Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1434: Change the spear

"For tens of thousands of years, no one dared to hurt me, but stinky boy, you have broken my good times several times, I have to refine you into my blood seal today!" The scream of the Son of God, his five senses are distorted Like a monster, he slammed his wings, and the huge ghosts behind him roared like a dragon, and the fiercely slammed into the six fields. 81中文网

He Shuhan's several domain owners are all clenched fists, and the surrounding space suddenly bursts, forming a wave of air.

"A horrible cyclone..."

"Six, we join hands, use the power of the weapon together!" He Shuhan Jiao Lou.

A few people hesitated at this moment, all nodded, Qi Qing took the lead, the mini sword spirit danced in her jade hands, and finally stood on the chest, bent down, another jade hand pulled a full moon, and spiritually String, sword spirit into an arrow, aiming at the Son of God.

"Shenzhen Xuanjian!"

boom! The sword is shot fiercely, and the clouds are seen in the sky. The degree is fast, and it is directly turned into the afterimage. It is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. There is even a distance. It is directly through the space, tearing the void, and shooting through a space wormhole. To another space, a fierce burst to the chest of the Son of God.

The Son of God licks his mouth and swears. Under the pressure of the Excalibur, he does not hide or scream, and he screams with a strong voice: "Broken!"

boom! At the foot of the Son of God, the golden whirlwind was rolled up, and an invisible body was formed from the Son of God. The sword slammed on the body and suddenly sounded crisp, followed by the airflow.

Immediately, the Son of God gave a shot, and the cyclone tumbling in the air, turned into an incomparable golden rifle, and the blood was burned on the gun head, bursting with the same level as the Excalibur, straight into the chopped chest. .

"The ice is breaking the magic gun!"

He Shuhan then volleyed, the moonlight was light, an ice gun, slammed the golden gun, bang! One after another, the collision of the ruined land, the blue sky is instantly ignited, and the ice is cold and iceberg. The two giant forces are killing each other in the air. When they see this scene, the whole audience is sucking in the air. He Shuhan moved very fast, she turned around, bursting, followed by both hands, a mysterious force poured out.

"Zero ice palm!"

Fierce, a translucent ice palm slammed into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi blinked slightly: "This is the weapon of Qing Xuezong: Zero?"

When I saw the ice palm, the eyes of the Son of God were a few more points. Every time I saw the power of the Eight Great Weapons, he couldn’t help but hate the itchy roots. Originally, he could kill the six domains without any pressure, but because of Qin. The reason of the stone made him shackle now.

At this time, Kong Ghost is also a fusion of arms, forming a blue jade burst.

"Feng Tian· Ban!"

Lin Xiaoyue entered the sky, and he volleyed out of the palm, and immediately formed a black enchantment between his fingers. The enchantment seemed to be able to seal the heavens and the earth, and it was impossible to escape. He was shocked and a huge force. At this time, half a day was shrouded in an instant.

Followed by the shackles, her jade fingers formed a wISP, and the ghost fires from time to time conveyed a sorrowful cry, the ghosts fluttering, making people feel endless desperation, her jade points to a volley: "凄绝·万鬼殿! ”

In a flash, in all directions, the power of greatness shocked the void.

Qin Shi’s black shackles in the rear are all hot... He clenches his fists: “The days of the forbidden domain, the refinement of the refining domain...”

Under the violent attack of several weapons, the Son of God can no longer be calmed. The shadow behind him is now trembled. From his body, there seems to be a disordered atmosphere, which makes him scream: "Damn! How is this time! Because of resonance! Small things, you give me a little more honest! For thousands of years, you don't want to be trapped here forever? Give me a wait!"

The son of God fiercely squeezed the road spell on his forehead. After seeing this detail, Qin Shi was silent and half-sounding, thinking alone.

At this time, the phantom behind the Son of God suddenly and calmly, followed him with open arms, and his fangs were cold: "You ants also want to swear by me? I will let you all die here today!"

"God is so beautiful!"

Rumble! Suddenly, the huge virtual shadow behind the Son of God was actually moved. The virtual shadow immediately occupied the whole void. Here, as if there was no more than him, the virtual shadow grabbed the six domains.


Suddenly, I saw that the forces of several murders condensed by the main domain were instantly disintegrated, and they were destroyed into powder.

At this time, the Son of God is also breathless, and he can see that his consumption is also huge, but his movements have not stopped, and the power of destroying the weapon has made him become more stunned. His mouth is chilling and his eyes are cold and glance. Several domain owners: "Go to hell!"

Several domain owners saw it, and my heart was cold: "I didn't expect it to be blocked by him?"

call out! At this time, Qin Shi suddenly jumped up, in the scene of this situation confrontation, can not help but make his thin and small figure incompetent, the eyes of everyone in the emptiness are gazing at him, can not help but frown.

The Son of God is also a glimpse, cold and cold: "Kid, so eager to die? Then I have fulfilled you!"

"Qin Shi! Stone!" Several domain owners, Xue Xuexin and so on are all drinking.

Suddenly, Qin Shi laughed out loud. He waved his hand at the Son of God and said: "You know, you kill me now, it is not good for you. I believe that you should not be an idiot, so I just remind you." In a word, it is not us who really open the magical universe to release the artifact."

The Son of God squinted and frowned. "What do you mean by this? You have six weapons here, even if you are not, you must be the mastermind!"

"Then you can make a big mistake. The eight murders were indeed in our hands, but that was all thousands of years ago. Otherwise, you think that with these few domain owners, if the murderer is around, you will be The strength of the weapon is soaked, will this power be? Just, you are not so easy to block it?" Qin Shi naturally smiled.

It is said that the Son of God can't help but be silent for a moment, and the temperament is also a lot of plain. He said: "Not you, who?"

Qin Shi rushed to the corner of the group. "They, they used thousands of years to steal the weapon. If you don't believe it, you can probe it. Among them, there should be several forces that can use the weapon." I think, how do you say that you have lived for tens of thousands of years? This is always true. If you kill us now, we can't beat you. However, it is inevitable that both sides will be hurt. At that time, I don't think They will let you go."

The Son of God chills and glances in the direction of the scorpion group. He sees the roar of the devil's eye and the cold eye: "Damn! This bastard! Let them back seven, hide the breath!"

However, the Lord of the Devil is still too late, and the Son of God directly captures the existence of the seven demon creatures, followed by his eyes cold: "Sure enough! Their seven murderous smells are much thicker than yours."

"How, I didn't lie to you? You used them from the beginning to the end, and they used the same idiots." Qin Shi has no mercy.

Hearing the snoring of Qin Shi, the face of the Son of God changed his face, it was very ugly, scared He Shuhan a few people, and secretly Qin Shi at this time also deliberately provoked the son of God, this is too unwise, unexpectedly, the Son of God However, he did not anger at Qin Shi, but slowly turned around at this moment. His eyes fell on the sputum group. He squeezed his fists and tens of thousands of sharp knives wrapped around him again: "My life, the most What hates being hated by others!"

"Damn!" The demon Lord's eyes changed, and he immediately ordered: "Everyone prepares for war!"

"Prepare for war? Hey, kid, let me live a little more, wait until you have solved these guys who want to watch the fun, then come and pack you!"

This is what the Son of God said to Qin Shi, and immediately he moves very fast, fierce ambush, a brain, that phantom and Wanli sharp shot, from the eight sides directly approaching the group.

"This crazy dog, who really sees who bites?"

The second master's mouth twitched, and immediately did not dare to care. In the face of the Son of God, they have the same advantages as the six domains. With their borders, in front of the Son of God, such as ants.

"I will resist first, the third child, you will bring them seven to prepare for the enchantment, that stinky boy! I have not finished with him, this time after getting the artifact, I have to bring him back to the group." Hearing, followed him to the air, holding the ancient 仗, have to say that the repair of the big devil is still very strong, the smashing of the smashing of the ancient scorpion, the void suddenly distorted, a bone dragon swims out, suddenly Hit the 10,000 blade.

"The devil's people, are they so embarrassed now?" The son of God sneered, and immediately he manipulated the shadow, and instantly attacked the big devil from the direction of no dead ends.

The big demon Lord blinked, and it was easy to deal with the 10,000-blade blade, but the power of the phantom was doped, and the power outside the power of the eight murderers could not be confronted.

At this time, the five devils leaped up, and he sipped at the distant chaos and the winds: "Hero! Ling Mufeng! What are you doing, take a shot!"

The enchanting and Ling Mufeng slightly frowned but hesitated or got up at the same time, Ling Mufeng single-handed into a dragon claw, a dragon hurricane spurted out: "Wind spirit breaks the dragon!"

"eight wastes and destroy!"

The two shot, the Son of God looked cold: "Oh, no wonder, you just did not shoot with the group of people, it turned out to be the devil of the devil? It is sad, roll!"

The son of God swung a big hand, a huge force smashed the power of the two, the enchanting okay, Ling Mufeng was taken by the giant hand on the spot, a blood spouted.

At this time, the Son of God did not give in, and he tried to approach the Lord of the Great.

The big demon Lord blinked, and after he took a deep breath, he finally shook his head, followed by his hand and turned into a black, and finally turned into a claw full of evil black scales, a black squirt squirting, that suffocating, It is not his own, but the power of the sun to cover the sky. When he sees this scene, Qin Shi condenses in the distance: "That power is the sky?"

"Well, he wants to cover the sky to deal with the Son of God! Although the power of the Son of God can resist the power of ordinary spirit and alienation, it is absolutely impossible to resist the sky."

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