Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1211: Curse

If Xuantian Ancient Array is just an ordinary operation, Qin Shi may not have such a big reaction. The main reason is that the operation of Xuantian Ancient Array is actually reverse rotation?

In the sea, Yunjuan Yunshu, right in the center, is the golden light that is shot from the ancient sky of the Xuantian, inserted into the cloud, around the cloud, is a hurricane that constantly tumbling.

Normally, the rotation of the hurricane is constantly spreading toward the periphery of the sea, so as to rush the whole soul to the concentration of the sea. However, this time I don’t know why it is because of the ghost of the spirit, but the hurricane actually converges inward. Fast, the fire dragon was firmly shackled, the roar of the dragon, the constant struggle, trying to escape.

However, under the control of Xuantian Ancient Array, the Fire Dragon was powerless, and was eventually dragged into the golden light-covered area by the Xuantian Ancient Array and suppressed.

Upon seeing it, the **** of Qin Shi stood in the center of the ancient array and frowned slightly. He was the first to see this vision of Xuantian Guzheng.


Suddenly, the fire dragon was smashed and cracked into thousands of fires. In the flames, Qin Shi gave a slight glimpse, and immediately he frowned, a powerful soul impulse, along the golden light. Into the sea to understand the eight sides.

The momentum is so great that Qin Shi’s tiger body is a tremor. If there is a divine power, he suddenly falls from him to him.

He was originally dark and deep in the blink of an eye, and there was a golden light in the moment.

The fire dragon shattered, and the Xuantian ancient array also stopped reverse, changing to the previous clockwise operation.

Qin Shi witnessed this shocking change and stunned. Even if he was stupid, he should figure it out. He said: "Just, Xuantian Guzheng actually helped me to absorb the ghosts?"

His throat is dry, and the power of the soul that is shot from the fire dragon is more powerful than the spirit of just the ghost, just like the difference between the herb and the spirit. Now the flames seem to have been extracted. The spirit of the general.


In an instant, Qin Shi knows the sea trembles, and the changes in the surrounding clouds.

"Half-step mantra?"

Qin Shi was shocked. This accident was really sudden. `

However, this did not stop, the crazy flames were overflowing, and soon became ignited to the boundary of his knowledge of the sea, so that he knew the sea as if it were in the fire, and continued to spread outward.

The interior of the sea is also earth-shaking, above, a strange pattern of condensation, when the texture is completely stereotyped, Qin Shi black stun is slightly surprised, the center of the texture is out, actually fell down, like fallen Meteorite in general.

The texture is extremely fast, and a pressure like a wild animal suddenly makes Qin Shi feel suffocated. His subconscious bow is up, and the air is sucked.


Immediately, he struggled to get up. When he saw the texture, his black screams were full of horror, and the texture was surrounded by the mark of the three souls and seven scorpions, and at the center of the mark, There is a very vain space, which gives people a feeling of being, even Qin Shi himself can not see through everything.

"That, is that the field?" This feeling, Qin Shi only played against the realm, the other side encountered when the field began ... just, it seems very different from the ordinary field.

"Little guy, this is a mantra! I didn't expect that your kid, with a ghostly spirit, broke through to the most important annihilation of the magician?"

"The curse is robbery?"

Qin Shi squatted, this he knows, the curse domain robbery and the soul robbery, is the sorcerer's catastrophe when he broke through the curse domain, but he did not even think of himself, he was just a ghost who wanted to heal. If so, let him once again let him be blessed in disguise?

Curse domain, how much is the realm that the magician pursued throughout his life? What made him break through this coincidence? His eyes could not help but burn.

"Kid, don't be too happy, can you break through? It depends on whether you can survive this disaster. If you can't get through it, you can't break through. The soul of the nine layers will be destroyed. Rob the smash and return to the curse! "The demon rises. `

It is said that Qin Shi can't help but be serious. In this case, he has no reason to fail.

He stared his head and clenched his fists.

"Come on!"

Rumble! A fierce tremor, the curse of the robbery fell in the soul of Qin Shi.


This time, the retreat was five days. In addition to the previous three days, there was one more day than Qin Shi’s original plan. However, this day is undoubtedly worthy for Qin Shi.

At night, when the cave gradually became dim, Qin Shi suddenly opened his eyes, a golden light, and instantly shot from his eyes, an invisible soul pressure rolled from his body, and even the ancient wood outside the cave was dumped. It seems to bow to him.

The powerful soul pressure forms a virtual shadow from the back of Qin Shi, such as the Yuanshen possession, among which there is a very mysterious space.


He clenched his fists fiercely, and an unprecedented soul rushed to the whole body, leaving his mouth with a smile that could not be covered.

"Is this a curse?"

The kind of qualitative leap made him completely uncontrollable. His sense of sea perception increased to a million meters. In a flash, half of the animal world was covered by him, and the molecules in the air could be He easily distinguishes.

He thought that with his current cultivation, the realm he could never reach: the domain was perfect, and he had the confidence to fight it.

Suddenly, a series of hasty footsteps sounded, and he quickly converges, and the **** behind it is included in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Immediately, he just got up, and the three people, like flowers, rushed into the depths of the cave at the same time. When the three met Qin Shi, they couldn’t help but relax.

Among them, the most obvious flower, the jade hand patted her little crispy chest and exhaled: "God has eyes, God has eyes, let you live, or I really want to cry!"

"...!" Qin Shi was full of black lines, and the original happy mood suddenly disappeared, and was stunned by the half-dead: "You can't say that I am good!"

"I don't think you are good, I am looking forward to your death!"

"You are afraid that I am dead, no one will help you to win the purple jade beast bead?" Qin Shi said with a flowery thought.

For example, if the flower jade face is red, he will whisper, and he wants to argue again.

Just don't give her a chance, Qin Shi turned and looked at Wang Peng. It can be seen that during the eight days, Wang Peng really didn't close his eyes, his face was pale, his spiritual power was overdraft, and his heart was warm, at least he knew him. Did not save the wrong person, nodded, shot Wang Peng: "Thank you!"

"Where is Qin Brother, this is what I should."

"Okay, these eight days are exhausted, you have a rest tonight, I will guard it, this is for you." Qin Shizheng out of a five-patterned nine-product complex Ling Dan, handed to Wang Peng.

Seeing that the complex spirit Wang Peng’s eyes are happy, it’s not unusual to see the complex spirit, but the nine or more products, especially the five-grain, are not the same. In addition to restoring spiritual power, this complex Ling Dan can also nourish the roots. Bone, strengthen Dantian.

"Thank you Qin Xiong!"

Wang Peng was also welcome. After receiving it, he turned and walked to the place where Qin Shi had previously closed.

When Wang Peng sat down with his knees, Qin Shi turned and looked at Huo Dao. When he saw Huo Dao, he couldn’t help but scream at the power of a powerful soul. He smiled and said: "It seems that the breakthrough of the seniors was very smooth? ”

"It’s thanks to the happiness of Xiaoyou." Huo Dao said with a smile, half a step, for this day, he has not waited for many years, and suddenly, he remembered what he asked: "Right, how is the injury of Xiaoyou?"

Qin Shi smiled and waved his hand: "No problem, we will be out tomorrow!"

He did not tell Huo Dao that he had broken through the curse domain. He did not want to dispel the good mood of Huo Dao.

Therefore, he just took a shot of Huo Dao and walked alone outside the cave.

Standing outside the cave, Qin Shi looked up at the starry sky. During the night, he suddenly recalled that there were many past events in these years. There were bitterness and bitterness, step by step, and today, four layers of Tianzhu, cursing the realm, he could not help but laugh.

"It’s been a blink of an eye for eight years. I really didn’t expect it. When I was a **** person, I wanted to let the Qin family know that he was not a waste. The teenager who rehabilitated his parents went to this day."

To be honest, the original Qin Shi, even he himself never thought about it today.

On the shoulder the responsibility is getting heavier and heavier, he can't help but sigh: "Hey, mother, snow heart, jade sister, Rakshasa, give me some time... wait for everything here. As usual, I will honor all the appointments given to you."

He slowly closed his eyes and recharged his batteries.

Because he knows that in a small number of seven days, there is a battle where he has nowhere to hide and is waiting for him. The second item of the demon contest, he has reasons to win.


Blinking, quietly passed away overnight, when the East is white, a touch of innocent sun is sprinkled on the lazy land, as if to awaken everything, resurrection, just under the beautiful scenery, but vaguely filled with endless murder .

In the closed eyes, Qin Shi slowly awakened, Huo Dao and Wang Peng walked out of the cave side by side, and adjusted for a night's time, Wang Peng obviously recovered a lot, and his face was also rosy.

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, and he hesitated, and finally asked: "Pharaoh, what are your plans?"

"I..." Wang Peng tweaked the meeting and smiled bitterly: "I can still have any plans. After the last chaotic situation, I have seen a lot. To be honest, this magical contest, I have no hope. Now I just hope to finish soon and leave here."

Qin Shi can see that Wang Peng is really disappointed. He shook his head and said: "In this case, if you don't give up, why not walk with us?"

Qin Shi is still a relatively memorable one. Although Wang Peng also said that Qin Shi saved him first, he was very grateful for the eight-day customs.

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