Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1205: Yujing Jinyu

Hearing the sudden sound of Qin Shi, Huo Dao still had some ignorance, curiously asked: "Little friends, what do you mean by this?"

"The direction of the rear ten o'clock, about three kilometers, the seniors you may wish to use the soul to detect." Qin Shi eyes and God said nothing.

"Rear?" Huo Dao squatted, and the subconscious would have to turn back.

Qin Shi quickly stopped: "Don't look back, carefully alarmed it."

Huo Dao seemed to understand and nodded, and the old eyes closed slowly. The power of the soul slowly penetrated into the back, followed by his old eyes. At the place pointed out by Qin Shi, there was a very quaint deep well along the path. The wellhead has been facing down. There is a bullfrog that is less than 300 meters in size. The bullfrog is full of gold and is very eye-catching. The big round eyes are very greedy, and the eyes are facing the place where Qin Shi and the two are located.

"This is the 20,000-year-old Yujing Jinluo in the ancient beast list?" Huo Daoyan opened his eyes and opened a few flustered: "He is eyeing us?"

For the ordinary demon sorcerer, this kind of golden cymbal has a very strong threat, especially since he has just discovered that the glory of the glory and the repair of the domain Xiaocheng, this is enough to spike this time. Most of the contestants in the devil contest.

If this has just entered the gap between the beasts, it will be eliminated by the Jingjing Jinyu, which is really interesting.

Compared with Huo Dao, Qin Shi is very open-minded and nods. "Well, don't panic, let's pretend that we didn't find it. If nothing happens, we will continue to move forward."

Huo Daoqiang endured the tension in his heart, followed by Qin Shi, flying in front of the green sea.

The two are about two kilometers away.


Suddenly, a loud noise, the earth in front of the two people burst instantly, and in a crack that broke open in all directions, a very smashing water column was shot.

"Come on!" Huo Dao was shocked.

Qin Shi reacted very quickly, his body swayed, and he stepped in front of Huo Dao, and immediately the palms swept out of his sleeves, and a purple lightning barrier unfolded from the front.


The water column hit the barrier and smashed into the waves of the sky.


The green sea is like a drifting rain.

●∝style_; Everything happened very quickly, Huo Dao was so relieved that he was relieved, and Qin Shidao thanked: "Thank you Xiaoyou!"

"Predecessors are polite, you are hiding behind me." Qin Shi simply said, immediately condensed.


From the crack in the water column, a red tongue was shot, and the tongue was very powerful. It burst into the earth and swayed a few times with the earth. The huge figure jumped out, and the well was full of greed. The two blocked.

"I was so lucky. I thought that if you both went with the guy and went in one direction, I wouldn’t risk this risk. I didn’t expect both of you to come in the opposite direction!" Out, extremely harsh evil laughs.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows. It is not difficult to judge from the words in this golden mouth. It should have been something that made him jealous, so he never showed up.

Fierce, he recalled that he had just been very unfriendly in the outside world and narrowed his eyes: "Is this guy talking about ghosts?"

"Hey, since you two hapless people have been caught by me, it will be my plate lunch, two cursing the nine-layered magician, hey, this is really making a big profit!" The tongue slammed in a circle, and immediately he slammed his feet, his feet slammed on the ground, and a shot hit Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s black scorpion sank and his body swiftly swayed, blocking the attack of Kim Min Jong.

However, when he turned over, there was a cold chill in the back, and a water column that turned into a mad dragon screamed at him.

"The palm of your hand!"

Qin Shi waved, and a golden mine shot.


The water dragon and the thunder hit the front of the sky and suddenly exploded.


It was a downpour.

"Hey, little things, I didn't expect you to be young, but it was not low. It was even stronger than the old guy?" Two consecutive offensives were blocked by Qin Shi, and Jin Hao was slightly surprised.

Qin Shi wrapped his black robe and smiled and said: "You said that you finally survived in the scuffle. Now you are not good enough to recover from your broken well. You still want to eat us?"

Kim Min Jong was angry: "What are you talking about?"

Qin Shi stared at Jin Hao's hind legs and shrugged her shoulders. "What do I say, don't you know?"

Huo Dao began to understand at the side, and it was only after Qin Shi’s gaze that he realized that there was a soul wound with a deep visible bone at the back of Jin Yu’s hind, which should have been just at the entrance of the crack. The entrants were injured.

Kim Min’s eyes flashed and said: "Oh, even if I have a wound in my body, it is enough to kill both of you. I am going to take you to heal me."

In a word, Jin Hao is a fierce leaping. Jin Hao’s jumping power is extremely high, and the speed is first-rate in the murderous hand. He left a few cockroaches in the air, like the shells that are ejected. Qin Shi.

"Catch the blood of the tongue!"

When Jin Yu was 100 meters away from Qin Shi, a **** red tongue suddenly spit out and shot at the shoulder of Qin Shi.

Qin Shiqi opened his eyes and pinched his handprints.


The next second, the blood tongue penetrated Qin Shi's shoulder, and the body was swiftly shot and flew out a few hundred meters.

Kim Min Jong was overjoyed: "Hey, stinky boy, you are dead now!"

Huo Dao was worried about the back: "Qin Shi Xiaoyou!"

"Predecessors, don't worry, it's just a matter of letting it be happy and happy." Suddenly, from the side of Huo Dao, a virtual shadow gradually became true, and Qin Shi appeared beside Huo Dao.

"Well? Separate?" Huo Dao sighed.

Kim Min Jong was furious because he was being played: "Bad boy, you play me!"

Immediately, he squatted several times in the air, and the speed was extremely close to Qin Shi from eight directions.

"Frog claws!"

A layer of air waves, like a tsunami, rushed from the heights of Qin Shi.

"Shelley clothes!" A nine-story gold pagoda appeared out of thin air.


The confrontation of the electric light and the flint, the sound of the collision is constantly ringing on the sky.

Hundreds of ups and downs, Jin Yu and Qin Shi opened the distance, when Jin Hao stabilized his body, he suddenly revealed the cold smile of Ossen, which made people look a little creepy.

"Kid, you are dead!"

Rumble! Suddenly, under the Qin Shi, a water column with a diameter of nearly ten meters suddenly shot. The water column seemed to have been pressed for a long time in the area, and suddenly it was released. Its ferocity made people feel terrible.

The ground around the water column collapsed, and dozens of towering ancient trees were uprooted.

"Little friends!" Huo Dao was really panicked this time, and the water column made him feel full of death.

He thought, can this water column really block it?

However, under the intimidation of Kim Min Jong, Qin Shi did not panic and showed a smug smile, and immediately he looked back and suddenly, his palms shook hard, one hand grabbed Huo Dao’s shoulder and shouted. : "Predecessors, steady!"


Not waiting for the response of Huo Dao, Qin Shi’s palm seemed to tear the sky, and the earth below it actually followed him. He gave birth to the earth a few hundred meters.

Immediately, when the earth was stable, the towering water column happened to be in front of him. However, it was between the squares that the water column suddenly stood still, and suddenly collapsed into a heavy rain in an instant, and it was suddenly scattered.

Seeing that it was going to be penetrated by the water column, but suddenly this strange thing happened, Huo Dao blinked: "This, what is going on?"

Qin Shi smiled shallowly beside him: "Yingjing Jinyu, itself is not a powerful beast, the real hardship is actually the ancient well."

"Gujing? What do you mean?" Huo Dao blinked.

"Yingjing Jinyu, itself is a special kind of beast. This is a well-known beast. It will only live in one well in a lifetime. The ancient wells have been fluctuated by the spiritual power of Jinyu all the year round. These wells have strong fluctuations and can be used. It’s used by these golden dragons, so many practitioners will be jealous.”

For the beast, Huo Dao is obviously not as well understood as Qin Shi. After hearing the words, he was surprised and said: "Is there such a magical thing?"

"Well, Gujing is the same as the spirit in our hands for this golden cymbal." Qin Shi explained one sentence, and immediately revealed a sneer: "However, the ancient well is a dead object, can not move at will, so once it exceeds the penetration of the ancient well The Yujing Jinyu will completely lose control of the ancient wells and cannot use the power of the ancient wells. This Jingjing Jinyu, relying on its own attacking power, is simply not afraid."

Huo Dao suddenly realized, "So, you just used the spirit to push the ground and let the ancient well lose its effect?"

"It's so good, but it's also because the distance is far enough, or else you want to push the ground of the kilometer, even if it is a big territory, it is very difficult."

"That said, you just played against it, is it the intention to open the distance between it and the ancient well?"

Qin Shi smiled and nodded Road: "This is also thanks to this gold 蟾 stupid enough, the normal 幽井金蟾 will never leave the well, it is greedy, can not blame others."

"Then we take this opportunity, let's get out of here?" In the dead, Huo Dao did not want to continue to entangle with this golden plaque. After all, this gold plaque itself is not a suitable refining object.

However, Qin Shi suddenly shook his head: "Don't worry, Hirai Kim Min Jang is not precious, but I just said that every Gyeonggi Jinsuo will only choose an ancient well for a lifetime, so once it is this gold The ancient well selected by the , is surely a place where the heavens and the earth are pure and pure. I think, maybe there will be a rare thing in the world in the ancient well."

"Is there such a thing?" Huo Dao was surprised again.

Qin Shi nodded undecidedly, and immediately he no longer talked with Huo Dao, sneer at the singer Jin Yu, said: "Why, can't you use the power of Gujing now?"

Hirai’s eyes are flashing with anger: “Kid, have you just deliberately?”

Qin Shi shrugged unsuccessfully, which made the aggravated phobia after the affirmation, and it moved quietly behind the subconscious.

"It's not so easy to go back."

The Qin Shi black scorpion suddenly changed, and immediately his finger was light, and three souls were shot in succession, hitting the three old trees behind the golden dragonfly.

These three old trees are all places where Qin Shi had just stopped. Immediately, on the tree slabs of the three old trees, three golden lines were separated and appeared out of thin air.


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