Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1539: Fire cloud

Surrounded by the savage madman and other people in the middle of the mountains, Yang Lun face is slightly gloomy. He also saw Xu Yi, and the death of many elders of the Yang Palace, and his heart was angry and persistent. At this time, he looked coldly and eagerly. : "You said, is it over? Oh, it’s really interesting. It’s been mad. For years, you really didn’t grow up. Do you think that the realm is that you can shake things? Think, with quantity, you can win?"

"With this kind of person, there is no need to talk nonsense, we join forces to attack and avenge Xing Chen!" Yan Tao hated the sin of Yang Lun, he did not want to delay the snoring for a moment. ≈

Takuya sighed and sighed. He also knew that there would be a battle with Yang Lun. He just... he didn’t want it. The place where he fought was the Tuoba Palace that he had cultivated for many years, but obviously he didn’t have any select.

At this time, Yang Lun’s eyes fell on Chen Yu and Luo Yan. He said: “Elder Luo Yan, advised that Chen Haogong’s master took office, may not know the general, do not understand the overall situation, but you are a thousand seas. The old man of the palace, you should understand that the cost of offending my palace is not something that your little Luosheng Palace can bear. In this way, as long as you withdraw from here, as long as you withdraw from it, I can forgive, even, I can protect you from the millennium, but if you insist on it, don't blame me for being mad."

Luo Yan smiled lightly, and in time faced the situation, the woman was still able to be calm, which made many elders of the Tuogong Palace admire. After all, this courage and timidity is not everyone. If you can have it, you must have seen the storm and you can do it. From the beginning to the end, Luo Yan always stands quietly behind Chen: "Yes, you said, I understand, but you may Wrong, I am Luosheng Palace, she is the palace owner, she is everything in my Luosheng Palace, the decision she made, my Luosheng Palace, only respect!"

Yang Lu’s old face sank. Obviously the negotiation was useless. He nodded hard. “Well, then this Luosheng Palace will be destroyed with this Tuoba Palace.”

"Yanglun, you are too arrogant, and now you can't even keep your life and death. Who gives you the courage to talk nonsense?" The public humiliated disdain, previously, he alone, dare not say that he can win Yang Lun, but in the joint efforts of Tuoba and other people, he has full grasp to kill Yang Lun. After all, the boundary is not invincible. Even if Yang Lun broke through the boundary in a few days, The strongest in the half-step world is also enough to make up for this.

"Oh, who gave me the courage? You asked this sentence well."

Yang Lun laughed happily, and immediately his body was exceptionally humble. The arrogance in front of the top of the Takuya sacred slightly converged, the head was at this moment involuntarily lowered a few points, the figure was slightly retired, and he was originally established. Where, let out a piece of open space, he whispered: "Fire cloud Zun... Please show up."

"Hey, Yanglun, you are really shameful. My Huoyun Palace has given you so much support, and even helped you break through the realm. You can't even accept such a small sea palace. Finally, you must personally Come out to wipe your ass?"

At this time, the calm currents suddenly caused a huge frenzy. At the position of 10,000 meters above the Tuoba Palace, a fire of stars flashed. The fire of the stars, in the direction of the original, instantly exploded in the current, becoming a hot The sea of ​​fire, around the sea of ​​fire, the hot sea water is staggered and flowing, forming a deep bottomless vortex upstream, as if going straight to the sea.

At the center of the whirlpool, a hot spark is shot toward the square. The spark is like a sharp sword. Soon, it is piercing the endless sea water, so that the ocean is full of thousands of holes. A fire, then a meteor, slamming, falling from the center of the vortex, squatting in front of Yang Lun.


When the fire appeared, the whole ocean seemed to be violent, and a fiery figure slowly explored the sea of ​​fire. The figure was quite handsome. He was a middle-aged man. He was very proud and seemed to be above Like all things, he looked at the eyes of these millions of beings, and in the meantime, including Tuo mad, Chen Yu, the main level of the palace, they are like ants.

"Good, horrible fluctuations... Who is this person?"

"I don't know, but this momentum is also a strong place?"

At this time, the onlookers of the sea palace were all exclaimed, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

Another border? Yang Palace, there are actually two boundaries? This is so strange, this is the ten-square temple, and it will never be owned.

"No, no, this person is not a man of the Yang Palace! Look at his dress!" At this moment, someone exclaimed.

The figure, a cannon, in front of the artillery, faintly invigorated to swim, into a cloud of embroidery.

"It's a fire cloud palace!" At this time, the old eyes of Tuo mad chilled to the extreme, and the fists were fiercely squeezed.

"Tuo Yu Gongzhu, this Huoyun Palace, is the sea palace within three thousand?" Chen Yu's small face is gradually becoming more and more grim at this time, and she has taken up the infamous color of the past. She also understands that Yang Palace has one more world. The situation, what it means to them, the two boundaries, by their current strength, can never be blocked, that is to say, the Tuogong Palace will be defeated, and her Luosheng Palace will not escape.

Tuoba’s face was heavy and he nodded helplessly: “Well, this Huoyun Palace is the inner three thousand sea palaces, ranking 2,900.”

"Sure enough, it is three thousand!"

Chen Yuxing’s eyes flashed in sorrow, although the ranking of Huoyungong was very backward, but after all, it was within three thousand, three thousand inside, and the last one, which was able to compete with the Shifang Temple. They are also unable to shake them... What's more, now that they don't need to fire at Yunyun Palace, they just send a border, which has brought them to the end.

"I didn't expect that Yanggong actually climbed the line of Huoyun Palace?"

At this time, the onlookers of the sea palace also caused a sigh of sound, able to take the outer sea palace of the inner three thousand lines, which is enviable enough, and the status will also increase, just like Tuo Gong Palace, these years Therefore, it can be seen in the outer sea palace, not because of their superior strength, just because the Tuoba madness is the son-in-law of the Sanqianqing Palace. With this point, even the elders of the Shifang Temple must give a few points. Thin face.

"Oh, this is interesting. Although Takuya is really outstanding this time, it is almost crushing the Yang Palace. However, Huoyun Palace is involved, and Tuoba Palace has no chance of winning."

At this time, Tuoba madly stunned Yang Lun: "Yang Lun, we have promised that you and I will fight in the two palaces. What do you mean by taking in the 3,000 sea palaces inside?"

Yang Lun does not care about a smile: "When the king is defeated, do you not have the help of Luo Shenggong? Besides, the Green Palace, you can also call people."


It’s true that no one cares about the process and only cares about the results. He doesn’t even doubt that today, he’s defeated in the Tuoba Palace, and tomorrow there will be countless sea palaces to rob the battlefield and vote for the sun. The palace, all of this, will not change because of his position in the outer sea palace. The only thing that can be decided is who is the winner.

Although I knew that the Yang Palace and the Inner Three Thousand Matches, I saw that today, Takuya mad is clear who it is, the only thing he can do now, or the only one that he can hold, is the Three Thousand Kings. The status is much higher than that of the Huoyun Palace. I hope that the Qingwang Palace will be moved out and can deter the Huoyun Zun. He said: "The Huoyun Zun, the son of the Qingwang Palace, I believe that you should have known this. You are doing this, are you not afraid of offending the Green Palace?"

Huo Yunzun did not accidentally smile, the smile looked cold: "Oh, no introduction, I knew you, but you think, if it is not the Green Palace acquiescence, I dare to do this?"


Takuya’s mad heart trembled fiercely and looked incredulously to the sorcerer.

"what did you say?"

"Oh, what do I say, you should be very clear, do you want me to be dismantled in public?" Huoyun Zun's cold smile.

Tuobao suddenly silenced. At this time, everyone looked at him with eccentricity. They all thought that Tuobao should be appreciated by the Qingwang Palace. How else would he marry his daughter? But if so, what is the explanation for this now? The Green Palace actually defaulted to the ruin of the Tuoba Palace.

"Oh, the Green Palace, for your son-in-law, has long been lingering for a long time, the Green Palace, the palace of three thousand in the hall, the daughter is married to a fisherman, a small peripheral sea palace, if it is not hindered Face, I am afraid they will remove you personally. Now, just borrow my hand and sell it. Do you think they will intervene? Maybe, I will reuse my Huoyun Palace!" .

At this time, everyone is looking at the madness of the Tuoba. It turns out that this Tuoba Palace, which is beautiful and beautiful, is actually a female niece who is still abandoned.

Luo Yan was shocked at this time: "Tuo Yu Gongzhu ~ ~ What does he say?"

At this time, it is obviously impossible to conceal it. The self-deprecating laughter of Tuoba’s arrogant and self-deprecating: "This is the case, the Green Palace has not been waiting for me."

For a moment, Luo Yan’s jade face flashed remorse. If he said that he had offended a Yang Palace, his Luosheng Palace might still be able to withstand it. Now, he has offended the three thousand sea palaces, and her Luosheng Palace will surely die.

"Oh, I am arrogant, I have already said that Qingyan will choose you, and sooner or later will regret it."

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, ruin it here." At this moment, the fire of the Sayādaw's sleeves, his power is absolutely suppressed, in a flash, a ferocious dragon rises and will lose publicly. Numerous Tuoba Palaces, including the enemies, circled in circles and sealed with a layer of fire. In the fire, even the public and the enemy could not be broken.

Yang Lun nodded excitedly, and immediately his handprint formed a crystal black cloud. In an instant, thousands of crystals, such as raindrops, attacked the Tuoba Palace in a crazy way.

For a moment, the entire Tuoba Palace was ruined at this time.

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