Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1291: Blaming

The sword behind the strong momentum will take Qin Shizhen back a few steps. When he is stable, he can't help but cry. ≥

"Swords are worn out!"

The audience immediately rose up, and countless disciples were excited and wide-eyed.

Jianqi wears out the air, this body of the kendo has great influence in Jianzong, and it is also the fastest way of Jianzong in history.

boom! boom! boom!

Kilometer distance, a series of several shocks, Su Shi's body appeared in the eyes of almost everyone, several times the distance between the crazy and the cloud.

Under the stage, in the elders, many elders can't help but marvel at it: "The sword is wearing a burst of air, it's really amazing."

"Well, I really didn't think that this Su Shi was not very old, and he actually practiced this sword air to the realm of this fascination."

"Really, as far as his current level is concerned, it is not far from the thirty-three generations of that year."

"This kid is a gifted person. The future is boundless. Now he has this kind of cultivation. If he is given him hundreds of years to grow up, he might reach a height that the sword sect has never had before."

Many elders are secretly admired.

Zhang Wei is a smile, a satisfied face and a mockery of Lushan.

Some neutral elders are opposed to each other and they are talking about it: "However, this matchup is really interesting."

"Well, the two brothers who should have been the same door, actually turned out to be such a point."

"But then, this Susie’s actions today are really smashing the face of Master Lushan. It’s so easy to go to Yunyan. It’s undoubtedly like the world shows that his choice was not wrong. ""

"Hey, Master Lushan, these years are really unfortunate. When Su Shi betrayed him, he let him indulge for a few years. Later, he thought that the appearance of Mei Tianjiao would allow him to get out of the shadow, but he did not expect Meitian. Jiao and unfortunately fell, Jian Qing was finally expelled from the division by him. In the past few years, he has always been one person. He has been refining Dan in the Tianxiang Pavilion. He finally collected a cloud rock. Now he is so humiliated in the hands of Su Shi. It’s really a make-up."

"Well, it’s really making people, and then how to say that Lushan was also the same name as Zhang Wei and Fengsha, but eventually fell to such a field."

"The thing is human."

Countless elders lost their long sighs, one person said: "With Su Shi's temper, this contest is likely to have Su Shi's life. If this is the case, the final root of Lushan Master will be unplugged and it is estimated to collapse. Go off."

"Who knows, but in the current situation, Yunyan is unlikely to escape Su Shi, unless Su Shi can be merciful and let go of Yunyan."

At this point, everyone looked up at the ring, but could not help but shook his head.

Because, they all know, this is basically impossible, Su Shi’s face is very obvious, and the thick murder is to go to Yunyan’s life.

But when everyone agrees that Yunyan must die, Yunyan’s struggle to get up in the ruins is indeed the power of standing. He’s looking at the shadowy Su Shi, his eyes are full of incredulity. , and helplessness.

But at this time, a young elder suddenly said: "I don't think so, you seem to ignore anything."

"What do you mean?"

"The life and death of Yunyan can be decided not only in the hands of Su Shi, but you don't forget to be on the court, but there is another one who is as much awaited as Su Shi."

"Well?" Many elders frowned, and immediately Yu Guang was collecting the black robes of Qin Shi, and said: "You mean Qin Shi?"

The elder was a former elder who followed the sword in the field of the gods. He nodded gently.

Many elders are silent. After a while, one shook his head: "Impossible. If it is for other things, maybe Qin Shi can really change anything, but in the current situation, he wants to rescue from Su Shi. Yunyan is simply a daydream."

"Su's degree is fast now, and even among us, there is no one who can be faster than him. Although Qin Shi is also good at length, he uses the power of attributes and the formation of Jianqi through the air. There is still a fundamental gap in martial arts."

"Yunyan will die."

Su Shi’s degree can only be measured by wheezing. Everything is in constant change, blinking, and Su Shi is approaching Yunyan.

The whole audience held his breath.

Lushan’s fists were fierce and tight, and the old eyes were thick red, with fear and killing.

Su Shi paused and screamed at Yunyan. "Boy, it seems that God will not save you. Today, you can't live this downfall, but you don't hate me. If you blame, you can only blame you." People."

Yun Yan’s eyes widened and his eyes filled with anger. However, he was now, under the pressure of Su Shi, he could not move even in half a step.

Su Shi ignored him, and turned back to Qin Shi, who was still in the same place, and suddenly laughed out: "Oh, kid, look like this, I won this time."

Immediately, he turned around, his eyes flashed cold, his palm turned, and the smashing sword ignited. He gathered the scorpion sword to his waist and slammed it into the heart of Yunyan.

In the process, his mouth was always filled with banter, as if enjoying the killing and winning the Qin Shi.

At this time, the smashing sword has pierced the sword robes of Yunyan, and the audience was wide-eyed at this time. The audience was quiet and silent, for fear of missing details.


At this moment, a humming sound, suddenly in the end of the needle can cause a wave of death and silence, suddenly set off the limit frenzy.


The infinite sound blew, and the whole audience frowned at this moment, and when they were slightly sideways, their eyes were filled with horror in an instant.

"Now that you won, is it a bit too early!"

Suddenly, a laughter came from the back of Su Shi, and even he was a slight glimpse, because the direction of the sound was too close to him, as if it was ringing in his ear.

He jerked back, and then he was black in front of him, and he was covered by a black robe. At that moment, he was almost lost, and the most between the eyes was only unbelievable.

"This, how is this possible?"

Su Shi’s heart sinks and Qin Shi suddenly appears behind him.

Moreover, it is very gentle, and one hand grabs the arm of the sword that holds him.

Of course, he did not see clearly. The countless disciples and elders under the field were clearly watching. They were almost stunned in an instant. After a long while, someone suddenly screamed: "Just, that’s what happened. ?"

"Okay, so fast... This is not too fast, it's a little too incredible?"

The action of Qin Shi even alerted the people of Fengsha, Zhangye, Fangqing, Haoyue, and so on, even their eyes were slightly obsessed.

"Drink, this little thing, it's incredible." Haoyue slammed for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Just, that's just that, Jianqi wears out?"

"What do you say? Sword air wears? You, you mean, Qin Shi, he just used the sword to wear the air?"

"Wrong, I can't be wrong. The sword that was sprayed just after the black robe is definitely the airflow of Jianqi through the air. It can't be wrong..." The disciple's words stopped, and looked strange: "But, However, how could he wear a sword and air? The sword is worn out, but it is the body of the sword. Look at the whole sword, master the body, but the number of slaps, except the lord, Zhang Wei, Fengsha, Lushan master Only Su Shi had learned in the Jiange in the past few years. How could this kid master?"

Suddenly, someone changed his look and said: "Is it a sword?"

At this time, many people were surprised to think that Qin Shi also entered the Jiange Pavilion six months ago, and reached the top level that Jiange has never had.

However, no one knows about the swordsmanship he has learned so far.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes are shimmering: "very likely!!"

Even many people have finally decided that this is the reason, said: "This kid, hidden is deep enough."

"But, have you noticed that the sword he just used is short, and it seems to be a little different from Su Shi."

For a moment, everyone nodded.

"Really, Su Shi has just used four jets in a row, and crossed the distance of kilometers in the three-interest, and that Qin Shi, using only one jet, reached a kilometer. The talent of this kid is too terrible. What?"

"No, his sword is empty, although he is very fast, but his movements are very hard and blue, and it seems that something is missing." The sharp-eyed person said: "Not what is missing, from his sword The air is in the air, and there is a strong thunder, as if it is his own, and the ordinary sword air is a little different."

Many elders heard the words and nodded with approval.

But in any case, the eyes of the audience were all taken away by Qin Shi at this time. He was like a protagonist full of aura, and his mouth was always hung with a shallow smile.

Su Shi’s eyes were cold. If he was surprised, he should be the most surprised in the audience. He punched his fist and said: “How is this possible, how can you master the air?”

Maybe others don't know But Su Shi himself is very clear, Qin Shi's sword air is empty, can never be learned from the sword.

Because, when he entered the Jiange Pavilion, he got the inheritance of the sword and the air, and he did something that no one knows, no one knows... that is, he personally crushed the martial arts of the sword.

In other words, looking at the sword, in addition to his accident, it is impossible to have a second person to learn this method.

Today, Qin Shi is amazed by him.

Seeing Su Shi’s surprise and anger, Qin Shi suddenly laughed.

Immediately, he made a self-moving action, and the black scorpion gently overlooked the waist, the ancient book that was quiet and quiet for several years.

Burning books.

He suddenly sighed and laughed at himself: "Call, you have been sleeping for so many years, and even some have made me forget. It was because of you that I had a great accomplishment in martial arts. I have been very long these years. Time will seal you, it really should be blamed."

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