Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 151: Snow heart

"I am not your jade sister."

The woman shook her head in a blank expression and walked forward to hand the wild fruit in her arms to Qin Shi. He said, "You fell in the sky and have been comatose for a long time. Eat some fruit."

Half-fascinated and picking up the wild fruit, Qin Shi’s heart could not be nourished by the beauty. He said: “It seems that I have not fallen to the point where the mountains are running out of water. It is worthwhile to have beautiful women under this peerless cliff. It is."

"No? The sky is falling?" w" novel "fiction chapter updated fastest

Recalling the woman's words, Qin Shi woke up in obsession.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to die, so I came here to jump off the cliff." The woman nodded.

The more I listened, the more chilling, Qin Shi looked up and looked up at the cliffs. The horror shouted: "Hey! I am going to go, the predecessors of Fufeng are going to kill me? How can this cliff look like thousands of feet? So why did you kneel down? I rely on it, I want to thank him before, and thank him."

"It’s strange, this cliff is so deep that you can be safe and sound.” The woman looked down at Qin Shi, and immediately turned to walk next to the cliff, sitting on the cliff, very quiet red Lips, eat wild fruits.


I feel the creeps again.

Later, I thought, Qin Shi secretly said: "It is estimated that the Fufeng predecessors deliberately acted, otherwise it would be strange to fall off the cliff, not to be broken." Thinking of this, he Zhīdào himself helped the wind, but did not regret it: " Anyway, throwing me at this place where no one is a ghost or a ghost, I am certainly not well."

If you are heard by the wind that is far away from you, it is estimated that you will be blinded by the blow of your beard.

Complaining a little, Qin Shi secretly called a large number of adults, not tangled in this matter, looking at the slim woman, step by step: "I said girl, you a girl, how to run to this broken place Is it also impossible to open sensation?"

The woman glanced: "I am not as bored as you are."

"Amount, let's go, anyway, there are no other people here, you can only leave the two to live together." Qin Shi, who is familiar with himself, sits next to the woman, and said: "My name is Qin Shi, Qin Shi. Qin, the stone of Qin Shi, can you call me a stone, what do you say about the girl?"

Squeezed by Qin Shi, the woman unnaturally moved down, her eyes were quite weird, looking at Qin Shi, spit out two words: "."

"Qin Xuexin? It’s a coincidence, family!"

Qin Shi’s eyes are bright, and he wants to answer the words.

But I don't want to, the snow heart is next to it, and the white stone is stunned: "It's a sigh, it's not Qin, and you can see the spleen of the spleen. Don't mess with it."


There is a feeling of being too big. Qin Shi hastened to scratch his head. He laughed: "Nothing, isn't that the same? Can you meet in this place, that is the blessing that we have cultivated in my life."

Ignore the nonsense of Qin Shi, the snow is next to it, it seems like two or two do not smell the window, just silently head down, red lips one by one, eating wild fruit.


Next to it, Qin Shi, who was hit, not only did not have anger, but his eyes were obsessed with his eyes. His eyes looked at the snow-like heart that looked like a landscape painting in front of his eyes. He sipped his mouth: "God, How can there be such a perfect woman in the world? This looks, this figure, this flag, the fairy is nothing more than that?"

Flower idiot, typical flower idiot.

But I have to say that the snow heart is really amazing, and the smiles are fascinating, especially the long blue hair, which is accompanied by the breeze dancing in the air, leaving a swaying arc. It seems to be an ethereal score.

"Right, snowy heart, what is this place?" No topic, looking for a topic, Qin Shi is good at this.

Qi Xue raised his head and did not answer, but raised the jade hand to the side of the cliff.

Qin Shiyi, looking down the white hand, I saw three big dragons and phoenixes carved on the cliff:

Desperate cliff?

By the use of the title, Qin Shi began to chatter, saying: "The cliff, the good name, this is destined, let you know me here, you don't always have a face, here you and me, you have to talk I am not suffocating?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Xuexin did not eat Qin Shi completely, it seems that it is not eating human fireworks. From the beginning to the end, the mouth has never laughed: "This cliff of love, symbolizing the unrequited love, will inevitably be lost, then why bother? Nothing is wrong."


He grabbed his head and Qin Shi sighed: "How come you Zhīdào leave this?"

沁雪心 looked up and down the eyes of Qin Shi, blink of an eye: "? Here on all sides of the cliff, with your strength, stay in this place for a lifetime, don't think about leaving here."


Hearing the sound, Qin Shi was not willing to look at the snow heart, but he did not notice the spiritual power in the snow heart. He was slightly astonished: "Drink, if you are a mortal, you are laughing at me? Don't leave without leaving. I will stay here, anyway, there is such a beautiful companion, why not?"

A paragraph, a snowy heart.

Immediately, the snowy heart glanced at the jade hand: "Who is with you? Advise you not to bother me."

"You..." Qin Shi was numb with a frustrated scalp, and his heart secretly said: "Good guy, is this less suitable for this kind of suffocation? No, I have to get it back!"

Thinking of this, he was angry and lame, but who had thought that he could not wait for him to talk, Xue Xuexin had stood up and left toward the cliff, and finally there was only his lonely figure on the open space, and he screamed: "I rely on, what to play Should I? I have a face, similar to bitter gourd, I really think that I am a fairy, isn’t the Zhīdào fairy all face first?”

"Is it beautiful soon? Is it beautiful if you look beautiful? You can eat it when you are beautiful? This is not rare. It’s like a big jade sister, not a few streets of Zhīdào." The back of the snow heart licked his mouth and picked up the wild fruit in his hand. Qin Shi turned all the anger into an appetite and bit it down.

Hey! acid!

Who thinks, just bite down, Qin Shi has tears in his eyes.

"I rely on, even my mother's fruit is bullying me? This little face is written with bullying words?" Under the spirit, the wild fruit is thrown away.

However, just left, Qin Shi’s stomach did not live up to the sound of real.

After counting it, he had not eaten for half a month. Even if he was in the spirit of the spirit, he felt some overdraft. The hungry eyes were full of stars.

In desperation, I can only pick up the wild fruits, wipe the dust and swallow it to fill the hunger: "Hey, people are iron, rice is steel, my brother doesn't care about these little fruits, you ate them bit by bit, bite you guys!"

It’s really boring. He feels that he is going crazy. He is talking to this group of fruits.

"Forget it, don't delay here, now the way to leave is the right thing." Filling the stomach, Qin Shi's heart is moving, it is really lonely to stay alone in the open space, lifted his **** and walked along the cliff. Think about whether you can find a way to leave this cliff.

But the results are maddening.

This unique cliff, as the snow heart said, is full of cliffs, covered with moss on the cliff, it is difficult to climb up in one step. Even if it is climbing up, the clouds are full of haze, and there is no sky at all. What about export?

Throughout the day, he always circled around the cliff. He had to say that this cliff was so vast that he had not finished the cliff.

In the end, tired, he panted, and finally couldn't help but swear: "Is this less really not trapped in the place where the bird is not pulling for a lifetime? And still have to go with the bitter face? It is better to let me directly It’s dead, is it a bit of a torture?”

The heart is mad, Qin Shizheng color, put away the stubbornness of the past, and sighed with concern: "Why, not Zhīdào Su Ming and Qin family, burning Tianzong did not succeed this time, certainly will not easily rest... ”

"I have to leave!"

Thinking of this, he stood up and looked again along the cliff.

Until the night fell, he had to choose to give up, a lost face, and turned back to the beginning of the open space.

However, just to get close to the open space, he heard a slight gasp, the voice is a woman's jealousy, and it sounded confusing.

"What is going on? What is the ghost of Snowy Heart? Isn't it too long to be in this place, is a person too lonely?" Wrinkled his eyebrows, Qin Shi was full of enthusiasm, and swaggered The vacant land is moving forward: "Drink, clean in the daytime, this will expose the nature at night? Want to seduce this book? No way!"

Just entering the open space, I saw the snow heart fell to the ground, the body twitching, it seems very painful.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Originally, I was tempted to blame the snow heart and out.

But don't want to, is this picture? Scared, Qin Shi ran forward in three steps and two steps. Although he was very dissatisfied with the daytime activities, he was definitely not convinced by his masculine spirit: "Hey, don't scare me." ”

Before he ran up, he lifted the snow heart, but he was shocked: "The body of good ice..."

At this point, the body of Xue Xuexin seems to have just dug out in the cellar, and the whole body is extremely cold. Originally, the skin of white enamel is even more revealing.

"What is going on? This body temperature is far from the temperature that a living person should have..." He was anxious, Qin Shi did not dare to care about it, trying to mobilize the remaining spiritual power in the body, and wanted to spy on the snow heart. The state at this time.


Who thinks, the spiritual power has just been sacrificed, and it has never been close to the snow heart, and the body of the snow heart suddenly has a terrible suction.

That suction is like a greedy black hole in Xingyu. It suddenly grabs Qin Shi’s spiritual power and erodes it. In a blink of an eye, Qin Shi’s spiritual power is taken out.


"How could this be?"

Under the panic, Qin Shi interrupted the spiritual power.

Looking at the snowy heart of his arms, he felt powerless for a time.

At this time, he once again thought of Jade Sister: "If Jade is just fine, she is sure Zhīdào."

Just like an encyclopedia, since the two people began to know, they always directed Qin Shi in the confusion. In the subconscious, Qin Shi had an irresistible dependence on the jade in the book.

But obviously, now the book is not in the jade, Qin Shi bites his teeth and shakes his head calmly: "No, I can't always rely on Yujie, I have to find a way to save her! Even this is not good, after I How to protect your best friend? What kind of man is it?"

Thinking of this, he once again transferred his spiritual power and tried to get close to the skin of Xue Xuexin.


But at this time, Yu Xuexin opened his eyes weakly, subconsciously turned over the Jiaozuo, grabbed the hand of Qin Shi, and snorted: "Come on, quickly leave, I can't use your nosy!"

"Hey, I said. How is this person like you? This is a good intention to help you heal Are you going to bite Lu Dongbin? If it is not under the cliff, you will be left, I am afraid that you are dead. I am lonely, who cares if you are dead or alive?" Good intentions are not good, Qin Shi's indignant haiku, said: "Be waiting, don't move!"

The snow heart was awkward, my eyes were a little blurred, and immediately she opened her head, whispered: "You can't save me, my heart is a yin and yang."

"Unrelenting yin and yang?"

沁雪心: A glimpse of the spleen.

I like this person very much, it will be a little woman.

PS: Recently, it has been urged to be even more powerful. In fact, the 6000 guarantee is already a standard, and it is really not slow in many authors. Of course, I also hope to write faster. Everyone gives me the power, so that before the early morning of the 14th, this chapter can be 20, and the shallow one is ready to add more. For nearly 30 hours, do you always give some motivation?

In addition, I have prepared a new addition, flowers are not money, everyone voted for flowers every day, when a person's flowers break through 500, plus group: 227024606 notice small light, or directly add small shallow QQ: 83868880, Xiao shallow will add it separately, and attach a name!

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