Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1227: Cave battle

The whole cave, which was suddenly disturbed by the beast, was shaken up, and many of the contestants who were scared were so horrified that they took care of the treasures, and one subconsciously retreated to a few kilometers away.

Cheng Xu is the most helpless, he is all smashed, but because the ghosts always stand in the same place, he did not dare to take a step back.

"Why, little guy, are you regretting it?" Ghosts turned back and sneered.

Cheng Xu's hand is holding a cold sweat, and reluctantly said: "Where the predecessors said, Cheng Xu said before, it was the predecessors who saved the younger generation, and the younger generation would be willing to follow the predecessors later."

"Oh, how can I not see it is so simple? You want to use my position, in this game, or even on the road to copy shortcuts?" Ghosts stunned.

Be careful to be poked by the ghosts, let Cheng Xu face Panghong red, but this time he can be dare to be dare, and smiled: "Sure enough, can not hold off the predecessors, is dull of the younger generation, the younger generation does have this idea But I really want to help my seniors."

In other words, Cheng Xu’s eyes were extremely cold and aimed at Qin Shi. The voices were somewhat distorted: “Under, I can see that I have a common goal with my predecessors.”

"Well?" Ghosts and old eyes sank, and they noticed Cheng Xu’s gaze, cold: "The common goal, do you think that with the kid, it is also my goal?"

"Of course not worthy, the predecessors are highly respected, and that Qin Shi is just a fledgling, lucky little boy. How can he match the goals of his predecessors? I just think that since the predecessors had some opinions on him, the younger generation hopes that one day, With the help of his predecessors, he helped his predecessors to kill him personally, lest he should be dirty with his predecessors." Cheng Xu humble his fist.

Ghostly stunned, suddenly laughed: "Oh, your kid has some meaning." Immediately, his old eyes were turbid, smashed into a gap, staring at the direction of the gods, saying: "That boy, Without you, his good days are not long. However, it is not impossible for you to follow me. Just the gods mammoth like you should have seen it?"

Cheng Xu was full of fear and nodded: "The younger generation saw it."

"For a while, you help me catch this miraculous mammoth, I will give it to you in my name. Even, I can open it in the eight domains, admit that you are my retreat, and promise to get you this. How is the runner-up in the second competition?"

The conditions of the ghosts are really tempting, and do not say the name of the ghosts of the ghosts. I don’t know that the eight domains are less than the magician’s dreams. It’s just because the ghosts have been retreating for many years, and they have never received it. Any apprentice, the runner-up of the devil contest alone, is enough to make the participants in the game crazy?

Cheng Xu’s eyes are full of light: “Is this true?”

"The old age has lived for nearly a thousand years, there is no need to deceive you a hairy boy." Ghosts are humane.

Affirmed, Cheng Xu almost couldn’t hide the excitement of laughter. He nodded madly: "Okay, then that’s it."

See Cheng Xu promised, ghosts and people nodded with satisfaction, there is a cold light that is extremely difficult to detect under the corner of the eye.


The beasts of the beasts are getting closer and closer, and many contestants are overwhelmed.

Qin Shi and Ye Fengqi stood in the distance and frowned.

"Kid, that gods mammoth is coming!" Suddenly, the sound of a flowery sound rang.

Qin Shi black condensate.


A loud noise, the rock above the cave was suddenly crushed by a huge light and shadow, followed by two long collisions, immediately, a foot and a cave as high as a giant statue of nearly a thousand feet roared out.

And the destruction of the rock is the giant ivory of the giant elephant. At the upper end of the ivory, it is a golden glory shining golden.

"A group of humble humans, you dare to slaughter my children!" The giant elephant roared, and when it saw those miserable swordsmanship, its giant eyes were full of blood, like spurting bleeding light.

"The horror of the horror." Qin Shi sucked the air, from this mammoth, let him feel a few years of rare oppression.

"This, this is the list of beasts?" The rest of the contestants are finally seeing the status quo.

"I, my goodness, how can there be a list of beasts here?"

"This, this power, even if we unite, can't it be its opponent?"

"Then, what should I do?"

"What to do? What can we do? We have killed so many of its descendants. It will definitely not let us go. We are not running fast?"

"Yes, yes, run!"

Many of the contestants turned around at the same time and wanted to rush out of the cave.

"Want to run?"

The mammoth screams like an angry scream, and immediately sees its huge elephant trunk, a ray of light piercing the smoke, like a strong chain, forming a huge circle in the air, bringing more than a dozen people The group is trapped in it.

"This is a sacred enchantment, boy, don't touch this thing, this thing is like a sharp spirit, even if the domain is full and hard, it will be cut in half."

"So so powerful?" Qin Shi was shocked, and immediately he saw a contestant trying to pull out. As a result, the body was different and bloody.

"The list of beasts, really amazing!"

In the heart of Qin Shi’s heart, he couldn’t help but re-measure it.

"Kid, do you?" Ghosts suddenly smiled and rushed to Cheng Xudao.

Cheng Xu swallowed his mouth and spoke. When he saw the power of the mammoth, he felt a little shaken. However, as soon as he thought of the tempting conditions, he bit his teeth and tried hard.

The rest of the contestants were trapped under the enchantment of the gods, and for a time they were helpless looking to the ghosts.

"Ghost predecessors, what should we do?"

"Yeah, ghost predecessors, we still don't want to die."

The ghosts are old-eyed and said: "You, now we are in the same situation. If you can trust me, then we will join hands and fight this beast."

"Yes, when we die, we can't run away, fight with him, maybe there is hope of winning!"

"That is, it is better than waiting for death. We all join hands, we may not have no chance!"

Many contestants gradually set their sights.

When Qin Shi saw it, he shook his head helplessly. The ghost ghost could deceive others, but he couldn’t deceive him anyway. He sighed: "It looks like the tragedy has to be repeated."

"You mean, ghosts want to use everyone again this time?" Ye Fengqi asked curiously.

Qin Shi nodded undecidedly: "Look at it, no matter what the outcome, the last loss is the smallest, and the most profitable is definitely him."

Ye Fengqi’s heart is full of doubts and twists the body.

Everyone joins hands, and the mammoth is like a more angry cold drink: "Hey, do you think that with this group of humans, you can overcome me? Innocent, left and right, give me out!"

boom! boom!

Suddenly, the earth rang twice in a row.

Before the mammoth mammoth, inexplicably raised the dust, there are two giant elephants that are as close as the gods and mammoths.

When I saw the two giant elephants, the audience suddenly became stunned and exclaimed: "This, what is going on? Is it true that there are three gods and beasts here?"

"There are still gods and mammoths?" Qin Shi was also surprised.

"Idiot, don't be naive, the mammoth is like an ancient relic, there is one, it is already fortunate, how could there be three."

"What are these two?"

"These two are just the more sturdy knives of the blood."

"Is it like this?" Qin Shi sighed.

If it is really three mammoths, then he is afraid that everyone who is present will not survive?

Ghosts and spectators are also frowning: "Damn, how can there be two mammoths in the field?"

This made him unexpected.

However, at this time, he did not retreat. Everything could only be **** the scalp. He turned his hand and shot a huge ghost hand: "The beast, I am in charge!"

"Glyphs and small tricks!" The mammoth screams like a cold, the two huge ivory spurs out, and the ghosts of the ghosts are directly penetrated.

"You, help me!" Ghosts screamed.

Many contestants glanced at each other and quickly went behind him.

"Left and right guards, shake me off!"

The mammoth screams like a disdainful voice, and immediately the two huge mammoths burst at the same time. The overflowing knives smashed the space, and in a blink of an eye, the two contestants were cut off.

"Good sharp knife mans." Many contestants were more and more frightened.


The two guards mammoths do not give everyone the opportunity to unite. For a time, like a hungry wolf rushing into the sheepfold, they will be defeated in an instant.

Suddenly, a mammoth aimed at Qin First, it was like a discovery of the New World, and the face of the rushing Qin stone roared.

"Qin Shi, be careful!" Ye Fengqi worried about the drink.

However, in the approach of the mammoth, Qin Shi did not panic and smiled. Suddenly, his palms were pulled out from the chest and the spirit of the sword was aimed at the mammoth of the mammoth.


The spirit of the swordsman shimmered in the light, and the mammoth like a huge tiger's body suddenly shocked, suddenly stiff in the same place, immediately, as seen in the ghosts, fleeing and fleeing.

Upon seeing it, Qin Shi smiled with satisfaction: "Oh, it’s a true name, and the blood in the beast is really the most powerful suppression."

"Bad boy! You dare to use me indiscriminately, I have to work hard with you!" Immediately, I heard the sorrowful scent of the spirit of the sword.

Qin Shi laughed a few points: "Is special circumstances special?"

"Roll!" For example, the flower no longer wants to disappear with the Qin Shi in the spirit of the sword.

For example, the flowers are no longer open, Qin Shi also fell to the ear and clean, a time focused on the battlefield, in the chaotic battlefield below, the loud noise continued, all kinds of wolves cried.

It was only a brief confrontation. More than a dozen contestants were completely at a disadvantage, and they could not compete with the three mammoths.

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s black skull wrinkled and stared at the ghosting ghost, which looked grim.

"This old guy, what the **** is it?"


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