Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 139: Meet the white jade soup again

Burning Tianzong?

Three words, blasted like a cannon in the mountains.

"Incinerating, burning Tianzong? Blazing empire, the largest Zongmen in the northern region?"

"Really? How can they appear in the third-rate city of the ancient city?"

After the silence was silent, it was followed by deafening arguments.

Surprised, not only many disciples, but even the face of Ling Xiao and many elders climbed up. Ling Xiao's brows are tightened, and the eyes are unprecedentedly solemn. He said: "Chen Tianzong? How can they get involved?" w"Fiction" novel chapter update fastest

From the fire sect, even if it is the two major sects of the ancient city, even if you walk in the ancient city, you can't go too far. Compared with the burning of the celestial beings, it is a big witch, a weak ant like an ant, Kěnéng is connected to the outside of the house. A minimal department is not as good.

There is a qualitative difference between the two, an insurmountable gap.

Even if some people say that it is no exaggeration to burn the Tianzong in the middle of the wave, it will be able to destroy the entire ancient city.

Of course, the most shocked person at this time naturally wants to count Qin Shi.

In the mind of Qin Shi, the three words of burning Tianzong are like the tomb of the ancient tomb.

The fist heart struggled, and Qin Shi looked in the direction of the sound. The eyebrows revealed the dignity and anger: "Is it coming from the fire? Is it finally coming? It seems that half a year, the last thing to face is I have to face it."

Half a year ago, when he was just entered by the demon, he expected that there would be this day, and it would be sooner or later to burn Tianzong.

It is only unexpected that this day is too early.

Now he, although the strength has grown, can still be a small shrimp in front of the burning Tianzong.

"Oh, Qin Da waste, half a year, don't come innocent." At this time, in the mountain forest, walked out of the famous Wenya youth. The young and handsome, wearing a white dress, reveals pale in the eyebrows.

Seeing the figure, Qin Shi’s body trembled.

This person Qin Shi is no stranger, isn't it originally used in Liner, deceiving Qin Shi to steal the jade, and abolishing the white jade soup of Qin Shi Lingmai?

Seeing Bai Yu Tang again, Hao Tian’s anger exploded in Qin Shi’s thoughts, and his fists tightened until his nails fell into the palm of his hand, causing a trace of pain. Several words were almost squeezed out in the teeth and shouted: “White jade soup, actually It's you?"

"Hey, it seems that Qin Da Shao, I really don't want to see me?" Faced with Qin Shi, Bai Yu Tang is calm and self-confident, with disdain and contempt in laughter.

For white jade soup, Qin Shi has enough hatred to light the sky.

However, what surprised Qin Shi was that Bai Yu Tang did not die? Thinking of this, he licked his teeth and said with amazement: "You are not hurt by the evil spirits? How can you still be alive?"

"Hey? I want to thank you very much." Wensheng, Bai Yutang's smug laughter, and immediately his body surged from the spirit of sincerity and fear. The spiritual power rolled in the clouds, and it was even suppressed by Ling Xiao and Lin Yun, and moved the forest.

Mid-term peak?

Hey, Qin Shi shocked: "How come you become so strong?"

"Amazed? This is thanks to the suffocation of the demon." Bai Yutang waved his sleeves, and his wrists were entangled in mist.

This fog and the demon totem on the wrist of Qin Shi have the same purpose, which is enough to disturb people.

"Demon suffocating?"

Feeling the fog, Qin Shi was shocked.

"At the beginning, I was hurt by the evil spirits. I thought it would be dead. Thanks to the suppression of the evil spirits and the collapse of jade, not only saved my life, but also let me master the evil spirits of this evil spirit." When it comes to this, Bai Yu Tang is exposed. A proud look: "Oh, you can swallow the wild beast and turn your spiritual power into your own use. This evil demon is really a magical thing."

Hearing the sound, Qin Shi suddenly realized.

Looking at Qin Shi’s expression, Bai Yu Tang’s greedy, cracked mouth, smiled: “Hey, I’m curious now, if I can get all the demons, what would it be like?”

"Demon? You can't think about it!"

Be vigilant, Qin Shi snoring.

At this time, watching the two confrontation, the two main gates are dumbfounded.

They never thought that this Qin Shi would have a grudge against the people who burned Tianzong?

"This, what is going on? Brother Qin Shi and the people who burned Tianzong know?"

"Are you stupid? Is this obviously hateful? Didn't you see that both of them are fighting fast? No wonder Qin Shi's brother is so powerful, even burning Tianzong is offended, really powerful!"

"Don't be proud, you can't see it. This person has long been prepared to break the strength of the middle of the spirit. I am afraid that it will not be his opponent to even hand over Ling Xiao's head, let alone Qin Shi's brother?"

After a while, Su Ming, and Hao Shuai were worried about Qin Shi. Although Su Ming and others were Qin Shi’s turn, they never heard Qin Shi mention him and he. Burning the grievances of Tianzong.

Only, Xu Qiaoer Zhīdào, she is not worried about her whole body.

A year and a half ago, the scene of burning Tianzong's forced Qin family was vivid in her mind. It was terrible to make people dare not look straight. Without the strength to resist desire, it seems that it happened yesterday, which made her fall in love. Status: "Stone brother..."

In the book of burning, it is also dignified, careful question: "Stone, is this your enemy?"

"Well, feuding, not killing him, this life is alive!" Qin Shi red eyes, no evasive, blunt response.

Yu Liner’s deception to him, the broken pulse of the eyes and the days of abuse, the most important thing is that his father’s pulse is completely broken, and his mother is in the gravel street for one year. These are all thanks to Bai Yuyu.

A chilling meaning.

Get the affirmation of Qin Shi, the book is more worried about the eyes. She knows Qin Shi's temper too much, and she is afraid of what stupid things Qin Shi made. He said: "The stone, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not burning wood, you should not be impulsive, don't be stimulated by his radical method, now you are not His opponent."

"Jade sister, I have my own size."

Smell the sound, deeply spit out a sigh of gas, Qin Shi bite the lower lip, **** smell stunned, the pain of the heart supports his last reason.

He Zhīdào, the book in the jade is right, because he is now using the remaining one, is not the opponent of Bai Yu Tang.

There is a gap between the two.

This gap, perhaps one day in the future, he will march forward with great strides, but at least he can't pass it now.

For a year and a half, he was not the boy who had been impulsive.

Successful people must understand the forbearance.

"I said Lin Yun’s head, the efficiency of your Yun Dingzong’s work is really flattering. Did you forget the agreement with us to burn Tianzong?” At this time, Bai Yu Tang was not arguing with Qin Shi. Lee, turned his head and turned to Lin Yun, his eyes were cold and surging.

Being yelled, Lin Yunqi’s bowed head, the arrogance of a lord of the lord disappeared, like a dog-like respectful fist, saying: “Back, returning to the white man, Lin did not forget.”

I saw Lin Yun’s look like enough, and despised from the fire sect.


Unexpectedly, the white jade soup did not wait for the voice to fall, the white dress, such as the snow, the sleeves of the snow, the black suffocating swaying, the air in the air into a thousand blades, a hit in the Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was hit, violently flew out, and rolled out for a few tens of meters before stopping.

"Don't forget it? If you don't forget it, then let me tell you, why is Qin Jiashang still in the whole half of the year? Why is Qin Shi not dead? Why is the evil demon no news?" Lin Yun hits the fly, three consecutive sounds, The roaring room shook in the mountains.

The mighty red sound, sweeping the leaves.

Seeing that the head of the Zongzong was attacked, many of the elders of Yun Dingzong were dignified at the same time, and each anger rose up and took out the blade, and they wanted to shoot.

But at this time, Lin Yun stood up on the ground with a roll of climbing, and quickly stopped the elders, saying: "Stop!" Stop the elders, he did not have a little anger, timid face to the white jade soup, said: "Back Bai Daren, I don’t think so, but it’s only from the fire sect, which led to no news for half a year.”

I heard the sound, Ling Xiaomei.

This big hat can't stand the fire.

Qin Shi is even more squinting, and his eyes are fierce. Lin Yun said: "It turns out that I should have thought that this group of Yunding dogs and Burning Tianzong will join hands. It seems that things in the secret are really light. Knowing that this group of animals should be smashed."

"Oh? From the fire?"

Bai Yu Tang discretion, squinting at the position of Ling Xiao, immediately revealed a very casual smile: "That is to say, as long as Qin Da waste is not away from the fire disciples, you will be able to kill the Qin family, will kill Qin Shi, the demon Take it?"

Lin Yunyi stunned and nodded in the eyes: "Exactly!"

"That would be easy." Bai Yutang nodded very seriously, glanced at the position of Ling Xiao, revealing a very casual smile: "Ling Wei’s head, you have heard it, what should I do next, presumably you should Clear?"


This time, the disciples from the fire were uneasy.

Many elders, disciples, and eyes also fell on Ling Xiao’s body.

Ling Xiao is even more embarrassed, slightly embarrassed: "Hello, you are a strong man."

"Oh, it's not difficult, I believe, you will do what Zhīdào will do right now." Bai Yutang converges in a smile, immediately squats in his arms, pulls out a golden token engraved with fire, and raises it high: Ling Hao, you can recognize this token?"

"burning the scorpion killing order?"

Hey! Ling Xiao’s body trembled The morning light fell on the token, and the golden mans on the token revealed a sense of holiness.

This burning scorpion killing order, the prestige is no less than the existence of burning Tianzong, in the northern region of the Blazing Empire, which sect does not know? It is rumored that as long as the Zongmen forces that have received the killing of the Scorpio will never exceed twenty-four hours, they will be completely removed.

"Oh, it seems that the head of Ling Xiao is not a countryman. Since he knows **** the scorpion, it will naturally be much easier." In the words of Bai Yu Tang, it was full of ridicule, and immediately cold: "Now, You have two choices. One is to expel Qin Shi from the fire, and the second is to accept this burning scorpion!"


This time, everyone is dumbfounded, Qin Shi is also twitching.

Ling Xiao's face is embarrassed, and Qin Shi is a benefactor of the fire. If you give up Qin Shi's betrayal, if you don't give up Qin Shi, you will be greeted by the fire.

At that time, the millennium foundation industry, I am afraid that after twenty-four hours, it will directly become the ruins of the hundred miles.

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