Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1550: Take over the palace

Qin Shi gave a slight glimpse, and after calming the sword, he looked at the madman: "Miyaz, what is it, even if you tell me, you are.??"

"This time, Tuoba Palace is because you survived. I have just discussed with many elders. From today, you are the owner of this Tuoba Palace. Later, I will go up and down the palace, everything will be Follow your will." Takuya madly said, immediately he turned around, the voice is very magnificent: "Tokyo Palace up and down orders, from today, I am Tuoba Palace, only Qin Shi's life can not be! Yet?"

"Understand!" Whether it is the elders or disciples, during the period including the public transport of Takuya 6 Peng and other people to explain Hong Liang's response, the extension of madness and public enmity is even more for the lower body, against Qin Shi The light road: "Qin Shi Gongzhu!"

This sudden change made Qin Shi unprepared. He quickly waved his sleeves, and a soft force dragged the knees of tens of thousands of people. To be honest, dragging the body of tens of thousands of people, he also felt very hard, but helpless: Gongzhu, what do you want to do? I am going to save the Tuoba Palace, just because of the enlightenment of the palace owner in the past, if it is not the Tuoba Palace, my Qin Shi is probably still seriously injured, and can not be restored, the palace owner Please come soon, I don’t want this Tuogong Palace."

"Little friend, if you don't pick up the position of this house, I will look down on it for a long time!" Takuya is very determined.

"Well, little guy, this time, you must promise, otherwise the old bones will not rise."

Qin Shi is full of black lines: "Predecessors, how do you follow the troubles? How can I be able to do the palace of the Tuoba Palace..."

However, for Qin Shi's words, the two did not listen to it at all, which made Qin Shi completely helpless.

At this time, many onlookers of the Haigong were also squinting, and some of the sinister old people said: "Oh, the Tuoba madness is a good game. It is undoubtedly a well-known choice to hand over the Tuoba Palace to this kid. Today, this kid’s position in the outer sea palace is likely to force the ten old monsters of the Shifang Temple. He will be the master of the Tuoba Palace, and the status of the Tuoba Palace in the outer sea palace will rise. Even under the protection of the Green Palace, it was stronger. After all, the Green Palace is stronger and it is also the Green Palace. But this kid is indeed the real power of the Tuoba Palace."

"Well, in this case, Tuoba Palace is a squid in the outer sea palace."

Under the sound of many arguments, Qin Shi grabbed his head and did not know how to be good. Takuya and public enmity are the ironhearts to force him to go up. At this time, the most terrible thing is that the demon is actually Also said: "The kid, in fact, this is not a good thing."

"I said Big Brother, don't you join in the fun?" Qin Shi said with a smile.

"You think about it, you have a ten-year-old sea scene in the Seven Thousand Seas Palace. Do you really want to put everything on top of the refining method in this decade?"

Hearing his words, Qin Shiyi, refining the body, this is indeed his goal for the decade.

"A decade, the human world is also good, the devil world is worth mentioning, and there will be too many changes in the end. In the human world, there are eight domains, and the devil world is the base camp of the squad. You don't have to talk about it. You want to compete with the scorpion group. What you need is A force, this power, not your own, if you become stronger, you can't compete with the whole group. Even if it is me, you can't. In the human world, you certainly have Qin Zong, but ten years. Because of your sake, you know the end of Qin Zong, even if there is the alcoholic help, the eight domains will not let Qin Zong stand still, will definitely try every means to suppress Qin Zong, ten years later, maybe you will return to the human world But at that time, if there is no external power, are you really sure to beat the eight domains?"

"The devil's community, against the heavens, when your magic body is completed, everything will be destined to be a fixed number, you are destined to be strangled by the eight domains and the devil, the demons are trying to kill you and then fast, here At that time, you only have your own side behind you, you may be able to compete with it, and this Tuoba Palace is probably the beginning of your seven thousand sea palaces. Although Tuoba Palace is not a big force, it is in the outer sea. The status of the palace is not small. If you take time to achieve a hegemony, it is not impossible. At that time, ten years later, you have your own power. I will accompany you, and we will return to the human world together. Obstruction, I am with you to destroy them, but, Qin Zong? If there is no powerful force to protect, it is difficult to guarantee that the power of the eight domains will not be uprooted."

When I heard the sound, Qin Shi suddenly silenced, and the devil said that every sentence hurts Qin Shi’s heart. Yes, when he refines into a magic body, his identity will also be called a fixed number, which will become the largest in the world. Heterogeneous... is more crowded than heterogeneity. It is a genie and is the only enchanting. In everyone's eyes, no matter who is a person or a demon, he will be a different kind.

He has long been bearish, expelled from the human world, and chased from the devil world, he has already seen through.

But what about Qin Zong? What about the Qin family?

Qin Shi suddenly silenced, licking the cracked mouth, but accepting Tuoba Palace? His glory fell on Tuo Yuli, but the latter did not care for him to smirk, but he knew that he could not do it, or that even if he took over Tuoba Palace, he would be shackled. The relationship is hard to be bold, this is not the result he wants.

"Oh, Tuoba Palace, since you are not talking properly, I have a good suggestion." At this time, Chen Hao suddenly twisted his waist and smiled at Qin Shi.

Wensheng, Qin Shi and Tuoyu mad are looking to Chen Hao, Qin Shi is full of sewage, this girl, how to mix it in, he does not think that Chen Hao can put forward any good ideas.

Chen Yu smiled and said: "In fact, the Tuoba Palace owner undoubtedly believes that the strength of my publicity should have one place and become a hegemony. I have always thought that he has this ability, just because I am in the public. Unwilling to accept the Tuoba Palace, why should the Tuoba Palace be forced to fight? The position of one party? Is there a ready-made one here?"

"Off the shelf?"

Qin Shi and Tuo Yan are all a glimpse, Qin Shi slightly blinked, thought, this girl, will not be to give her position to herself? Let yourself go to the Rasho Palace as a door-to-door son-in-law? joke.

Chen Hao seems to understand Qin Shi's quirky eyes and smiles: "Oh, if you want to think about it, my Luosheng Palace will be yours sooner or later, even my people are yours, let alone my Luosheng Palace? As long as you like, I can give it to you right away."

"Oh, Chen Haogong said to laugh." Qin Shi quickly stepped back.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, but the United States was somewhat eclipsed, but soon she adjusted her emotions and smiled: "I mean, Yanggong."

"Yanggong?" At this time, the people present were slightly glimpsed.

Chen Hao lightly said: "Now, Yang Lun died, Yang Gong Qunlong no, it is the lack of a capable person to replace it, and I think this person should be no more suitable than me, right? I think, as good as This Yanggong Palace will be handed over to me for management. In this way, it will not only give me the status of a party, but also make it impossible for Tuoba Palace to change hands. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Wen Yan, Tuoba arrogant, according to many views of the Hai Palace, the extension of the madness is absolutely not promised, so the Tuoba mad want to use Qin Shi to enhance the status of Tuoba Palace, but they are ruined, but they I don't know, in fact, Tuoba mad let Qin Shi take over Tuoba Palace, and there is not so much selfishness, just for the promise of Fufeng. If Qin Shi took over the Yang Palace, as long as he Tuoba Palace followed Yang Palace, It is also no words.

To this end, Tuobao and the public have lost their eyes, and both of them feel that it is feasible.

"Little friends, what do you think?" Tuoba said.

Qin Shi’s indulgence and Yang Gong’s words did not mean that he could create his own power in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. For this reason, he did not hesitate to promise: “Well, this is fine.”

Immediately, Qin Shi looked at Chen Yu and smiled: "Oh, I didn't expect that this little girl could think of such a thing, but she was a little girl."

Seeing that Takuya arrogantly promised, many Haigong were first glimpsed, and immediately came forward to congratulate: "Oh, then congratulate Xiaoyou... No, it is to congratulate the Lord of the Palace, and this is the construction of the Yang Palace. I will try my best to help."

"Well, this point, please rest assured that my friend Li Yufu is guaranteed by his life. After that, Yanggong is an ally of my jade palace. Anyone who dares to be an enemy of jade palace, Li Yufu will never be light!"

"My long-wing is also, after I am willing to live with the Yang Palace."

Many sea palaces, at this time have thrown olive branches to Qin Shi, they all know that this is already a famous Yang Palace, after the young man, the future will be boundless, Yang Palace, this may have to It will not be long before it will be renamed the Haigong of the surname. Maybe it will soon be the whole sea palace outside the Megatron. Everyone does not want to give up the opportunity to get close to Qinshi.

In this regard, Qin Shi smiled lightly, and immediately he looked at the disciples of the Chaoyang Palace.

"To take over this Yang Palace, always ask people if they are willing."

After all, Qin Shiyue got up, and he volleyed over the nearly one million Yanggong disciples. His black robes fluttered gently in the current, creaking, standing with his hands, quite a trace of the king's style, his words are very simple, his eyes Looking around, I gently said: "You, my Qin Shi, now give you two choices, one choice, obey me. From then on, Yanggong, as long as I am, no one can hurt you, of course, if I am now, some people dare to betray me, the end will be very miserable, as for how miserable, I will not explain, you will know in the future, second... then, let's die."

Let's die...

Qin Shi’s voice is very but like the tomb of the ancient tomb, it hurts millions of Yanggong disciples.

In the atmosphere of a condensate, it lasted for about half a second. Suddenly, some people began to squat, and then, more and more people bowed to the court.

"Welcome to the Lord!"


Sixth, call! ! The 18ooo word is also a small explosion.

Thanks again to Tian Luo's support, has always been companionship, and supervision, and the support of many readers, these six chapters are over, there are no contributions, but everyone can rest assured that the promise of December 1 explosion, more than 1 chapter will not be less From now on, I am determined to close the door and write until death! ! ~~!

In addition, no matter where you are, 17k or all major channel platforms, as long as you are a reader of evil spirits, you are my most grateful person, Shi Jiajun, has always welcomed you.

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