Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1392: Pangu opening

The troops led by Fang Qing and Hao Yue are extremely fast. Under their feet, there are auras of aura. They almost just rip the space and burst into the Baichao border. When the group is aware of them, they are thinking. It’s already a bit late to stop, and several fierce devils are instantly demonized and turned into a big mountain. They are all trolls, but under the sword of Fang Qing, the chests of several demons are immediately pierced. A blood hole, everyone goes through the blood hole without stopping.

A few big devils saw the magic eyes suddenly condensed: "Damn, how to forget these two crazy women."

"It turns out that your purpose is not a breakthrough, but delaying time and creating opportunities for them?" The great demon Lord Yuguang glanced at the cold.

He Shuhan smiled faintly: "It’s only now, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

The big devil squatted, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha! Hahaha! It's too late? You are too naive."

Seeing the laughter of the big demon Lord, He Shuhan was a little panicked in his heart, and then he saw that the Big Devil did not move at all. He just paused the attack on He Shuhan. He had a leisurely and elegant look to the distance, as if he wanted to see it. See how Fang Qing and Hao Yue broke through.

"Hey! Just two women, I want to break through us?? It’s too much to do."

At this time, the five demon masters are tumbling, and a black dense fog wants to swallow away where Fang Qing is, and at this moment the hole ghost rushes out from the side, he directly blocks in front of the thick fog, and his arms are entwined with strong The ridiculous atmosphere eventually turned into a huge wild beast, which turned the fog into a faint dust, blocking the path of the five devils and the three devils.

"I want to move them! It’s better than me!"

"King of the Confucius, do you really want your daughter's life?" The three magical masters stunned.

"My daughter, I must hope that she is a hero, not a coward who is bound by her!" Kong Ghost face is iron-colored, very decisive, which makes the three devils and the five devils completely gloomy, the three demon masters Tearing in space, a horrible space cyclone overflows. What is amazing is that this space cyclone is reversed. From this cyclone, it is extremely powerful, which is more insidious than the ridiculous power of Kong Ghost. Power, when everything in the world touches, it instantly loses its vitality. The ancient wood is exhausted, the flowers and plants are decaying, and the birds and beasts are instantly smashed into skeletons, which eventually turn into a **** mouth full of fangs.

Feel the evil power, He Shuhan and Qi Qing's Emei are all contemptuous: "This power is the power of Sengu Mozu's Sengu?"

"Damn, Sengu Mozu, wasn't it extinct as early as a thousand years ago? The last one should be defeated in chaos, how can it still exist?"

Everyone in the six-domain alliance is amazed. The six-domain has been familiar with the group, or the demon world. Some ancient demons are rarely recorded in each domain, but the Sengu Mozu is based on A lot of space, when the chaotic domain was attacked by the squad, the leader of the army was a Sengu Mozu, and the last one of the Sengu Mozu, the powerful Sengu power almost made the entire chaos In the ancient city, all living beings must bow in front of this horrible power.

"No, these three demon Lords are not Sengu Mozu. Otherwise, we should have noticed that when the ancient murderer attacked the chaotic field, it was indeed the hand of the remnant, and the remnant was also burned out. It will fall." At this time, He Shu Han Yu's eyes are affirmative.

"Not a Morgo demon? What is the power of this Sengu?" The people are puzzled.

Qi Qing suddenly said: "The three demon masters are the magical souls that combine the evil spirits of Sengu! He just opened the space, just to use the power of space to distort Qiankun and release the Mori ancient with the evil spirit of Sengu force!"

It is said that a few people suddenly wake up, and immediately the eyes become haze: "Damn! Is it a ghost in the chaotic domain?"

"With the soul of Sengu, there is only chaos." Qiqing can not be denied.

"It should have been thought for a long time that the enchanting sorrow seems to be wearing a pair of pants with the shackles! What should I do? The power of Sengu is the power of the aliens above the power of absurdity. Dangerous." Lin Xiaodao.

He Shuhan bites his lip and gently shakes his head: "No way, we can't take it now. Once we have taken their big boundaries, it will definitely be done. It will only make Fang Qingzong and the emperor of the month very good. The opportunity was destroyed and only prayed. The Confucius could handle it himself."

In the face of the huge fangs of Sengu’s power, the old eyes of Kong Ghost are obviously gloomy. The power of Sengu is completely limiting his absurd power. It can be said that he is a natural nemesis in his wilderness, but he I can imagine that if he dares to dodge, this blood will directly target Fang Qing and Hao Yue, so Fang Qing and Hao Yue will have to work together to block this blow, and then, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will be It won't be there either.

The three devils are grasping the psychology of the hole ghost. His mouth is sneer and sneer: "The Confucius, you may not know it yet? The founder of your wilderness was the power of Sengu from our group." And then change it to evolve into the absurd power of today. Now, in front of this power, it is like a son seeing his father!"

It is said that the six-domain alliance has caused a lot of sorrow: "What? The wilderness is the evolution of the power of Sengu?"

Kong Ghost fiercely clenched his fist, apparently he knew this.

"Haha, why, because I was angry when I said the truth, or was it scared in front of this power?" The three devils proudly laughed.

Fang Qing and Hao Yue also stopped at the rear, Fang Qing lightly bite the red lips: "The main domain of the hole, you are flashing, let's stop this blow!"

"The very bitter situation!" Haoyue did not say anything, but her movements were directly expressed. In the side of Fang Qing, the jade hand stretched out from the side, and a field full of desolate atmosphere exploded instantly. She sneered: "This Sengu The power can suppress the power of absurdity, but I wonder if I can suppress the power of purgatory in my refining domain."

The hole ghost was caught in the middle, watching the huge blood mouth to be swallowed, under the influence of the power of Sengu, even the Qiankun became awkward, chaotic, a space, as if returning to millions of years ago, all chaos like a chicken In general, under the huge blood, the ghosts are very aiming, and everyone's heartstrings are tight at this time.

Suddenly, Kong Ghost’s old eyes flashed, and he looked up and didn’t look back. He screamed powerfully: “What do you want to use? How much do you use your two juniors? I don’t want to be in the wilderness. Is the domain mixed?"

At the time, Fang Qing and Hao Yue were slightly moved. They both wanted to say something again. At this time, the hole ghost suddenly sacrificed the power of the whole body, and the vast spiritual power formed a huge Linghai from behind him. On the wall, he said faintly: "Don't talk nonsense! Grab the time! Act according to the original plan! Don't let Qin Shi's kid fall into the hands of the group!"

The two women only clenched the jade hand, and immediately Fang Qing’s bite was turned and turned to the six-domain elders around me: “Let’s go! Break the line of defense!”

"Yes!" Everyone snorted, Jing Cai was around Fang Qing, his old eyes were moist, he was the most need to overcome here, but it was the front of it, a ridiculous giant palm directed at the defense line. Boom.


Under the fierce attack of the two major domain owners and many elders with perfect and perfect consummates, the group defense line collapsed almost instantly.

Seeing Fang Qing and others enter the Baichao area with his own eyes, He Shuhan's Liu Mei was bent, and the jade eyes swept to the big demon Lord. He smiled and said: "It looks like this, you are naive! This is the Lord!"

The big demon Lord's eyes are in a gap, very haze, and he rudely said: "Oh, I did not expect that this hole domain owner would not even have a life, but took the life of a domain owner, and put a few Ten people have entered the tide, I think the former is quite suitable, no loss."

He Shuhan's eyes were cold, and he immediately looked toward the ghosts. The eyes of the six domains were concentrated on Kong Ghost. Their plans have been reached. Now, see if the ghosts can stop this blow.

"I went to live with him!" Lin Xiao suddenly got up in the distance, and at this time the five devils met directly, and Lin Xiao stopped with a blow of the claws: "Lin Lin, I advise you to watch the fun here." ”

"damn it!"

Lin Xiao was blocked, and his heart was very eager. At this time, the six demon masters suddenly opened their arms, and the imprisonment under Lin Xiaoshe was destroyed from the inside, and then the shadow was flashed, blocking the same fierce attempt to help.

He Shuhan and Qi Qing are useless, because they all know that the Big Devil and the Second Devil will not give them this opportunity. The Confucius can stop it, relying on himself.

Fang Qing and Haoyue successfully broke through, which made the three magical masters win their He was never expected that Kong Ghost would actually make such a move, he roared: "Damn! You This old guy who doesn't want to die! Then I will fulfill you today, and the wasteland can be removed from the human world!"

"Haha, I want to remove my name from the wilderness, I am afraid that you still have no such ability!" Kong Ghost suddenly laughed, and Fang Qing and Haoyue successfully broke through, making him seem to have less pressure. He met Nathan Gukou. His expression became very specialized. His arms were suddenly opened at this moment. He smiled and said: "Do you think that you have the power of Sengu, is it a restriction on me? You are right, My ridiculous power is indeed derived from the power of this ancient, but ... this may be a limitation for you, there is an old saying, I don't know if you have heard of it, blue is out of blue... and better than blue! ”

"What do you mean?" The three devils screamed at God.

Kong Ghost sneered, and then he suddenly untied his chest gown and exposed his strong chest to the air. He saw a weird tattoo on his chest. The strange blue covered his entire chest. The appearance of a giant god, in the hands of the giant god, there is a huge axe, the whole body is a chaotic space of mixed elements.

Kong Ghost laughed: "Yes, my ridiculous power, has long been your power of Sengu..."

"The roots of ridiculous! Pangu opened!"

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