Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1293: Decisive battle

Hey! For a time, the whole field of condensate, the entire annual disciple game was finally pushed to the highest peak.

The final peak matchup, the disciples who are watching are all inconspicuous, as if they are afraid of missing something, even giving people a feeling, they seem to be more excited than the two on the ring.

"It's time, it's time, it's finally coming!"

"Well, the final showdown, the most noteworthy one in the annual disciples!"

"Call, but this is also expected, the champion will choose one of them."

"Who do you say will win?"

"I see, Su Shi's chances will be even bigger. How can he say that he is also a perfect domain."

"Well, this is the same for me. Although Qin Shi has a great influence on Jianzong and even the eight domains this year, he is a good seedling. However, he said that he is younger, and The strength and cultivation are far worse than Su Shi, and the experience is also less. This kind of confrontation, he has no advantage at all."

"I don't think so. In the past year, Qin Shi has done a lot of unexpected things. It is really possible to have anything in this kid."

"This is, maybe, what kind of backhand he has prepared."

"And, this time, the impact on the Jianzong is also great."

“Well? What impact does it have on our sect?” some young disciples couldn’t figure out and asked.

"Don't you think that the confrontation between the two of them is actually a doomed fate?" After that, the disciple paused and took a heavy breath: "One, is the elder of the elder Zhang Huan. He is also a disciple of Zhang Jian who has been eagerly admired these years, and Qin Shi is the person whom the lord valued. When he first entered the ancestor, he was pushed to a rehearsal disciple. At that time, it caused a lot of trouble. Now many people still I don't recognize him, but it's no wonder that he is still very junior, and he has no fame in Jianzong. It is difficult to convince the public."

Hearing that there is a young disciple who is not convinced and who is just supporting Qin Shi, he argues: "No, although Qin Shi’s time is short, there is no such qualification for Su Shi, but he has done great things in the past six months. Is it not small? First is the champion of the gods of the gods, and later the champion of the devil contest, and he also reached the 36th floor of the sword, broke the altar of the sword, so many amazing achievements, it is not just time to enter the sect. Now many disciples admire him."

The disciple smiled softly and couldn’t turn his head down, but shook his head and said: "Oh, you said that it is true. From these points of view, Qin Shi is a talented person, but there are some things, Far from being as simple as we imagined, or as seen by the eyes, do you think that with these, can you stabilize the status of Qin Shi?"

After all, he suddenly said coldly: "This is simply impossible. Even if there are more disciples who worship him and support him, it is useless. As long as Su Shi is still there, he will not be in jail in this position."

"Zhang Wei wants to promote Su Shi, then he will try his best to pull Qin Shi under the position, and among the elders, the elders of the Zhang Yi faction will do the same."

"So, Qin Shi wants to sit still, there is only one way, that is to defeat Su Shi, and it is still in the face of the whole sect. Only in this way can Zhang Yi lose power completely, and now, it is obviously the best. Timing." The disciple raised his head and said: "But also, if Qin Shi defeated him this time, he will never lift his head forever. Zhang Wei will definitely make a fuss about this. He will I completely lost my disciples with the retreat. Therefore, I said that this contest has a great influence on my swords. The winner of this competition will become my true retreat. No one can shake. Resident disciple."

After the disciples finished speaking, the next few disciples were wide-eyed, and even the disciples who began to defend Qin Shi were the same. Their eyes were full of flashing worship and horror.

They couldn't think of it, a seemingly ordinary game, which contained so many complicated relationships.

In the elders, many disciples are also blind at this time, and the look of seriousness is fixed to the downfall.

On the highest glory stage, Zhang Yi’s mouth smirked, and suddenly the other side said: “Oh, the lord, it looks like it’s going to the finals.”

"Yeah." Fang Qing said coldly.

Zhang Wei does not care about a smile: "In fact, it is quite interesting. You and I are the most valued people."

"Isn't this what you always want to see?" Fang Qing suddenly said coldly: "However, Zhang Lan, elder, there is a sentence I still have to advise you, nothing to do is too much, the object will definitely have a demon, more If you don’t act, you will be self-satisfied. Don’t lift the stone, but you will get to your feet."

Zhang Yan’s eyes twitched, and he sneered: “Oh, thank you so much.”

In the ring.

As if the air stopped flowing, everything was still in the confrontation between Qin Shi and Su Shi.


Suddenly, in the center of the two people's eyes, the earth suddenly violently trembled, and a fierce fire was inexplicably blasted into the sky, and the earth was directly torn out of a huge gully.

When I saw it, everyone was shocked: "How, what happened, did they start?"

The discerning person saw the clues shaking his head: "No, no, they haven't."

"What happened to the explosion?"

"It is the gas field of both of them, caused by their gas field collision."

"What, what? So the horrible explosion is just a gas field?"

Many new disciples have been completely impressed.

At this time, in the ring, it was shrouded in two huge spiritual powers. On the other hand, it was a hot fire with high temperature, and the other side was a thunderstorm like a blue sky. The two spiritual forces were intertwined and **** for tat, and the gully split. local.

In the turbulent winds, Qin Shi and Su Shi seem to be like two gods.

Su Shi suddenly smiled. He nodded. "Kid, do you know? I have been waiting for this for half a year. I have been waiting since the day you entered Jianzong. Today I finally let me wait. Arrived."

"Oh, there are so many nonsense, so I can't wait to do it." Qin Shiyan, sneer: "I just won you a game, this time let you come first."

Su Shi’s eyes were cold, apparently angered by Qin Shi. He snorted: “Hey, don’t be self-sufficient, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!”

"Splashing swords and three forks!"

Su Shi’s arm waved and the slashing sword immediately stabbed.

Immediately, Su Shi’s fingerprints changed quickly and soon reached the virtual shadow!

call out! call out! call out!

After three consecutive swords, the three slashing swords pointed to Qin Shi from three directions.

"Breaken!" Su Shi clenched his fist and shouted.

The phlegm sword fell in an instant and cut through the sky.

Qin Shi’s reaction is also fast. His body began to move at the moment of the smashing sword. First, he stepped back one step backwards, and when the slashing sword was about to fall, he made a very bold move. With a very fast degree through the point where the scorpion sword is aimed, the handprint flips and bends.

"The palm of your hand!"

boom! Qin Shi just jumped out, and the slate behind him was smashed by the slashing sword.

Su Shiyan: "Curving insects! Give me a break! Swords, the arm!"


A cicada, Su Shi's arm flashed, the back of the arm was instantly wrapped in silver, his arm turned into a sharp sword.

Seeing this scene, the audience is causing sorrow.

"The flesh of the sword, the sword of the road?"

"God, I didn't expect Su Shi's kendo to have reached this level?"

Even a lot of elders and old eyes are full of light, that is the point they always yearn for.


Su Shi waved his arm, and the thunder of Qin Shi was instantly degraded.

In the surprise of the outside world, Qin Shi is very common, because he has seen Su Shi’s ability as early as half a year, so he never thought that the palm of his hand could hit, it was just his nephew.

"Buddha one!"

Qin Shi’s foot was slammed into the air, and his palm was sprayed with golden light. A golden pagoda slammed and the spire hit the Susie and burst.

"It's useless!" Su Shi was very arrogant. He squinted and instead of dodging under the golden pagoda, he got up and greeted the enemy.

"The blade is broken!"

His arms were straight and he ran into the golden pagoda.


The fierce earth was swaying, and the urn was suddenly bursting in the air.

Just as he was proud, a sneer suddenly sounded: "Oh, I never thought he would be useful."

Su Shi’s eyes changed, and the voice came from behind his back?

He violently turned around and saw that the golden pagoda that had been cut off in half by him had not landed. He burst into the air and turned into two black shadows and rushed toward him.

"Damn, is it a avatar?" Su Shi’s eyes sank, and he was previously teased by Qin Shi’s avatar, which made him very angry now.

Su Shi got up: "I will tell you today how many avatars are useless!"

"Sword mad dragon roll!"

Suddenly, Su Shi stretched out the other arm, and turned into a blade in the light, and immediately his hands were flat, and the body suddenly began to rotate weakly.


His turn was getting faster and faster, and eventually he was a hundred meters from his body, and it was a terrible sword-like tornado. The tornado ran wildly around.

boom! boom!

Instantly Qin Shi's two avatars were stirred into pieces, leaving Qin Shi's true body exposed.

"Hey, look at what you can do next!"

Qin Shi flashed back a few steps. After a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled: "This is a good move, but I am afraid you have chosen the wrong person."

"Well?" Su Shi gave a slight glimpse, but suddenly his eyes widened.

In the rotation of the sword, the Qin Shi black scorpion condenses, and in fact, there is a golden dragon flashing in an instant.

Immediately, he laughed, his body suddenly slammed down at this moment, and his movements were more daring, that is, he did not care, straight, and smashed at the tornado.

When everyone’s heart was shocked and they couldn’t figure it out, Su Shi’s heart was madly jumping a few times, but it’s hard to break the sword.

When the sword gas dissipated, the audience followed the dumbfounded.

I saw that Qin Shi had no trace of water, and the place pointed by the blade was Su Shi’s throat, and Su Shi’s two arms were suspended on the left and right sides, and they were at a loss.

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