angry and admires Mu Xiaoyu.

"Qiu Gongzhu, is this really true?" At this time, Mu Qingyan suddenly stood up, his voice with a bit of a questioning tone.

Qiu Shanyao He Xuren, the outer sea palace for many years, naturally understand the meaning of Mu Qingyan, sneer: "Oh, how this will happen, my twin palace and Mujia Palace have always been good, Qingyan elders can not listen to this little girl doll nonsense. ”

"Well, I also believe in Qiu Gongzhu." Mu Qingyan nodded.

For the scene of the two people's self-acting, many sea palaces are cold-sounding.

At this time, Qiu Shanyao was old-fashioned, and his palm suddenly ran a cold current, violently admiring Xiaoyan’s heart and shaking his heart.

An ice dragon instantly freezes under the deep sea and directly spreads to the front of Mu Xiaoyan. Under the nine-layer ice cave for a long time, Mu Xiaoyu has already been afraid of ice. At this time, many sea palaces were unexpected. Qiu Shanyao Do you have a sudden killer for a younger generation? At this moment, Mu Xiao is screaming: "Qiu Shanyao, you dare!"

"Hey, a sly woman who is arrogant and arrogant, dare to marry me to pay for the palace!"

The ice dragon swooped, and at this moment, a big hand suddenly came out, and there was a green fire in the big hand, such as a claw of a green dragon and a phoenix, and grabbed the blood of the ice dragon.


The ice dragon was actually broken into ice crystals on the spot.

A level of martial arts, a little fleeting.

Hey! A virtual shadow, half of the face is dark, Qiu Shanyao saw Qin Shi's old eyes sinking, and immediately his heart rose sharply, and Qin Shi looked at him for half a second, he seemed to be deeply into the darkness. Among them, the back of the spine swelled and chilled: "A terrible look... Six months ago, this son was in front of me, I can still crush him, this is less than half a year, he is so strong to this extent?"

Qiu Shanyao even had a hunch that if he dared to step forward, Qin Shi would tear him apart.

"How do you live in the Palace of Life, my Qin Shi does not want to control, but if you do not want to kill the Palace, it is best to look at it quietly! Roll!"

Qin Shikou spit the frosty sound, and immediately he waved.


Qiu Shanyao didn't even have time to return to God. He only felt the current in the chest sinking down. He crashed into his chest like a mammoth giant, and his body suddenly flew nearly 100 meters like a broken paper.

"Big Brother! Palace Lord!"

This scene, too suddenly, Qiu Shantang and the elders of the Palace of Life are stunned.

At this time, countless Haigong's palace masters also looked at Qin Shi, Qiu Shanyao's strength, most of them have been taught, and even more than half have been defeated, but this Qin Shi ... is actually, almost spike?

Qiu Shantang had a fire in his eyes, but Qiu Shanyao grabbed him fiercely: "Don't, don't do it! We are not his opponents..."

"How is this possible!" Qiu Shantang can't figure out how to make this kid become as terrible as a devil in half a year?

Qiu Chuer now has red lips in the crowd, and the beauty is also a strange color. She remembers very clearly that she was confident in killing Qin Shi, but now she believes that she has a move. It is impossible to get out of the hands of Qin Shi, whether it is spiritual power or soul power, and the two are not at the same level.

The huge gap made Qiu Ming also unwilling to pinch the boxing.

However, the power of Qin Shi shocked the audience, when he handed the sisters to Chen Hao: "Take care of them."

Chen Yu Wenshun smiled.

At this time, Qin Shi only looked up coldly, and the black scorpion fell on the body like a knife.

Perceiving Qin Shi’s goal, Mu Qingyan’s old eyes almost solidified, and his old body’s body jumped up.


However, they did not give Mu Qingyan the opportunity to walk out of the main hall. Qin Shi’s empty palm, like a fly, will kill Mu Qingyan on the ground.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the sky above the sky, Mu Li and 6 Peng played against each other, at this time the two still did not feel the difference below, after the full activation of the power of the field fairy, Mu Li achieved obvious advantages, in the spiritual power A heavy blow made it difficult for 6 Peng to parry.


One palm hit the left shoulder of 6 Peng, 6 Peng left shoulders suddenly like a current in the ocean, and the smug smile: "Oh, 6 Peng, I said earlier, you must die today! Today, I am here. The protagonist! You, the **** kid, you can only become a stepping stone for me!"

Mu Li's voice is like an eagle hitting the sky, and the shoulder blade of the 6-peng left shoulder is almost shattered by the current. He eats a painful one-handed force on his shoulder, and his eyes look cold and sorrowful: "Damn! How is this weird power back?" What happened? Just now, it’s just that the domain is full, how come suddenly burst into a half-step situation?”

"Oh, I can't figure it out? Then don't think about it, you will never know it! Let's die!"

At this time, Mu Li showed a fierce appearance like a beast. He screamed at the sound of 6 Peng. At this moment, at the fingertips of his fingers, he gathered a virtual sky, and the sky came out, not only covering the sky, but also covering the sky. At this time, the shadows suddenly shrouded the people in the Mujia Palace. They also awakened from the shock of Qin Shi. When they saw that the photo was more than twice as powerful as before, many palace owners were slightly Frown, feel the heavy breath of the stock.

"Is this anger to the power of the Heavenly Palace, I am afraid it has to approach the border? I did not expect that this small housekeeper can have this potential. It seems that the domain fairy flower is really well-deserved. In the future, the future of this palace is also There is no limit."

"Well, this kid, with his current strength, even on my wait, this 6 Peng's life is not guaranteed, here is the Mujiahai Palace, the power of the extension is even stronger, and it is hard to do this. Kid, after all, the strong dragon does not press the head of the snake, huh, huh, the peripheral sea palace, this time there must be a big move."

"Oh, indeed, Mujiagong may not But don't forget, now 6 Peng is not a person in Mujiagong. The place where he is now, the kid, is not simple."

At this time, the people heard the sound of laughter, and their eyes suddenly turned to the position of Qin Shi. However, at this time they were shocked that Qin Shi had already disappeared from the place and did not know where to go.

Under the oppression of the Heavenly Palace, 6 Peng finally revealed a few touches of fear, and the shroud of this Heavenly Palace made him a big enemy.

"Damn! This blow, I can't stop it!" The power of the palace, 6 Peng knows that even if he uses the Kowloon submerged, it is useless, unless it is the Jiulong diving of Qin Shi.

At this time, 6 Peng is trying to flash back, but there is no way to retreat.

Murray excitedly laughed: "Haha, hahaha! Stepping stones, it's over!"

Snapped! Suddenly, everyone’s eyes are slightly condensed, as if the entire Mujiahai Palace is still. At this time, 6 Peng and Mu Li, including hundreds of Haigonggong masters, were shocked and saw In front of the sky, a thin figure was left behind with one hand, the other hand only gently slid out, and the five fingers touched the boundary of the sky. Suddenly, the whole temple seemed to reach the end of the world. Can no longer advance half an inch.

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