Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1556: Can try

In the words of Chen Yuzhi, there was a thick scorn, so that the people who heard it could not help but fight a chill. ?

At this time, many sea palaces are curious to look at Chen Hao. Obviously, they do not understand Chen Yu’s implication. The eyes are also slightly changed. Although he has been admiring Chen Hao for many years, he cannot tolerate Chen Hao in his territory. Insulting him in front of the palace elders of many sea palaces.

"Oh, Chen Hao, you said that you saved my entire Mujiahai Palace? Then I was curious, how did you save this so-called rescue?" Mu Li cold.

"Mu Li, don't be convinced, you know that you just have to shoot, who is it?" Chen Yujiao asked.

According to Chen Yu, many sea palaces have turned their eyes to Qin Shi. Later, many elders of the Hai Palace have gradually awakened. Just the meaning of Chen Yu, several Haigonggong masters laughed: "Oh, huh. Just Chen Yu means that if she does not stop, Mu Rui angers this kid, this kid can ruin the entire Mujiahai Palace?"

"Impossible? Mujiahai Palace, although it is only a middle-level sea palace, but it has a history of hundreds of years, and its foundation is strong, even if it is the Yusheng Palace, Tuoba Palace, these big palaces do not dare to say that it is easy to destroy Let's go? The words of the Shifang Temple are possible. However, how can we not know the juniors of the Shifang Temple? This kid is very strange and certainly not a descendant of the Shifang Temple."

"Well, this kid, the strength is really good. At a young age, there is a perfect situation. A heavy blow to the squad is a slap in the younger generation of the outer sea palace. But it is a younger generation, but how can he Inciting the whole Mujiahai Palace?"

"In the peripheral sea palace, like his age, can dare to say that the Mujiahai Palace, I think it really is not."

"Oh, that may not be, there is a person, maybe it can be." And suddenly, a palace owner of the Hai Palace laughed.

"Oh? Lord Shengsheng, what do you mean by saying that there are such young people in the sea palace outside me?"

The longevity of the Nagano Palace, the name of the longevity, said: "You forgot, how was the Yanggong a month ago destroyed?"

Suddenly, everyone was ashamed. If they were hit by the blue sky, the palaces of several sea palaces breathed in a hurry. It was like hearing a great big man. One person narrowed his eyes and said: "The longevity sea palace refers to it, but that is called Qin Shi’s teenager?”

"Well, it is exactly that you look closely at the two people beside this kid. You should be familiar with that person. You are not a stranger. You are not a scholar at his side. If I am not Remember, he is the only military elder of the Luosheng Palace in the millennium, less than 20 years old. The influence of these two people in the peripheral sea palace is not small, especially the Lishu, many Haigong once thought To dig the attention of his corner, but these two people, can be willing to follow this child, he will be simple?"

The sound of the voice, the eyes of everyone changed into strange, this is the 6 Peng and Li Shu.

"That Qin Shi really has a very close relationship with Tuoba Palace and Luosheng Palace. Now these three sea palaces are also strong and strong, is this kid really the Qin Shi?"

"If this is the case, then Chen Hao just said... there is no exaggeration."

"Well, although this Mujiahai Palace is rich in foundation, it is far worse than the Yang Palace supported by Huoyun Palace. The Yang Palace is still destroyed by him. If he just irritated him, he really angered him. This Muhaihai Palace, maybe the day of the registration of the palace today, it became the time of the palace."

Many of the palace owners took a breather, and they looked at Qin Shi’s eyes full of curiosity, and half of the thick charm and pleasing color.

If this son is really Qin Shi, then they would rather offend the Haijiahai Palace, and they will certainly please Qin Shi. After all, dozens of sea palaces have been subjected to hundreds of domain magic symbols in the outer sea palaces. It is not a small alarm, a shot, is the hundreds of domain magic symbols, this kind of big hand, enough to make countless Haigong willing to follow.

Qin Shi is also the only one in the outer sea palace that has been in the past for thousands of years.

Suddenly asked by Chen Hao, Mu Li slightly frowned, his sharp eyes gazing at the half-sounding sigh. For Qin Shi, he listened to Mu Xi mentioned, is an overseas person, practiced in general, with serious injuries, the rest I don’t know, but he really couldn’t think of how much background a strange kid could have. At this time, he clenched his teeth and said, “Oh, no matter how big the background, he dares to be in my home. The palace caused trouble and wounded my brother, I will not let him go."

Chen Hao's charming smile seems to be a disappointment to Mu Li's shook his head: "Idiot, if this is the case, no one can save you."

After all, Chen Hao took a step back and let go of the open space between the two men.

At this time, Mu Li was also fiercely punching, and the currents of the sea flowed to his boxing center.

"Oh!" But suddenly, Mu Qingyan stepped forward and held down Mu Li's shoulder. His eyes looked very calm towards the rear of Qin Shi.

"Oh, the small palace owner of Mujia, if you want to hurt him, then I will not sit back and watch it!"

A slap in the face of a loud laugh, Tuoba mad and Tuoba, the three men who lost their enemies gathered behind Qin Shi.

"Tuo Yu Gongzhu." Qin Shi squatted, bitter laughter.

"Oh, little guy, wronged? Do you want me to help you clean up this little bitch?" The public lost money, there was no shun in the words, and then a lot of sea palaces were alarmed.

The public invincible now breaks through the realm, and the position of the outer sea palace is soaring. It is second only to the ten old monsters of the ten-party temple. Therefore, it is a polite thing for the palace or the elders of the Haigong.

At the moment, Mu Qingyan twitched his mouth and he did not dare to despise it in the face of Tuoba Palace.

However, the public indulge in swearing, he is a true family member of the Mujiahai Palace.

"Oh, Tuoba Palace, the elders, you really do not put my Mu Hai Palace in your eyes?" Mu Qingyan gritted his teeth.

Takuya faintly smiled, standing next to Qin Shi, if you look carefully, you will feel that his position was deliberately put down a little lower than Qin Shi, which once again made everyone jealous, this young boy The identity is full of curiosity, is this boy, really the God-like rumored Qin Shi?

"Elders of Qingyan, everyone understands people. I don't talk nonsense with you. I open the skylight and say something. Just Chen Haogong has given you a way out. You know, who is this boy in front of you?"

"who is it?"

"The Lord of the Palace of the Qin."

"Qin Gong Palace Lord?" Mu Qingyan and Zhonghai Palace are all slightly frowning at this time. Obviously, the name of Qin Palace is unusually strange, but for a moment, suddenly someone was shocked: "Qin Gong? It is the recently-opened Hai Palace. The Qin Palace of the former Yang Palace?"

"Really this kid!"

At this time, the words of the arrogant madness will eventually wear the Qin Shi identity.

Although many Haigong had expected it, they could not help but be shocked after hearing the affirmation of Tuoba. Although they had heard that the palace of Qin Palace was very young, they did not expect that young to this point... and This young man has a layer that allows countless sea palaces to be taboo, and that is the magician who cursed the domain of Dacheng, which is enough to alarm the entire periphery of the sea.

Mu Qingyan’s old face was also fierce and gloomy. He clearly sinned the price of a mantra in the magical field. Hesheng Palace can achieve a very high position in the outer sea palace, except for the combination of two sea palaces. The reason is Qiu Chuer's identity as a demon, which is the noble existence of the olive branch that even the ten-party temple has thrown away.

Mu Qingyan’s fierce roar: “Damn! This kid is actually the Qin Palace official who recently passed the great god?”

Mu Qingyan was finally awakened at this time, knowing that he was really kicking the iron plate this time.

"Oh, it turned out to be the Lord of the Palace of the Qin Palace. It was just that the old man was out of order. It’s really apologetic." Mu Qingyan hesitated, his old face was finally polite, and smiled at Qin Shi.

Under the eyes of the public, Qin Shi did not wave his hand, and immediately his eyes fell on Mu Li, and paused for a while. During this period, Mu Qingyan’s forehead was flowing out of sweat. A month ago, Qin Shi was killed by two people. The matter of the border is spread throughout the outer sea palace. If this Qin Shi wants to take a shot at the Murray, I am afraid that even if he is there, he will not be able to keep up, no matter how much, the words of Tuoba and Chen Yu are very clear, if Qin Palace and Mu When Haihai Palace meets, they will definitely choose to help Qin Palace without hesitation.

Mu Qingyan is even more clear. The palace owners who are present in the hundreds of sea palaces are likely to slap the palace. After all, they can get a good impression of a curse domain, which is far better than his family. It is much more important to make good interests.

Fortunately, Qin Shi is not the kind of person who is irritating. The reason why he stays in Mu Li is just because he has just been from the martial arts spirit of Mu Li, the familiar taste is very rich, but he can’t figure it out. He shook his head: "In the future, let your grandson be disciplined. Don't let them have a mother-in-law and a mad dog, just screaming outside!"


Mu Li’s fierce fire-breathing, but Mu Qingyan was still holding him.

Mu Qingyan is also angry, this Qin Shi really did not leave him face.

However, due to the strength and identity of Qin Shi, he still smiled and smiled: "Oh, the Lord of the Palace of the Palace is saying that it is a good discipline."

Qin Shi is not nonsense, and at this time, the face of Mu Li is gloomy to the extreme. He gnawed his teeth and said: "Qin Shi, I don't care what you are! But today, I am the protagonist, here is Mujia Palace~www. I am the current owner of the Mujia, I don't welcome you, roll back to your Qin Palace!"

scare! The instant atmosphere seems to have solidified, and many of the Haigonggong masters are horrified.

Mu Qingyan’s old face was also a sinking. Mu Li was the kind of calm character in his impression. How could it be so impulsive today?

However, waiting for Mu Qingyan to open, then Lishu stood out and sneered: "Oh, I am afraid this is not possible. Do you think that my Qin Palace is called to go and sway? There is a saying that it is easy to send God. difficult."

"Oh, in my home, do you dare to say this to me?"

"I'm not convinced!?" Lishu came forward at this time, he is only a performance of Sven, but in the spiritual power is not weak, and at this time 6 Peng is also a magnificent atmosphere.

"What is this?" Unexpectedly, Qin Shi suddenly reached out and stopped the two men, coldly rushing to Mu Qingyan's cold laughter: "Oh, you don't have to tell me this, I have nothing to do with this Mujia Palace. With you, I am not qualified to let me come. In this admiration, I never recognize what the palace owner is not the palace owner. I believe that it is only Mu Xiaojing. I just come to see him. As for you want me to leave, if You have that ability, you can try it."

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