Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 11 Chapter 1463: Bloodthirsty

The cloud master slammed, and immediately the palm opened, just a shock, Qin Shi could not help but frown in the evil spirits, and at that moment he actually felt that he was completely seen by the cloud master. 81中文网

The cloud owner looked down, but the brow was tighter, so the demon couldn’t help but rush: "How?"

The cloud master regained his anger, and the voice was weird: "Devil, this kid, is the queen?"

The demon glimpse, the face becomes strange, he knows the strength of the cloud master, only need to look inside Qin Shi, you can feel the roots of the blood in Qin Shi, but in desperation, he did not conceal: " Well, it is the ancient Qin family."

"Then why do you want to bring him back to the devil world?" The voice of the cloud owner was slightly impetuous. He said with anger: "Don't you forget what the emperor did to us? If it wasn't the emperor, why did you destroy the body?" By the seals of these tens of thousands of years? At the beginning, there was no one, and the group was already smashed by you. Now it is above the devil, it should be that we are right! Where is it, let us sneak into tens of thousands of years ?"

Hearing the words of the cloud master, the demon can understand that they have not been able to pass under the squad for thousands of years, but his voice is very decisive: "The emperor is the emperor, this kid is this kid, the hatred of that year has passed, Going back to the source is also because of the group, the Emperor will shoot us. Do you have any way to suppress this blood?"

The cloud master is not willing to pinch the boxing, and the half-sound is helplessly loosened. He shook his head and said: "No, the devil is the same body. This is the act of against the sky. It is the heaven and earth that will be killed. If it is the ordinary magic blood, I may still I can barely suppress one or two, but the blood flowing in your body is the blood of your demon, and with my anger, I can't shake it."

It is said that the evil spirits in the eyes of the demon have risen a little bit, and the suffocation of the whole body is also furious.

Feeling the alienation of the demon, the cloud master was also shocked. He secretly said: "What is the relationship between the demon and the kid? Even if I was seriously injured or killed in the group, the demon was not so angry. ""

"Demon, nothing... In fact, I am dead, it is also a good thing, so you can win me. Is this not your early wish? A pair of skins, I will give you peace of mind, at least have your words, I Qin Jia... It’s safe.” Qin Shi was at the bottom of his heart.

The devil's eyes are unchanged, and said: "Less nonsense! I have spent so much effort to bring you from the human world. How can you let you die here?"

The demon looked to the cloud master and said: "If you let go, it will be my return to the world, and I will not believe that I can't find someone who can suppress this blood!"

The main face of the cloud suddenly changed: "Devil, you can't, you will be alarmed."

"Hey, what about the alarm group? When did I swallow the sky?" The demon was full of sighs.

The cloud master was shocked and shocked by a huge force. In a shock and helplessness, he had to bite his head and nod. "Well... I know, the demon statue is first in my cloud." Rest, I think the other guys know that you are back, and you should be very excited..."

The voice of the cloud master is a bit strange, but this eccentric demon has never heard it. Qin Shi also frowned slightly in the evil spirits. He is still able to use it now, so he clearly feels the emotions around the cloud owner. Fluctuation, that volatility, in addition to a few points of reluctance to be suppressed by the blood, is actually a bit sinister?

Soon, Qin Shi’s heart was gloomy: “Does this cloud master have two hearts for the demon?”

But right away, Qin Shi would like to channel: "It's no wonder... The demon has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and it can change a lot in a few years. What about the tens of thousands of years? Living in this cloud, you can enjoy the prosperity and prosperity. Wan Wan can be called the king, but now the demon suddenly comes back, his status is obviously affected..."

Thinking of this, Qin Shidao: "The demon, this cloud master, is not credible."

"I know, I have never thought of trusting him." Unexpectedly, the demon suddenly responded.

Qin Shi screamed: "Do you know?"

"Well, the cloud madness was earlier, it was not my wave, he was a self-contained one. Later, because the squad was killed, I shot him and he followed him, but his ambition was extremely heavy, even in me. Above, I am here, just want to pass him, summon the rest of my famous, and at that time, one of them will definitely help me to save you, and that person, you are no stranger."

"I am no stranger?" Qin Shi squatted, he could not remember that in addition to the scorpion group and the demon, he also contacted the rest of the demon world.

"Well, you can still remember that when you were under the volcanic volcano of Chiyan, the demon palace where the gods were born?"

Qin Shimeng was awakened and said: "You mean, that bloodthirsty demon?"

"Yes, it’s just to find me after the bloodthirsty. It’s just to find me. In the same year, there was a lot of trouble in the human world. At that time, I actually woke up, but at that time I was suppressed by the seal of the collapsed jade. When you come here, he will definitely find a way to save you, even if you can't completely suppress the blood, you can at least control a part, so that you don't completely lose yourself."

Qin Shi suddenly realized that he was still curious, why a power that can affect the Qiongshu volcano, why would it appear in the redness for no reason? It turned out that it is also the general of the devil?

"These days, we are waiting for a while now. I have already expanded my breath before I came here. It should not be long before someone will come to the wind."

Qin Shi nodded indifferently. He can't decide what he is now. I must now completely attach to the demon even if I move.

"Okay, these years are my parasitic on you, now I will give it to you." The demon saw Qin Shi this point.

Qin Shi smiled, but the words were not spoken, but in the next half of the month, the two were always retreating in the clouds. During this period, the demon also tried several times to help Qin Shi suppress the magic blood, but in the end they all ended in failure. Of course, this half-month is not without good news. One of the good news is that Qin Shi is amazed. In the case that the flesh cannot be controlled, he constantly improves his soul in the sea of ​​understanding. His soul cultivation has finally reached At the point where it can compete with the blood, even in the vagueness, the Yuanshen has signs of breakthrough in the ancient heavens.

This makes Qin Shi a big joy. This half-month should be the most relaxed half-month of Qin Shi in the past ten years. He does not have to worry about ambush, nor does he have to guard against the enemy. Even life and death are already out of the way. In this case, his mind is soaring, and he has realized countless ways. Every one is very mysterious, which will play a huge role in his future cultivation.

The most amazing thing is that he directly touched the perfect situation of the domain. That is to say, Qin Shi is now a powerful person in the state of mind. As for the physical breakthrough, it will only be a matter of time. The spirit is abundant, and when the breakthrough point is reached, everything will come to fruition, and there will be no bottlenecks.

The demons felt that the lavender thunder of Qin Shi’s body was also gratified and laughed: “Yes, little guy, now your heart has become great, and when you suppress the blood in your body, I will take you to the place where the spiritual power is enough. You broke through."

Qin Shiping smiled lightly. Now he really can be said to be like a water stop, and nothing can cause him to wave.

Of course, in addition to this, there are other good news, that is, the demon return to the devil world has been madly spread, up to Kyushu, down to the magical island, countless powers come from the wind, many of them want to worship The demon squat, of course, also includes the bloodthirsty demon, the bloodthirsty demon arrived in Yunzhou the next day after half a month, he just appeared, Yunzhou's cloud and sky are all changing, the whole Yunzhou can not wait for One of the tremors, for three days, Yunzhou was filled with blood clouds, making Yunzhou a short-lived incitement.

This can't help but let the cloud roar: "This **** bloodthirsty is really good or not, and wherever you go, it must be blood red."

Within the cloud, Qin Shi also felt the pungent blood, he could feel that the blood is a unique field, he could not help but secretly said: "The field of good horror."

"The bloodthirsty person is very rough, it should be called bold in your human world, but the problem is too mad, his bloodthirsty demon world has always been exposed, except in front of me, will never be restrained." The demon feels Bloody, after laughing, stood up and said: "Let's go, let's go to meet my old friends."

Demon and cloud madness and other people walked out of the clouds. At the cloud channel, a hundred-footed troll dressed in red armor with thick blood in his body, accurately said that he was already adult-shaped. But the human form is also a hundred feet in size. Qin Shi can't even imagine how big it would be if he turned into a fierce demon. The bloodthirsty sees the cloud madness, and laughs and screams: "Cloud madness, this is not seen for thousands of years, how? Not ready to let The deity is sitting in this cloud?"

The cloud screamed and laughed, and waved his hand: "Forget it, I am a small cloud temple, can not accommodate your big Buddha. If you let them in, I will not be demolished by your blood in this cloud?"

The voice of the cloud madness is full of ridicule, but the bloodthirsty is not in the heart, the laughter is still fresh and clear, then his eyes turn and look at the evil spirits, it is really hard to imagine, that one big giant The devil, in an instant, reveals the appearance of wiping the child. His eyes are full of blood and blood. In an instant, his blood in his body is arrogant. In the end, the cloud is dull, the blood is dissipated, and the bloodthirsty gaze at the demon. He whispers: "Devil !"

"Haha, bloodthirsty! I haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years. You are still like this."

"Devil! For tens of thousands of years, I finally hope that you are back!"

Bloodthirsty and excitement, he rushed forward, holding the demon in his arms, can be seen, between him and the demon, there is no feeling of cloud madness, that feeling is not a simple subordinate .

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