Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1420: ?d sword origin

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"The predecessors of the sandstorm?" The sudden appearance of the body suddenly caused Qin Shi to smash, and the thunder sword in his hand could not help but let go.

Seeing that the broken emptiness was pierced by the Wandao Jianguang, the eagle eagle eye also flashed a lot of killings. However, when he saw the sand and sand identity, he couldn’t help but converge a few points. : "It turned out to be an elder of sand and sand, and the younger generation had just offended."

In the face of the wind and sand, the blame is still not daring to make a second. After all, the sand is the first person under the sect of the sword sect. The eight domains are also among the top 20, and the domain is perfect. Half a month ago, it was Touching the half-step environment, plus thousands of years of kendo practice, far from the horror of the eagle can be embarrassing.

The old man of the wind and sand is determined to be a sacred eagle, and the old man is serious: "The little guy is not very old, and it is not a good thing to be so arrogant."

The eagle sorrowful airway: "The things of the predecessors' education, the younger generations should be corrected. Isn't this also the Qin Shi brothers? In the same year, there were some small frictions in the sacrifice of the gods, and some of them were not convinced. Now they are diligently practicing for two years. Back to a few points, but forgot the current six-domain alliance, the interests of the alliance should be the first, the younger generation is narrow, and I apologize to Qin Shixiong."

In other words, the blame blame is really able to bend and stretch, from his facial expression can not see the slightest pretense, if the two of them rushed to Qin Shi holding a fist: "Qin brother, just my fault, I should not be a villain The heart of your gentleman's belly, but also hope that you can not ignore the villain, do not forget the heart."

Qin Shi looked up indifferently, and saw that the eagle’s heart was raised and turned into a different flavor.

"It turned out that this guy has never been regarded as a character. It seems that I am a light enemy. I can do this kind of humiliation. This person is extraordinary. I have to be more careful in the future." Qin Shi said in the bottom of his heart, if not personally experienced He is now skeptical that the blasphemy that has just played against him and the current blame is not a person. The so-called enemy in the bright face is not terrible. Instead, it is like this kind of smiling face tiger that bites you at a critical moment. It’s fatal. For a time, it’s a horrible disaster. Qin Shi has never faced it. Of course, the surface action is still to be done. Since people say so, he can’t be chilling. He laughs: “Where, younger. I have never thought about it."

"That's good, then it's good!" The eagle smirked and nodded. For a moment, his eagle's eye was like a sword. This was directed at the sand and several people in Qinshi. "The wind sand predecessor, Qin Shi Brother... The younger generation will leave."

"Where are you going?" The sand suddenly stopped him.

The eagle screamed and said: "Is this not to go away with Zongmen? I will go to Zongmen first."

"No, we are six-domain alliance, then I am an elder of the sword, I met you, and you should be with you." dudu1();

It is said that the eagle eagle eagle twitches, but he is not good at directly rejecting the sand. For a time, he just nodded very slyly: "That's good, then there are Laofeng sand predecessors taking care of it."

"Nothing serious." The wind and sand indifferently shook his head, and immediately he waved at Qin Shi, and got up to the forefront of the volley, Qin Shi and Qi Xuexin immediately followed him.

Qin Shigan laughed: "I said the old guy, you put this big Buddha around, you are not afraid of getting burned?"

"Don't say this thing first!" The sand suddenly interrupted Qin Shi, and his look became extremely serious. His eyes were always on the wrist of Qin Shi. He recalled the martial arts that had just been warmed up by Qin Shi, and his heart could not help but shock. The eccentric scorpion sword symbol is the sword that makes him feel the coldness of his back. He said: "I ask you, where did you just learn the swordsmanship?"

Qin Shiyi stunned, and immediately awakened, the wind and sand refers to the sword.

To hesitate for this, Qin Shi did not conceal the wind and sand. The 15th and 10th will tell the sandstorm to the wind, including the early years of winning the sword in Hongyun City.

Hearing, the wind and sand can not help but **** the mouth cold: "卍剑? Actually this swordsmanship? This swordsmanship really exists?"

"Predecessors, do you know the sword?" This time, Qin Shi was surprised and asked with curiosity.

After the wind and sand hesitated, he nodded. "Well, I know some, but this sword technique, even I have only heard it in rumors, but I have never seen anyone show it. The record of this sword technique has also been seen in the sword." It should be nearly 10,000 years ago, a sinister high-ranking man, competing with the contemporary Swordsman of the Jianzong to win the world’s first sword, and fight against the human world."

"Really? Do you dare to challenge our swordsmanship?"

"Well, the high man didn't know the origins. According to the people watching the war at the time, the high man passed the bleak body. It was a very cold woman. It was a three-day and three nights in the dark. In the end, it is only on the highest peak of the human world, leaving a huge slogan, and the martial arts that left this slogan is almost the same as the swordsman you said."dudu2();

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi stunned. Didn't he think that the sword had such a glorious history? He couldn't help but ask excitedly: "What about the result? Who won the result?"

"It's a flat hand, but everyone with a clear eye knows that in fact, the war was the defeat of my patriarch, because my patriarch was holding it, it is the sacred sword that passed down from generation to generation: 诛天剑, and the other party used it, but...but The broken willow branches."

“What?” Qin Shi’s weird look at the sand: “With a broken willow branch, go against the sword of the world, and be able to play for three days and three nights? Are you kidding?”

"This is true. The man's swordsmanship has reached the point of being pure and green. It is the extent to be able to turn all things into spiritual swords. When my patriarchs were defeated, they closed directly, until they fell to the ground, and that was high. The man has disappeared from here, and her peerless swordsmanship has disappeared since then. No one has seen it before. I didn’t expect it to be learned by your kid.” The sandstorm shook his head very seriously, and immediately he couldn’t help but feel that he was still Worried that Qin Shi and the blame will fight, Qin Shi may not be the opponent of the blame, but after learning the origin of the sword, he knows that he saved it, not Qin Shi, but a blame.

Qin Shi is also in a silent silence. "It seems that the sword is far deeper than I thought."

At this time, the sand suddenly said: "The kid, the one behind, the heart is hot, not an ordinary character. In the future, you must be careful with him. I let him stay with me, and I am worried that he will start with the other disciples of my sword."

Qin Shi’s awakening point, the wind and sand’s concerns are also right. The guilty guilty heart is not the first time to see him. If he is allowed to act alone, it will inevitably kill the Jianzong disciple. It is also a good thing to be supervised by them. He suddenly turned and rushed to the snow heart and asked: "Snow heart, this blame, what is the origin?"

Yan Xuexin shook his head: "I don't know. He entered Qingxuezong through formal channels. There was no power in the Zong. At that time, no one thought that a disciple who entered the Zongmen through various elections in the sea could have This kind of talent, so the elders did not pay attention to him, until ten years ago, he won the first prize of the new disciples contest, so that many elders loved the extreme, and finally worshipped under the elders of Xuan Qing."

"It turned out to be a disciple of Xuan Qing, hey! No wonder, a stinky temper with him!" The wind sand could not help but scream.

"Xuan Qing?" This person, Qin Shi has never heard of it.

"Well, the elders of Xuan Qing are the elders of the cabinet of Qingxue Zong, and they are similar to the predecessors of the sands in Jianzong. In these years, I have become a faction in my own family, which is led by the elders of Xuan Qing." dudu3();

"It turned out to be a restless master." Qin Shi understood the sneer, and immediately he couldn't help but blink his eyes. I don't know why he always had a hunch since this meeting. It seems that he and the blame seem to be sooner or later. There was a matchup, and this matchup was a fateful battle that could not escape. He took a deep breath: "This person can't stay."

After meeting with the sand, several people from Qin Shi once again traveled south for a few days, but they never saw anyone from the six-domain alliance. During this period, Qin Shi continued to call for the power of the eight-wild, relying on the faint faint breath in his mind. Only then can they be sure that they have not deviated from the route.

At this time, the catastrophe was a little impatient with the three people behind him: "I said, three, what is the significance of our indiscriminate chaos? If it is my own, how can I find a few now? The Confederate, this time in the past half a month, the alliance and the squad are fighting urgently, I don't want to waste time with you!"

"Shut up, you still can't turn your nonsense." The sandstorm didn't suffocate and squinted at the eagle's blame. Immediately, he also had some suspicious words: "Boy, are you really in this direction?"

Qin Shi grabbed his head and he fixed his mind. He said: "The breath of the Eight Dead Jade is indeed on this side."

"That's good, let's continue."

The wind and sand have great trust in Qin Shi, but the hawks are so eager for the eagle eye. The distance between him and the three is moderately kept 100 meters away, and the eyes keep turning, it seems to be planning.

Of course, the Qin Shi trio did not find the same thing about the blame, but only that the blame was not going to accompany them. Then the four men marched 100,000 miles south, leaving the blue sea and then passing through the green sea~www.novelmtl .com~ is standing on a lush forest. All the forests grow are weird plants, fluorescent trees with fluorescent fruits, and ferns with or without trunks, even more than a thousand meters. The root snail is exposed on the ground and can act as a tree demon.

In this forest, there are many strange animals, six-eyed giant clams, flying wings, dragons, double-headed wild boars, etc., and even more amazing is that these exotic animals, weird plants are all containing the domain above Force, the forest suddenly violently blasted, often with a fierce front, this is the first time Qin Shi has seen the life after entering the realm of the gods.

At this time, Qin Shi black scorpion slightly stunned, and immediately his entire tiger body was fiercely stagnant.

I saw it at the end of the mountain forest. On the top of a mountain ridge, there is a waterfall that splatters and splatters. The water drops sputtered under each silver curtain are as beautiful as jade. In the middle of the galaxy, there is an island, on the island. The figure of a young man is looming, but despite this, this figure has brought Qin Shi unprecedented familiarity.

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