Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 144: Peak matchup

Blood sage?

The appearance of the blood sage, the people under the field have been paralyzed.

In particular, Yun Dingzong, a group of people rushed to gather together, each showing the meaning of fear: "The blood sage? The most savage criminal? He, how could he be here? Is he not trapped in it for more than 20 years?" ”

"You don't Zhīdào? The last Qin Shi night 闯 Yun Dingzong, put him out, and killed the elders who guarded the infernal hell..." A group of Yun Dingzong's juniors, heard the **** name of the **** people are timid, Be careful after a few steps. w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

From the direction of the fire.

Looking at the red blood robes of the blood sage, Ling Xiao squinted: "He is still alive?"

"Head, who is this person?" A few younger disciples, a curious question.

At the discretion, Ling Xiao seems to be in a memory. When the time is over half a sigh, he sighs: "In the past 20 years, there is a person in the ancient city. With a mysterious coagulation, the ancient city is unpredictable. This person is the blood sage, placed on it. In those days, even a few points away from the fire, the Yun Dingzong, and the face."

"so smart?"

"So, have we not heard of it?"

When I heard the sound, Ling Xiao shook his head and said: "No Zhīdào. On a certain day 20 years ago, the blood sage suddenly disappeared into the ancient city. It is like the evaporation of human beings. No one has ever seen him. Some people say that When practicing, the evil spirits are gone, and others say that they are going to a bigger city."

Knowing the origins of the blood sage, the disciples grew up with incredible mouths.

Bai Yu Tang sniffed the blood gas mixed in the rain, squinting: "It's so weird, I can't think of this master in the ancient city?"

Standing behind the blood sage, and avoiding Lin Yun’s blow, Qin Shi erased the cold sweat of his forehead and screamed: “Call, good people are good, this is true.” He did not expect that at this time. It turned out that the blood sage saved him and recalled the way he was in hell. He whispered: "Look at this face, this little will not care about your last time to lie in the hell." ”

See Qin Shi was saved, Xu Qiao children were relieved.

In particular, Xu Qiaoer, she has seen the strength of the blood sage in the infernal hell, especially the huge blood hand that is endless, as if it happened yesterday, so that she is inexplicably reassured.

Seeing the blood sage, Lin Yun's eyes are dignified and fangs: "The blood sage, I really can't think of it, disappeared for a month, you dare to come back? That's right, I will take you to justice now, bring back to nothing. Go to hell!"

"Haha, is it fun?"

The blood sages are cold and ridiculous: "Lin Yun, 20 years ago, you greeted my coagulation power, and did not hesitate to use the next three abuses to harm me, and the dedication of the deity for the entire twenty years. Now, this seat is restored, did not find You count it, you are going to fight it."


In a word, the audience cleared.

The next three abuses? Is this the head of Yun Dingzong?

Ling Xiao is clenching his fists and screaming at Lin Yun: "Ling Wei, twenty years ago, was your shot to the blood sage?"

Asked by the hostage, Lin Yun's face was extremely embarrassing, and immediately he suddenly opened his hand: "Yes, twenty years ago, I sent people to deal with blood sages, and spread rumors in the ancient city, it is said that he is practicing evil spirits, Get out of the way. But what can you do with me?"


At this time, the laughter of the singer spit out in the mouth of Qin Shi: "Of course we can't do it. Like Lin Yun's head, the thick skin like the city wall, the mosquitoes can't pull out the tail, and take pride in the abduction, to eat and drink. If you are proud of the arrogant, we can only be willing to go down the drain."

"Bad boy, you..."

Lin Yun was counted and could not be hanged.

Unexpectedly, the blood buddies were full of pleasing, and they gave a thumbs up at Qin Shi, and immediately took the blood in the hands and sleeves: "Little guy, how? Can you fight? If you can't fight, just stand on the side. Look, see how I clean up the hybrids of this wall."

After being questioned, Qin Shi looked up and was full of excitement: "Of course, there is no other fun. I only love to play dogs. Especially the dog with this wall face, I saw it for the first time, not Zhīdào. Cool and unhappy!"

"Haha, then try it!"

The **** people’s happy voice, refreshing laughter echoed in the forest: “Last time, you helped the seat to leave the infernal hell. Because of the mental disorder in the body, it did not help you to leave safely. This time, this seat will make up for you, so as not to fall behind. The tongue is that the seat is a ungrateful villain."

Hearing, Qin Shizhen’s smile, and the sword of the Nether is about to be lifted up. “It’s a great honor to be able to fight side by side with the older generation.”

Seeing the Nether Sword, the blood sage is quite astonished. He walks down the top of Qin Shi’s fortified wings and nods. “Oh, fun, I don’t want to take care of my hind legs for a while.” After he finished, he controlled Bloody, one strand of the sky is covered with the sky, covering the forest.

Blood rain poured.

"Hey, the two guys who don't know the so-called, since you are determined to die, this seat will be yours!" Lin Yun was under the control of the pressure, this screaming out of the teeth, and immediately saw the purple mans as the sword returned to the sect, along the earth Slowly rising, a little bit inlaid on the **** sky.

On the sky, the purple mangling flashes like a star in the night sky.

"There are more than 20 years, Yun Dingzong is still useless and ruined martial arts!" The blood sages chuckled, one hand raised the tumbling room, the air oozing a lot of blood, the blood is like a pen and ink painting Dancing with the afterimage, such as pouring water to the sky to catch the stars.


A loud noise, the mountain is turbulent.

After the two spiritual powers dissipated, they continued to spread towards the surrounding area. The land between the forests was infested with blood, and it became ridiculously dry, and the flowers and trees were all ruined.

"A terrible power..."

"This, is this still human?"

Was spread, the two disciples, have been affected by the retreat, Ling Xiao danced the sleeves, and held a huge spiritual barrier before the fire disciples, this will barely offset Yu Wei.

Bai Yu Tang also squinted, and the white gown blocked his nose and mouth.

From the nearest Qin Shi, the whole person was directly shot by the hot Lang, and he swung a few wings in the air, which barely stabilized his body. He said: "It’s terrible, I can’t think of it. Just three elders joined forces, the power is no less than In the medium term, compared with these two people, it is a big witch."

"Just the Yun Ding Kun Kun array, although the power is no less than the middle of the broken spirit, but after all, the three are in the early days of the broken spirit, far less than the purity and purity of spiritual power." Explain.

Qin Shi nodded. "Yeah, between the early and middle stages of this broken spirit, it looks like a difference, but the essence is a thousand miles away."

This power is definitely so far, he has seen the most horrible showdown.

"Well, the higher the realm, the greater the gap between them. Don't look at the difference between the early and middle layers of the spiritual world. The spiritual power needed for the time is enough to achieve the spiritual combination of the third and third periods of the whole junior high school." Zhongyu is unacceptable.

Qin Shizhen opened his eyes and carefully wrote down.

Although he was invited to fight together, the act of ore in front of him was not something he could marry and enter. Even if he was there, he could not do the same.

Even next to him, Yu Weibo, he felt the blood of the body bursting.


For a short moment, in the sky of the sky, the two men have a lot of hands to fight, and there are purple thunder and bright red blood smudges between the heavens and the earth. The ripples of the sea like Lang spread, it feels like the flowers bloom in the early summer, and they are constantly scattered. Terrible spiritual power.

The thunder snake wandered between the clouds, with a burst of sorrow.

In the lightning, the blood of the diffuse is more mad, and it merges into the gap of the air. It is like an infinite elf, which condenses into a huge blood hand. The **** hands are spread out, and the first step is to hold the thunder snake and smash it.


When Qiankun swayed, the two men retired at the same time.

Seeing that the two men are coming out at the same time, Ling Xiao’s eyes are tight: “It seems that in the past 20 years, the blood buddies are not white. In the past 20 years, he has just entered the spiritual world. With the coagulation, he can traverse the ancient city, now more It’s like a mid-break, I’m afraid Lin Yun may not be an opponent.”

"Broken in the middle of the spirit?"

Stabilizing his body, Lin Yun was full of horror, and he was trembled in horror: "How come? You should be imprisoned in the hell, why can you break through the initial shackles?"

The blood sages are contented and scorned: "Are you surprised? That is to thank you more. In the twenty years of the dog's place in hell, this seat is devoted to the coagulation, and finally the last layer of the magical power, and the breakthrough. Mid term."

"Oh, less proud, what can you break through? Seeing that I have killed you."

"Destroy me? Well, you don't always want to get the coagulation power? I will let you taste it now." The blood sorcerer's unscrupulous laughter, did not put Lin Yun in his eyes, handprint flip control The blood of the sky, step by step approaching Lin Yun.

The bloodstains turned into a sorrowful blue bird in the air, tearing open the space and approaching Lin Yun.


Lin Yun opened up the spiritual barrier and barely blocked the attack. The whole person relapsed several tens of meters away: "The blood sage, this is what you forced me!" The voice fell, and he saw that he was lifted with one hand in space. Two lightnings were changed in the ring, and the lightning tumbling brought up the lightning.

Purple lightning, covering the sky.

"This is the cloud tripod guardian thunder?" Seeing the thunder of the sky, Ling Xiao is slightly low.

The eyes of the blood sages have become dignified at this time: "I don't think that you will carry the Guardian ancestors with you. It seems that you have been doing more things, for fear of revenge by the enemy one day?"

The thunder and lightning rolled in the sky, and the entire mountain forest turned into purple in a blink of an eye. A rushing thunder snake brought the horror of the sky and blocked the clouds of thousands of miles away.

Seeing thunder shaping, the semi-circular buckles the mountain forest, and the lightning is constantly emitting a squeaky sound. Lin Yun will use the whole body spiritual power to sacrifice to become a glaring ray ball to occupy the eye, screaming out loudly: "less nonsense! Ready to die!"

"Ben Lei guards the sect!"

In the middle of the road, the formation of the formation, turning in the mountains, together with the choice of Hǎode lines, constantly breeding the thunder of lightning. The thunder and lightning are like a screaming through the nine whispers.

"Stone, after retreating!" Light is Yu Wei, let the book jade feel uneasy.

Qin Shi also feared in his heart, and did not dare to hesitate to bite his lower lip. He moved the wing to the rear and then retreated. He stopped at a distance of several hundred meters.

Tao Tao thunder, the field is stunned.

However, the blood buddies did not hide, the **** robes were shaken by the wind, and I saw him condense his face and put his hands over his head. A blood spray: "Hey, twenty years ago, you were not My opponent, you still can't do it twenty years later!"

"Coagulation, blood, blood, and blood!"

On July 15th, Xiaoshao will go out, the update has been fixed, 12:00 at noon.

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