Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1449: Distraction

The void is chaotic, and the haze is shrouded. 8Ω1

When the space crack of the scorpion group disappeared, the whole sacred void fell into the heaven and earth community, regardless of the dimness of the sun and the moon. It seems that even the time has stopped flowing. The six domains are completely enclosed here. At this time, Even the borders of the Void are inextricably touched. It is like a chaotic chicken. It is impossible for them to break free from how they struggle. Even in this void, they can even feel that they are getting lost. There is no more human being here, or It is the breath of the ridiculous big 6 that they feel, only the darkness is strange.

"Coagulation paw print!"

The wine Mengzi violently got up, his blood was brave, his forehead burst into the blue veins, and he concentrated all his strength on his fist and slammed it out.


However, the fierce and sinister blood of the boxing in the darkness of the sky, like the hit on the cotton, even the waves did not cause, but was quietly obscured, dissipated, this space, there is no shaking at all .

Not only the wine Mengzi, the six domain domain owners are now full of force, mobilize the blood, Jianguang, ice palm, desert power, rolling wolf smoke, one after another, the top grade reincarnation martial arts like a rainstorm, just... In this space, all struggles are in vain. When the explosion bursts and the darkness is still dark, there is no sign of this darkness.

"Damn! How could this be!"

Jiu Mengzi lost his fists like a fist. He thought that the tens of thousands of years of imprisonment had finally been released, but he did not expect to be caught in a bigger predicament.

"Is there any effect at all?" The six domains of the people are not confident.

"It’s strange, even if it’s a vain, the enchantment seal of the gods level, we should at least have a crack in the bombing.”

"It's useless!" Suddenly, Qin Shi opened his mouth at the back. His black shackles were always gloomy. Only he knew the situation of the matter. In this emptiness, all the spiritual powers were in vain. He shook his head. Tao: "This is not an enchantment at all, nor a special seal, but a completely independent space, the same as the ridiculous big 6."

"What?" The people frowned. "You mean, at this time we are no longer on the ridiculous big 6?"

"You can understand this."

Qin Shi nodded helplessly. At this time, he looked up and stared at the end of the chaotic darkness. He was able to vaguely perceive that the void was moving fast, but as for where to move him, he did not know, only What is known is that with this emptiness, the surrounding spiritual power has been banned. That is to say, the spiritual power in this emptiness has not been regenerated, and the more it will be used, the less it will be, and it will not last long. There is no spiritual power. When it is then, it is the energy of the wine, and the health of He Shuhan. After losing the support of spiritual power, it is only a mortal body. At that time, it will be even more impossible to break free. Heaven is empty.

"How is this possible? Alone space? That is not to say, want to escape from here, and let us fly like?"

"In ancient times, there were indeed strong people who had repaired the heavens and broke through the record of the 6-seat surface. is true or false. No one can judge. The most important thing is that, with our current strength, it is possible to break the wilderness. The seal of the plane is possible, but the power component of the void is completely different from what we practice, and our spiritual power has no effect at all."

“Is this the place where the real fear of heaven is?”

Qin Shiyi’s eyes, although he has been escaping from the sky for many times, have never felt helpless as it is today. At this time, the emptiness of the sky made him feel the depression and powerlessness of his heart.

"Is that we are going to be trapped forever?"

"No! Impossible! I must leave this!" The wine screams like a mad scream, when he mobilizes the blood again. However, in the space where the spiritual power is extremely scarce, his blood is suddenly blocked. So that he slammed the blood violently and was seriously injured by the counterattack.


"Damn! Damn! How could this be!"

"They trapped us here, it was more painful than killing us!"

"Don't there be any way?" The eyes of all the six domains have become fearful and desperate.

However, everyone did not know that this was only the beginning of a nightmare. At this time, the outer layer of the sky was covered with smoldering suffocation, and the space was completely covered in black smoke, and from the smoke. In the midst of the transformation of tens of thousands of black ghosts, each ghost has a disgusting rancid smell, and the most important thing is that they show their strength.

Seeing the tens of thousands of ghosts, Qin Shi’s heart sinks: “I’m afraid, being trapped here is not the most desperate... The group didn’t want to let us go.”

"What are these ghosts?"

"It is the soul of the sky..." Demon Road.

"Damn!" At this time, everyone in the six domains was encircled by the soul army. Without the spiritual supply, they were not the soul opponents. The souls were like evil spirits, and they locked everyone.


Suddenly, the soul is arrogant and madly pounces on the six domains.

"Damn! Zero ice palm!" He Shuhan started the ice palm, and shook at the two ghosts nearby.

boom! boom! Unexpectedly, the seemingly horrible ice palm immediately penetrated the past when hitting the ghost, and did not cause any damage to the ghosts. Not only this, but also the martial arts of other domain owners such as Qi Qing. Any spiritual power has no effect on the ghosts here. Instead, it is the ghosts here. They are licking their **** claws and madly attacking the six-domain people. Every attack is to make the six-domain people Seriously injured.


"No! Go away!"

Under the ravages of ghosts, the six-domain people suddenly fell into fear, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of people, who used to be in the six domains and even the entire human world, were killed by this group of ghosts. One by one, the eyes are stunned, and the chest is smashed by the horror of the horror. Under this group of ghosts, the six-domain people, like the pigs to be slaughtered, have no spare hand.

"Damn! Dare to kill me forbidden! I want you to wait!"

Seeing that several top elders in the forbidden domain were penetrated in front of their hearts, Lin Xiao’s old eyes were immediately covered with bloodshot anger, and he was almost irrational. He continued to pinch his handprints and several consecutive shackles. Explosive, however, his imprisonment may be able to ban the sorcerer of the scorpion, but it has no effect on the soul of the emptiness in the sky. Those souls regard it as nothing, easy to pass through, and slamming close to Lin Xiao’s body. .

boom! A soul spirit then ignited a black and white flame, and immediately turned into a fierce ghost to open his teeth and smashed into the heart of Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiaoyu Lord!" He Shuhan bites his lip and bites her lip. She jumps up and slams her body. The jade hand hits Lin Xiao’s left shoulder and flies out Lin Xiaosheng. She herself sways backwards and steps a few steps before she can Dodging, however, the number of souls here is really too much. Just sneak a blow, and from the back of He Shuhan, a blast of hundreds of souls, one like a evil spirit, the teeth of the claws Throw away.

"Master!" 沁雪心娇,, surprisingly, the soul here seems to be very jealous of the snow heart, the snow heart rushed to He Shuhan body, the souls have stopped, the crouching roaring, After retreating, they turned their finger at the rest of the six domains. However, the rest of the fields did not have the same good luck as Qing Xuezong. In a blink of an eye, all the six domains were killed and injured.

The sand and the left shoulder were seriously injured. Lushan was even more panting, and the spiritual power in his body was completely burned out.

"Quickly retreat! Fast! Don't play against this group of monsters!"


"Useless! Our array of methods can't stop this group of monsters!"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

In the six domains, everyone was forced to go to the road, leaving only six people in the six domains, and they were surrounded by thousands of souls in the center of the void... At this time, they could not think of anything that could be solved. Method.

Several domain owners, at this time are dying, they finally failed to escape this bad luck.

Feeling the desperation of being surrounded by death, Qin Shi’s fists were slamming and fists squeaking.

"溟 group! 溟 group! A fierce group!"

Here, it is the backbone of the human world. There are too many people to guard him, and if the six domains are all damaged here, the squad and the chaotic domain will never let go of Qin Zong, let go of the Qin family, he can’t Let everyone here be destroyed! His eyes became red and red.

"Demon! Is there really no way?"

At this time, Qin Shi can think of what can be prayed, only this once swallowed the sky with the same name.

However, it seems that from this soul, the demon is like a silence. From the madness of the soul of the six heroes, the demon did not say anything, until Qin Shi took the initiative to ask him, he also indulged in a long time. Only when I sighed alone, it seems that I had a long-awaited smile: "Oh, but it’s too hard to force it. It’s still coming."

Immediately, the demon sighed deeply: "There are ways, there are, and now this void has not yet broken away from the ridiculous big 6, I can shoot this to cover the sky and void... but kid, you have to think clearly ~www.novelmtl. Com~ The price after doing that."

Hearing the words of the demon, Qin Shihu’s body suddenly shocked and stiffened in place. He understood the meaning of the demon. Once the evil demon broke the void, his existence would also be known by the six domains. Everything that has been around for a long time will eventually become futile. When he does not know at that time, what will the result become... Six domains will never let go of the demon.

Qin Shi knows that once the demons do this, the demon will be completely exposed and will fall into a huge crisis. He does not know how the six domains will deal with swallowing the sky. It is grateful... don’t care about it, or join forces to kill it?

However, he really can't look at the ruined group here! Because it will be destroyed, not only here, but the whole world!

In these years, all his efforts, is not the mind of obsession?

Qin Shi is struggling, but at this time, the approach of the soul has not allowed him to think more and more, he must make a decision immediately.

His black scorpion was finally decided at this time.

"Demon... please!"

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