Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1508: Out of the way

The tongs crabs screamed, and the entire coral forest was shaken by the earth. 81中文网

At this time, Qiu Ming was also slightly surprised. He did not expect that his full blow, even failed to break the shield of this mountain tong crab?

"This tong crab seems to have cultivated the water armor!" Suddenly, a Haigong disciple shouted.

"Water armor?" Hearing this title, many Haigong disciples were frightened: "You mean, the armor martial arts that condensed water molecules on the surface by water pressure? Really fake? That martial arts, not only How did the tongjia crabs be cultivated?"

"I don't know, but just now, Qiu Ming's water gun is clearly shattered by water pressure. It can achieve this kind of defense. I can imagine that there is only water armor!"

"Oh? The original thing, called the water armor?" At this time, the tong crab is also a more interested smile, proud of the cold: "Not long ago, several thieves smashed this field, was killed by the king Originally, the king thought that it was just an ordinary body martial art. He had nothing to do with it. He learned it. I didn’t expect it to be so big. Oh, it’s cheaper!”

"What, not long ago, the Haigong ancestors came here to detect this, and the armored palace lost three big elders with a complete level of territory. Is this what the tongs crabs do?"

"Is there something?"

"Well, otherwise, why didn't the disciples send a disciple this time, because they were hit hard last time, and now they are closing the palace!"

"God, that's the three domains are perfect... This tongs crab can kill three realms? That is not our opponent!"


Suddenly, a huge chaotic wave of lightning flashed. When everyone was shocked by the tongs crab, a three-meter-long giant axe was under the high-altitude wheel. From the rear, the sly squat was on the crab stalk of the tongs crab. .



In the past, the defensive armor that had not been able to break open even before Qiu Ming was actually opened under this huge axe to open a huge gap. Seeing this scene, all the disciples were wide-eyed, and their faces were unbelievable. Qin Shi also slowed down at this time, and got up, blackened and looked at the giant axe owner, only to see that The giant axe, which was previously threatened by Qin Shi’s Luo Ye, Luo Ye’s huge body of more than two meters, the giant axe resisted on his shoulder, the knife at the bridge of the nose was particularly glaring, and said: “Hey, what **** Armor, but this is the case, how can I survive the smashing axe of my crazy palace?"

"It’s the wild king of the crazy palace!"

"Well, the power of shocking... just the axe force, even Qiu Ming, it is difficult to block it?"

"This is interesting. The words of the crazy palace, that is, the Miyazaki Palace should also be measured."

Qin Shi stared at the giant axe. From the point of gravity just now, there must be at least 5,000 tons of weight. This is not the weight that manpower can run. I think of this, he looks at the wrist of Luoye, and sure enough, in Luoye. At the wrist, there is a weird **** bracelet. On the bracelet, there are three fine lines like blood on the handle of the axe. He blinks: "The bracelet seems to have explosive power, and the alcoholic predecessor. The blood claws are similar. They use the blood to condense into the bracelet, causing a short-term ultimate destructive force to run the giant axe. This crazy palace has some meaning."

"Luoye is an excellent talent in these sea palaces. In the seven thousand sea palaces, they are the best in the younger generation. If it is not the wealth of the palace, it will be cultivated with a lot of panacea, even if Qiu Ming is not sighing. Moreover, it is said that in the past, Luo Ye and the realm of the environment have been able to hand over, that is to use this huge axe, not only successfully escaped, but also the bounds of the environment can not hurt."

"Oh? Seriously hurt the situation?" Qin Shi quite interested in looking at Mu Xiaoyi.

Immediately, he did not say much, just remembering Luo Ye in his heart. It is indeed a capable person. However, it is not enough for him to be jealous. After all, serious injury and killing are still fundamentally different. In those days, Qin Shi was in the human world. However, it really kills the strong people in the border, but for now, it is better not to provoke this Luoye. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to expose too much.

The crab armor was destroyed by Luo Ye, and the crab armor of the mountain tong crab was also left with a deep gap. The painful tongs and crabs screamed, and the two protruding eyes spewed like a spark, glaring at Luo Ye: "The kid! You Dare to hurt the king, the king wants you not to die!"

"Forbidden pliers!"

The tongs crab roared, and two huge pliers, such as the size of a hill, went to the waist of Luoye. If this was implemented, Luo Yeding was a momentary corpse separation. He bit his teeth, his feet on the giant axe, wrists. The bracelet on the flash of blood, he fiercely rounded the giant axe: "Drink! Give me broken!"


The two huge pliers suddenly collided with the giant axe of Luoye, causing huge fluctuations in the crash, causing tides in the depths of the sea.

At this time, hey! A crack in the sound, Luo Ye face color change, his 5,000-ton heavy axe, was actually shocked under the pliers of the tongs crab? Split a row of small gaps.

Luo Ye’s heart hurts to the extreme. He is not allowed to do the following. He is working hard. The sound of the bone crack is coming from his wrist. The huge axe is pulled out by him, but the giant axe is pumped out, but his body is in the center of the pliers. He suddenly panicked.

"This brainless guy, a spirit, precious, can have his own life precious?" Qiu Ming sneered, then he suddenly got up, from his hands between the crystal barrier, blocked in the two tongs crab In the huge pliers, one reached out and grabbed the huge tiger body of Luoye. One of them flew away and escaped from the giant tongs of the mountain tong crab.

"Are you okay?" Rescued Luoye, Qiu Ming's false concern.

Luo Ye’s pale head shook his head. He was really shocked. He gritted his teeth: “Thank you for saving me.”

"Nothing, we are all Haigong disciples, Luo Yexiong, this tongs crab is very arrogant. It is difficult to win him by any one of you and me. I can't see it like this. You and I are united, we are the main attack, plus These disciples are supplemented, will the crabs be taken down together?" Speaking of this, Qiu Ming deliberately paused, it seems very difficult: "Although the domain **** flower is necessary for my aunt, but if it is Luo I want to help you, I will give you this friend."

Luo Ye squatted and shook his head very gratefully: "No, just now Qiu Mingxiong saved my life. I won't want this field. I will help you."

Qiu Ming was satisfied with a smile: "Well, then I am tired of Luo Ye."

At this time, Qin Shi smiled in the distance: "This Luoye is also smart."

"what happened?"

"Do you really think that Qiu Ming is going to give him the domain god? If Luo Ye doesn't say this, after the tong crab is dead, the next one should be Luo Ye."

"You mean, Qiu Ming wants to start with Luo Ye? This is impossible? The crazy palace, that is why our Tuoba Palace is not willing to provoke."

"By killing with a knife, do you understand?" Qin Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense with Tuoyu. Just now he felt a strong murder from Qiu Mingzhou. He believed that Luo Ye must have felt it, but Luo Ye is far from looking. So slow, now his giant axe was destroyed by the tongs crab, plus the people in the palace of the twins, if he fights, he will lose, he will abandon the car to protect the handsome.

"This is a stupid big, a little bit interesting." To this Luoye, Qin Shi changed his opinion.

At this time, Qiu Ming and Luo Ye reached a consensus, and the two men glanced at each other and burst into the air.

"Animals! I am a move!"

Qiu Ming is very different in shape. He seems to have cultivated something weird. In the water, his actions are extremely fast, especially his palms. Every palm can affect the flow of sea water. At the intersection of his palms, very Quickly formed a huge tidal wave, so that the surrounding fish groups were in disorder. At this time, Qiu Ming trembled with a palm, and the moment of the palm wind, the water in the kilometer seemed to be drained, forming a vacuum. In the realm, a vacuum of artillery shells bombed the tongs crab.

"It's the Palace of the Twins, the water palm! The martial arts of the grade!"

"Awesome, really powerful, can open the sea, without the protection of the sea, the water armor of the mountain tong crab is also useless, this palm, he will be seriously injured!"

At this time, Luo Ye is no longer hesitant. He suddenly throws a 5,000-ton giant axe into the sky. Immediately, he slams back a few steps, his foot is forced to slam, and half of his legs are deeply immersed in the earth. The three **** chains on his bracelet were sacrificed, and the giant axe was tied. He was round and round, and it was a circle. Each turn, the power of the giant axe was multiplied, and finally, the turn was nine. Nineteen laps, the giant axe is also full of frenzy, a sharp light will open the sea, into endless knives, then Luo Ye suddenly released his hand, the giant axe full force rushed Qiu Ming shot.


At this time, two consecutive martial arts, all hit the crab on the tongs crab, suddenly, the sound of mourning in the coral forest, the mountain tong crab was completely seriously injured, his crab armor was sunk by the giant axe, A giant tong was also destroyed by Qiu Ming. This way, the tong crab was really irritated. He squinted and madly rushed around the tide.

Rumble! !

Suddenly, hundreds of disciples were shattered by the body, and the huge pliers were almost all divided into two.


At this time, Qiu Ming was once again shaken out, and the giant axe of Luoye was actually crushed by the mountain crab.

"Damn! This beast, was seriously injured like this, can actually use such a strong brute force! This way, it is not a way." Qiu Ming stunned, was a few waves to the earthquake to fly hundreds of meters .

For a time, countless Haigong disciples, but there is no way to hold a mountain tong crab.

At this time, Qin Shi was too tight in the black robe in the distance, and his black hair flashed a few minutes: "Would I do it?"

call out!

Suddenly, Qin Shi burst into the front, his degree was fast, so that the audience did not catch the figure, when he stopped, but it was already in the sky above the tongs crab, a fanatical Lei Jian It is the eyebrows of the tongs crab.

"Thunder sword! Palm thunder!"

Qin Shi instantly shot the thunder in his hand.

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