Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1523: Killing order

At this time, as long as it is a discerning person, you can think of the connection during this period. Of course, the burning soul is the father of Xiaqi. It is not known to everyone at the scene. If it is not just that Xia’s father and son are angry and say that they have missed their mouth, I am afraid After Tuoba Palace changed hands, everyone would not know. Δ81

"No wonder, these years, Xiaqi is not shocked. It turns out that there is a master of burning soul behind it. It is unexpected that Shaqi has such a background and origin."

"However, this time Qin Shi killed the burning soul, Xia Qi will certainly not let him go!"

"Big Brother!" Seeing that Xia Qi’s anger is about to hit Qin Shi, Tuoba screams.

Under the approximation of the palm of the hand, Qin Shi slightly frowned: "The cultivation of this old dog is almost the same as that of the ninth floor of the previous cultivation tower. It seems that it is necessary to expose the card."

Qin Shi’s heart was helpless, and at this moment he suddenly dimmed in front of him, and a very strong tiger body blocked him.


The whole hall was suddenly shocked, and Tuoba’s slap in the palm of his hand, a wave of waves rising, shaking Xia Qi’s palm.

"Too mad! You let go, this is the grudge between the old and the little beast! Don't worry too much!"

"Summer elders, look at the death of the Master of Burning Soul, I will not care about you for the time being, but don't forget, here, it is still Tuoba Palace! It is Tuoba's family, Xiao Qinshi is the guest of my Tuoba Palace. Like your status, you want to kill him, but also ask me to allow it!" Takuya arrogant and full of arrogance, Xia Qi suppressed in the gas field.

"You...!" Xiaqi was inflamed, then he nodded hard: "Oh! OK! OK! But I am curious, now my father is dead, and who can save in the seven thousand sea palaces?" This Tuoba Palace! For another half a year, it is the day of the battle with the Yang Palace, and you will wait! The Tuoba Palace is crushed under the ravages of the Yang Palace!"

It is said that the halls are all dead, and many elders are extremely ugly.

"Yeah... there is no magic, we are not the opponent of the Yang Palace!"

"Now, Yang Gongguang is a half-step environment, that is, there are a total of seven people, the domain is complete, and there are countless. With our strength, we can't win in half a year!"

The old face of the savage madman is also twitching, and is caught in a bit of eclipse.

"Yanggong?" Qin Shi blinked slightly, but he was the first to hear about it.

"Big brother, you don't know. This Yang Palace was not surprising. But three years ago, I suddenly got on the line of the three thousand sea palaces. I got the resources support of the three thousand sea palaces. The strength is soaring. Nowadays, It is a very high sea palace in the outer sea palace, and even can be compared with the ten sea palaces of the Shifang Temple."

"But the palace owner Yang Lun, and my father are life and death enemies. I used to fight for my mother thousands of times. In the end, my mother chose my father. This Yang Lun always hates the heart, but because of my mother's background, it has not been I dare to start with me, but since they had the support of the three thousand sea palaces three years ago, they have been black and white for our Tuoba Palace. In the past three years, we have countless disciples who died in their hands. Finally, not long ago, my father couldn't bear it. He accepted the provocation of the Yang Palace. After half a year of battle, he won the game. This time, my father found the old dog who burned the soul. For the sake of the reserve, he also made a reserve demon. ready."

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi gradually realized that why the Tuoba madness would say that this magical deed is related to the survival of Tuoba Palace.

But think about it, this Yanglun's metric is also small enough, because the pursuit of a girl did not pursue, even the entire Tuoba Palace will be destroyed?

At this time, Tuoba was full of vicissitudes of life, and he stared at the burning soul of the dead body: "This burning soul is the last hope of Tuoba Palace."

Qin Shi hesitated and smiled: "You don't have to be like this. In this peripheral sea palace, it is not only the magician who burns the soul of a mantra."

Qin Shi pointed out that he intended to be himself, but he was misunderstood by everyone.

Takuya madly laughed at himself: "The rest of the mantra is a magician? It's useless. In this peripheral sea palace, except for this soul-burning master, there is only one magician who is a curse domain, that is, Qiu Chuer of the Shengsheng Palace... ... My Tuoba Palace and the Shengsheng Palace have always been inconsistent. In recent years, the Twin Palace has been close to the Yang Palace. They will not help us."

At the end of the day, Takuya’s madness is almost the same as that of a hundred years old. The old dragon clock, coughing a few times in a row, his strange look to Qin Shi, he naturally understands that Qin Shi is also for the extension of the palace, for the extension of the ,, he shook his head and sighed : "It’s too young..."

At this time, Tuoba whispered around the hall and waved his hand: "Everyone... This time, I hurt everyone, and I personally ruined this Tuogong Palace. In these years, all of you followed me to the battlefield and went to today. The old man is grateful. But you, this time, is the old man’s own sin, you don’t have to go to the old man to die, everyone, let’s go...”

"Miyak! You are what this is, I am waiting for the Tuoba Palace. Now that Tuoba Palace is in trouble, how can I escape?"

"Yes! Even if we don't rival the Yang Palace, they must die half!"

"No need!" Tuoba swayed his head and said: "I understand Yang Lun. He is sinister and will not do anything unsure. This time, there is no magic, we will lose, he will kill, only me, don't Sudden casualties!"

"The palace owner..."

"According to what I said! Start evacuating the people in the city, open the palace and give them to them!"

At this time, many elders are clenching their teeth.

"I don't care, but I don't care! But before this, this kid must die!" Suddenly, a cold drink broke the dead silence, and Shaqi went up to Qin Shi, in his hand, a token.

Seeing the token, everyone is a slight glimpse.

"This is, what is God?"

"Shaqi, what are you going to do?" Tuoba angered.

"It’s a blasphemy! This order is made, the world is calm! Death is coming!"

"This Shaqi, actually want to use the gods?"

"What is this **** command?"

"The deity of God... is the right of the most noble elders in the Tuoba Palace. Once the decree is used, the user must accept the verdict, and the result of the verdict is determined by the four deaf orders. This Xiaqi is one of them."

Xia Qi sneered: "The palace, this rule, can't be bad?"

"You...!" Tuoba madness and frenzied, coupled with the previous burning of the soul, he sprayed a stream of blood.

"let's start!"

Regardless of whether he or she cares, Xia Qi will make a sacrifice to the Scorpio.

In an instant, around the Qinshi, an ancient enchantment, the center of the enchantment, is a Taiji formation with a poleless life, Qin Shi in the center of the map, left and right sides, water and fire, a total of four eyes.

Qin Shi slightly frowned, he quickly saw through, this so-called killing order, in fact, is a strong array of methods, as long as the balance on both sides, this method will be stable, lasting half a column incense, not attacking, but once There is an imbalance between the two sides. This method will be a fire in the sky. It is this fluctuation, even if it is a strong country, it is impossible to escape.

"Damn!" Takuya screamed and angered.

"The palace owner, said more useless, the gods have already opened, and began to pronounce judgment!"

Xia Qi proudly sneered, then he took the lead to step into the fire, and in an instant, Qin Shi's Tai Chi map in the end of the endless flames, and the temperature is still sharply increasing.

"The gods and gods are open! This Xiaqi, is it necessary to die this Qin Shi."

"Actually, this is also good, or even if Qin Shi survives, the death of the burning soul will spread out, he will also suffer from the siege of many sea palaces. At that time, it is better to die than to die. It is better to die than this. Killing the inside, at least happy!"

Several elders sighed.

"Big Brother!" Takuya is anxious not knowing how to be good.

boom! At this time, an anger, the Tuoba mad actually stepped into the water array, when the flame around the Qin stone was extinguished by the cold current.

"It turns out that the palace owner is also holding the killing order?" Seeing, many elders are shocked.

"Now, one-on-one, I don't know, who is the other two killing orders."

At this time, Xia Qi showed a mocking smile: "Oh, Takuya, you know this is useless!"

Immediately, Shaqi turned and rushed to a elder who was always hidden in the corner: "Summer, let's do it."

The elder, named Xia Mian, slowly explored his figure. He was a little older than Shaqi, a disgusting face, and slowly stepped into the second fire.

The elders now frowned: "The third commandment is actually in the hands of summer sleep?"

"Well, now, the only one who can save this kid is the fourth god, and I don't know who it is!"

However, for this, Shaqi’s ridiculous laughter, his sinister gaze to the top of the madness: “It’s useless, you know, this fourth killing order is a matchup! Today, this kid will die. undoubtedly!"


At this time, Takuya was also a mess.


Suddenly, the fire around Qinshi was burning again, and this time, it was more violent. The flame was no longer a common kind of fire. It was like a dragon, melting everything.

Qin Shi frowned in the moment, this flame has made him feel the crisis.

"No, this flame will become stronger with the increase of time. In this way, I will die!"

I thought of this Qin Shi's palms flashed, and at this time, he even decided to use the sacred sword! Only the glare of the sword can be broken.

"Hey! It’s really lively, but Xiaqi old dog, how do you know that this fourth killing order will not appear?"

Suddenly, when Qin Shi wanted to sacrifice the sword, a shadow of a fairy wind stalk jumped into the hall. He waved his sleeves and lightly fell on the fourth line of the killing. The flame that was originally furious was extinguished. The audience was shocked at this time.

"Public hatred?!"

"Of course, it turned out to be him?"

At this time, the heat is fading away, Qin Shi is also relieved, and immediately he is back to see the fairy shadow is also a surprise.

"Predecessors, are you?"

"Hey, little guy, you can owe me a big favor this time."

The fairy shadow must be laughed, isn’t it the old man on the ninth floor of the cultivation tower?

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