Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1547: 1 enemy 2

Qin Shi’s laughter gently landed, and the faint smile at the corner of the mouth made the whole audience chilling. Yang Lun was very twitching and twitching his mouth. He looked at Qin Shi with a dumb look. He never expected Qin Shi actually. Will you say such a big word? Kill yourself and then take it? This kid, do you really think that you are invincible in the world? With one person's strength, at the same time defeat me and Huo Yunzun two?

This is even true for real-world leaders, but I don’t know why, this word spit out from Qin Shikou, but everyone can’t be a joke. ≠

Yang Lun’s eyes gradually became cloudy. He also saw the intention of Qin Shi. It’s useless to talk nonsense. He said coldly: “Oh, boy, you are really not small, but your tone is even greater. You alone, maybe I am alone with Huoyun Zun, and I will really be in your hands. But, do you think that we, both of us, can win?"

call out! call out! call out!

At this time, suddenly a few figures flashed, and stopped from Qin Shi’s body. Most of them were old people who were buried in half. If Qin Shi was a man of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, he would recognize it. Everyone is not a leader, not the head of a sea palace, or the top elder of a sea palace. At this time, everyone looks at each other and laughs.

They made this choice, apparently because of the powerful decision of Qin Shi.

"Yanglun, it’s noisy, it’s almost enough. Don’t break the calm of the outer sea palace, otherwise! We old guys will not sit back and ignore."

"Well, this little friend, I like it very much. If you want him to die, then my palace will not sit idly by." At this time, several Haigong old people are smiling.

When Qin Shi saw it, his heart was naturally clear. These guys were a little bit small in their hearts. However, he did not break. As the saying goes, there is no eternal enemy. Since these people can finally stand up, it may be worthwhile in the future, but he does not have Nonsense, he smiled at several people: "The predecessors, today's events, the younger generation is in the heart, if there is something in the future, hello, the younger generations will try their best to help each other, but this time, several younger generations do not intervene. ”

"Little friends, this..." Several people heard the words, all of them were slightly stunned. Is Qin Shi rejecting them?

Qin Shi did not explain the smile. At this time, the big volley jumped forward. It’s really not that Qin Shi can’t look at them. With these old guys’ fields, they will have a half-step strength and will only become a hand. Tired, after all, the other side is the boundary, one person's words are good to say, the two, he can be divided into skills, no effort to protect these guys, he smiled and yelled at Yang Lun: "You just asked me what? Ask I thought, I can win you two alone? Well, that's right."

The whole audience was suddenly shocked by a cold sweat, and many waiters looked at them with a smile. This kid really did not put Yang Lu in his eyes.

Even the several Haigonggong masters who had stood up before were also squeezing their eyes, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with Qin Shi’s style. They thought Qin Shi was arrogant and did not know how to be good. However, they really did not have many hands. After all, what they have to do is just to ask Qin Shi for a good impression. I don’t really want to think about the confrontation with Yang Palace. In this way, if Qin Shi is killed, at least he will not lose his Hai Palace.

"Why, have you decided to take the shot together?" Qin Stone asked, smiling.

The sound of the bite between the teeth of Yang Lun, even he felt that he could even bite the steel now. He was really irritated by Qin Shi. He looked at Qin Shi with a sizzling look. When the fire came, he nodded hard. "Well, kid, count you. If that is the case, then for the benefit of the Yang Palace, I have to join forces with Huo Yunzun to kill you. After all, I don't want to give Yang. Palace has a hidden enemy."

The sound of the sound, the onlookers raised a lot of sighs, now the Yang Palace is the sea palace containing the border masters in the outer sea palace, plus the three thousand fire palace, the two sea palaces, in the past, if Determined to kill who, everyone will definitely identify it as a dead person, it is absolutely impossible to escape, even the Ten Fang Temple must be measured, is it worthy of offending these two palaces, but now, the two major boundaries, to be right Qin Shi also shot at the same time, which can not help but let everyone rise to the bottom of my heart.

"This kid, talented, stunted, is a very precious sorcerer... It’s a pity to die here."

"It is a pity, but it is a pity, but there is no way to deal with the two worlds. Even the ten old ghosts of the Shifang Temple may not be able to deal with it easily. This child is too young." Everyone is worried, and then Qin The words of the stone are to make a person dumb and grow up with a shocked mouth.

"There is so much nonsense. If you want to shoot together, you will be able to shoot directly. No one said that you two old guys are more bully. This way, I am also convenient." Qin Shi’s mouth, immediately he waved, one together The golden light of the hurricane cloud passes through the cloud arrow day, and instantly turns into three thousand dragon beads from the sky, approaching Yanglun and the fire cloud from both directions.

Qin Shi suddenly started, Yang Lu and the two at this moment glanced at each other, killing the decisive point, Huo Yun said: "This kid is weird, can not let him live to leave this, or do not say your Yang Palace, even if I am a cloud The palace is likely to suffer."

"it is good!"

Yang Lun did not hesitate, when he stepped on the sole of his foot, a viscous liquid suddenly appeared on the tip of his finger, turning into a crystal of thoroughness, falling down at the fingertips, like a rainstorm and raindrops greet the golden gold on the sky. Dragon Ball.

On the other hand, Huoyun Zun, a little step back, burned the sea and the sea, and finally the sea was turned into an ancient flame-grained tour to the fingertips, a huge volcanic spray, in the crater, the kilometer of the fire column is like a mad dragon Like a roar, it seems that the fire dragon that has been sleeping for a long time suddenly wakes up, wants to burn all the things in this world, and slams into the heart of Qin Shi: "Fire clouds!"

Qin Shi looked at the cooperation of the two people. Obviously, Huoyun wanted to use the power of Yang Lun to block 3,000 dragon beads. He took the fire column and killed himself. Qin Shi blinked slightly. This is indeed a good solution. Dealing with ordinary people is definitely an absolute killing. It is a pity that Qin Shi is not an ordinary person. He is slightly pinching his fists. Three thousand dragon **** are blocked by Yang Lun at this time, although the power of Yang Lun Three thousand dragon beads are not so easy to deal with, so Qin Shi can actually extract a few hundred to deal with the fire cloud, but the fire cloud of the fire cloud, this is balanced with three thousand dragon beads, a few Hundreds of pieces can't play any key role.

Suddenly, Qin Shi did not pay attention to the three thousand dragon beads. He stretched out with one hand and placed it on his soul. His body was summoned by the lightness of the stock, and instantly turned into a golden pattern. Gone back into the heart of Qin Shimei, when the eyebrows of the eyebrows flashed, Qin Shi bowed his head, staring at the fire column of the kilometer, slightly revealing a sneer, random, and sprayed two giant forces on his left shoulder. Power, the same is the enemy of heaven and earth, and each other is born. When it first appears, it is a tit-for-tat. In the interlaced place, it releases the flint and flint, and it is thundering.

At this time, Qin Shi’s fist was like a stalwart. The two amazing powers were shrinking their necks. It was like seeing the master. It was very gentle, and it was posted on Qin Shi’s shoulder. It turned into two very different totems, and the final position happened to stop in the heart of Qin Shi’s fist. When the gods saw it, everyone was shocked. This power is not spiritual, nor soul. The stock is full of wild animal power? Moreover, in both forces, there is a faint temperament?

"That, that power is the power of the ancients of Zhenlong and Qifeng?"

"This kid, the body still knows the dragon and the phoenix? This is terrible!"

"The combination of dragon and phoenix? Real dragon, phoenix phoenix, all of them are the world's gods... What is the basis for the dragon and phoenix to lie at the same time?"

Suddenly, everyone was screaming and spitting. One person clenched his fists at this moment: "Can you let the real dragons and phoenixes bow down, this world has only gods? This kid is like the charm of a few gods." ”

At this time, all the talents saw that the two totems on Qin Shi’s arm were formed by the intersection of cyan and fire. The blue color is the dragon that is covered with dragon scales. The dragon's ridge is on the arm of Qin Shi. The dragon claws are sharply printed on several important joints of Qin Shi. The dragon is covered with beads and crouched on the fist of Qin Shi. The fire color is a phoenix phoenix that spreads its wings and ambushes. Proud to volley, it seems that this waving wing, can not only ban this cloud ~ ~ Tiandi burning.

When the two forces blended together, some traces appeared on Qin Shi’s fists. Each of the lines was full of ecstasy, among which was the protoss of the real dragon and the phoenix. When the gods finally grew to ten, A mighty deity, so that the palace of the numerous sea palaces can not help but half of the lower body, there is a bit of illusion of wanting to worship.

Faced with Qin Shi, the old eyes of the fire cloud are flashing and horrifying, because he can clearly feel that when the phoenix totem is lying on the stone from Qin Shi, the kilometer fire column he manipulated is out of control. The signs, even beginning to be uncontrollable, trembled as if they were afraid of something.

"Damn! Emperor of Fire! Fire Phoenix?"

No matter what kind of flame, in front of the phoenix that can regenerate from the flames, there is only a part of the pleading for mercy. The fire cloud is very clear about this. He fiercely clenches his fist. At this time, he is powerless and wants to withdraw the pillar of fire.

"Oh, I want to take it away now? Is it afraid that it is late?" Qin Shi sneered, his hand opened slightly, and suddenly there were countless fire molecules in the world turning into the same spirit as the elf. Involuntarily fluttering, at this time, the fire column of that kilometer suddenly collapsed, in front of Qin Shi's palm, it seems to be pinched by Qin Shi.

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