Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1445: Baotuwei

The wine Mengzi indulged for a moment, promised: "Half-column incense, my limit. 81 Chinese network"

"Half-column incense? Thank you." Although the time is tight, He Shuhanyu's eyes are still flashing and happy, and immediately she stands up, the jade hands squeeze the aura, an extremely cold to the ice of the ice flames, see That power, Qin Shi blinked, he knows, that is the power of zero. At this time, the other few domain owners are also glanced at each other, and they have sacrificed the power of their respective fields.

See you, the big devil's magic eye is combined: "Oh, want to break this void? Really not self-reliant!"

Qi Qingbei teeth biting her lips, she slashed several swords in a row, each sword light is mysterious, and then she jade stepped hard, said: "You continue, Qing children stay, I will help him Will meet this big devil!"

"Give me a break!" The great demon lord ran out of his hand, and the emptiness of the ancient scorpion was shocked.

boom! Qi Qingjiao suddenly changed dramatically. Her jade face raised the painful color. The aura of her body seemed to be hollowed out. Her delicate body was broken by the evil spirits.

"Master!" Fang Qingyu blinked.

"Don't be distracted! Focus on breaking!" He Shuhan screamed, the time was too urgent.

At this time, Jiu Mengzi has jumped into the sky, and he stared at the sword that was forced to go down like the power of the gods. He slammed the spirits, took a deep breath, followed the spirit of the wine, and he gathered all his strength. The blood flow countercurrently, this ability, I am afraid that only he can do it, he will gather all the blood of the whole body, and then burst out through the palm of his hand and become a blood shield.

boom! At this time, the gods slammed into the blood shield, and had to say that the power of the wine was indeed true. The mighty people even thought that the power of the earth to destroy the earth was actually resisted by this blood shield. live.

At this time, the six domains, hard work, a large number of power sacrifices, He Shuhan's jade face is at this time, she is desperate to break this void, zero ice palm crazy shot.

At the Void Border, the power of many murders is so great that everyone is now clenching their fists, holding their breath, and living and dying. No one can be nervous, the sands and other top elders are bursting. Out, the cohesion of their own power, transmitted to Qi Qing and Jiu Mengzi, the entire six domains, all entered the final battle.


Suddenly, a crackling sound made the people first happy. The virtual border was really cracked. It was split from the madness of the eight sides, eventually forming a half-meter-sized cobweb and a weapon in the domain. Under the force of continuous expansion, seeing this scene, the human world is like seeing a glimmer of light in despair, but ... the hope caused by the light has not stopped, and everyone's eyes are suddenly desperate.

That crisp sound, not only the void border, when the blood shield of the wine Mengzi was finally shattered out of the gap under the gods.

The power of madness overflows from the gap, and at this time the hearts of the six domains are as crushed as boulder.

"Damn! It's too late!"

Seeing that the power of the Excalibur will break the blood shield, the faces of all people are raised in despair.

At this time, the big demon Lord also turned his hands and turned, and the other hand made two scorpions to shoot out. Like two snakes, they directly bypassed the blood shield of the wine scorpion and hit the crowd. His voice was very deterrent. The tomb of the morning bell is generally, resounding in the heart of Qin Shi and Qi Xuexin: "You two little guys, this time I will go back to the group."


The two suffocating moments exploded, turning into a pervasive blockade chain, rushing toward Qin Shi and Qi Xuexue. They saw this scene again, everyone was shocked again, He Shuhan bite the lip, she distracted A palm, trying to crush that force, however, in order to break the void, she has already consumed her 80% spiritual power. At this time, she is powerless to resist the big demon, and the body of Xue Xuexin is suddenly wrapped up in her arms. The snowy heart was so lifted by the suffocating air to the direction of the group.

"Snow heart!"

At this time, Qin Shi’s black scorpion suddenly changed, and at the end of this time, he took a deep breath. I don’t know why it was extraordinarily calm. I didn’t wait for the suffocation to entangle him. He jumped up alone and he was extremely fast. A flash of light, approaching the Scorpio, when his arms gathered together strange powers, actually into the suffocation of the control of the snow heart.

boom! That suffocating, was crushed by Qin Shi Meng.

Seeing the situation, the big devil's magic eyes become cold: "Hey, little guy, can you be immune to the suffocation?"

Qin Shi held the snow heart in his arms, and the constant volley of the palm hit. As early as that year, when the demon entered the body, he gave birth to natural resistance to the suffocating, which is what the great demon master never expected.

"This is surprising, but even if you think you can escape the palm of my hand?" The big devil sneered, and immediately he emptied his hand, a huge force actually shattered the space at this time. The space around Qinshi was directly shattered, and a suction from outside the space suddenly controlled Qin Shihu's body, causing him to be forced to fly in the direction of the group.

"Damn!" Seeing the situation, Jiu Mengzi and Qi Qing are all in a tight heart, Qi Qing is the blood of the **** disorder.

At this time, Jiu Mengzi blinked. He continuously changed the distribution of blood. A **** hand was shattered from the space at this time, trying to take back the Qin Shi from the master.

"Hey! At this time, you still dare to distract?" The big demon Lord sneered, and immediately he suddenly waved the Excalibur, and a broken **** immediately volleyed toward the blood shield.


A loud noise, swaying in the clouds, when the eyes of everyone were suddenly covered with ochre, and immediately despair... The blood shield burst continuously, and eventually it was destroyed under the two swords, the blood shield was broken. Blood, two gods, one of them, directly hit the wine Mengzi, the wine Mengzi suddenly blood was cut off, he spurted out a stream of blood, and his life was shot and flew out of the 10,000 meters.


"Predecessors!" Qin Shi exclaimed, and this time, another artifact is a ferocious approximation to the six domains, seeing that the six fields of the gods are flashing and mourning... even the main domain owners are flashing and scared, That **** fell... Six domains will no longer exist.

"Is it... Is it heaven to be destined to die?"

The big devil's cold eyes raised his mouth. At this time, his brow was suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes turned to Qin Shi.


I saw that Qin Shi suddenly burst into a huge force at the moment. Under the cover of the gods, the demons quietly tried to force the power of the blockade of the great demon.

The big devil can't help but roar: "Damn swallow the sky!"

"Kid, I can help you so much, this power can't even block me now!"

"That's enough! Thank you very much." Qin Shi clenched his fist, and immediately he sent the snow heart with soft force, and he was black and stunned when he was sent to He Shuhan's side.

At this moment, the gods are in his sky, and suddenly he jumped out of the volley, but he was blocked by his own power. When he saw this scene, he was shocked and stunned. : "Kid! What are you doing?"

The demon master's eye is also a change. If he is someone else, he may only ridicule him, but Qin Shi has a huge use for the group. It is necessary to stay alive: "Boy, are you crazy? You don't want to die?"

The light of the gods shrouded Qin Shi in an instant. Qin Shi felt a little warm under the already sacred power. He screamed and screamed: "Although I don't know if I can do it... but now, too I can only blog."

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s black scorpion closed, and it was actually the whole body’s power. When everyone saw Qin Shi’s action, everyone was shocked and stunned in front of the artifact. This is undoubtedly a death, six parties, everyone is converging, heart, snow heart, purple Lingsha, Kong Xianhui, wind sand, a group of people, desperate in an instant, the snow heart fights to rush to the sky, He Shu Cold and helplessly directly seal it.

"He Zongzhu... continue to break!" At this time, Qin Shi’s voice was empty.

He Shu Han Yu’s eyes, hesitated after a moment of ignorance, she did not know what Qin Shi had to grasp to resist the gods that she must fear, but at this moment, what she can do, only to break the broken Void.

At this time, the gods are about to fall, Qin Shi suddenly spread his hands, and the eight folds of ancient drawings flew out. When the eight ancient drawings flew out, Qin Shi’s body was actually formed into a golden color. The shield, seeing the golden shield, everyone was shocked: "That, that is, the power of the artifact? This kid can even use the power of artifacts?"


The gods hit the shield of Qin Shi, and the power of the two artifacts suddenly disappeared at this time.

When everyone saw the eight treasure maps that Qin Shi had sacrificed, the look was slightly changed. Suddenly, the sand recognized the road: "That is... artifact treasure map? Is it an eight artifact treasure map?"

At this time, everyone in the field recognized it, and the big devil's magic eye was suddenly changed: "Damn! In this treasure map, how can there be an artifact?"

The Son of God was also slightly glimpsed in the seal altar of Scorpio, and his eyes suddenly realized: "No wonder this kid can break my illusion, it turned out to be the case!"

In the golden shield watching the power of the outside world, Qin Shi tightly clenched his fists, he also entered the void, and suddenly the use of this treasure map, before he still I think that he has been collecting this artifact treasure map for years, and finally the world of artifacts is known all over the world. If this treasure map really only has artifacts recorded, it is too much to do. Until the illusion of destroying the Son of God, this treasure map suddenly flashed in his gods, he suspected that this treasure map, it is likely to have the role of suppressing artifacts.

Now it seems that he was rightly guessed, but it is a pity that he only has eight treasure maps, but the original treasure map is nine, and the other one was barely able to simulate with eight wild hooks, but nowadays Gou Yu has been completely integrated with the artifact, and there is one less treasure map. He is not sure whether he can really block this magical blow. Now, he can only listen to his fate.

Hey! In the bursts of annihilation, the artifacts on Qin Shi’s artifacts suddenly appeared cracks.

Seeing the situation, Qin Shi black and cold: "Sure enough! Only eight or not?"

Suddenly, the wine Mengzi climbed up and saw the scene waving with force, and a tattered drawing was ejected by him.

"Kid! I am helping you!"

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