Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1531: suits you

After the Tuogong Palace, the peaks of the mountains are twisted into dragons, and the green fog is densely foggy. There are quite a few fairyland charms. At this time, on the highest mountain peak, the Tuoba mad is the Tuoba Palace. Gathered here, in the mid-term, 6 Peng and Tuo Yu are all three brothers. Since Qin Shi entered the blood of the Abyss for nearly half a month, during this period, there was no movement in the mountains, so that everyone was pinching their cold sweat. 81Δ Chinese Δ network

"It's almost half a month. How do you say that kid?"

"I don't know, but for half a month, even if the palace owner can hardly stick to it?"

"Yeah, it is said that the temperature in the abyss is very high, such as volcanic magma, the sea is boiling, among them, there are many different species, the strength is very good, at the beginning, this abyss is still thanks to the blood Three thousand help was barely sealed, otherwise, our Tuoba Palace is estimated to be relocated."

"So exaggerated? That Qin Shi will not die inside?"

"It's hard to say that there is still no movement for half a month. Who knows if it is dead or alive?"

Hearing these arguments, Tuoba's three brothers and 6 Peng are nervous and look worried.

"Hey, you said that big brother, he won't have anything?" asked Takuya.

At this time, Takuya was holding his hand and his face was slightly heavy...

To be honest, he didn't know that half a month was the longest time he had insisted on the Abyss, but it was almost wiped out by countless zombies, and he was extremely embarrassed to escape. He secretly said: Kid, you can hold on, don't post too late, if not, be sure to use that token to voice it out."

"Hey, you see me!"

At this time, Tuoba suddenly reached for a finger.

Everyone looked at the situation and saw it in the blood of the abyss. Suddenly, it caused infinite riots. Several forces, like earthquakes, smashed many peaks. On the ground, **** red waters from the cracks. Spill, in which, the surge is extremely powerful.

"This is... the smell of that guy?" Suddenly, the public face is full of savage old faces.

Abyss and blood, there are not many people entering, except Shaqi, except for the two. Now, Xia Qi is not there. Only the two of them know the situation in the blood of the abyss, and they both created the Tuoba Palace. The earliest group of people are even more aware of the horror in this abyss of blood... the borders are different.

"Damn! That kid, how did you alarm the guy?"

"Grand elders! I am going to open this battle, you and I are ready to rescue!"

"Well, this kid is a treasure. If you do a good job, the Tuoba Palace will fly in the future, but if you die in us, I am afraid it will attract countless unnecessary troubles!" The public lost the enemy and knows that Qin Shi’s identity is extraordinary and serious. Road.

At this time, both of them leaped forward, bypassing the elders in front of them, and soon, the savage handprints were formed, and they wanted to open this mountain.

call out!

But suddenly, a sword light was pulled out from under the crust, and the fluctuations just stagnate in an instant, and a line of delicate words flashed out of the dense fog.

"Tuozhugongzhu, elders, thank you for your concern for many days. The younger generation is no different here. Don't worry, wait until the younger generation recovers, and then pass the gratitude!"

"Oh, that kid!"

Seeing the line of words, many elders are a glimpse, and they immediately stop talking.

"It’s okay, we are more worried, nothing is fine!"

The elders nodded, but when the arrogant and the public invincible stood at a high altitude, the old face was solidified, and the two looked at each other. From each other’s eyes, they could see the color of horror, and everyone did not know. Clearly, that is the strength of the boundary. It is able to sweep the outer sea palace. This kid is safe and sound.

Suddenly, the public lost a big laugh: "Ha ha! Hahaha! Interesting, interesting, but you and me, this old bone is a big fuss."

Takuya stunned slightly, and he was more certain: "It seems that you are doing a good job. This is probably the descendant of the predecessors."

"But this is also good, you and I have not lived up to the support of the predecessors of the Fufeng." The public lost the hatred, the strange look to the top of the mad, said: "How about Qingyan? The old palace of the Green Palace, still refused Stop it?"

Tuoba’s mad eyes are cold, but he shook his head helplessly: “Don’t mention it, take a step and look at it. Now the most important thing is that after half a year, the Yang Palace is a battle. This time, the Green Palace will not help. Yang Palace and the Inner Three Thousand Sea Palace are also on the line. Fortunately, I am still the son-in-law of the Qingwang Palace. This relationship, their recognition, the three thousand people should not intervene. Fortunately, there is Xiao Qinshi. The three thousand magic characters, preparations, and perhaps the odds."

The public lost hatred and heard the words: "In the past six months, I have to retreat and finally sprint down the border."

“How sure is it?”

"90%." The public lost a hatred.

"Jiucheng?" Takuya mad, he did not know the delimitation of fruit trees, the eyes flashed a bit of hot color: "If you can break through the boundaries, we no longer have to worry about the Yang Palace."

"Then wait for my good news."

The public sentiment shot and took the shoulders of Takuya, and immediately turned and rushed into the direction of the nine-story cultivation tower.

Subsequently, Tuoba Palace fell into a short period of silence, but under this quiet surface, the rhythm of the entire Haigong was increased several times, especially the Haigong disciples, almost no day and night are practicing, during this period, Wu The school, the Lingyao Hall, was also publicly used by the Tuoba, and the Haigong disciples’ doubles were doubled. In addition to the cultivation tower, two 30-fold giant earthquakes were cast. During this period, he personally selected them. Five outstanding younger generations pass on the level of martial arts.

Everything is preparing for the battle of the Yang Palace after half a year.


The other side, under the blood of the abyss.

In the most central place, and also the most dangerous and exposed place, Qin Shi wrapped in a black robe and sat down in a light manner. His fingers were pinched into a unique handprint to run the week, so that his aura was all responsive and faint. Fluorescence, very mysterious, his breathing is very uniform, with a unique rhythm with the ups and downs of the chest.

Around him, there is endless loess bones, sacral bones, looks, some horror, sensational, and where he is, it also throws splendors of countless zombies. During this period, he constantly attacks Qin Shi and prepares meals. A meal, after all, except for Qin Shi, they can only eat these carbides, and rocks.

For this temptation, they are difficult to resist.

However, half a month passed, Qin Shi did not even wrinkle his brow, and always maintained a deep meditation. There were five apertures of five colors around him, representing the five elements, within the five elements, with the same number of sea souls. With Qin Shi's blood running for a week, the sea soul Dan in each aperture will be sharply reduced, turned into an aura in the air, and finally traveled into the Qin Shi mouth and nose through the intersection of the aperture and Qin Shi, along the The throat flows into the middle of Dantian. Then, Qin Shi separates the aura from the unique softness of the sea spirit, and the soft force is used to suppress the magic blood in the body. The aura is the blood that is supplied to the whole body as a nutrient.

As for the zombies around the evil spirits, they are cut off by a sword-stained blue sword. The swordsman's baby is always wrapped in the 100-meter Qin Shi, so that no zombies can get close to Qin Shi 100 meters. Within the invisible, here, it seems that a storm zone is formed for the zombies. Once you step in, you will die.

Half a month later, Qin Shi’s black scorpion suddenly opened, and a heat wave rushed out of his body, causing the surrounding sea water to produce fine microwaves.

At this time, he made a slight fist, as if he had grasped the whole world in his hand, and his fist was full of fierce and powerful power.

"Is the domain big?"

Qin Shi was satisfied with the smile. After a month or so, he absorbed nearly a million sea spirits. At this time, his magic blood has been suppressed, and his strength has been restored to the domain.

"There are more than two million left in this sea spirit Dan, which should be enough for me to recover completely."

Qin Shi thought in his heart, but he did not continue to swallow, but slowly stood up, palms gently lifted up, a very strange stone statue was sacrificed by him.

The stone statue, the eyebrows of the six eyes, behind the nine tails, it was in the longevity world, the jade stone girl he got, and was called by the lord of the group: the reincarnation.

"Hey, boy, reincarnation, where did you get it?" When the stone statue was seen, the demon was excited.

Qin Shiyi smiled and said: "In Changshengling."

"In Changshengling? No wonder there will be Changshengling. It turned out that this thing is in the world..."

"Is this thing very powerful?"

"Of course this round of spiritual image, it is more than the golden body of the fairy bones on the list of the gods, ranking seventeenth, can change the power of heaven and earth, since ancient times, is a myriad of refining pharmacists The mad robbing of the gods, just because of the use of this thing, will be against the sky, in ancient times, was sealed by many people, I did not expect, and finally fell into the hands of your boy."

"The seventeenth thing in the world?" Qin Shi screamed, did not expect this stone statue to be so high?

"The kid, this stone statue, if it is properly used, will be a great weapon."

At this point, Qin Shi knew that he had learned the power of this round of stone statues in Changshengling.

"However, a while ago, this stone statue has become a girl, but now it has changed back to stone."

"Don't worry, the seal of this round of stone statues in the same year is no less than that of the sorcerer's squad used by the emperor. Although she recovers, it will take some time to fully wake up. When this thing wakes up, you can take this world, They are turned into desert loess, and then they create their own back garden. Of course, if you do that, I am afraid that it will be attacked by the people of heaven and earth. But this thing, in addition to changing the anger of the heavens and the earth, is also very important. Useful, it is quite suitable for you."

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