Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1265: You won't die

I heard that the clear and clear, but gentle and watery call, this makes the purple april's apricot eyes softer, and the infinite darkness gradually converges.

Seeing the figure, Yan Long fiercely frowned: "Qin Shi!"

The star is also a glimpse, just like a ghostly scream: "Yes, is your kid? You, shouldn't you be dead? You, how can you still be alive?"

"Death?" Qin Shi said to himself, and then slowly lowered his head and looked at the bursting beads in his hand. The corner of his mouth could not help but rise up: "If you were not, I almost forgot that I have this baby." It."

Recalling that, the sky fire column overflowed and burned him in an instant. In fact, he himself also decided that he had just died. The power of the fire column is absolutely imagined, and that kind of force, Qin Shi thinks, in the slightest It will not be weaker than the so-called border thunder.

The reason why he can stand here intact is because of the merits of the explosion of the beads in his arms. When the pillar of fire looks at the blood that will melt him, when the fascination is ignited, the explosion of the beads will flash, The different light will dispel the pillar of fire.

Explosive beads, itself is the treasure that Qin Shi obtained from the Qiongzhi volcano at the time of the red inflammation, able to withstand all the volcanic magma in the world.

Along the eyes of Qin Shi, Xiaolong and Xingluo also noticed the explosion of beads in Qin Shihuai.

Immediately, Xiaolong’s eyes were cold: “That is, the volcanic original stone, the explosion of the beads!”

Qin Shi slammed: "I know you?"

"Hey, blasting beads, born under the volcano of Wannian, is the most precious treasure in my refining field. How can I not know it!" The dragon angered, and the more fierce his eyes changed: "The kid, I originally killed You, my heart is still a bit embarrassing, but now you have really given me a chance to be justified, even dare to steal my domain sacred objects, go to hell!"

The dragon screamed, and the sole of the foot slammed, like a hollow cannonball, and immediately blasted it to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, subconsciously turned his hand: "Shelley clothes!"

A golden pagoda was lifted from his palm.



There are four fireworks on the sky.

Qin Shi slammed Zi Lingsha hard, and the body quickly retraced a few steps.

In the process of retreating, Qin Shi could not help but fall into meditation: "In the refining field, there is actually a burst of blast beads?"

"Well, the importance of the blasting beads in the refining field is what you imagined. In the same year, the primary domain owner of the refining domain was because of this blasting pearl, and the refining domain was established here." Zi Lingsha's weak breath .

Wen Yan, Qin Shi suddenly realized: "No wonder, he said that I gave him a reason to kill me. I don't think that this explosion of beads in my hands is a refining field?"

"Whether or not, with this reason, he will not be punished by the elders." Zi Ling Shadao.

Qin Shiyi thought, it is such a truth.

Breaking the Golden Pagoda, the dragon is approaching, and his offensive is twice as strong as before.

Several confrontations, Qin Shi is obviously not as good.

"Hey!" At this time, Zi Ling Sha Yu face changed, suddenly spurting out of red blood.

Qin Shi and Xiaolong were subconscious, and this was forced to stop fighting: "Lingsha!"

The dragon bow got up and slammed close, and immediately he pushed Qin Shi away and kept Zi Ling Sha in his arms: "Ling Sha, how are you?"

Seeing that Zilingsha’s jade eyes were once again infested with black poison gas, Qin Shi also rushed forward.

"Kid, don't blame me for not warning you, if you dare to step forward, I have to kill your life today!"

"Do you not think so in your own right?" Qin Shi's pace did not stagnate.

"You are looking for death!" Xiaolong reveals his fangs, and immediately his palm is in a virtual grip. A thousand-toned **** mouth screams and screams toward Qin Shi: "Inflammatory Tiger Cave!"

Qin Shi’s black scorpion sinks, so he can’t resist it at such a close distance.


At this time, a divine light filled with deterrence was shot, and the tiger's mouth was penetrated by a blow. The tiger's mouth was suddenly disintegrated under the light.

Seeing the Holy Light, Xiaolong and Qin Shi are all frowning, and Xiaolong looked up and said: "Domain, domain master?"

Qin Shi is also a relatively accidental, the domain of the refining domain, the real moon, actually appeared in person?

Seeing Haoyue, Xiaolong's obvious convergence, immediately his eyes turned, the wicked first complained: "Yuyue domain master, you finally appeared, this thief has stolen my domain's sacred explosives, I am working hard Pursuing him, he also hopes that the landlord will be able to put him on the spot."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi black and cold: "This little man!"

Explosive beads are indeed too heavy in the refining field. Even the words of the dragons are all embarrassing, and she immediately reverses her eyes. When she sees the explosion of beads at the waist of Qin Shi, the jade faces are involuntary. Condensin.

“Is it really a burst of inflammation?”

She snorted alone, and the eyes of the jade sparkled with surprise and eccentricity.

Qin Shi’s heart immediately sank, although he did not hate the refining domain domain master. However, if the explosion of the Yanzhu is really as good as the dragon’s words, then it’s important, in the face of this treasure, no one will keep it. What will be done before.

For a moment, he even prepared for the use of evil spirits.

The accident was that after the moon was paused on the blasting beads for a while, suddenly turned around if nothing happened. The jade hand waved, the scorpion split open, and a flame space was torn open. She said faintly: "You Is this sacred object this?"

Xiaolong squatted and looked up. When he saw the blasting beads, his eyelids continued to dance for a few times. In the flame space, a purple bead was very quiet and quietly placed in it.

"This, how is this possible?" Xiaolong exclaimed unbelievably.

Haoyue glanced at him and said: "The bursting beads in his hands are not the bursting beads of my domain. You misunderstood."

"I...!" Xiaolong opened his mouth.

But don't give him a chance, he said: "If it's just because of this, it should have been solved. Are there any other contradictions between you?"

"I...!" Xiaolong whimpered for a moment, and finally he couldn’t help but bow down: "Back to the domain, no, no."

"If not, give Zi Lingsha to him."

The sound of Haoyue is very dull, but it is full of trepidation and oppression.

"Domain!" Xiaolong heard the words, not convinced and shocked: "This, why is this?"

"Why?" Yu Yueyu's face suddenly swelled, and suddenly her jade hand gripped, and a strong and fierce hit on the dragon, Xiaolong seems to be a broken paper basket, suddenly reversing a few kilometers.

"Here, no one is qualified to ask me why, do you understand?" The dragon will fly, and the moon will be cold.

Xiaolong climbed up, the momentum was wilting in an instant, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe and nodded quickly. "Dean, disciple understand!"

Immediately, he died to Qin Shi. At this time, although he had more resentment against Qin Shi, he did not dare to show it in front of Haoyue. In the end, he had to pass all the anger on Qin Shi and gnash his teeth.

That hatred is almost always come out, which makes Qin Shi feel helpless.

"Hey!" Haoyue did not pay attention to the dragon, slowly turned to look at Qin Shi, a little bit of anger, smiled: "The kid, not seen for a few days, looks refined yet?"

Qin Shi was shocked and thought about it. In the face of this godlike existence of Haoyue, he had nowhere to hide. He had to laugh and say: "Toon the blessing of the Lord of the Moon."

"Haha, it's a sweet little boy. The elders of Huo Dao have told me about you. Lingsha will hand it over to you." When it comes to this, Haoyue Yu's face changes slightly, and the voice becomes extremely serious. "Zizi, I said to you, Lingsha is the only disciple I have valued this millennium. It is also my pro-disciple. If she has any mistakes, even if Fang Qing protects you, I will not let you easily. Leaving the refining domain."

In an instant, Qin Shi felt that he was completely seen through the moon, and he was slightly surprised at the bottom of his heart, but he finally resisted and nodded unhookedly: "This domain owner is relieved, Lingsha is also My long-time friend, I will not let her have any accidents."

The jade face of Haoyue has eased a few points, and a smile is satisfied: "This is almost the same, then you go with Lingsha."

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he hugged Zi Lingsha. At this time, Zi Lingsha was very weak. Qin Shi could see that her poison gas was already at the bottleneck. If she could not get a proper cure, I am afraid It will not be long before it will be poisoned.

To this end, he eagerly called: "Lingsha, wake up, we are gone."

Zi Lingsha's jade eyes gently open, as if only see Qin Shi, can make her rational, she nodded gently.

"Come on, you will not have something." Qin Shi stopped her and picked her up, eagerly leaping towards the end of the refining field.

Along the way, the fragrance of Zi Lingsha is weaker.

Qin Shi kept shouting: "Lingsha, Lingsha, you insisted on me. I have been trying to find broken snow cuckoo for you in the past few years. How can you finally recover without recovering?"

Zi Lingsha is trying to keep her mind: " I know, I will, I will look at you, step by step to that day, I, I don't want to die."

"You will not die!" Qin Shi slammed hard.

Immediately, he was extremely fast, and all the thunder of the body was full of energy.


In a blink of an eye, the distance of 10 meters was crushed by him in an instant. When he could no longer find the end of the march, he could not help but stop.

At this time, in front of him, a volcano that passed through the sky to make him unable to see the peak was erected. Above the volcano, there was no cloud, and everything was melted by the hot high temperature.

Before the volcano, even he couldn't help feeling pious. He took a deep breath. From here, he could feel the breath of the eight great weapons, even though it had become very weak.

"Is it here?" He whispered softly, holding the hand of Zi Lingsha tight, and then rushed to the crater.

"Lingsha, hold on, I won't let you die!"

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