Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1283: Do 1 first

Qin Shigang jumped into the sky, and there was a direct explosion on the earth. It was the smoke of the sky, and the dust came up.

"Oh, it’s a terrifying attack."

Qin Shi frowned, and even he felt a little shocked, and just as his mind was concentrated on the smoke, his nerves were stretched, and a shocking string was cut off, letting him subconsciously turn over.

call out!

A black phantom, like a cannonball, reached his chest, and the head fell, a fist that burned a black flame.

The fist was not big, but it sent a very horrible shock, and the nearby space was shattered.

At this time, Qin Shi is obviously too late to want to dodge. What he can do is to use his arm to block his chest.


His brows wrinkled, and he couldn't help but scream, and the wonderful fist hit him on his arm, and his chest was shaking over the mountain.

call out!


Under the strong force, he is like a parabola, and suddenly bursts out a few kilometers, and the fist is always sprayed on his chest.


Qin Shi Meng squatted on the ground, and turned a few turns to keep up the body. When he returned to God, the nephew took out his fist and stood in front of him.

"Cough!" He squatted, and he coughed up.

"Qin Shi, Stone, Qin Shi Big Brother!" Several people from Haoyue and Qinger rushed to the front and saw the worry: "How are you?"

Qin Shi slammed the nose and banned the nose, which forced the blood in the mouth to swallow, not being seen by others, unable to swing his hand.

Qinger’s anger is screaming at the child: “Hey, are you crazy?”

"I...!" I was a little overwhelmed.

"Qinger, don't blame her." Qin Shi quickly stopped the Qinger, and immediately he looked at the child, and could not help but smile: "Oh, I really didn't expect that you grew up so much in half a year, you are just near me." Yes, you won."

The nephew pouted, and some of the disappointing eyes in the jade eyes shook his head: "No, I am close to you, but it is the eleventh trick!"

Qin Shi smashed, and the deaf did use eleven strokes, but he did not expect that the deaf would say so.

"When I said it, I couldn't do it. I will give up the finals myself." The child snorted a little sadly. Suddenly she rushed to Qin Shidao: "But you have to promise me, no matter what." Revenge for my brother-in-law."

Qin Shi licked the head of the nephew, and smiled in the black sputum to spray the cold: "That is natural."

Hey, this is no more nodded.

When the demon saw it, he laughed: "The kid, I didn't expect it, would I suffer in such a small girl?"

Qin Shi squinted at the evil spirits: "Let's say cool words here!"

"But don't say, this little girl, it's like you used to be, it's really too much like it." The demon sighed: "The same temper, the same strong personality."

Qin Shi nodded. After this time, he also came to this point. From the nephew, he always let him see his own shadow. He sighed: "Only hope, her fate should not be like me, so It’s a bump."

Immediately, Qin Shi did not say much, and yelled at Haoyue and his nephews. He rose up and leaped to the ring. It was not far from the start of the game. He now needs a good interest rate adjustment. Injury, really not light.


On the other side.

After Zhang Linger left the ring, she came alone to a dark corner. She seemed to be more eager for this kind of loneliness and dark feelings.

At this time, she frowned and couldn't help but go back. She didn't know when she appeared behind her. She smiled: "Old guy, is there something for me?"

"What are you doing back? Who made you come back?"

Zhang Wei’s voice is heavy and heavy.

Zhang Linger glanced at it and dismissed a smile: "Oh, I said, you really are the lord? I can't come back, what is the relationship with you? Besides, even if you are the lord, I am afraid that you have no right. Interfere with me?"

"You...!" Zhang Yan's old eyes are red, and Zhang Linger is dying.

However, without giving him the opportunity to open his mouth, Zhang Linger smiled upright: "You better not to talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with you, I am the command of Fu Yan Huang Dezun, let alone you forget. Now the relationship between us, I am still on top of you, Zhang Yiwai."

After all, Zhang Linger turned and walked toward the ring.

"Linger!!!" Zhang Wei was helpless and low drink in the back.

"Shut up!" Suddenly, Zhang Linger slammed back, and there was a thick suffocating light in the eyes of the jade. Zhang Yan, who was dying, said one word and one sentence: "Linger, it’s not what you called, please make it clear. Your identity, my current name is, You Ling Yaoya!"

Zhang Wei was a little chilly. He looked at Zhang Linger’s appearance and shook his head. “Why, why do you become like this?”

"Why?" Zhang Linger seems to hear the big jokes, cold and laughing: "It’s ridiculous, why are you asking me? Oh, when I was born, you contacted the people in the group to achieve the goal. When I was sent to the Devil World, why didn’t you ask why? In that year, in order to achieve the goal, you will not hesitate to sacrifice your own son. You will sacrifice my parents. When you did this, could you think that it would be like this? I tell you, Zhang Yi, I have never been your granddaughter. From the time you sent me to the Devil World, I cried all night, please, please do not do this, you insist on your decision. At the time, there has been no connection between you and me. I am coming back today, not because of you, nor for you. Your life and death have nothing to do with me."

Zhang Ling’s words, she laughed at herself and turned silently, leaving Zhang Wei in the same place.

When she was about to walk out of the corner, she suddenly turned back and said: "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, let me give you a sentence in the organization. If you can't complete the task, the organization may I will consider changing someone to replace you. In addition, this time I came back, it has nothing to do with you. You better not to think about intervening, otherwise the result... you may not be able to afford it."

After the sound gradually dissipated, Zhang Linger completely left the corner and returned to the central challenge.

Zhang Yi is a person, the mind is a sham, his old eyes are very ethereal shaking his head: "Be a self-made, self-defeating."

The time passed slowly, and the final of the annual disciple race was finally at the end of the curtain.

On the verdict, the law enforcement elders, Lang Lang Hongyin, overwhelmed the whole audience.

"I announced that the final of my Jianzong annual discipleship is now officially open!"

"The finals, there are no rules, no rules, the last disciple standing on the stage is the champion of my swordsman's annual discipleship!"

"Now, please all the disciples come on stage!"

call out! call out! call out! The road was empty, the road broke, and the final disciples jumped onto the stage.

Counting Qin Shi, a total of eight.

The enchantment big array also opened.

In the big array, eight people guarded eight corners.

In the audience, countless disciples were ignited by this exciting moment, and their blood was boiling.

"Hey, you said, who is the final champion?"

"I don't know, but I think, there should be one person from Su Shi and Qin Shi. After all, they are the biggest focus of Jianzong now."

"Really, these two people are enchanting enough, but I think Zhang Linger also has a good chance of winning. After all, she has inherited the blood of Zhang Jian's elders."

"Yunyan and Long are very strict, they are all the masters of Lushan, and the highest number of law enforcement cabinets."

"Who knows, who can stand on this station, who will be a mediocre person, the final result, it depends on who is better in heaven."

on the stage.

Long quite sternly smiled and walked to the side of Qin Shi, he said: "Qin brother, is it okay lately?"

For the person who is very strict, Qin Shi is still very respectful. It is a very sentimental and responsible person. If it was not the case of Qingqing, he felt that the dragon was strict and he could be handed over. He nodded: "Well, what about Dragon Brother?"

"I am? What can I do? I am far worse than Qin Xiong. It is nothing more than running around for the law enforcement of Jianzong every day."

"Every position needs someone to bear, no matter how important." Qin Shi smiled lightly.

The dragon is very strict and indifferent to the corner of his mouth: "Qin Xiong, that final, what do you think?"


Qin Shi replied very neatly, which made the dragon quite strict and laughed a few times: "Really, you are indeed a hot spot in this competition."

Qin Shi shrugged: "So, do you want to do it?"

"I?" Long said very sternly, pointing to himself, and immediately shook his head and retired: "Hey, don't make trouble, I don't want to trouble myself. I am very contented when I come here, and I just mix it casually. It’s good to be a place, but I’m still very optimistic about Qin’s.”

"If you are not ready to do Can you give me a location first?"

At this time, a heavy voice suddenly sounded behind the dragon.

The dragon was very strict and couldn't help but look back. When he saw Yunyan, he suddenly realized that he immediately looked at Qin Shi. Qin Shi nodded. He smiled: "That is natural, Yun brother please."

Yunyan nodded and walked up to Qin Shi. He swept Qinshi up and down. His eyes could not help but reveal a few disappointments: "Oh, I thought that half a year can make you grow a lot. I didn't expect it to end up. The weather is fine."

"The sky is awkward, I think it is quite good."

"I don't know how to make progress!" Yunyan's eyes were cold, and he immediately opened the distance. "Qin Shi, have you not forgotten our original agreement? I will be in this ring, and you will win the game."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiled and said: "I naturally remember."

At this time, the Hongyin of the opening ceremony officially sounded. At that moment, his black smashed through the hole and the coldness of the road. He said to Yunyan: "But I am afraid you have to wait, there are some things before. I have to do it first."

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