Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1218: Remember me in my next life

In the light, it was quickly eroded by the ridiculous atmosphere of Qin Shi. Both Ye Fengqi and Cheng Xu, who stood behind him, were shocked: "This is, the wilderness does not pass the desert?"

Ye Fengqi eccentrically squinted Qin Shi, a bit of envy in the eyes of apricot.

Qin Shi does not know what is ridiculous. I don’t know that over the years, he has cultivated the desert to the extreme, and has reached the rarity of the wilderness. It is a kind of desert that can lead to all things and absurdity. .

When the ridiculous imprint came out, it suddenly became a ruin within the kilometer of the center of Qin Shi, and the air was thin.

"Hey!" Under the pressure of Qin Shi's desert, many of the spirits are exposed to vigilance, slowing down the speed of approximation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shi’s other palms were fierce together, and the applause, the dark clouds, the darkness enveloped, in the dark clouds, the nine dragons hovered each other, and occasionally the dragon heads out the clouds and made a deafening dragon.

"Kowloon Latent!"

Meng, Qin Shi five fingers picked up.


Nine mad dragons broke through the clouds and rushed to countless ghosts.

When the Kowloon came out, the spirit of the soul was greatly disturbed.

"This, this is the reincarnation of martial arts?" Standing behind Qin Shi, Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi are all eyes wide open.

Cheng Xu thieves squinted, the heart of jealousy said: "I did not expect that this kid actually mastered this martial arts? Hey, I must find a way to leave him in the gap between the beasts, then he will not grab Going to my aura! No, I don’t just want to leave him, I have to steal everything from him. These martial arts magic weapons, I have to take possession of myself!"

Qin Shi did not know what Cheng Xu thought, but he never hated the process of Xu, Cheng Xu in his eyes, is always a clown who only sings the crowd.

Therefore, he wholeheartedly manipulated Kowloon. The strongness of Kowloon was earth-shattering, and the black corrosive dragon sprayed, and suddenly opened a passage from the center of the spirits.

"Let's go!" Qin Shi turned back and screamed at Ye Fengqi, and immediately turned into a black robe, turning into a light into the channel.

Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi looked at each other and quickly kept up.

With the opening of the road in Kowloon, the three quickly rushed out for several kilometers. However, after several kilometers, thousands of ghosts were rushed.

Qin Shi frowned. "There are so many?"

However, Cheng Xu was next to him, suddenly screaming and screaming. After seeing the strength of Qin Shi, he did not hesitate to draw a golden stabbing sword, waving continuously, and rushing down to the spirits.

"Chess Soul! Hey!"

On the one side of the imaginary Go chessboard, floated in front of Cheng Xu, and the golden thorn sword in his hand fell, and it was on the chessboard.


The board suddenly broke, and the black and white pieces of the sky were picked up. The power of a very strong soul suddenly filled the space.

Feeling the power of the soul, Qin Shi was stunned, and an uneasy rushed into his heart: "Damn, this idiot! Is he not a long head?"

Suddenly, thousands of soul-suckers flickered in the eyes, and saw the cracked and splashing board, not only did not have any fear of fear, but more excitedly rushed up.

"Oh!" In an instant, the power of the soul of the chessboard, like the lamb that fell into the wolves, was instantly torn and swallowed under thousands of fangs.

When the board was swallowed up, thousands of soul-souls swelled several times, becoming very huge, and screaming at Qin Shi.

"How, how could this be?" Cheng Xu was shocked by the picture in front of him.

The martyrdom of Qin Shi’s angry fire: “Are you an idiot? The spirit of the soul itself feeds on the soul, and you dare to use the soul martial arts? Is this not helping you?”

Wen Yan, Cheng Xu Cai suddenly awakened, but at this time regret is obviously too late.

Qin Shi shook his head in anger. He had not used the power of the soul because of this. Otherwise, he did not have to give up the use of Da Sheli to form a swallowing dragon, but to choose a more laborious reincarnation of martial arts. Latent.

As a result, he tried to restrain himself and was finally destroyed by Cheng Xu.

"This is troublesome, this group of spirits has just swallowed up the strong soul, and now they can play a few times the usual strength." Qin Shi hearted, even he felt a little crisis.

The sorcerer is itself the natural enemy of the demon.

"Quick, look there!" Suddenly, Ye Fengyu jade a finger.

Qin Shi and two people looked up. In the place pointed by Ye Fengqi, there was a quiet purple light. At the end of the purple light, there was a strong beastly wave, but it was because of this animalistic fluctuation that thousands of ghosts would The distance of ten meters around the purple light is all gone.

"What is going on here?" The three are puzzled.

"Where is the end of this purple light?"

"I don't know, will it be the export of this space?" Cheng Xu expected.

Qin Shiyi’s eyes, his fists clenched, and he saw that thousands of soul-souls are about to come. Now, with his strength, it’s impossible to block thousands of spirits, if you want to avoid them. If this is the purple light, this purple light is their last hope.

Just, at the end of this purple light, will it really be an export? What is the horrible animal nature?


A soul-stricken man slammed his claws toward the three people. Qin Shi stared at the purple light and gritted his teeth. The mind must be: "No matter what, you can only gamble!"

Immediately, he shot it out, shocked into the eyebrows of the ghost, and violently flicked it out and turned back and said: "Let's go!"

At a critical juncture, Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi quickly kept up with Qin Shi, and the three entered the purple light, which saved the danger of being devoured by the soul-soul.


However, without waiting for the three to let go, Cheng Xu suddenly snorted, a soul-soul ghost bit his left leg, and violently dragged him out of the purple light.

Losing the blessing of purple light, thousands of soul-souls suddenly see the lamb like a hungry wolf, and the layers of Cheng Xu are blocked.

"Cheng Xu!" Ye Fengyu Yuxi flashed worried, subconsciously want to burst out of purple.

Qin Shi reached out and blocked: "Are you crazy?"

"You let me go!" Ye Fengqi beautiful red, blame the excitement of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi changed her hand and grabbed her shoulder: "Thousands of the spirits, you have saved him in the past, and will only be swallowed into a walking dead in minutes."

"What about that? He is my man. Do you want me to watch him die?" Ye Fengqi’s death to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi smashed, and he was speechless for a time.

Ye Fengqi disdainfully sneered: "I am not you, nor will you be as ruthless as you are, go away!"


Ye Fengqi smashed the sleeves of the butterfly pattern, and a force repulsed Qin Shi. He turned over and rushed to Cheng Xu, and tried to stretch out the jade hand: "Cheng Xu, grab me!"

Looking at Ye Fengqi’s crazy look, Qin Shi couldn’t help but shake his head: “This idiotic woman, who was used by herself, didn’t know, but she was still so dead.”

Suddenly, he still admired the girl in his heart.

Seeing Ye Fengqi, Cheng Xu’s fear flashed through hope, like seeing a life-saving straw, and desperately grasping Ye Feng’s hand: “Feng Yu, Feng Wei, save me, don’t let go!”

"I won't let go, you must catch me, I will save you." Ye Fengqi continued to attack, under the nearly one hundred martial arts, her spiritual power quickly fell short.


The last blow, the last soul-stalker in the middle of the two was defeated by Ye Fengqi, and she did her best to pull Cheng Xu hard with a small hand with only the thickness of the bamboo pole.

"Fast, let's go back!" Ye Fengyu's face was pale.

Cheng Xu nodded hard and the two jumped toward Ziguang.


Just did not wait for the two to leave, a soul-soul suddenly wrapped around Ye Fengqi, biting the foot ring of Ye Fengqi, Ye Fengqi's soul body was instantly dragged out of the flesh.

Ye Fengqi was bitten, and the rest of the thousands of soul-souls violently shifted their targets, and the **** mouth of the scorpion smashed into the leaves.

Ye Fengqi's flower is eclipsed: "No, Cheng Xu, Cheng Xu, save me!"

Suddenly, a scene of Qin Shi, which made Ye Fengqi unpredictable, appeared. Cheng Xu saw the thousands of ghosts. The first action was not to save the month without intention, but to raise his feet and rush to Ye Fengqi. Kicked down the chest.

"You let me go, you let me go! Idiot, idiot woman, I don't want to die, you don't even get tired of me, you just let me go!" Cheng Xu was arrogant, he couldn't kick open Ye Fengqi, he continued It is a few feet.

Ye Fengqi's jade face is distorted, and the pain is more than a thousand times stronger than the soul-sucking bite on her soul. She looks at Cheng Xu with a look of disbelief and despair. Suddenly, she laughs at herself. .

"This is what I am desperately trying to save you?"

Cheng Xu looked flustered: "Feng 扆, Feng 扆, you must die one by one, you release me, you die for me, you rest assured, I promise you I promise you, as long as I can If you live, I will help you cure your sister, can you? OK? You will release me!"

Wen Yan, Ye Fengqi felt sick, and she shook her head in disappointment: "I am wrong, I am really wrong, I should listen to him, Cheng Xu, you are too much like!"

Suddenly, Ye Fengqi took the initiative to release his hand. In an instant, her delicate body leaned back and was dragged down by the ghost.

Cheng Xu saw this scene in the distance. The first reaction was not embarrassment, but the horror quickly returned to the purple light. After ensuring his safety, his eyes twitched a few times. He whispered: "Idiot woman, idiot woman, want Blame can only blame you for being too stupid. I have been treating your sister for so long. If you die for me, it will be rewarding me."

I have to admit that his ability to comfort himself is really strong, and that sly sorrow has disappeared in an instant, and his eyes are stunned: "It’s a pity that I finally couldn’t get you to the bed."

Immediately, he did not return to the end of the purple light.

Outside the purple light, Ye Fengqi looked at her and thought that she loved the person and turned around until she was finally buried by thousands of ghosts.

At the last moment, she had tears on her eyes and her mouth twitched involuntarily.

she cried.

In her mind, the flash of the lush years, a teenager who always sticks to her side, she closed the beautiful and gently muttered: "Shuyue... Sorry, we have no chance in this life, if there is a next life, I hope you can still remember me."


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